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11744183 No.11744183 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a reason why a drug to greatly slow/halt the progression of pic related isn't priority #1 for scientists?

>> No.11744284

No one cares about a bunch of senile old boomers

>> No.11744295

What about when its you?

>> No.11744307

I'll be too senile to care that I'm senile, it's a self correcting problem

>> No.11744311

You've never seen someone truly senile then. They become horribly depressed, paranoid, hallucinate, and extremely emotional to the point of sobbing for hours on end for no real reason.

>> No.11744362
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>muh drugs
Fuck off, the belief in "drugs" (novel patented chemicals) is what got us into this mess in the first place. We're hitting a plateu of small molecule drugs, and I bet my ass it's because the further we're straying from canonical physiological molecules the less effect those have, plus the complete institutionalized misunderstanding of physiology.

>> No.11744435


Because blood brain barrier makes drug delivery incredibly difficult. Because brain has its own complete separate physiology that is poorly understood, extremely time consuming to research and completely different to body physiology. Because neurodegenerative diseases takes years to manifest and have no know cause, but could be caused by something as simple as poor dental hygiene or unbalanced guy microbiota. Because treating autoimmune diseases with anti-flammatory drugs may work, but may just give cancer. Because different diseases have different causes even if present similar symptoms.

>> No.11744460

chemist here.
small molecule drug research has no future. We all got out and switched into materials science.

>> No.11744477

Nah, small molecule drug research has plenty of future, but small molecule drug development is dying. The problem is that you can't really earn money by researching drugs that by now have crossed into generics. Or, you can, but by discovering all kinds of negative effects so people stop buying them.

>> No.11744483

>Because neurodegenerative diseases takes years to manifest and have no know cause

We know exactly the genes that cause neurodegenerative diseases.

>> No.11744504

>but could be caused by something as simple as poor dental hygiene or unbalanced guy microbiota.
Yeah, just like radiation caused all kinds of nasty stuff. Waving away bacteria like that is very irresponsible, because they are an extremely major factor to all chronic disease, as you could expect from a foreign lifeform. I would bet that chronic bacteria are a bigger factor for disease than pollution, sedentariness, sun deficiency, many nutrient deficiencies, smoking and sleep cycle disruption, though they all feed into each other and pile on top of each other.

>> No.11744538

Not wanting to condescend, but that's the same as saying we know computers use transistors.

At a systems level, it's typically post translational modifications that lead to unpredictable changes in signalling pathways. Most genes will have dozens of potential mutations. The combinatrics is staggering

>> No.11744573

How about we speak in English, doc?

>> No.11744579

>Because neurodegenerative diseases takes years to manifest and have no know cause, but could be caused by something as simple as poor dental hygiene or unbalanced guy microbiota.

Go back to the Joe Rogan subreddit, then kill yourself.

>> No.11744588

>Hurr being assaulted by hostile life forms doesn't do shit lol
Fuck off you subhuman big pharma nu atheism scientism glownigger shill, go take some more of your SSRIs

>> No.11744612 [DELETED] 

Because it's copper deficiency. Everybody dances around the fact tgat it's the misding copper (excess zinc) what causes the failure and there is no money to be made on the cure, since the cure is literally pennies.

>> No.11744619 [DELETED] 

Because it's copper deficiency. Everybody gets highly defensive when I say it's the missing copper (excess zinc) what causes the failure and there is no money to be made on the cure, since the cure is literally pennies.

>> No.11744624

Because it's copper deficiency (excess zonc) and you can't make money on that.

>> No.11744638

Lol. Many genes. Many functions. Many mutations. Difficult to know what to target.

Actually with Alzheimer's, very small number of genes involved but still doesn't help. Hundreds of patents filed, none of the drugs have worked.

>> No.11744650

Because it's copper deficiency.

>> No.11744656

>none of the drugs have worked.

Then why are they even offered as an option?

>> No.11744664

Why not, if people pay?

>> No.11744670

If 'PEOPLE PAY' is an excuse, then why can't you buy coke and weed and a blowjob from a doctor?

>> No.11744675

Knowing the average doctor you actually can

>> No.11749948

>caring about senile boomers
lol fuck em

>> No.11749952

sounds like me right now at 24

>> No.11752202

All of those are high priority research already but have so far met with dire failures.

>> No.11752221

>coke and weed
Doctors aren't pharmacists anon.

You can already buy that, not from a doctor though, they only offer anal fingering

>> No.11752953

Its the biologics era, making a monoclonal antibody for a disease is usually the first port of call in DD. Though the trials for AD antibodies have usually resulted in failure and death

>> No.11753001

Because capitalism.

>> No.11753086

No we fucking don't. Sounds like someone who hasn't actively studied neurodegenerative disorders. We know next to nothing about Schizophrenia or Bipolar beyond that's it's likely a combo of genes + environmental influences.

>> No.11753198

He's going to remain young forever, aging is something that happens to other people.

>> No.11753202

We saw that when my grandma had to spend time in a convalescent hospital. There were a few moaners including her neighbor, and the place reeked of urine. Dementia is a cruel fate.

>> No.11753215

So all scientists are rapacious assholes, although foolish in that they forfeit personal glory which could be earned by curing noteworthy diseases.

>> No.11753234
File: 68 KB, 474x796, 5baedc3dd178a1f9070ccdaec21f9980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but desu, he does have a point. Researching and curing these diseases can only be done in expensive labs that few can afford. A scientist cannot research these things alone. And if there's no economic incentive to cure these diseases, then big pharma will shut them down. It's not that big pharma are evil, it's just the failure of the market to provide incentives for them to develop drugs.

This isn't a new idea. See pic + https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/11/goldman-asks-is-curing-patients-a-sustainable-business-model.html

>> No.11753235

most people accept they aren't going to be one of the greats and settle for better paying prospects

>> No.11753240

No, scientists work for money just like everyone else. If you don't give money to scientist, they can't feed themselves. Those giving money to scientists want hair implants or penis enlargements. If you want to blame anyone, blame yourself for being not funding science.

>> No.11753272

Except for paranoia I went through weeks of that shit with unimaginable anxiety due to severe medication withdrawals, made me really feel bad for old faggots after I recovered.

>> No.11753277

>I don't understand how neurology or pharmacology works on a fundamental level but please listen to my stupid bullshit

>> No.11753287

according to keikaku
inflicitng zombie status= paypig for the techno-pharma-finance complex

>> No.11753502

they already have the cure
you basically have to avoid all the bullshit of modern life

>> No.11753540

they want trump to win

>> No.11753570

nigga you can get ketamine from doctors now