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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 1050x750, mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1173571 No.1173571 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy major gal here. Inb4 there are no career options. I make 200 dollars a day as a dancer for a men's club. I double major in classics and philosophy at ASU because I enjoy it.

A professor and dear friend of mine recently confided in me a secret of his: he, like Socrates, has a daemon ( a voice in his head which guides him). He is very intelligent and more educated in science than most on this board. He claims that Aristotelian science is a wonderful tool but can never describe reality. To fully free oneself from Plato's cave one must understand the nature of consciousness. He told me when he had brain surgery and had NO brain function he was able to see and hear more clearly than ever before... how can this be if the mind is rooted only in the physical brain? He told me there are other cases of this and pointed me to this article:


I ask you so called "scientists" to explain this for me.

>> No.1173578

I fart in your general direction philosodancergirl

>> No.1173582

Nice troll brah

no, it's actually 0/10

>> No.1173595

Not a troll. Why so quick to dismiss seemingly radical posts as trolls? There are many documented cases of patients with zero brain function describing events occurring during their "brain dead" period in vivid and accurate detail.

>> No.1173610


Yeah and you're also a girl and a striptease dancer, sure

>> No.1173615

>hypotheses about subcortical activity
>measure with surface EEG
oh god please put these pseudoscientists out of their misery.

>> No.1173619

[citation needed]

You cannot measure brain activity during cardiac arrest. Period.

>> No.1173629


What he said. I'm willing to bet you are an overweight man who wishes to be the sexy dancing girl.

>> No.1173635

>He told me when he had brain surgery and had NO brain function
Now how did they measure that? If he had no brain function he would be fucking dead.

>> No.1173651

Don't they do brain surgery with the patient awake?

>> No.1173656


>> No.1173664


>> No.1173668

Am I the only one who wants photographic validation of ops identity?

>> No.1173672

Don't even bother, it's a fat guy.

>> No.1173722

Try digging stuff about unsymmetrical brain activity. What that guy is referring to might be explained by having his perceiving still functioning, while his memory and ability to relate what he perceives to ideas might be at still at that time.

There is an interesting talk about this on ted.com a woman describes her first hand experience with a stroke and brain degradation

>> No.1173782

Hi OP. I too am an exotic dancer who also works in the porn business to help pay for my Ph.D in Neuroscience. I can understand where you're coming from when it comes to getting cash to pay for school. Your professor friend is delusional. Don't listen to him. He is likely just trying to get into your pants. Probably one of those dorks who tries to pretend he is a "nice guy" when he is really just desperate to get some action. He likely made up that story to try to impress you. It's in you best interest to befriend some new people. Best of luck with furthering your education. You can do it!

>> No.1173793


Oh god, you're off to a bad start.

Also, what the hell is "classics" as a major?

>> No.1173815
File: 21 KB, 578x309, salmonfMRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow it seems like there are a lot of people like me on this site. I also make my money as an exotic dancer. I'm studying brain surgery though, but that is just for fun. I have operated on several people, and they all report that they have extrasensory perceptions during the surgery. Some say they feel like they are flying when I chart the lateral parietal cortex by electrical stimulation.

Also, dead salmon show a hemodynamic brain response sevral months after they've been dead. Pic related. This must mean tehy have a soul.

>> No.1173825

omnes qui non linguae latina graecumque sciunt barbari sunt

>> No.1173831

You know, there is already a well known method for experiencing impossible things, it's called hallucination.

Which of these is more likely?
-- Your thinkin' parts magically detach from your brain as you die.
-- The trauma of oxygen loss induces hallucinations.

Here's a hint: you can experience all kinds of fun things through oxygen deprivation (give it a try, I'll wait).

There is no "soul", no "aura", no "brain waves latching onto passing microwave radiation" (hehe, I like that one). It's just a bunch of mushy neurons that depend on blood flow to do their jobs properly.

>> No.1173836

Jesus Christ. I'm an exotic dancer (but male), but I enjoy the work so I don't really mind, but I can tell you that you're going to a shit-tier university if your PHILOSOPHY teacher tells you something like that.

First of all, pretty much no professional is a Platonist these days (party due to Derrida, partly due to that, well, there's better theories these days) so he's probably just testing you to see if you can come up with faults within his arguments, secondly, if he in fact is serious, may I ask you what course you had him in?

>> No.1173852
File: 33 KB, 682x400, a perfect woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an exotic dancer doctors of philosophy thread.

Pic related.- It's me. My name is Dr. Bambi Stripper.

>> No.1173860


>> No.1173865

and this is why philosophy will never be as legit as the real sciences

>> No.1173866

I like how this article seems to intentionally confuse its reader about the definition of "death" by using both "clinical death" and "brain death" interchangeably without specifying which it is talking about. How terrible.

>> No.1173868

oh god all I can think is: UR DOOIN IT RONG

there isn't even anything under the microscope to look at.

Have I lost my sex drive? ;_;

>> No.1173870

philosophy professor does not believe this stuff. religion troll thread detected.

>> No.1173875
File: 155 KB, 295x600, a perfect woman 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love to get naked for science boys. Being a stripper while studying my ass off to be a Dr. of Philosophy is the best. Here I am in the lab doing science. I just love being an incredibly hot woman on 4chan /sci/ boards because of all the attention.

>> No.1173880
File: 291 KB, 651x587, b12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm studying neural separation at uni, and I fund my studies by putting my junk in a clear plastic bag and tying a small rope to it, then eating apples while I dangle the rope in a fish pond. It helps to make more money if you rub hot dogs on the rope beforehand. This is all accomplished in front of an audience of various mammals in cages, which are then subjected to various stimuli such as electric shocks and small doses of hallucinogens. I film all this, and then edit the best parts together and set it to an early 90's techno beat and burn DVD's of it which I then ship to Japan to cater to a small but dedicated market. I am almost a self-made millionaire, and am only 24. What have YOU done with your life?

>> No.1173883
File: 77 KB, 425x600, lady_gaga_062309_splash_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.1173884

A+ post would read again.

>> No.1173886

Oh, that is an old picture... back when I thought I could do science. I learned that I couldn't, so I became a Dr. of Philosophy instead. I don't like to cook very much, but I make a great stripper.

>> No.1173889

>a voice in his head which guides him
so he's batshit insane?
explains the other things he said

>> No.1173891
File: 60 KB, 387x480, 1273381354412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread 

>> No.1173896

sum in concordia

>> No.1173947
File: 73 KB, 426x266, Americanpsycho3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you.

>> No.1173974
File: 152 KB, 700x560, 1259496655931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread    

>> No.1174001

>Philosophy major gal
>Inb4 there are no career options
>I make 200 dollars a day as a dancer


Fuck off troll, also sage for stupidity