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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 84 KB, 1600x900, Falcon-9-Fairing-falls-2016-09-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11724080 No.11724080 [Reply] [Original]

This is embarrassing for an alleged "science" board.

You're cheerleaders for what is essentially a slightly more controlled version of fireworks discovered in the 13th century by accident.

Where are all the autistic faggots that claim to be good at physics and math? Where is the alcubiere drive? Where is the cavity resonance thrust? Where is the gravity manipulation technology?

Oh right, you fucking apes don't even understand gravity, don't really know what is mass, the nature and behaviour of spacetime etc etc ad nauseum.

We're destined to die on this rock, we're never getting off. Accept it.

>> No.11724093

Let's see the warp drive you designed then

>> No.11724124


If I dedicated 30 years of my life to a deeper understanding of the fabric of the physical world I probably would have.

But I don't have any physical deformities or mental debilities so I did not pursue maths/physics.

>> No.11724188

Shit-tier bait
enjoy your non thread

>> No.11724217

Lmao warp drives and FTL is impossible, and break causality dude

>> No.11724229

This is the guy who posts about UFOs everyday btw

>> No.11724246

>We're destined to die
no shit Sherlock

>> No.11724258

poc white nationalist here, I agree friendo!

>> No.11724311

Maybe I'd share my warp drive if you just asked nicely, OP. You blew it.

>> No.11724317

Alright, you asked for it


>> No.11724351

>30 years of physics
>not 5 years of metaphysics
“Anti-gravity” is not only possible, it’s already patented >>11724317

>> No.11724663
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, 1561282606034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFOs are more interesting that primitive fireworks.

At least UFOs hint at new technology and show a healthier imagination than staring at 13th century explosions by a semen-shooting con-man who likes trannies and electric cars.

>> No.11725259

UFOs aren't real, aliens aren't visiting earth!

>> No.11725264


UFOs are not likely silver metal discs travelling through space from other planets.

This is a unknown but entirely tangible phenomenon that has interacted with this civilization.

>> No.11725270

This meme is getting boring.

>> No.11726169

I can patent a portal gun, doesn't make it viable

>> No.11726266
File: 38 KB, 499x338, 1581106865833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Using fireworks in the 21st century as a mode of propulsion
