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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11722271 No.11722271 [Reply] [Original]

I dont have much of a mathematical background but I feel like learning some. So what are the best books to get?

>> No.11723215

I'm not from an English speaking country, so I can't recommend any textbooks, but if you can work from a computer, then I highly recommend Khan Academy

you don't state what your goal is, so I'm assuming you want the basic undergraduate math foundation

you should use Khan Academy to make sure that you are solid on Algebra and Geometry (especially Trigonometry)

these are the topics typically given to physics students (I have a bachelor in physics)
- calculus (Newtonian mechanics for nice and easy applications)
- differential equations
- linear algebra (including vector spaces)
- multivariate calculus
- partial differential equations

from there you have to chose your fields

>> No.11723314

btw Uncle Ted's area of mathematics is super advanced
if that's what you want to research I can't help you beyond >>11723215

>> No.11723764

Euler's Elements of Algebra
Knight and Hall's Elementary Algebra for Schools
Lang's Basic Mathematics

>> No.11723834

Low quality, please, don't ever post nonsense.

Do K-12 following:
[] Introduction to Algebra - Art of Problem Solving
* Complement with Khan Academy if needed, likely you wont if you do every exercise in the book.
[] Calculus - Stewart
[] Analysis 1 - Tao
* Pick this one after you're done with integrals on Stewart, it will serve as a more terse reminder of what you saw, I recommend that besides doing some thorough study of the axioms, write some flashcards either with pen and paper or anki.
[] Linear Algebra - Gilbert Strang, book and lectures available for free on MIT/youtube.

There, with K-12, Calc, some Analysis and Linear Algebra, you're ready to tackle every other math field
Don't follow memecharts posted here, they are an absolte waste of time, they'll make you go back and forth between 3 or 4 books for each topic, nonsense.
If you want to take a break after you finish K-12, pick up Martin Gardner books or the Moscow Problems.
If you become interested in programming, pick up "Mathematics for Computer Science", it's on MIT OCW if memory serves well.

Every post after this is pointless, so don't waste your time replying.

>> No.11723844

>do K-12
fuck off
no seriously fuck off

>> No.11723888

Is there a meme chart for stats?

>> No.11723893

Im not interested in programming. Ive done a bit of programming and I did not find it interesting to me at all. I just think math is interesting at the moment.

>> No.11723985

Didn't I tell you that you're wasting your time? Begone brainlet.

Good for you.

>> No.11724018
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>> No.11725983

What’s k12?