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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 108 KB, 720x405, Nelvaanians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1172080 No.1172080 [Reply] [Original]

I suffer from chronic depression over the sad truth I'd never become a Na'vi. Can someone please tell me there is hope for the future of being reincarnated into such a body? I have started to consider suicide.

>> No.1172092
File: 79 KB, 1024x900, furfaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, you could never become a Na'vi, but follow the instructions featured in my screencap and you could be closer to what your ultimate goal in life.

>> No.1172099

you know there probably is. i believe entertainment products like "matrix" will be produced at some point in future but you will hardly see any of it.
here more disappointment. it is possible but not for you

>> No.1172107

>Can someone please tell me there is hope for the future of being reincarnated into such a body
dohohoho you're funny. Enjoy the rest of you depressing, unfulfilled existence you pathetic piece of trash.

>> No.1172112

>implying reincarnation is not scientifically possible.

>> No.1172116

Jesus christ. I never imagined a mediocre sci-fi movie would cause shit like this.
You faggots are worse than Twilight fags.

>> No.1172117


>implying it is

>> No.1172120

Avatar-Forums.com has some of the brightest people than this shitty place does, why don't you ask them? They are trying to reach the same nirvana as you.

>> No.1172125

>implying you're not close minded about faith.

>> No.1172130
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>> No.1172132

confirmed for poor troll.

>> No.1172151

There is no reason why faith and science can't work together and if this makes someone a troll for believing this then you obviously don't know what a troll really is because science is how something works and faith is why something works.
>The movie has caused a lot of spiritual awakening people- even hard core atheists.
The ironic thing about this line is that the director is an atheist.

>> No.1172152

How is that ironic in the least, you retard?

>> No.1172153

Reincarnation is scientifically testable, and as of yet we have found no evidence of it.

>> No.1172156

This has to be a troll
it HAS to be

>> No.1172173

Because an atheist made hard core atheist awaken their spirituality, retard.

>> No.1172177


>> No.1172179

Kill yourself.

>> No.1172189
File: 177 KB, 619x963, furfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1172195


confirmed for close-minded

>> No.1172198
File: 19 KB, 400x297, wtf_is_this_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Darkness isn't evil, merely different
>Swords tend to work so much better without the S.
>The only possible impossibility is the impossiblility of an impossibility.

>> No.1172208
File: 12 KB, 264x320, Big_Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too deep for you?

>> No.1172201

>Swords tend to work so much better without the S.
I believe he's trying to say, "word".

>> No.1172215

The pen is greater than the sword.

He's say that words > swords.

>> No.1172217


>Reincarnation is scientifically testable


>> No.1172236

>Implying you're not close-minded to the possibility that you are incorrect.

It goes both ways, dipshit.

>> No.1172249

Na'vis are as real as God or the tooth fairy. Reincarnation is as probable as getting sex with a pink unicorn some day.

Just do it. For yourself. For the rest of the world.

>> No.1172262

Someone is closed minded and not tolerant of other people's beliefs.

Confirmed for asshole.

>> No.1172268

It's funny how retards like to use the "close-minded" argument to justify belief in literally anything. I mean jesus, you're fucking using it to justify how you believe a god damn sci-fi movie represents reality.
What the hell.

>> No.1172273

>too gay for me

>> No.1172276
File: 15 KB, 500x500, MYAVATARCHARACTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already a Na'Vi. I became an hero and this is a picture of my Na'Vi self.
Let's rub pony tails.

>> No.1172284

Am I intolerant? Why? Did I say any lie on my comment? Something offensive? I tried to be respectful, and I'm not close-minded. I didn't call you anything, but you call me intolerant and close-minded. Try to beat my arguments. Then call me names if you will feel better.

>> No.1172303


>I tried to be respectful
>talks about fucking pink unicorns

>> No.1172306

>I have started to consider suicide.

Follow your dream, OP.

>> No.1172315

On a side note, it amuses me how pro-nature films always need to invoke fantastical elements in order to get their message across.

>> No.1172320

So, what, you believe a fiction movie in blatant defiance of physical laws that ripped off countless better movies is actually real?

Your beliefs DESERVE to be disrespected.

>> No.1172324

what do you have against pink unicorns? or sex? Who's close-minded now? Next time I will use another example, more boring and less "offensive". Didn't you understand what I was trying to say? Did I call you something?

>> No.1172328

lol so true and yet so stupid.

>> No.1172334


bro, i'm not that guy, just found it funny. and i don't have anything about unicorns or sex, but about mixing them, which is called bestiality.

>> No.1172340


>defiance of physical laws

- Unobtainium was a room temperature superconductor
- The mountains were full of it + hypermagnetic environment = Suspension
- The ship at the beginning was a Project Valkyrie antimatter starship. 100% scientifically accurate (Charles Pellegrino, fuck yeah)

The only implausibility was the xenobiology. Geez.

>> No.1172344

That's because real nature is full of prickly, damp, uncomfortable shit and the natives who live there look like 85 year old women. You gotta dress that shit up to sell it.

>> No.1172342


well, otherwise they would be documentaries or plain dramas and nobody would watch.

>> No.1172353

>Implying a room temperature superconductor is scientifically valid.

>> No.1172354

and do you find beastiality offensive?

>> No.1172360


We just have to wait for the engineering to catch up with the theory. It has happened many times in history, when someone proposed something, everyone laughed, and in 20 or 30 years they had the technology to make it real.

Ex: Charles Pellegrino and cloning dinosaurs, SO CLOSE SO FUCKING CLOSE D:

>> No.1172362

I do (rather than that mainstream pseud-science fiction crap)

>> No.1172365

>- The mountains were full of it + hypermagnetic environment = Suspension
No, the floating mountains were bullshit.

>> No.1172368

>Wait for engineering to catch up
You have no fucking idea how superconductivity works, do you?

>> No.1172373


No, the mountains were superconductors.

The floating mountains were scientifically accurate.

Sure, in reality it might be harder, like the magnetic field ripping out every iron atom from a nearby person's body, but the science is there.

Oh and Project Valkyrie ftw.

>> No.1172376

They were mountains of superconductor. Room temperature superconductor. Room temperature superconductor occuring in nature is so fucking unlikely, even if reincarnation was real, OP would have to commit suicide a near infinite number of times.

>> No.1172377


it disgusts me, yes. also illegal.

>> No.1172392

The only scientifically accurate part was the spaceship. Everything else was bullshit.
Also, hemoglobin is not magnetic.
Stop trying to pretend you know shit about science now.

>> No.1172394


well, most people don't. also i think avatar was a SciFi hollywood movie 1st, then a pro-nature movie.

>> No.1172403


Room temperature superconductors are unlikely, oh no, what a gigantic error in the movie.

Humanity being descendants of Pak Protectors is also unlikely, but it's still in Known Space.

Time travel is 99.9999% unlikely, but it's still in The End of Eternity.

That's why it's called Science-FICTION.

It doesn't have to apply to reality as long as the basic concept is there.

>> No.1172404


you stop trying to know how it is on different planets.

>> No.1172409


i said iron atoms. individual ones

>> No.1172414

That wasn't the context of the argument.

>> No.1172422

i have the same thing except for the fact that spira (final fantasy x) doesn't exist on earth

>> No.1172435

There aren't free iron atoms in blood.

>> No.1172490

This is why this board sucks.

It's full of closed minded fuckers who think they're intelligent.

You're just as worse as religious people.

>> No.1172503


>You're just as worse as religious people.

this is why this board sucks. the people who are pointing out how closeminded the people here are cant even get fucking basic grammar right

>> No.1172537

at incredibly high magnetic fields trippy shit starts to happen. One brave man who stuck his head in world's most powerful magnetic felt a weird taste in his mouth. (Forget the source)

Moving in high magnetic fields can also induce weird sensations in your brain:

>> No.1172554

So, we're stupid and close-minded because we know the difference between a fucking shitty sci-fi and reality?

>> No.1172574
File: 31 KB, 600x450, nobody cares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next you're going to say that the bible is just a fictitious boo, amiright? Asshole atheist.

>> No.1172588

>The Bible
Delicious, delicious red herring.

>> No.1172587

Get the Dalai lama or someone who claims to reincarnate to memorize a incredibly long sequence of digits, observe them so they can never tell anyone.

Have reincarnated person say back series of digits, if they are correct, then reincarnation is probably possible.

>> No.1172659

>I suffer from chronic depression over the sad truth I'd never become a Na'vi
>Avatar released in 2008


>> No.1172986

Why sage this thread?

>> No.1173002

Kill yourself, at the very least you'll end up in Balamb Garden.

>> No.1173236

OP's image.

Mind = Blown.

>> No.1173295
File: 57 KB, 455x610, 1262442388903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate, but whatever.
The state of technological progress is starting to seriously be hampered by capitalism and insufficient funds to bring out experiments. Anywhere from graphene not being in widespread use by now as at least server processors, to NASA's budget being fucked with.
I propose the change to a resource-based economy with robots doing most if not all work for humans, while the education, infrastructure and environmental impacts get changed for the better so humans can experience true post-scarcity.
This means if anybody wants to research ANYTHING, they can just order it made for them. Upload the blueprints, and it gets made for you and delivered.
There is no reason why every single person on this planet cannot live like an utter billionare while still having a very nice equilibrium with the environment. You stop asking for solutions by the cheapest/effectiveness ratio, but the absolute best.
That means genetic research and nanobots and mind uploading comes soon because overall stress in everything drops, average intelligence skyrockets, and so forth.

>> No.1173303
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>> No.1173331
File: 14 KB, 445x456, 1267564427182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mind uploading

>> No.1173334
File: 23 KB, 363x365, 1259824834321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theoretically possible