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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11715495 No.11715495[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we hire people using IQ instead of what piece of paper they get and who's dick they suck? Hire a high IQ person, forget the 4 years of uni (uni is just basically a grown up day care anyway), and train them for like six months on what tasks they need to do. Boom 3.5 years saved, student debt crisis solved, people not getting indoctrinated into postmodern neomarxism anymore, etc.

>> No.11715500

Because you wouldn't even get a job at McDonalds then, anon. How will you cope when mommy kicks you out?

>> No.11715501

there are limits to IQ, personality is important but it would probably sort of work outside of dedicated fields.

>> No.11715517

It is illegal to use IQ tests as part of the hiring process.

>> No.11715519

Griggs v. Duke Power Company

The Supreme Court decided in 1971 that requiring job applicants to take IQ tests (or any test that can't be shown to measure skill related to the job) violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

>> No.11715540

They use them anyway.

>> No.11715591

Because psychologists are afraid of admitting IQ is completely trainable.

>> No.11715593

because the people in charge got there by getting paper and sucking dick and dont want to undermine their position.

>> No.11715599

I have a high IQ but I'm also lazy and have a tendency to lie when confronted. I'm not a very good employee even though I have the ability to figure out things that confuse most people.

>> No.11715606

The lack of motivation is due to you realizing there is no getting ahead.

>> No.11715608

People would just practice IQ questions. The score would lose all meaning as a fluid intelligence metric

>> No.11715609

>Because psychologists are afraid of admitting IQ is completely trainable.
If that were true the marxists wouldn't try to suppress the actual psychometric results.

>> No.11715610

even training has its limits that reflect G

>> No.11715639
File: 75 KB, 463x768, 1440356447964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here. Also note that this only applies to private companies; the federal government still gets to use intelligence tests if they choose too. For example the military uses the ASVAB to determine if someone is capable of being trained for certain specialties.

>> No.11715728

No ones suppressing results its just enterperiting data where nazis fail. Meanwhile back in the real world you have utter retards like langan who manage to train to 180+

>> No.11715734

The asvab isnt remotely similar to an IQ test it has more in common with the sat or a college placement test than anything.

>> No.11715741

why is /sci/ obsessed with the idea that "anyone who is in a better position than me must've sucked a dick"
this is such prime cope

>> No.11715936

>enterperiting data where nazis fail.
Explain this.

>> No.11716023

Take your meds or fuck off to pol
IQ can be improved by training

>> No.11716044

Well its a very good predictor of IQ.
My condolences if the Army said you are too dumb to join.

>> No.11716061

not sure why student debt is such a problem

I borrowed 35k (with interest), paid it off in a year after getting a job

>> No.11716065

Nazis see that africans have an average IQ 2 std deviations lower than whites and African Americans 1, and dedice that whites are smarter and the white admixture made African Americans smarter.
Marxists see the same data and ermterrparrot it more correctlier, and recognize that Africans only score lower because of millennia of oppression, and African Americans score less lower because they only had 400 years of oppression.

>> No.11716069

7 points

>> No.11716370

i scored 97th percentile and am kind of retarded, if it's such a good predictor of IQ then IQ is a bigger meme than I thought.

>> No.11716552

Many high IQ scoring people are retards.
It is illegal.

>> No.11716614

Businesses did used to test people - which is why in the 60 - 80/90s so many fewer went to college. It got banned, seen as unfair. So now we are in the situation where businesses have to judge you using lots of proxies like degrees, internships, extra curricular...

They are still looking for high IQ people, but they have to use crap proxies. This is why the employment process is so drawn out. Larger businesses support this model as they can actually support the human infrastructure for such a retarded employment process.

It boils down to - would most people rather spend an hour doing some test, save a lot of money and time, but be somewhat "fixed" in terms of career prospects. Or pay lots of money and time to make things "fairer".

>> No.11716625

all thinking tests are IQ tests

>> No.11716855

>"The Supreme Court ruled that the company's employment requirements did not pertain to applicants' ability to perform the job, and so were unintentionally discriminating against black employees."


>> No.11716863

because the entire concept of IQ, a single number that distills human intelligence, is flawed from the start

>> No.11716875

No one claims thats what it means

>> No.11716991


>> No.11717071

This would be too fair for the liking of the system

>> No.11717153

Shouldn't this break capitalism? you can't hire based purely on ability and competence at a given task which reduces your operational efficiency.

>> No.11717162

Because it would end white privilege

>> No.11717182

Because IQ doesn't show results, who's dick they sucked shows they're part of the game

>> No.11717194

they already do that, look at most medical school entry exams, all highly g-loaded

>> No.11717205

Understand most people really don’t understand what an iq test is. The funny part is the AsVAB is much more likely to be socialeconammyl status bias than a iq test would be,

>> No.11717206

UMAT/UCAT, MCAT, even the GAMSAT is now a little g-loaded

>> No.11717210

No matter how hard YOU train anon, you will NEVER score higher than 130. You are not smart enough.
Wrong, dumbfuck. You can not train yourself to score significantly higher on IQ tests. This has never been demonstrated to work with results greater than about ~7 points.

>> No.11717214

Because, in the eyes of an employer, there's no need for uneducated cavemen who ponder about reality and whatnot.

Deal with it. If you don't know about the topic, high IQ won't save your ass. The most stupid guy will outsmart you by using some generic rule they have learned by studying the matter.

Uneducated, you are very prone to make basic mistakes. Do not underestimate the power of teaching.

>> No.11717216

Universities should be limited to science research training,
70% of colleges should be shut down.
high-school degree should prepare you for bussniss if you actully need a specialized skill the business should send you to a 8 week focused job training class

>> No.11717237

Adding that six months wont do shit. If you actually did study anything for some years, you'd know that you have become much more wise than you were after passing your first semester.

>> No.11717259

Companies want desperate employees who will work hard to pay back their college loans. They want people desperate enough to get some use out of their degree that they'll tolerate long hours, no overtime pay (lol do jobs offer this in this century?), and absolutely no job security.


>> No.11717279

Because IQ does not translate into competence. Personality traits are just as if not more important than IQ for being able to function in many aspects of the market economy. You might have a high IQ, but if you are a disagreeable and unorganized person, you will only sabotage a team. Degrees control for all of the above, in fact more so the latter, not just IQ.

>> No.11717296 [DELETED] 

Doing what somebody else told you to do isn't 'outsmarting' somebody. That guy will never develop intuition as a smart person would and it may need years of experience in order to not misapply the rule where it doesn't work.
Bullshit. Post examples.

>> No.11717303

Doing what somebody else told you to do isn't 'outsmarting' somebody. That guy will never develop intuition as a smart person would and he may need years of experience in order to not misapply the rule where it doesn't work.
Bullshit. Post examples.

>> No.11717306

>You might have a high IQ, but if you are a disagreeable and unorganized person, you will only sabotage a team.
Oddly enough, disagreeable people tend to out-earn more agreeable people by a large margin.

>> No.11717320

Whil I agree with you in theory,
you must be going to better schools then I attended. And working at different jobs, every job I have ever had, on the job exeperice + iq was all that mattered, the specifics of the job were always too specific for any real rule to matter

>> No.11717327
File: 56 KB, 800x539, iqtestpuzzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey you want to be the CEO bro just solve this

>> No.11717353

bout three fiddy

>> No.11717421

Human brains are absolutely terrible at going from abstract knowledge to practical application. Most people think it's obvious that you won't learn playing a musical instrument by studying musical theory, or craft by learning about the tools, but few are willing to accept the same about mental tasks. It was noticed as far back as when telegraphs were a thing that those who were properly taught how to use it were outperformed by a very large margin by those who learned it by just listening to the messages.
Education is at best of limited value, completely worthles for most things, and harmful at worst. Our brains just don't work that way.

>> No.11717499

>recognize that Africans only score lower because of millennia of oppression, and African Americans score less lower because they only had 400 years of oppression.
So they truly are dumber right now. How many generations will it take for them to reach parity with other races? If it isn't within one generation, aren't the Nazis right that they are dumber? Society might have a moral obligation to engage in a multi-generational project to bring black intelligence up but that doesn't change the level of intelligence of existing black people who inhabit the world with everyone else.

>> No.11717512

It throws sand into the gears. The machine keeps working with reduce efficiency until there's enough sand and the whole thing grinds to a halt and falls apart. The last bits of sand get the blame though it was a accumulative effect of all the sand and how long it had been in the gears that's really the cause.

>> No.11717531

The head of my department recently told us he's really happy when an employee buys a house or has a kid because that means they're locked into their job and can't afford to leave.
My last day is Friday.

>> No.11717575

Same works for learning new languages.

>> No.11717613

>My last day is Friday.
Any advice for finding another job in this economy (still currently employed albeit in a dead end job)?

>> No.11717709

What dead end job?