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11711362 No.11711362 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve had depersonalization since a young age(late 20’s now). Every time I’ve smoked weed it triggers my depersonalization on a massive scale. One of the worst feelings in the world. I’ve had people tell me “it’s just not the right strain, you just took to much, it’s because it’s your first time, ect.” I’ve tried it many times, different strains, different amounts, ect. It doesn’t matter. Every time I get depersonalized.

Now my question is, why does this happen? I’ve read many articles and heard many anecdotes that this is a common thing for people with depersonalization. But nobody has an explanation for why. What exactly is going on? Why does it cause this? What chemicals is it releasing in the brain that makes this happen?

Pic unrelated

>> No.11711372

Nobody knows. Its very complex. It may be that you're traumatized and your weed smoke is triggering you again. That's only a phenomenal psychology explanation however. Meanwhile stop smoking weed or listening to the dipshits who think burning plant material and inhaling the smoke is a worthwhile pursuit.

>> No.11711458

Can you describe what you mean by depersonalization?

One thing I always find curious is that extensive weed users dont dream. Ask your toker friends when was the last time they dreamt something they can remember.

Thats purely subjective but I think you can enter a dream like state of mind, while awake if you smoke weed. While dreaming, you mostly cannot control your emotions, sometimes that can be good but loss of control can be frightning and the bad trip starts.

I try not to smoke weed when I'm with people I dont know well because I get very anxious and paranoid because of bad experiences with strangers. I love smoking alone though because I can get lost in thoughts because I'm in control where I get lost.

maybe you should do it alone but honestly I think you shouldnt do it at all. you dont need it to be happy and fullfilled. everyone who says so is addicted.

>> No.11711465

This is the correct answer.
If you still want to smoke weed, then consume sugar water simultaneously and then before you start freaking out try to fart or masturbate and lean forward with a gently curved back and neck and burp.

>> No.11711478

As an anecdotal and ultimately useless counterpoint, I smoke weed everyday and still dream every night. I think you’re onto something with “dreaming” happening after you smoke, though. I recall vividly the first couple times I smoked weed it felt like a dream while awake. This feeling eventually subsides, but I think weed still chemically puts your brain into a dream state, and when you sleep, the “dream chemicals” have been depleted, so at night there’s less activity.

>> No.11711484

you're a pussy

>> No.11711491

You need low thc, you're just very sensitive to it or have predisposition to schizophrenia.

>> No.11711500


but a good fap it the most effective thing to sober up from a high

>> No.11711568

It literally suppresses REM sleep in everyone. If you're dreaming it's because you're sobering up during the night for long enough to dream.

>> No.11711583

weed has different effects for different people. when i started smoking weed it was the shit but a couple years later it started stressing me out and giving me psychosis. my brother doesn't have this at all even though he's been smoking weed for longer (i started earlier). just what weed does to your brain. weed is connected to multiple mental illnesses including triggering schizophrenia in those with a predisposition to it and bipolar people are usually addicted to weed

>> No.11712270

Basically feels like I don’t exist. Like I’m dead but still somehow living. It’s an out of body experience while still being in your body. That’s the best I can describe it. It’s hard to describe.

>> No.11712447

I dream even when I take a nap immediately after smoking.

>> No.11713634


Based Amish

>> No.11713639

Maybe it supress REM sleep in the same reason coffee supress adrenal, maybe weed wastes ur dream juice

>> No.11713790

maybe weed isn't for you. have you considered that?

>> No.11714984

I’ve realized that. I just want to know why this happens.

>> No.11715021

Because you're traumatized and easily depersonalized by intense experiences. This is what mkultra tried to do to people. In your case, your mom or dad probably yelled at you or you got beaten up once and you still haven't dealt with it.

>> No.11715022

Now if you want to know HOW it happens, it has to do with cortisol and GABA... but the why is that you're a traumatized little kiddo.

>> No.11715154

Stop smoking weed, retard.

>> No.11716567

Don't smoke weed if you don't like it.

>> No.11716956

take your meds schizo

>> No.11717055

There isn't anything really weird about that.

>> No.11717186

As other anons said, It has largely different effects on everyone
I have been smoking weed for 4 years, and I've never once had a bad trip.
One friend of mine literally can't tolerate it, as it makes him too paranoid and depersonalized

>> No.11717203

I've tried weed like 5 times by now and each and every time it made me want to vomit. An extremely bad feeling, physically and psychologically.

>> No.11717217

lmao how do you vomit because of weed though

>> No.11717227

it's because you are too panicked for nothing
just relax and enjoy the ride, it's just weed
it only lasts 2 hours at best if you smoke some

>> No.11717312

I know it's just weed: i've already smoked 5 times. And it's not something I can consciously control. Before smoking I am relaxed (I wouldn't smoke if I weren't). The physical compulsion to vomit and general unease in the body doesn't really help to stay relaxed. I've tried different kinds from different suppliers: the effect is always the same. I hate weed.

>> No.11717332

I have this too, every time and I smoke rarely because of it. However, it subsides like half an hour in and gives me a BOOST in creativity, music sounds amazing the usual.

I bought 5 grams of weed last august and still have like 2.

>> No.11717546

first time I heard something like that lol

sounds like low blood pressure to me

does your face turn white and you feel tingly and cold?

>> No.11717551

Tingly? Yes. Not cold. Dunno about the face turning white.

>> No.11717561

bro this might be the low blood pressure you get from the first hits, when its too low your brain doesnt get enough oxygen and it feels like passing out slowly, sometimes you pass out as well.

since blood doesnt circulate well in your body during this state, when you recover about a minute later you will be in cold sweat and your extremities will tingle because they lack fresh blood

>> No.11717839

Not him but I a lot of pain and a "tight" feeling in my extremities.

>> No.11717898

>Someone posts that weed gives them x horrible reaction which obviously indicates a health concern
>All the potheads in this thread respond the same shit over and over, "you're doing it wrong, take another strain, take it in this other setting, etc etc"
>OP and other individuals in this thread keep trying and keep experiencing terrible responses
how fucking stupid do you have to be to listen to these people

>> No.11717910

literally nobody here is encouraging OP to keep smoking... are you deluded?

>> No.11717928


>> No.11717949

Weed is not good for you and is only consumed by low IQ people. Simple as.

>> No.11717984

we'll just take your word for it no need to think for ourselves thank you savior of humanity

>> No.11717997

You should, because I'm way smarter than you.

>> No.11718000
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>> No.11718008

I can smell it. The absolute rage behind your post.

>> No.11718020
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>> No.11718025
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>> No.11718032
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>> No.11718040
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>> No.11718046
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>> No.11718051
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>> No.11718057
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>> No.11718058
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>> No.11718062
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>> No.11718068
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>> No.11718076
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>> No.11718081

>tfw smoked once at 19 and had Depersonalization ever since
feels bad man

>> No.11718088

stop being a fucking bitch depersonalization is awesome

>> No.11718089
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>> No.11718095
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>> No.11718108
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>> No.11718117
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>> No.11719361


>Every time I’ve smoked weed it triggers my depersonalization on a massive scale. One of the worst feelings in the

don't smoke weed

problem solved

>> No.11719384

> why do droogs fuck up your brain?

>> No.11720692


That feeling is what I aim for. If im not there I may as well not have had any weed. Maybe a different sensation? Im thinking that feeling when you are still obviously there but its like youre watching from afar, and everything is like a script, feels like its sorta already planned out, just waiting to happen.

I used to do it while socializing, and I think maybe thats why I have no friends.

>> No.11720774

fucking robots are at it again

>> No.11720789

Try smoking more, or mix it with alcohol/benzos. (Not with both at once)

>> No.11721248

Same here, started smoking at 16-17. It was wonderfulness in smokable form for the first year or two. After five years and smoking 5 times/day for the last two, I was paranoid and self conscious. Took a couple of years to go back to normal.

>> No.11723547

Samsies. I like it, but appreciate being able to disconnect from it with a physical key. Could probably mentally condition ourselves to have it as a mental switch... Like controlling your heart rate. Turning it on at the wrong time could be awkward though.

>> No.11723598
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maybe if you didn't like who you were before
As it happens, I did like myself.

>> No.11723609

>maybe if you didn't like who you were before
i was never a person

>> No.11723645


>> No.11725207

got you lad


this neuroscientist drops massive redpills about altered states

>> No.11725224

I feel like weed does the opposite for me. I'm dp without smoking and when i get high i feel more attached to my mind and body. I don't experience euphoria or pleasure really even, anymore, however. Shit sucks

>> No.11727217

Let people smoke, the modern environment is a stress fest anyway

>> No.11727285
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>and lucid dreaming (dreaming controlled by frontal, executive functioning) fits into this paradigm...where?

>An amusing talk but his editorializing flies in the face of more recent work on transient hypofrontality and flow, including his own article not a year later in the 12/18/2012 issue of Scientific American where he discusses how important hypofrontality is to creativity, surely one of the greatest achievements of human brain evolution [sic]?

>I have a lot of respect for this guy but this isn't a great argument...
(1) higher executive functions are great
(2) alternative states of consciousness involve the shut down of higher executive functions
(3) If we turn off great stuff, what's left must be nonsense
(4) alt. consciousness is nonsense

(1) is just a subjective value judgement and (3) is just obviously not true.

Based youtube comments

>> No.11727333

weed can trigger skizophreania, enjoy being stuck in insanity

>> No.11727342

Oh well it kinda is at this point
However its different on weed or not, weed is nice because the warm feelings and all too. The depersonalization is a cherry on top, a sign I've really gotten fully high. I can trigger into depersonalization any time sober too. Its not very interesting on its own tho, its fun with weed in combination with the other effects of being high

>> No.11727834

haven't read the rest of the posts yet but this is 100% true, I almost smoke constantly and I literally never dream, (now i'm going to seemingly contradict this) unless I go to sleep again after already having been asleep for like 8-10 hours. Literally everyone I have spoken wtih about this has confirmed this, also it's a known thing that when quitting weed for a period you have the most vivid dreams in the beginning.