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11711256 No.11711256[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This THOT goes to Harvard and will be a better scientist with greater impact than any of you.

>> No.11711262

Do you see yourself as above her and if yes, in what way?
hard mode: no ad hominems

>> No.11711264

No. I don't judge. A thot is a thot is a thot.

>> No.11711265

Well, that's good for her. Wish her the best.

>> No.11711278

yeah im sorry i wasn't born into teh right wasp or jew family to get rolled into harvard on a silver carriage.

>> No.11711327

Anyone who elevates their mental capacities by using cope as a projection are themselves the ones who seethe.

>> No.11711356

I will do all the best I can but I will be competing for scraps and she will have first dibs on life.

>> No.11711359

The THOT has class and gender consciousness. Why shouldn't I have it? The rich and the femoids want to organize among themselves but they don't like it when I feel that my rights are distinct from theirs -- why?

>> No.11711363

Look at how this thot EVEN does notes. in a privileged shitty way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GP4StaWiECk

>> No.11711378

doing notes is proof enough that she's retarded, come on. I only write notes to keep myself awake in boring classes.

>> No.11711417
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Lmao, all she does is eating

>> No.11711431

now it just looks like zoom classes

>> No.11711726

I actually believed you for a minute there.
how can some people have such cluttered lifestyles? she's vegan, takes vitamins, her room is a fucking kid's bedroom with fluffy pillows, she has time to make her nails garish etc. if I make my own sandwich for a day, I get amazed at my own organisation.
and why are there koreans in a korean class, isn't that illegal?

>> No.11711864

>how can some people have such cluttered lifestyles? she's vegan, takes vitamins, her room is a fucking kid's bedroom with fluffy pillows, she has time to make her nails garish etc. if I make my own sandwich for a day, I get amazed at my own organisation.
The possibilities increase once you don't spend 12+ hours a day browsing 4chan.

>> No.11711881

>why are there koreans in a korean class, isn't that illegal?
Yes. Like how English people aren’t allowed to take English class.

>> No.11711908

Look at how this thot lives

>> No.11711935

>putting your name under a paper somebody else did for the most part and you couldn’t have done
>scientific achievement
Anybody else noticed how there are now often dozens of people involved in something that could be done by three people in the same time. And their „specialization“ not even adding. I bet there is a reason for that. The lab assistant, who wouldn’t have shown up in the mentions now is a postdoc and included in the mentions.

>> No.11711944

>oh my god she has hobbies, decorates her room, AND eats healthy? How does she manage this impossible feat?!

>> No.11711964

Yeah they do this so their idiot kids look like geniuses having a third or fourth name on a published paper.

>> No.11711969

>has personalized vitamins
Ok so she's probably rich or richer than most people and got into Ivy League which isn't surprising.
Does she even mention her major in this? Literally 80% of it (like almost all zoomer vloggers) is what they eat and workout routines.

>> No.11712018

>harvard students
>one of them will end up as president
>all of them Korea boos and listen to bds

>> No.11712024

She probably gets the vitamins for free and gets paid to show them off in her videos. She's definitely rich as fuck though. It's weird how she's completely indistinguishable from the average middle class thot despite that.

>> No.11712054


>> No.11712070
File: 284 KB, 380x478, 1573292952009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ivy league
Hitting PR @ the gym is better
Meditating with music C'mon son.
>Shameless advertising shitty product
>Plant Based diet
(unembed) Nice b8 tho.

>> No.11712245

literally this

>> No.11712253

missed his point entirely, also,
>eats healthy

>> No.11712257

i kekd. Didnt watch video, nice to know there's nothing new undor the sun.

>> No.11712271

This THOT will out earn all of you. She’s only a freshman so she took some general ed but she will be far richer and smarter and a more successful scientist.

>> No.11712318

Awe, so precious.


>> No.11712327

Our paths will likely never cross so why would I care about her level of success?

>> No.11712331

I could kill her with a single strike. It's amazing how much better men are than women

>> No.11712332

There are finite resources. Thots like this are getting all the good resources, leaving you to scramble and compete over the rest like a pack of feral rats.

>> No.11712337

I already graduated from university. Her placement doesn't take resources away from me.

>> No.11712339

Her life does. She will get jobs that you can't. These jobs will earn more income than yours will.

>> No.11712378


>> No.11712385

Good for her. No idea why you're so bitter about other people's lives.

>> No.11712390

As stated before, our paths are unlikely to cross, so what jobs will she get that I was going to get? I graduated from a large state university in the southeastern US and all of my jobs have been in Georgia. Doubt she's going to move down here and take my job.

>> No.11712521


>> No.11712522

You don't get it, do you. The economy as a whole is a finite system. She is getting a bigger share of it. So there is less left for you. Even in Georgia.

>> No.11712557

She is actually cute. Despite being a thot.

>> No.11712634

So it doesn't matter if there are zero people to ten trillion people, the size of the economy won't shrink or expand, just the slice of the pie? You might want to go back to basic economics class once you get back from your therapist's office. Nothing this woman does will directly effect me. The same would be true for you too if you hadn't already had some sort of psychological break due to her existence.

>> No.11712644

not him, but wow. He sure seems to have hit a nerve... that's why you're going straight for the jugular (why don't you just call him a schizo thats a classy tactic) without making a single argument here. btw, he's 100% right.
The consumerism that pop stars contribute to the economy raises the price of basic goods and services for the rest of us. Fucking moron.

>> No.11712658

Why do people watch these videos. Anyways I’m an engineering not some whore scientist. Not everyone that graduates from Harvard is successful. Definitely some whore that will find her only fans page will make more money then her scientist paycheck. She could end up pushing paper around. Die you simp.

>> No.11712672
File: 170 KB, 640x640, kzn1of2sg8a41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>korean, women and gender
>after my classes are done for the day
is this what passes as science for libshits these days?

>> No.11712675
File: 226 KB, 720x540, cedric-villani-smoking-hookah-5a4e87e279d3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women in education is a plague because the vast majority of them see it as a status symbol instead of a way to do stuff.

In my hospital once women reach 35 they magically begin doing half of what the men do in terms of hours, procedures and patients seen. By the time they reach 45 they're completely burnt out and clearly don't want to do it anymore but since it pays well and they have nothing else going on...

That's why I think women are much better students because men see the grind to do tests as inherently boring and pointless, until they get an immediate project/case and suddenly they will absorb a lot of material quickly.
This is reflected in dating statistics too btw.

>> No.11712681

Tell me about Villani! Why does he wear the spider?

>> No.11712884

Well, I don't know about above, but I like to see myself on top of her, if you know what I mean heheh

>> No.11713059 [DELETED] 


>> No.11713061 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11713083

He's a villain mastermind, it's even in his name.

>> No.11713085

She's going to have such an awesome life. Looking at her and looking at me, polar opposites. This is how the upper caste lives. She's living, I'm just surviving.

>> No.11713100

Fucking lol

>> No.11713255

half of what she does ("hobbies") doesn't add anything to her life. everything is just filler and distraction.

>> No.11713265

yep, 100% khazar stock

>> No.11713520

Imagine being born into that level of luxury and just having a stress free life like that, can do whatever you want, study whatever you want, party all day and all night. Damn, being a serf fucking sucks dude. It should be illegal to show this kind of shit, I don't want to know how the elites have it, I hate knowing my life will always be wagecucking.

>> No.11713569

Every single disadvantaged person is above this worthless low IQ parasite.

>> No.11713725

Is she even aware of how privileged she is? Do you think she is aware poor people exist?

>> No.11713777

we can always just organize and rebel and kill the elites, it's been done before. Personally I'm too apathetic but I wager its going on somewhere already

>> No.11713782

she probably feels for poor people the same way she feels for koalas

>> No.11713793

>hardvard student
>having time to post youtube videos
lmao what a scam that university is
if you are not sitting in a poorly ventilated concrete room studying 18 hours a day you are not a student, you're a fraud

>> No.11713798


>So they dance in piles of trash but then protest to protect the planet


>> No.11713801
File: 30 KB, 185x126, dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does harvard pussy taste, feel, smell like?

>> No.11713829

Great. Kill them all so I can can get my 1/1000th of a penny back. You might as well complain about a golf ball left on the moon altering the gravity between the moon and Earth. Her existence doesn't affect you any other than you being upset that she exists.

>> No.11714355


>> No.11714383

her existence, not really but her and 10 million other wannabe try hard losers like yourself, most definitely. spare me your fucking excuses.

>> No.11714385

imagine going to harvard so you can study useless shit like korean and psychology

>> No.11714428

yeah now we know Harvard is a uni on izzy mode. You do like 10 minutes of stuff, the rest of the day you have a good time. And not only will your photo-graphical memory store every bit of information of what you have learned, but you also deduct all the stuff you didnt have even read, cause reasons.
A normal human has to have an very hard autistic failure to get this learning skills, but if you are born in the right spot it comes automatically to you. + you dont have to be an autist.


>> No.11714611

Bro, she not even a fucking scientist, and she's not even go after being a scientist, she just a random girl that just study some liberal stuff there, of course she's bright, but again, well to me she just wasting her potential, well it's not my life anywell, so I don't care.

>> No.11714618

Harvard admitted 10 million wannabes? Even if they did, how would that impact you in any measurable way?

>> No.11714900

>taking notes

>taking retard notes that are just definitions from a textbook

>adding doodles to your notes like a retard instead of checking your phone

>> No.11714906

>her potential
she's not anymore intelligent than the average sorority whore at your local state university

>> No.11714917

OP if you keep looking at what others are doing with their lives instead of focusing on your degree and being the best scientist you could be, then of course you're going to be a fucking loser next to said thot.

>> No.11714947

I'm not happy about it but I don't want to kill anyone. I don't hate the elites, just jelly of them to be quite honest.

>> No.11714949

That is the whole reason anyone ever does anything against the elite.

>> No.11714989

That or the elites' selfishness actually gets to the level where it becomes a threat to people's survival.
e.g. the elite use up all the resources needed to make food to construct their yachts.

>> No.11715026 [DELETED] 

That never happens. It's impossible. What might happen is that the elites get to live rich and well no matter what even when the common people suffer, and this pisses off the common people who get jealous of the nice life. The elite are event-proof. They remain rich, throughout the eons.

>> No.11715206

>e.g. the elite use up all the resources needed to make food to construct their yachts.
this. the elite ensure that their kids become professors and grad students. meanwhile we starve at shitty schools and our ideas don't get attention. science suffers due to thots like this.

>> No.11715328

Take solace in the fact that she's mentally poor beyond measure. For heaven's sake she gets excited by a "climate change protest". Can you imagine being such a mental midget? To completely buy into a scam like that? To have it mold your very persona? How horrible.

>> No.11715340

even if she has rich parents she still needs to score the minimum at the SATs for admittance and harvard's cut off is pretty high up, especially since she's wasp and not a minority. bash her all you want, she most likely scored higher than you and objectively is smart than your regardless of attending brainlet classes

>> No.11715396

hope she finds a good husband

>> No.11715402

it doesnt matter what she does, she cant fail , stop giving her views you pathetic niggers

her and her kind deserve to hang and if you think otherwise you deserve to hang as well

>> No.11715420

>her and her kind deserve to hang

>> No.11715633

Wait no science courses?

>> No.11716096

Same way we see racoons and squirrels scavenge for food and fight among themselves over smelly garbage and trash.. she probably sees it and feels bad for a second, then goes back to her fun life

>> No.11716129

to be fair look at all the other girls like that. honestly they are probably not even that dumb or slutty, to get into harvard, i know the autists here will trash me for not lambasting their lack of autism, but they probably did/do work decently hard (as far as women go) . If i were there fathers i would actually be happy, just by virtue of of being there they are likely to meet fairly industrious and future successful young men, which is all a father really wants. My daughter is a dumb thot at harvard? so what? at least shes not being a dumb thot at a fucking CC or doing nothing, now my grandbabies will at least have a father who has a fucking job.

>> No.11716161

good post

>> No.11716224

i dunno, didn't the SAT used to be more g loaded say, in the 90's? it's also very receptive to grinding and studying, 125 IQ should be able to max it out just fine. perfect SAT scores are probably not that strong of a signal, as they're capped, rather it's more of a "you must be this tall to ride" sort of deal.

honestly, in this world even 140 IQ isn't particularly special. in eysenck's model you need quite a few other traits like creativity (so some psychoticism, which would be reflected in eccentric, outside the mainstream tastes, at least a bit of an interesting character, instead of the absolute cookie cutter NPC normal hobbies and stylistic influences she has.), as well as productivity, which tends to drop out sharply in women as their late 20's approach for various reasons...

lastly, another reason it's maybe not as meaningful as it seems: there's a political climate in universities which is strongly feminist and pro women, due to 1. men outnumbering women in higher IQ bands, pushing up female scarcity/value and 2. universities have to meet unrealistic, enshrined in the law diversity quotas or they'll get sued by clever lawyers, so pumping up female/black/hispanic numbers is a priority, merit comes second

all and all she seems like just another overproduced elite aspirant, a privileged nobody who could quite possibly contribute in some incremental way to human knowledge, but is ultimately very replaceable, a cog in the giant, globohomo STEM machine. god bless her. T. Hanks for cumming to my ted talk!!!

>> No.11716235

She should get those bluetooth headphones away from her brain. Asking for cancer and thyroid failure.

>> No.11716548

This is what the most prestigious school in the world looks like... God help us.

>> No.11716561

>most prestigious

You mean elitist. Harvard like most elitist schools suck up to big wealthy families that donate millions for research or to keep the status because they’re alumni and also to get their offspring in and so on, basically it’s a never ending cycle , the end result is a shitload of money for research which ends up attracting the most brilliant minds worldwide (you’d be surprise at the percentage of foreign faculty members in their departments) etc etc etc it’s a loop

>> No.11716570

Hedonistic parasites that contribute nothing to the world

>> No.11716912

Isn't there a video where some Harvard grads couldn't complete a circuit or some shit?

>> No.11716931

This girl is an npc?