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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11710458 No.11710458 [Reply] [Original]

So remember a few months back when /sci/ was saying COVID-19 was just a flu whereas /pol/ was hyping it up?

Now /pol/ are the ones saying it's just a flu and /sci/ doesn't talk about the virus at all anymore.

Wtf happened?

>> No.11710479

we have short attention spans and captain trips is old news

>> No.11710481

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I was designed by the top virologists in the Wuhan National Biosafety lab, and I've been involved in numerous infections on Chinese, and I have over 50 confirmed kills. I am coated in a protein shell and I'm the top pandemic in the entire country of China. You are nothing to me but just another healthy person. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am infecting my secret network of Chinese across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the sneeze, maggot. The sneeze that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be on any doorknob, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred coughs, and that's just with my spike glycoprotein. Not only am I highly contagious, but have a transmissible incubation period of two weeks and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit mucous all inside your lungs and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.11710488

'Sneezing' should be replaced with 'cough' in this pasta edit.

>> No.11710507
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>Wtf happened?

Don't worry about it, it's just a flu. You get used to it.

>> No.11710522

hey I live in California and nobody cares anymore. people are out like normal, but cops everywhere. there's this vibe in the air tho, it's suspicion, and comradery. curious times

>> No.11710587
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>Wtf happened?
pol is worried that the holocough and the attendant economic fallout could ruin Trump's election prospects

>> No.11710593

Because it was basically just a flu

>> No.11710595

Yes, I figured as much. With all the facebook tier memes and boomer retardation it seems the transition from /pol/ to r/the_donald (4chan edition) is complete.

>> No.11710608
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It was always a flu

Tiktok nurses brah

>> No.11710728
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>we have short attention spans
this basically.
two months ago means nothing. It's all about what our frens are saying NOW

>> No.11711267

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as COVID-19, is in fact, the Chinese virus, or as I've recently taken to calling it, the Kung-Flu. COVID-19 is not a random Killer virus by itself, but rather another gift of a fully disgusting Chink eco-system made deadly by the chinese eating habits, lack of empathy and vital lack of higyene comprising a full trifecta for the perfect storm as defined by WHO. Many humans right now are infected by a modified version of the Chinese virus since days ago, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of the Chinese virus which is widely used today is often called "COVID-19", and many of its hosts are not aware that it is basically the Chinese virus, developed by the Wuhan Project. There really is a COVID-19, and these people are infected by it, but it is just a part of the infection they have. COVID-19 is the key: it opens the door in the immune system that allocates the body's immunity resources to the other diseases that you get. The key that opens the door is an essential part of an killer disease, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of infecting a weak person. COVID-19 is normally used in combination with the pneumonia: the whole disease is basically the Chinese virus with a gay number added, or Chinese Originated VIral Disease-19. All the so-called "COVID-19" strains are really mutations of the Chinese virus.

>> No.11711382

Once it infected America and the ruling government responded the way they did, hyping up the virus became politically damaging to the ruling government instead of politically beneficial.

>> No.11711396

only because it originated in china doesnt mean every chinese person is responsible for creating or spreading it. most of them are victims.

>> No.11711426

People who say covid19 is the flu are fear-mongering retards. I caught it and it's closer to the common cold, though it lasted only one day and involved loss of smell for a week. It's milder than a common cold.

>> No.11711441

Mind if i steal that one?

>> No.11711457

>doesnt mean every chinese person is responsible for creating or spreading it
They sure as hell created and maintained the shitty culture that compels them to eat powdered tiger penises and pangolin scrotums. Fuck the Chinese. They're long past overdue for burning.

>> No.11711464

Do you feel this same way about whites who eat pigs or chickens or cows, which have caused far more pandemics?

>> No.11711466

This is correct

No they aren't they love the CCP. Chinese nationalism is very high and they were cheering about Americans being infected. China has been responsible every large plague historically you retarded fedora faggot.

>> No.11711468

>muh evil whites
You're next, Schlomo.

>> No.11711475

China commits world wide biological terrorism with the China Virus, fuck China they need to be destroyed for the Worlds safety, they have been the starter of every worldwide plague.

>> No.11711481

yeah i dont think the majority of them eats animal genitals on a regular basis.

also every electronical device you have has at least one part of it made in china

humans are shit, thats all

>> No.11711489

yeah the spanish flu was totally chinas fault..

>> No.11711497

Some humans are more shit than other. The chinese are constantly forging new frontiers in how shitty a group of people can be.

It was.

>> No.11711507

Glowfags, Chinese govt shills, Russian govt shills, 4chan trolls, genuine retards.

>> No.11711512

Those pastrami & lox fucks get the wall too when the vegan revolution comes.

>> No.11711516

Do Americans really? Also, no wonder they are missing PPE when they waste it like this.

>> No.11711538

/sci/ are idiots that just mock w/e the mainstream narrative is, they are crying night and day about reopening now so you OP post is bullshit and as always you are a faggot

>> No.11711541

Antibody testing exposed the mortality rate as being insignificant. No one has cared since.

>> No.11711552

how do you know this is america?

>> No.11711566
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Hey guys, my throat has been swollen for probably about a month now.
It's not sore, and I've got no other symptoms. I just know how to recognize a swollen throat by how low I can sing.
It is possible it's caused by Covid? I heard it can start as a long lasting sore throat, but it has been at least 3 weeks, probably 4, with no change.

I figure if it were a throat infection it would be sore by now, and if it were allergies it would be fluctuating more with the weather, but it has just been constantly swollen.

>> No.11711576

Could be lymphoma, get checked out OP could be serious.

>> No.11711579

Oh shit you're not OP sorry daddy, but get checked out dude

>> No.11711628

I'm a burger with no insurance so I'm hoping it just goes away soon.
I don't think it's lymphoma. The swelling seems to be the center of the neck and the onset was basically overnight. I would imagine that lymphoma is a gradual swelling, but I do singing warm ups often enough to recognize that it became totally swollen all at once.

>> No.11711703

>Not all heroes wear capes, some wear scrubs.

>> No.11711860

I wanted to travel overseas to bang some whores. Now I am going to become a wizard.

Will things ever be the same again? I am tired of being a virgin, I wish I saved up sooner

>> No.11712078
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>> No.11712142

How will a vegan revolution come when vegans don't know how to operate a weapon or how to into violence, and that the recoil of a gun would probably bounce back straight into their face launching their nosebone like a spacex rocket straight up into their brain because the bones have grown soft after years of onions abuse, lack of exercise and nutrient deficiency

>> No.11712616

>anecdotal evidence
Yes i'm sure the death toll being almost 350k confirmed and video footage of people dying in the streets and hospital hallways is just an elaborate conspiracy for Bill Gates to give you autism with his forced vaccine.

Nevermind that the "confirmed" number includes official Chinese numbers. Lets just trust that they told us the truth.

>> No.11712921

/pol/ are raging contrarians. If the media suddenly loved trump, they would tell you he is satan, for example.

>> No.11712923

dangerously based

>> No.11713878

Politics is ridiculous and frivolous. Follow the numbers

>> No.11713949 [DELETED] 

>8 messages to ermor
So it had to come to this

>> No.11713967


Everyone everywhere is sick of talking about and thinking about it.