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11708336 No.11708336 [Reply] [Original]

I used to be smart but now I can barely even think at all help me

>> No.11708340

What have you tried?

>> No.11708353

Nofap no sugar no caffeine (separately)

I also tried to get into reading again but my brain is too rotten for that now

>> No.11708364

Keep doing those things but also stick to a regular sleep schedule (+go to be earlier) and exercise at least ever other day. Try to do something outside every day, and try to limit the amount of time you spend looking at a screen.

>> No.11708396

disable all wifi and use wired connections?
turn off your phone? get of a faraday cage shroud?

>> No.11708401
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Ok I'll try those sank yu anon kun
here have a smug sloth

>> No.11708431

stop putting brakes on things and do what you want to do. no this no that. how about yes this yes that

>> No.11708446

NoFap does absolutely fuck all. Unless you're an actual porn addict who jerks off 10 times a day.

>> No.11708488
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>> No.11708499

>t. coomer cope

>> No.11709161

What is brain fog?

>> No.11709169


>> No.11709174

Do drugs like dxm that give you more fog

>> No.11709176

Read books
Work out or climb mountains

Helped me get over traumatic brain injury and go to grad school

>> No.11709179

If that doesn’t help.

— stop all drug use
— stop all alcohol use
— stop all tobacco and weed use

>> No.11709200

Stop all the bad shit you’re doing

Fix your diet enough to get nutrients needed, do a little exercise

Maybe something like noopept

>> No.11709212

Honesty anon look into IV nutritional therapy. It always makes me feel super.

>> No.11709223

Most brain fog just happens because you are stuck in a shitty relationship with someone or your parents and can’t leave the house and all the idiotic people surrounding you with their idiotic beliefs make your own brain shut down. Leave.

>> No.11709256

check your home for mold problems

>> No.11709260

Get away from society or try to study without people around.

>> No.11709269

You do it by not thinking about “brain fog” all the time

>> No.11709326

This and gas leaks.

>> No.11709397

Try a dopamine detox follow andrew kirby playlist and you will probably get back on track .
And about using your brain again, you need to continue to think for hours without giving up if things get hard . You will spend hours doing nothing but as soon as you tackle your first problem things will get better

>> No.11709400

And throw your phone away

>> No.11709428

Drink milk

>> No.11709453

Are you bored of life, or have no ambition? That sets it off with me, just brain-dead, monotonous survival from one day to the next just like the good little office drone I am.

>> No.11709481


>> No.11709483

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.11709486

no evidence
no proofs
no science
go home

>> No.11709491

smoke some weed before you think and let nothing distract you

>> No.11709492

YOU made the claim its harmless, now YOU back it up. I'll get started though.

>> No.11709504

>YOU made the claim its harmless
imagine thinking burden shifting games still work past youtube level discourse
this article says masturbation is ok in moderation, why are you posting it in defense of nofap?

>> No.11709765

probably sleep/coffee
I feel in coming on sometimes and get pissed because it seems random.

I'm not sure it effects working memory though, just creativity.

>> No.11709837 [DELETED] 

Magnesium and copper.

>> No.11709839

Sugar, magnesium, copper.

>> No.11709859

go on a dopamine detox so reduce the amount of super sugary stuff you eat, reduce your time on the internet, nofap, excercise daily and get plenty of sun, reduce how much videogames you play and sleep earlier

It's DOPAMINE that is the issue, we all have unnatural dopamine levels these days so take just one or two days to completely avoid all things such as 4chan and sugary food and instead go for walks and force yourself to do things you find boring like reading maybe? Whatever you find boring. Trust me, I did this and I sorted out all my problems and I was a lot more focused but you need to maintain a level of discipline or you will slip right back into it in about 2 weeks.

So in the evening, some 4chan and vidya is alright but that should be at the tail end of the day for only around 2 hours AFTER you have completed all of your daily tasks.
Hope this helps.

>> No.11709890

>It's DOPAMINE that is the issue, we all have unnatural dopamine levels these days
That's because of the lack of copper

>> No.11709914

do you want someone to hit you with a copper pipe?

>> No.11709916

>try to limit the amount of time you spend looking at a screen

This drains lots of energy, browsing chans included.

>> No.11709919

lmao every thread
>bro just stop masturbating
>bro just stop drinking coffee
>bro just go on a "domanine detox"
>bro just go to sleep
imagine thinking any of these actually work

>> No.11709924


>> No.11709930 [DELETED] 


It's the kind of tired that sleep won't fix

>> No.11709932
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It's the kind of tired that sleep won't fix

>> No.11709934


And >>11709223

>> No.11709937

Any past drug use? At all

>> No.11709940

If you ever used drugs you might be detoxing or re forming your brain equilibrium. If it was recent use within the last three months, you will still feel pretty shitty. If it was something strong, people have been known to take 5 years to recover from mdma overdose.

>> No.11709942


no except being forced to use computers 10h/day coding etc. for my uni.

>> No.11709947

Are you sure? No modafinil? No adderall? Hmm? I know many coders abuse that shit. Maybe you’re a paranoid schizo who doesn’t want to admit it.

>> No.11709950


my family drains me emotionally tho, maybe it's just that

>> No.11709952

not him but i abused amphetamines before, haven't done any for 6 months though and i have the same issue
what does this mean for me? what ramifications could it have had that are persistent to this day? neurotoxicity?

>> No.11709956

Ok bingo. Take a vacation and test this out; it’s probably that. Can you go camping for a week or go away? If you start feeling much much better, it’s time to get away from your black hole of a family.

>> No.11709958

Yes. Altered default mode network at the very least. 6 months isn’t that long. You should feel better after 1-2 years of abstinence.

>> No.11709962

Basically your default mode connections are altered. It will feel off for a while. And as for neurotransmitters, it’s not just dopamine but gaba and acetylcholine and the rest are all off balance from what would make you feel like alert normal health state.

>> No.11709974

damn, that's a long time
i thought 6 months would be enough, why does it take so long?

>> No.11709986

This very fucking much. Do what will make you happy (most important - be socially fine, what ever that means to you)

>> No.11709987

Because your brain is complex. You should live healthy in the meanwhile.

>> No.11710042

>No sugar
Why sugar?

>> No.11710046

There is no such thing as brain fog.
Just stop being a fucking brainlet. That's it.

>> No.11710069

Remember this principle:

Applies to all dopamemes
Shut down the floodgates
No, you’re not powerful enough to do things in perfect moderation, not yet at least

>> No.11710181

If literally nothing works, then you probably have undiagnosed depression and you should seek therapy.

>> No.11710667

>t. caffeine-addicted sleep-deprived coomer

>> No.11710672

retards. brain fog is like downcycling of your brain after a critical up cycle (under/overclock).

if you're not finding the time where all the drugs you do coalesce into a period of super intelligence you're doing it wrong. I spend 14 hours fucking with myself just so I get 4 hours at night of pure being

>> No.11710838

>gets dopamine fix via internet
>sleep deprived
>unable to see urgency in things
>unable to see happiness without short term pleasure
>high anxiety caused by the aforementioned factors
>possibly depressed
Not saying you have all this shit, but you might have at least one. Try eliminating all of these. I did, and my life is much better now.

>> No.11710845

get off this website and eliminate all distractions when working

>> No.11710850

And what should I do then? I wasn't taught anything useful

>> No.11711082

you seem to have forgotten
>bro just lift
>bro just lift heavier stuff

>> No.11711129

All I have to do to get rid of it is a few hard sets of pullups. It's actually quite easy to accomplish.

>> No.11711203

Get physical distance. Become a van lifer, go hike for six months. Anything.

>> No.11711401

I'm still on my way to reducing brain fog (32yo, definitely noticing a slow down)
-cut the blue light before bedtime
-get outside, whether for a jog or landscaping or coffee on you back porch
-learn a new language, like 30 min a day (I can literally feel the synapses speeding back up)
-listen to YouTube lectures at 1.25-1.5x speed and concentrate as hard as you can. Real life seems slowmo and easy to comprehend

Also I've given up on TV/movies mostly.
I have a semi shitty diet and I'm still overall depressed/lackluster in life. Could certainly work on those things. But I promise you I've felt the above things work. Especially the language.

My last bit of advice I also need to follow- I wouldn't say cold turkey give up on social media/4chins, but if you find yourself saying "woah where did the last hour go", stop. Go paint/study. Active minds are healthier than lazy ones. We'll see you later.
Speaking of which...

>> No.11711405

Holy shit, all of the advice in this thread is retarded. Everyone is just posting their random pet theories or personal anecdotes. "Dopamine detox" "wifi" "copper" "drugs" "avoid people" "nootropics". This is worse than Quora.

OP, go to an actual community with people who actually know anything about medicine. "Brain fog" isn't some specific condition that can be resolved with some specific cure. There are tons of possibilities for the potential cause and potential treatments.

>> No.11711411

Just to add something useful, the only advice that's universally helpful in this thread is to try to make sure you're getting sufficient sleep consistently. Avoiding blue light before bedtime and possibly using a sleep tracker are good ideas. Otherwise, take everything here with a gigantic grain of salt.

>> No.11711529

coomer cope

>> No.11713715

