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11707314 No.11707314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Aspergers are just Human 2.0. Normies need to fuck off and accept peak human performance.

>> No.11707391

Speech, no need for all this social conventions bs.

>> No.11707459

Being incapable of basic communication and adapting to a changed environment isn't a superpower.

>> No.11707463

This. Aspergers is a mental illness for a reason.
CEO chad is not an autistic retard, but he tries to help them because he is successful, high empathy, and beautiful. Unlike autists.

>> No.11707469

They can form their own society that is radically different from society built by normalfags

>> No.11707472

autists cannot form societies unless by society you mean autistic clubs to play tabletop games where everyone inaudibly mumbles to themselves.

>> No.11707474

op is right

>> No.11707477

>I'm a teenager or younger who just got diagnosed with aspieism: the post
Just wait until you start meeting other autists, you'll get very quickly why that isn't a cut and dry classification of peak performance, not to say you aren't capable, but a lot of aspies simply aren't.

>> No.11707495
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high functioning >>> assburgers. prove me wrong
protip: you can't

>> No.11707500

Aspergers is high-functioning 'tism, unless you're just saying you prefer the newer terminology.

>> No.11707627
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Humanity has only gotten this far thanks to our ability to cooperate.
You spergs will never achieve anything because you have to start from the beginning every generation.

>> No.11707701
File: 98 KB, 620x1600, 1585903914623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont believe this to be true at all.

>childhood friend is a strong case of classic aspergers
>go all the way from kindergarden to graduating HS with him
>was never a particularly good performer in hs
>dont think anything of it, as neither was I by a long shot
>we go to the same uni, same major (EE)
>Im waiting for this dude to go godmode on the major and absolutely destroy all classes
>he performs very poorly
>I leave him behind, he keeps flunking the early classes in the major (calc 1, phys 1, etc)
>tell him Ill help him study any time, send him a scan of all my notes on the classes hes struggling with, along with a shit ton of study guides I had saved up in my hard drive and a fuck ton of my own tips on the classes even accounting for which professor is currently teaching him
>He still flunks the same classes again and again
>at one point his mom talks to me, shes worried, I tell her that im always available for help and that ive already sent him a ton of shit, she says at this point she just wants him to switch majors
>dude goes from EE to Industrial E
>still fails all the considerably easier and more dissected Industrial E classes
>switches to bussiness admin after his mom literally forced him to, his pride was keeping from switching.
>finally passing his classes, dude is looking to get his degree in about 2 and a half years, im getting mine this year.

Its just my personal anecdote I know, but I genuinely think that what fucked my bro over was his tism, I think that for some reason it doesnt let him properly study and organize himself and remember he has to do homework and shit. He is legitimately a very very smart dude.
What happened to him in college really broke my heart bros, whenever I think of it I kinda blame myself for not being there for him more.

>> No.11707764

I'm going though shit like your friend too, 26yo and still didn't graduate.
In my case its mostly because of massive procrastination, not really because I'm fundamentally uncapable of passing classes.

>> No.11707828
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Certain kinds of spergs like Elon Musk are human 2.0.
OP isn't one of them.

>> No.11708115

nope, i know few of them. One of them is above average iq, was and is a hard worker. He is electrotechnic engineer. Very ambitious, and he is good at what he does. But he is a really stubborn, immature person, uncapable of having any philosophical thought of any value, was always guy who was mocked of his stupid and uninformed claims. I went to the highschool with him and hanged a few times after. Never had a girl, i think he does even fap.
Other one i met recently. Huge sperg. Really high iq, one of the smartest people i have met in my life. Is a generally good guy. Being unattractive guy he is, he has really low confidence, also hyppochondriac, whiny, wallows in selfpity. After some time i have distanced from him cos he gets really depressingly dark, and im already depressed person. Knows that is smart so he never misses his chance to shine in what he is good, really proud of that. Has huge amounts of money, but still gets no pussy. Elon Musk is his personal Jesus, probably has fantasies of becoming like him.

>> No.11708196

Thats because they are stuck in this retard society

>> No.11708537

Aspies can't even get laid, lmao. What kind of peak performance is that?

>> No.11708554

No, these are common profiles for a few of the sub-races of autist. If you spend enough time with a variety of different autistic types you will rarely encounter cheerful, truly socially high functioning, sexually active and aesthetically sensitive individuals. Most of them are fairly terrible to be around, or quite miserable all the time and afraid of the world. I have the displeasure of having to do deal with Math spergs regularly and they are fucking terrible people. Average-slightly above average iq engi-neckbeard monkeys are honestly less insufferable than the truly autistic high iq types