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11706491 No.11706491 [Reply] [Original]

I posted here a while back after being stuck on chapter 1.

I have completed the first 3 chapters of the book (~500 pages), including most of the exercises and lectures up till that point.

But chapter 4 with its metacircular evaluator just straight up demoralised me.
I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND SHIT. It became way too abstract and all the exercises are now about engineering your own evaluator.

So tell me, should I continue and finish the whole book? Is it worth slugging through chapter 4 and 5? I don't see how the book can be beneficial for me now, as chapter 4 and 5 are way too esoteric. Also, my university stops at the metacircular evaluator so I can kinda stop reading the book if the rest of the content doesn't help me.

>> No.11706555

Im trans btw, it sure if that matters

>> No.11706653

Is the JavaScript version ok?

>> No.11706653,1 [INTERNAL] 

your web i impress so please

>> No.11706668

SICP is a meme.

>> No.11706715
File: 40 KB, 576x332, Screen_Shot_20200524_at_11.14.02_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's filled with retards that don't even know the output of pic related

>> No.11706725
File: 355 KB, 500x729, illust_22569704_20191219_095521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it should be fine. However do take note that the programming language itself is Source, a derivative of Javascript. Use this website to write your code. https://sourceacademy.nus.edu.sg/playground

Also, I chose to do the original MIT Scheme as there are more resources available for it (solutions to exercises, lectures, etc). Thus, I would recommend that you do the original SICP text as well, as attemping the exercises is absolutely essential to understanding the text. Good luck.

>> No.11706742

Hm interesting. Is this a bad way to practice JavaScript indirectly then since you're using a weird derivative?

>> No.11706750
File: 1.41 MB, 1550x1550, illust_15068821_20191219_095543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The text itself teaches you about essential programming techniques that can be applied to any language, so the language itself is not that important, since you can learn the barebones of a language pretty quickly.
I am not quite sure of how similar Source is to Javascript, but it should be fine I guess.

>> No.11706774

Yeah ik the language isn't the point but context switching is annoying. If it doesn't look like C/Python/JS my brain just doesn't like it

>> No.11706840

>Why is SICP so hard?
It's poorly written and not well structured. I vastly superior version teaching the same things can easily be written and most likely already exists. SICP is obsolete trash.

>> No.11706841

Not familiar with C, but assuming int goes from -2^31 to 2^31-1, last iteration of loop will have a = 2^31-1, then post-increment to -2^31. Pre-increment on line 7 bumps it to -2^31+1, so "Classic Nigger" is printed

>> No.11706885


>> No.11706893

It’s a trash meme book. What do you expect OP.
It depends.

>> No.11706945

lisp is way cooler than javascript. give it a try for the first chapter and you'll see

>> No.11707150

only idiots will ever try to go through the book with JS, literally the ugliest code mankind has seen in a text book

>> No.11707241
File: 182 KB, 480x514, raining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to FINISH that book! AND do ALL the exercises! Why did I ever stop? SiCP comes FIRST!

>> No.11707539

Where exactly is SICP $10? Wherever I check its much closer to $100.

>> No.11707544

This, isn't it undefined behavior on most (all?) modern computers and compilers anyways because of the signed int overflow?

>> No.11707560

"sand nigger" if we're on a 32-bit system and "classic nigger" if we're on a 64-bit system.

>> No.11707562

you know scip is legit when these faggot shills say something newer must be better and there's a Berkeley class from 2010 using the book.

>> No.11707613

>It depends
nope retard, it's classic nigger always.
int is always 32bit even on 64 bit system.
your all just as stupid as /g/

>> No.11707626

It’s fine. It’s not too hard. Just focus on your basics. Sketching things out is your best friend. Once you understand abstraction to its fullest extent, you’ll be able to tackle the eval part of the loop. It just takes time.

>> No.11707639

> vastly superior version teaching the same things can easily be written and most likely already exists.

Yes, it's called How to Design Programs Second Edition

>> No.11707681

>10 years ago
yeah okay but what are they using NOW

>> No.11707700

In practice yes, in theory no. int can be 16 bits, or even more than 32 bits according to the standard.

>> No.11707703

stupid book
t. physics Chad who just learnt whatever useful shit is in this book on the job with actually useful languages

>> No.11707745

You know you could have just assigned the final number without incrementing from 0, right?
I really can't tell since you clearly just discovered overflow...

>> No.11707752

>physics in current year
Pick one and only one

>> No.11707772
