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11704204 No.11704204 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most red-pilled master's degree?

>> No.11704207

Petroleum engineering or womens studies

>> No.11704214

business management

>> No.11704228
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I happen to have a master's degree in basing and redpilling, and I can tell you without a shred of doubt that the most red-pilled degree is applied maths.

>> No.11704252

Law school

>> No.11704260


>> No.11704519


brb let me put on a suit and dedicate my life to some shit humans made up

have some pride holy shit

>> No.11704541

north korean phd in chemical weapons

>> No.11704676

Law is about as made up as maths and physics. Legal principles and systems are almost entirely modeled around ethics and socio-economic developments, all of which simply exist. It's not the legislator who invents them, but the people who naturally behave in a manner that makes it necessary to push limitations of their freedoms to provide a habitable environment free of anarchy. Jurisprudence is way above your paygrade. Get back in the tub and allow the machines to harvest your energy instead.

>> No.11704694

(Not him)
How much did you dive into ethics?
What literature did you read on it?

>> No.11704777

by red pilled do you mean drooling retard /pol/ redpill or just "the actual truth" redpill?
Business for the former, and physics for the latter

>> No.11704785

The answer is always philosophy or history, but that leads to uncomfortable answers so just pick a STEM degree and try not to think too hard.

>> No.11704802

applied maths is followed by applied unemployment

>> No.11705216

the answer is pure mathematics.

>> No.11705218

Literally pharmacy.

>> No.11705219

law, mathematics, physics, alchemy, medicine. everything else is cringe.

>> No.11705222


>> No.11705371

masters of surgery

>> No.11705386
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Soon enough, aerospace engineering and other closely related fields.

>> No.11705403
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>> No.11706108

mfw I cross state bounds causing the derivative of x^2 to change

>> No.11706149

t. Seething law student

>> No.11706151

Unironically JD degree
I'm not a lawyer, but patent trolling pays megabux and you don't have to worry about getting your biz corona'd

>> No.11706152


>> No.11706203


that which is never attempted by the person who understands that life is vanity and everyone dies within a few decades on the outside.

>> No.11706401

Patent lawyers don't get JD. They aren't even really lawyers, Anon.

>> No.11706406

>Legal principles and systems are almost entirely modeled around ethics and socio-economic developments, all of which simply exist.
Gross oversimplification.

>> No.11706611

We call it "patent attorney" and they have legal studies and the bar exam. If you only have the USPTO exam you are a patent agent - in the US.
Other countries have different rules.
Usually you start with a master's degree in a technical field, many also have a PhD.

>> No.11706618

Now what?

>> No.11706766

sounds cool, but it was under my impression that all lawyers do is memorize laws, and then find loopholes in the wording and shit

>> No.11706781

I legit don't know what else they do aside from come up with arguments over stuff like this and write up summaries of evidence for their shit.

>> No.11706790

Masters in hitlerology

>> No.11706806

if you want to find a job, none in stem for sure

>> No.11706814

Patent attorney here, though not a US one.
Unless you are defending clients in criminal cases you do a let of preparations to avoid court and other conflicts, especially in business and IPR law.
- advice clients on IPR strategy
- analyse potentials for conflicts, and advice accordingly (IPR insurance etc)
- draft and prosecute patent applications - a major part of the workload of a patent attorney
- analyse possible infringement cases and handle accordingly
Mostly we prefer NOT to take conflicts to court, it is costly, time consuming and causes a lot of all round noise. After all it is best not to burn bridges if you plan for an out of court settlement.

If there is a conflict and litigation is unavoidable you spend a lot of time preparing, analysing applicable laws and regulations, relevant case law and the profiles of the members of whatever panel will decide. There are huge databases on all this, and much you are expected to know.
The public secret is that lawmakers care little about IPR and Supreme courts in many countries are not really familiar with IPR so you get a lot of changes in laws, regulations and current practice you are supposed to stay abreast with. That part really sucks up a lot of time and is not billable time. Much of what we do is not visible to the general public and few are interested either.

>> No.11706815
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Pure Mathematics

>> No.11706817

more like pure unemployment lol

>> No.11706825

ok monkey, you can go play with your funny societal laws someplace else
>noo yu cant do that!!
>yes you can do that!!!!!
>nooooo you cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>nooo it says here you can!!!!!!!!!!!!
>but it says here you cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mr judge may i leave please, i just shat my pants

>> No.11707121

>funny societal laws
We never made the laws, the guys you elected did that.

>> No.11707122
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Thank anon, I actually lol'd

>> No.11707218

Clinical psychology

>> No.11707483

laws are stupid and retarded. they are the retard’s attempt at axiomatic approach to human behavior.

>> No.11707487

field for women

>> No.11707504

taking derivatives literally relies on a workaround that humans invented to avoid logical inconsistency and it might work out under our set of axioms consistently but this is because we have chosen our axioms in such a way that it does, make no mistake about it, math is cultural, not logical

>> No.11707711

I've heard some firms will pay for their PhD holding agents to go to part time law school. How shitty is working as an agent full time and going to law school part time?

>t phd student curious about selling out to patent law

>> No.11707837
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>not wanting irl cute bonkle gf

>> No.11707963


>> No.11709264
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Only if you want it to be

>> No.11709271

The answer is and always will be
>Build a business

"Jobs" are for absolute cucks.

>> No.11709327

I know a lot of patent attorneys working in-house at Qualcomm started in technical jobs and did patent and legal studies to become patent attorneys or agents. I don't know the details but I assume it is a lot of hard work. And since they stay on at Qualcomm I guess they find it was worth it.
Qualcomm has a large in-house patents department and their applications are well drafted.

>> No.11709351

For some reason this gives me the same feeling whenever I see a Transexual.

>> No.11709355

>Using Jordan "Wash your penis Goyim" Peterson as a good male figure