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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 405 KB, 595x614, homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11703733 No.11703733 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck did they do all those 300,000 years? Why don't we have any recorded history about it scientifically speaking?

>> No.11703746

Because they didn't have written language until like 4,000 years ago. And even then most of the world didn't.

>> No.11703764

Kinda funny that our great millenia spanning civilization is only a tiny fraction of all human existence, and we don't know shit about most of it

>> No.11703769

They sat around in tribes doing tribe things. Fighting hunting and fucking.

>> No.11703775

mining minerals in morocco maybe?

>> No.11703776
File: 741 KB, 1620x2620, menz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link to story?

>> No.11703792

If even at the time of the Roman empire all civilization could be burned down due to some germans jerking off around a river, imagine what those fuckers were up to before people had iron tools and weapons.

>> No.11703800
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"we" do, you and everyone you know, as part of the pleb class, do not

>> No.11703819

Maybe Elaine Morgan is right about the aquatic monkey hypothesis after all...

>> No.11703849

do you think troglodytes ever got any prehistoric cunny?

>> No.11703866

Being an occultist doesn't make you smarter, it simply makes you Evil, schizo.

>> No.11703877

I like the stone throwing ape theory by Barbara someone or other
The ability to throw rocks laterally at prey animals increased hand dexterity leading to higher potential for tool use

>> No.11703955


Link? Lazy OP!

>> No.11703967


I want to see a version of that pic with moot as 10/10. Or many moots.

>> No.11703976


>> No.11703984

Evolving the capacity to care about what happens after they die.

>> No.11704001

Written language probably wasn't really that important on its own. It was the invention of printing press that made the biggest difference for spreading information. Written language alone needs time to write, so you could just walk around and talk.

>> No.11704006

Homo sapiens are like the niggers of mankind. The Neanderthal was the true human, peaceful and philosophical.

>> No.11704015

>smaller pfc
you're the neanderthal

>> No.11704022

>What the fuck did they do all those 300,000 years?

Live, laugh, love .... and fuck

>> No.11704043

they had to, they were mostly dead by 40.

>> No.11704052
File: 29 KB, 550x450, AryanEnlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more shudra

>> No.11704059
File: 3.88 MB, 1300x2102, men 1-10 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, I had to do it, enjoy this fresh OC

>> No.11704144 [DELETED] 

>Written language probably wasn't really that important on its own
Jesus Christ shut the fuck up go back to /b/, you know what, go back to middle school

>> No.11704215
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This is true, they literally came out of niggerland. And the reason they dominated was because they outbred the others. Even now the European genepool is contaminated with Basal Eurasian (more African-like) ancestry which only arrived in the last 8000 years.

The final redpill is realizing that group superiority is directly inversely proportional to the superiority of the individual. The Native Americans, at least the uncivilized ones, were unironically the most superior people of their time, standing taller and more robust than anyone else on earth.

>> No.11704235
File: 450 KB, 642x449, Swat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who those Negroids are but if you are trying to claim the Anatolians were negroids, well, you are just fucking retarded now aren't ya?

>> No.11704284

what about sumerian clay tablets?

>> No.11704287

Is this really how redpillers determine their score?

>> No.11704293

How do you feel about the theory of solar plasma storms creating those shapes?

For example the Jacob's ladder?

>> No.11704301


>> No.11704302

Hoe-leeeeeeee FUCK!

This rocks the foundations of "Out of Africa Theory!"

>> No.11704315

This is not the first time.

>> No.11704332

This is the first time it's been bludgeoned over the head with a skull though.

>> No.11704366

Haven't there been other old Homo Sapien bones found outside of Africa?

>> No.11704367
File: 588 KB, 1700x1216, MOOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11704393


>> No.11704405


>> No.11704408

You have to ask yourself what drove these early homos to hide and die in deep underground cave systems.

What was going on on the surface?

Why are they usually alone.

>> No.11704417

what if it were just some bloke that decided he wanted to do some exploring and disappeared off but never made it back out?

>> No.11704426

Oh god, does that mean all the homo bones we find are of those annoying outdoors people who don't tell anyone where they're going, like Aron Ralston?

>> No.11704427

They may well have done some interesting stuff, writting, embroidery, potentially even building large structures. But you have to ask after 300,000 years what would actually be left if they did anything significant. What would be left that wouldn't be put down to a later civilisation, an odd discovery tossed asinde...
What would be left of a small technological civilisation even?
The pyramids are only 4000 years old and showing significant wear...

>> No.11704431

Probably where they kept their booze

>> No.11704461

hundreds of milenia in the future some lifeform will be excavating and unearth some bones in nylon surrounded by strange little metal clips dating to some previous fallen civilisation. they will wonder how it got there since it would have been a deep cave hundreds of metres below ground at that period of time

>> No.11704462

Or he went to knock one out without being disturbed

>> No.11704464

the sphinx is way way older than the pyramids and dates from a pre existing fallen civilisation, along with a bunch of rocks that were someohow cut extremely precisely.
rocks or bones are the only real evidence for ancient civilisations and even they don't last if they're in the wrong place.

>> No.11704465

kek. thats a big sacrifice for a wank.

>> No.11704469

who is moot??

>> No.11704474

Is this the water erosion hypothesis?

>> No.11704477

founder of some meme site called 9gag

>> No.11704478


>> No.11704556

the girls bullied grug, told him he smelled wrong and only cared about his cave wall paintings.

>> No.11704558


this has to be bait

>> No.11704562

Actually can we have a discussion on cave wall paintings, many of them require some serious artistic skill. who made them and why did they make them,
Some were even found to be drawn to simulate movement in the flicker of crude oil lamps

>> No.11704566

you called others newfag yet don't know the memes...

>> No.11704577
File: 714 KB, 960x529, Bosnia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just fking tell me who he is you don't have to be retarded about it. Imma firin mah lazer!! lol

>> No.11704598

why do we make anything? for the fuck of it and it looked nice. You cant hunt mammoth fuck and eat all the time

>> No.11704603

I wonder what the oldest cave paintings are?

>> No.11704613

Can you please write more about the redpill because that is blowing my mind

>> No.11704631

i think cavemen actually had way longer life expectancy than medieval peasants

>> No.11704635

that comic is a godsend

>> No.11704648

this is the funnest I've had it this week
this is so interesting

>> No.11704650

no actually the did an analysis based on some polygenic life expectancy score and based on neanderthal genomes estimated a life expectancy at around 37 to 40 years

>> No.11704654

sex or food?

>> No.11704655

who gives a shit about neanderthals, we're talking about homo sapiens

>> No.11704663

Because the idea that humans originated in Africa in the first place is complete bullshit. I can't tell you where humans originated, but it sure as hell isn't Africa.

>> No.11704668


>> No.11704672

higher quality diets and lives

>> No.11704679

was it tho?
i mean im not too familiar with caveman lifestyle, but i would imagine that the medieval people had access to more different vegetables due to better farming technology

quality of life is hard to measure, probably both worked a lot, but its nearly impossible to determine the level of stress they were experiencing

>> No.11704684

hunting and gathering brings in a much more varied diet than sticking to a staple crop like wheat or rice for 90+% of your intake

>> No.11704696

Medieval peasant were slaves.
The best crop and live stock went to land owner first, if there was a bad crop you went with out

>> No.11704697

Agriculture limits species diversity down to a dozen or so species.
Studies on hunter gatherers have found them using over 150 species.

>> No.11704704

I believe anon was talking about a form of written language for us to find. With no taking records, we can’t tell shit what was going on even like 50 years ago.

>> No.11704994

Anatolians were known for their red hair and blue eyes I can only assume a darkie made this as you are the only ones stupid and sloppy enough to make something this retarded or believe it when someone else did >>11704635

>> No.11705006

The Caucus mountains are in Anatolia, the term CAUCASIAN for white people literally comes this region. Holy shit Negroids are retarded

>> No.11705067

Maybe a stupid question, but how would you live at all if there was a bad crop, then? Would you have to kill livestock, or eat rats/worms/etc.?

>> No.11705074 [DELETED] 


>> No.11705110
File: 270 KB, 450x360, texan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it always so easy to spot the negroid in a /sci/ thread?

>> No.11705113

How did anyone survive a famine?
During great famine of 1315 to 1317 someone must have survived but plent died.

>> No.11705169


there have been tons and tons of out of place artifacts that dated humanity to way way older that it is, weird settlement artifacts, weird foot prints in weird parts of the world. It was all buried and considered woo, careers destroyed, the usual BS

>> No.11705178

citation missing

>> No.11705640

I'd like to see this chart age normalized

>> No.11705648

wow, imagine putting that together

>> No.11705722

The fact you say 'native americans" not asian migrants proves you are retarded. Asian migrant tribes over populated European Western Hunter Gatherers the first to settle North America who technology was far more advanced. Injuns are dsygenic inbreds whose grandparents were brother and sister its shown in their DNA.

>> No.11705735

>the fucking printing press
>explains why people did fuckall for ~300,000 years
>even though people made civilizations for thousands of years before the printing press
Absolutely top minds here folks.

>> No.11705796

>literally a picture of neptune

>> No.11705920

civilization collapsed multiple times

>> No.11706003 [DELETED] 

Most civilizations were on generally the same level of organization up until the modern age. Even mesoamerican civilizations (while they technically did know writing, they used it very littleused it rarely) were +- on the same level.

>> No.11706012 [DELETED] 

Civilizations fundamentally lasted very little before the modern age. Even the american civilizations weren't in any way much different. (they probably did knwo writing, but used it very little) Even in the Old world civilizations, few people often bothered learning to read. It was the printing press that made writing widely useful and literacy widespread

>> No.11706023 [DELETED] 

Civilizations fundamentally changed very little until the modern age. Even the american civilizations weren't in any way much different. (they probably did knwo writing, but used it very little) Even in the Old world civilizations, few people often bothered learning to read. It was the printing press that made writing widely useful and literacy widespread

>> No.11706024

It has a lot to it and doesn't just include water erosion as evidence.

>> No.11706025

Civilizations fundamentally changed very little until the modern age. Even the american civilizations weren't in any way much different. (they probably did knwo writing, but used it very little) Even in the Old world civilizations, few people often bothered learning to read. It was the printing press that made writing widely useful and literacy widespread

>> No.11706232

injuns are about 1/3 ancient north eurasian and 2/3 asians

>> No.11706556

>We share so much genetically yet are phenotypically so obviously different
dat'th wathist

>> No.11706571

Last 100,000 years was an Ice Age and only ended 12,000 years ago. That is when first civilizations appeared.

>> No.11706576

even human bones turn to dust eventually and what probably happened is every thousand years, a prehistoric human probably unearthed human remains and because they didn't know better, probably let remains be exposed to animals and the elements. repeat for 300,000 years. of course under those standards, we have no scientific recorded history (I'm assuming you're talking about human remains and remains of civilizations)

>> No.11706588

eating fruit
fighting among themselves

>> No.11706593

How many other theories are out there being neglected like this?

>> No.11706632

>beetlejuice at 0.5
He horshoe'd his way to the bottom right?

>> No.11707011


with due process it is right to presume this is the case, however if humans had begun writing and creating civilizations 10k years ago or more the chances of anything both surviving and being found must be very slim.

>> No.11707943

We're still in an ice age faggot, just a warming period.

>> No.11707945

Aquatic ape shit is rightfully neglected because it's complete horseshit.

>> No.11707954

Same things other animals did for 300,000 years, Survive
expect some monkey started thinking and here we are

>> No.11707972

you are an absolute fucking retard

>> No.11707980

What are the big issues with it?

>> No.11708005

Because I don't feel like typing up a bunch of shit, here's a fairly short video that touches on some of the issues

>> No.11708024

What explains why we didn't do anything for that long is that we weren't smart. The migration out of africa was only about 60-70k years ago.

>> No.11708028

OK quick question how does the oxygen affinity of human blood cells compare to that of chimps?

>> No.11708146

how are you capable of breathing?

>> No.11708416

The story of ursa major and ursa minor are similar in every ancient culture. Suggesting that it came before all ancient cultures. As in, before the continents where separated and/or populated. The source is my ass unless one of you can help me out. I heard this, at some point but, fuck if I remember.

>> No.11710422

They were following the grazing herds, eating carne, tripping balls on the cow pie mushrooms, clubbing each other over small offences, dying of dysentery, and generally having a grand ole time.

>> No.11710477

Last I checked, Morocco was still in Africa. I mean, isn't there DNA proof that humans began in Africa, like a gene or something everyone else (whites, indians, asians, etc) has that's very rare in Africa?

>> No.11710496

the earliest hominid skeletal evidence we have is from a couple of million years ago from europe and was found outside of africa

>> No.11710544

Out of Africa is debunked shit since the mid 00s.
The thing is that it doesn't match the narrative of a certain group of people so it doesn't make it to the mainstream through popsci.

This, everything gets buried under accretion.

>Medieval peasant were slaves.
Peasants had more free time than the average wagie american today.

>> No.11710554

hominin != Homo Sapiens alone, plus as far as I can see, the oldest skeletal remains of hominins were 6 million YO remains found in Kenya, Then you have that 3 million YO footprints found in Tanzania.

>> No.11710564

there was this 7MYO jaw
the conclusion was that people have been leaving and entering africa for a very long time.

>> No.11710596

The pic says homo sapiens which is basically the same human as modern humans not their ape like ancestors.

>> No.11710631

Technological and scientific progress revolve not around genius or "great men" despite what many intellectuals (scientists included) fetishize.

It's the capacity to retain experience and transmit it as knowledge to the following generations, so not only they understand and maintain it but they can add on top of it.
If this knowledge isn't transmitted or only partially to new generations for whatever reason (war, pandemic, famines, etc...) then it simply vanishes in few decades so people are even surprised millenia later that it existed, pic related.

A top 20% european high schooler has quantitatively more scientific knowledge than Descartes or Copernic at their peak simply because diffusion of knowledge has exploded at a logarithmic scale. What a kid is spoonfed in school, Copernic had to grind through it with decades of calculations and experiments.

TLDR storing and distributing knowledge reliably has been the major bottleneck of civilization since the beginning of mankind. The use of Gutenberg press made knowledge much more easy to distribute in volume, making it both "antifragile" (as the local greybeards all dying didn't result in a loss of knowledge) and increasing the number of people who could make use of it.

>> No.11710634
File: 78 KB, 850x571, Antikythera-Mechanism.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.11710673

These records could exist in Europe but be buried under so much dirts or eroded that we will never find them.
There is a reason most of archeological evidences are in the drylands (aka the Middle East and North Africa), it's a very stable environment for conservation.