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11701053 No.11701053 [Reply] [Original]

How do we feel about Dr. Lawrence Maxwell Krauss, now that he is an accused sex offender?

Normally, I don't believe accusations without tangible and conclusive evidence. But he does physically look like someone who would creep around.

>> No.11701061
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>> No.11701073

OP you're a fag.

>> No.11701078

How do we feel about OP, now that he is an accused fag?

Normally, I don't believe accusations without tangible and conclusive evidence. But he does post like one.

>> No.11701088

I didn't like him before and my feelings haven't changed.

>> No.11701089
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It's a damn shame what happened to Krauss, though. Practically lost his job because of the #MeToo explosion.

>> No.11701095
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>> No.11701305

Steven nooooooooo

>> No.11701381
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>> No.11701396

>accused sex offender
What does that even imply?

You are an accused faggot, OP.

>> No.11701533

> Anonymous 05/22/20(Fri)21:39:55 No.11701073▶
>OP you're a fag.
I feel he is still a fag.

>> No.11701587

>Dr. Lawrence Maxwell Krauss
He's a creep among creeps. There is a sycophantic cult that he belongs to while playing buddy-buddy with everyone around. Less known, there is a big problem in the Barrett Honors College with professors hooking up with undergrads.
>t. ASUfag

>> No.11701610

Steven Pinked-her

>> No.11701613

>shirt untucked
That man had just finished fucking children.

>> No.11701673

>Krauss suggested that a job prospect engage in a threesome. In another, he told a female employee she should "take one for the team" and date a donor...he grabbed the breast of a woman who asked to take a selfie with him during a reception at a convention
This is exactly how I imagine a lot of popsci “professors” treat their lackeys in private. Literally anyone showing up regularly on science shows I wouldn’t be surprised to hear this kind of behavior. Not excusing it though

>> No.11701721

Look at all those kikes

>> No.11701852

It implies that he's accused of sexually offensive behaviour, and likely has done something to warrant them. Pretty obvious if you don't have autism.

>Not excusing it though
Why the fuck would that be excusing it?

>> No.11701893

>and likely has done something to warrant them.
So that's what "innocent until proven guilty" means? I still got to learn a lot about life then.

>> No.11701928

In most of these cases, it's "guilty until proven innocent."

>> No.11701961

In most of these cases, secular moralizers believe accusations of sexual misconduct without any evidence other than the accusation itself, and assume they're speaking for everyone.

>> No.11701965

In most of these cases anyone you like can do whatever they want and anyone you don't like should be in jail for what they've done.

>> No.11701971

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.11701975

who a man is and their contribution (if any) to science are unrelated

>> No.11701990

People forget Einstein was known to be a bit of a perv and probably would have been caught in a scandal in today’s pc culture.

>> No.11701994

>Dr. Lawrence Maxwell Krauss
Literally who?
>Krauss is an advocate for public understanding of science, public policy based on sound empirical data, scientific skepticism, and science education. An anti-theist, Krauss seeks to reduce the influence of what he regards as superstition and religious dogma in popular culture.[7]
>Krauss is the author of several bestselling books, including The Physics of Star Trek (1995) and A Universe from Nothing (2012), and chaired the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Board of Sponsors.

>> No.11702150

Nice try Mr. Goldbergstein trying to put everyone in the same sack. Classic jewish stragegy.

>> No.11702154

first walter lewin now him. what's it with popsci physics creeps

>> No.11702155

>That man had just finished fucking children.

>> No.11702156

le black science man as well

>> No.11702157

>and likely has done something to warrant them
how can you ever believe a woman, they've been exposed so often to lie about being raped

>> No.11702164

imagine having an entire career worth many decades of studying and researching being destroyed in 10 seconds by some zoomer thot saying you did whatever

>> No.11702166
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>> No.11702188

>nigger rapes
and water is wet

>> No.11702200

Kikes truly are the masterrace

>> No.11702293

I went to Arizona State, where Lawrence Krauss worked (still works?) and graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor of science.

I was kind of an ambitious student I guess. I did a lot of clubs. I took more credits than I needed. I reached out to professors with questions. I think one time I just emailed Lawrence Krauss out of the blue, asking him if I could come to his office and ask him questions about space. For me, I had no other reason than I thought it would be fun to talk to a brilliant scientist who was a part of that whole atheist movement I grew up with.

Anyway, to my surprise, his assistant said I could come and I visited at the scheduled time and had to wait in a waiting room and everything. I ended up in his office completely clueless as to what to ask him or what to say. I think I was really nervous and said some dumb shit about black holes. Somehow, after the experience, I asked if he wanted to meet again at a coffee shop. Again to my surprise, he accepted. The only thing I remember about that second conversation was that he called my degree (economics) dumb, and then seemed embarrassed that he said something so impolite.

In hindsight, I cannot figure out why he gave me any attention at all, especially considering I provided no compelling premise for our meeting and I was a nobody. I am almost suspicious of it all. My best guess is he wanted to be open to public outreach but was too autistic to realize that interacting with a single undergraduate for no provided reason is not an efficient way to do public outreach.

>> No.11702298

A credible source has confirmed to me that OP is indeed, always was, and always will be a fag.