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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11700115 No.11700115 [Reply] [Original]

So what does E=MC2 mean exactly?

That if mass goes the speed of light squared it turns into energy?

Because I thought it was impossible for mass to go the speed of light

>> No.11700117

based retard

>> No.11700118

not the full equation

>> No.11700121


>> No.11700131

you have the aggregate of human knowledge available and choose to use an alaskan apple pie forum.

>> No.11700290

Doesn't matter it is bullshit that has been disproven anyway

>> No.11700400

>eu garbage
into the trash it goes

>> No.11701037


>> No.11701054

imagine being in a physics class and saying to your group e=Mc is saying energy and mass are two sides of the same coin and the proportionality constant relating the two otherwise distinct things is the relative maximum velocity c sqrd. that c is the coin and the two faces are energy and mass and this means the only separation between a bomb and it's explosion is time and a domino

and they give u these dead donkey stares that scrunch into disgust. who the fuck else am I supposed to talk to about this

>> No.11701211

Based autist, pro tip just try to be more quiet
Also you're exactly correct king, mass is just a weird Form of energy

>> No.11701265

Hold on, OP. I gochu

>> No.11701269
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To understand what energy is, you must first understand that, according to calculations, every atom in your body should have just 1-2% of the mass that you have now.
The reasoning for this is the fact that atoms are made up of quarks - the elementary particles that cannot be broken any more. Quarks are never seen alone and are always connected to another quark via flux tube that would only stretch the more you try to separate them and once you hit the limit, the flux tube would use all the energy they gained to create another pair of quarks.
All these quarks can come in pairs of top & down quark, up & bottom quark, and charm & strange quark but atom’s nucleon (neutron and proton) can have any odd number of quarks that moves inside the nucleon. Now, this is where the mass of the neutron and proton comes from – which makes up just 2% of the atom’s total mass. Where does the 98% comes from?
It comes from the part where quarks move inside the nucleon at speeds nearing the speed of light. This creates energy (called gluon fields) that cannot escape for they are held bound by the strong nuclear force. This energy is a lot; a single carbon atom holds as much as 2000 joules and denser atoms like uranium can hold as much as 8000 joules, each.

>> No.11701274
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To obtain a much better perspective, we would have to use Einstein’s famous energy-to-matter formula or E=mc^2 (this is not general relativity equation, dude)
E=mc^2 also translates to m=E/c^2
Which means that your mass is equivalent to the amount of energy your atoms are storing.
Which means that a single 65kg person is currently storing over 5841.908661789 petajoules. Tsar Bomba is at 210 PJ
This is the full 100% power of the atom. Too bad we lack the ways of harvesting energy at that much efficiency.
Nuclear Fusion is at .7%
Nuclear Fission is at .08%
And Burning oil is at .00000001%
From that energy, our engines can only harvest 8-20% of it.
The only way to harvest energy at full 100% is through the use of antimatter. Antimatter is basically just any other matter but in opposite charge and if it collided with any normal matter – including air, it shall release the full power of the atom

There you go - the explaination
Hope you liked it.

>> No.11701294

Always remember:
Energy and Mass are the Same (E=mc^2)
Time and Space are the same (General Relativity)
Electricity and Magnetism are the same

>> No.11701313
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>> No.11701345

It’s not travelling the speed of light that is impossible.. it is ACCELERATING to that speed which is impossible.. if something were to get up to that speed instantaneously or as good as, then it can be done without converting all the matter in the universe to energy.

>> No.11701351

ok so if a photon travels at C because it is by definition of zero mass, and C = sqrt(e/m), is that not dividing by 0?

>> No.11701360

Photon IS light

>> No.11701366

It means that even a body at rest relative to you has a "rest energy", that causes spacetime to bend. Nothing else. Forget the "mass is energy" bullshit.

It's one component of the energy-momentum tensor, which is the source of gravity. So even when nothing moves or exhibits fields or something, spacetime bends around massive bodies.

>> No.11701376

Dude, Mass is Enery
A massive object at rest and minor object at motion, and an object emitting energy would both bend spacetime

>> No.11701497

which has been proven conclusively to be bs

>> No.11701661

>Dude, Mass is Enery

>A massive object at rest and minor object at motion, and an object emitting energy would both bend spacetime
Yes. My girlfriend's asshole attracts me and so does your mom's. Doesn't mean your mom is my girlfriend.

>> No.11702193


I remember being in high school and learning the physical definition of energy and then realizing that the units in Einstein's equation work out, I felt so smart

>> No.11702420

>This energy is a lot; a single carbon atom holds as much as 2000 joules and denser atoms like uranium can hold as much as 8000 joules, each.
... you'll wanna double check your math there. Atoms have under a TeV of total energy, which is about 10^-7 joules

>> No.11702739

He's right tho. Keep your schizo website on /x/.

>> No.11702915

e=mc^2 isnt the full equation - this only applies to non moving objects with mass. Light has momentum too, which means it has energy.

>> No.11702943

The real equation is [math]E=\gamma mc^2=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1^2-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}mc^2[/math],
which simplifies to [math]E=\frac{c}{\sqrt{c^2-v^2}}mc^2[/math]
and can be rearranged as [math]E\sqrt{c^2-v^2}=mc^3[/math]

and finally [math]E^2(c^2-v^2)=(mc^3)^2[/math], which clearly illustrates the relation between energy, the complex norm of velocity (2D), and the 3D nature of mass