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11697980 No.11697980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>0^0 = 1
math cucks will defend this

>> No.11697988
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Point and laugh everyone.

>> No.11697990


>> No.11697991

the identity function exists, even for the empty set

>> No.11697993

>reeeee this a fundamental property of exponents reeeee
>muh maths need to follow logical trends even if the result is a completely illogical solution reeeee

>> No.11698000

let this be a lesson to you frog poster. intuition is often false

>> No.11698016

0^0 is a question of convenience, and it turns out it's most conveient to define as 1.

>> No.11698024

Agreed. In any physical context, 0^0 would mean the system is completely stationary, which is not physically interesting.

>> No.11698030

prove it

>> No.11698034


>> No.11698037

By definition it's the number of functions from the empty set to X. There is one such function, the empty function.

>> No.11698043

0^0 ≡ 1

Happy now anon?

>> No.11698045
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>by definition

by definition ur retarded and gay. wow this math stuff is easy

>> No.11698052

Everything in math is defined in terms of more primitive concepts, down to some basic axioms we agree to use. If you have a problem with that I suggest you learn more math or just give it up.

>> No.11698058

Its difficult to argue with apes, anon.

>> No.11698100
File: 50 KB, 255x204, 1467726498563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we all agree ur retarded and gay. Damn axioms are fun. And intuitively it works because it reflects reality. If you have a problem with that, i guess you can stop being gay.

>> No.11698196

Wouldnt it be negative one?

>> No.11698202


>> No.11698218


>> No.11698232

the real question is what the zeroth root of 0 is... 0^(1/0)???

>> No.11698300 [DELETED] 

that would imply division by zero

>> No.11698414

It's undefined, you can make it be whatever you want it to be:
[math]g(x) \equiv \frac{c}{\ln x}[/math]
[math]lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\,\,g(x) = 0[/math]
[math]lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\,\,x^{g(x)} = e^c\neq 1 [/math]

>> No.11698417


>> No.11698521
File: 41 KB, 195x259, 3D63352D-BFA6-40E7-B694-5345E9D82D98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically is will always go to be .9 , but muh rounding makes it 1 even though it's factually 9∞. Mentally retarded monkey's can't count that high.

>> No.11698534

X^a / X^a =X^a-a=X^0=1

>> No.11698552

No, they won't. There is no correct answer to what 0^0 should be.

>> No.11698553

and since 0/0 != 1 then 0^0 != 1
everyone else in this thread is a faggot

>> No.11698554

This just says (x,y)\mapsto x^y is not continuous at (0,0).

>> No.11698559

It is continuous. It equals e^c for all x. The point is 0^0 is an undefined expression much like 0/0 is

>> No.11698566

Where X^a cannot be zero since you cannot divide by 0, therefore X cannot be 0

>> No.11698567

Oh I misread your point. Yes x^y is not continuous at (x,y)=(0,0). That's another way to see it is undefined

>> No.11698584

yeah see >>11698553

>> No.11698629


>> No.11698637

>0^(n+1) / 0 is division by zero therefore 0^n doesn’t exist

>> No.11698642

It’s not continuous you fucking idiot, it’s not even defined for exponents less than zero, and is infinity for exponents less than zero in the context of the Riemann sphere.

>> No.11698646

see >>11698637

>> No.11698653

>That's another way to see it is undefined
Wrong, you stupid orangutan. Just because a function is discontinuous at a point doesn’t mean it’s undefined at that point. There are even functions that are discontinuous everywhere.

>> No.11698656

It's continuous in x, jackass. Or it has a removable discontinuity at x=0 if you want to be pedantic. Take a little time to understand a post first and you won't seem as stupid

>> No.11698660

It absolutely means it's undefined. There is no unique limit. Again, learn a little humility dipshit

>> No.11698663

> x^x
> l'hopital
> what is a limit
the absolute state of this board lmao

>> No.11698664


>> No.11698673

based retard

>> No.11698677

Look, you thinking I have never heard of the idea of a nowhere continuous function like it's some secret knowledge just shows what a middlebrow pleb you are. Step back, learn a little more math, and realize there are people that are as smart or smarter than you, and then come back here

>> No.11698678

A multivariate function is said to be continuous when it's simultaneously continuous in all its arguments, dummy. Of course it's continuous in x alone (if you let 0^0 = 1), no shit.

>> No.11698680

I'm not the TOTAL RETARD claiming discontinuous means undefined.

But I gracefully accept your concession.

>> No.11698681

I'm talking about x in my function g(x). I was agreeing with you

>> No.11698686

too big-brain for these idiots

>> No.11698701

wtf I hate math now!

>> No.11698718

Just from reading up on this briefly, you CAN make 0^0 anything you want, which really means it's undefined, BUT making it equal 1 has an extra way of making it right (how many ways can you make no choices from no things equals one), so it's less wrong than the others.
So 0^0 is undefined, except some times when it's one.

>> No.11699113

why on earth would 0^0 be anything other than 1?

>> No.11699702

I saw a proof that if you approach the x^y function from a particular direction you can see 0^0 taking any value you want.

>> No.11699725

How many times does 0 fit into 0?
There you go

>> No.11699749

What if I answer two