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11697295 No.11697295 [Reply] [Original]

Like, I get how you can perceive time differently (the whole moving away from a clock at the speed of light thing) but isn't a second just a second???? I was watching interstellar and the scene where they were on the water planet and said that an hour on the planet was like a few years or whatever, how does that work??? isn't a year a year no matter if youre traveling at the speed of light or near a gravity well? isnt time constant??? Explain to me please /sci/ I'm not a scifag but i am interested in this

>> No.11697302

when you go to sleep you don't have any concept of how long you were asleep for, but other people do

this is why no physics can be done without mathematical equasions, word analogies are just that, they obfuscate whats really happening, you don't know how to apply time dilation to anything despite what i type

>> No.11697309

>when you go to sleep you don't have any concept of how long you were asleep for, but other people do
i get that yea but like this scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y8tZi7PjKM he aged 23 years when they were on the planet a few hours why is this????

>> No.11697329

Here is how I think about it. Imagine you are moving on a path through spacetime. So you and other person begin at some point (x,y,z,t) and you both end at some other point (x2,y2,z2,t2), but you take different paths between those 2 points. Maybe one of you travels in a straight line, but the other travels through space away from you and then comes back to meet you, so he travels twice the distance between the same 2 points.

>> No.11697334

The word dilate has been ruined for me

>> No.11697338

In addition, acceleration is the key, acceleration changes your path through spacetime. So that is why a planets acceleration alters your relative time. Velocity is just you observing an object on a different path through spacetime, accelerations puts you on a different path.

>> No.11697548

Gravity affects the average propagation of fields of energy via increased or decreased resistance over time caused by average course alterations created by differences in .
The many physicists, who assert the contrary, are wrong. Time doesn't change depending on gravity but gravity does change everything that is currently used to count time intervals.
This is why electric systems must run on different informational time scales depending on how much gravity they experience, like with satellites, as the energy propagates at different average rates.
This is why there is no temporal field, no space field, both concepts are just ways of us quantifying and qualifying differences in energy progression events.
This idea comes from a backwards assumptions of plancke and the QM obsession with making every physical concept into a wave particle duality, pretending that everything can be manipulated if one just builds big enough science projects with powerful enough energy beams.

>> No.11697564

>isnt time constant???
No, not when you're travelling near the speed of light. A spaceship that travelled very close to it would appear from Earth to take thousands of years to travel thousands of lightyears, but the people onboard could experience just months if they were going very close to speed of light.

>> No.11697606

I have a dissociative disorder that ruined about the last decade of my life, I've broken through temporarily a couple times and all I can tell you is when I'm not dissociated time feels 10x slower

Also time doesn't inherently exist as this constant, all we know is the way we perceive it and make inferences with our senses which results in time flowing linearly but this is only how we perceive it. Whatever time objectively is who the fuck knows

>> No.11697834

isnt this relativity or w/e so while moveing at increduible speeds away from a centre of mass or w/e time dilates aka runs much much faster so if i travel at the speed of like away from a black hole the person in the black hole would notice thousands of years pass in minutes isnt this the gist?

>> No.11698753

it doesn't even matter. the fastest man made object is [eqn]10^{-8}[/eqn] of C and that thing will use the sun's gravity in order to achieve that speed.

>> No.11699034
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Here is how I understand it. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Firstly, we know that the speed of a photon is the constant c, the speed of light. Nothing can travel faster than this value.

Secondly, we know that space is 3 dimensional, an object can travel in the x, y, or z direction. If we take time as the fourth dimension, we then have space-time. So wherever you are in the universe depends these 4 attributes.

As a photon travels at speed c, all of its movement goes in to its x, y, and z components because it's moving at the fastest possible speed. I.e. it doesn't have anything left over to put in to its time component. So a photon will travel through space but not travel through time, therefore photons do not 'age'.

This is the why, the more you approach c, the slower time passes to an observer that is travelling slower, e.g. someone back home on Earth. For you time wouldn't feel any different.


>> No.11699043

When it comes to black holes, since they are so massive it means they can warp space-time around them greatly. The more massive the black hole, the more it warps space-time. Anything that warps space-time of course warps time as well. The Earth also warps space-time but it's essentially nothing compared to a black hole's effect.

Remember to keep in mind it's all relative. So for you, someone who is nearer to a black hole, time doesn't feel any different. But for an observer further away, time passes more slowly because where they are has less space-time distortion. So 1 day for you maybe 10 years for them.

So for example in Interstellar, the black science man waits on the ship which is farther away Gargantua. The rest of the crew go down to the planet which is much closer to Gargantua. We now know that space-time is more distorted closer to higher masses, so while the crew on the planet feel time is the same, they are actually experiencing heavily warped space-time. For the black science man who is much farther away and is therefore basically unaffected by the mass of the black hole, time is passing more slowly relative to the crew on the planet. That's why he ages and they don't.


>> No.11699180

>isnt time constant???
No, are you fucking retarded? Time is just a measurement of movement between a point and one or multiple celestial bodies.

>> No.11699599

Reality is composed of particles.
Particles that move and relate with each other.
If you were able to freeze the universe what you would see is tons of little particles.
So "time" is actually the motion of those particles.

Now imagine that you how two pots with boling water. One pot is a lot hotter than the other.
What do you see?
In one of the pots the water much more chaotically and faster than the other.
The particles in one pot are moving faster.

If those pots represent, lets say a galaxy each one, then in the other one time would be going faster than the other.

Whatever light is (wave or particle) time doesn't affect it in any significant way.

>> No.11700767

>So a photon will travel through space but not travel through time
So from the "perspective" of a photon, all events in the universe happen instantly and simultaneously?

>> No.11700839

photon has no perspective

>> No.11701161

That's why it's in quotes, you autist. Imagine it was a person in a sci fi setting traveling at c.

>> No.11701171

He aged 23 years and experienced every second of those 23 years normally. He experienced more seconds than the people on Earth did.