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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11696323 No.11696323 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any family members or friends that are staunch in their belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories and try to convince you and others with amateurish pseudoscience, half-truths and blatant misinformation?
It's just all so tiresome.

>> No.11696348
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I propagate it because the sooner this virus peaks, the better. Fuck old people and boomers.

>> No.11696362

Yes, me. I don't try to convince anyone however because I don't give a fuck.

>> No.11696616

Why do you believe in misinformation?

>> No.11696621

such as?

>> No.11696623

Are you virologist?
Who are you to say whats true and whats not?
Just like your parents you are fed information,just from another source.
The context provided by the two groups for the same information is different but what makes you think that your claims are better than theirs when you have no way to back it up besides WHO told me so.
Your mother can say dr.Oz told me so and you would both be equally in the right.

WHO were telling everyone no masks for two months and now it is mandatory in my country to wear mask at all times because WHO says so.
Kinda shakes the trust people once had dont you think.

>> No.11696634

WHO dissuaded mask usage because the stock was getting depleted for frontline health workers who desperately needed them.

>> No.11696671

Thats completely irrelevant from multiple standpoints.
The fact is that they insisted people to not wear masks knowing it will put ordinary people at risk of infection.
This was in their minds justified,in my and many other peoples mind it is not.

Note that 99% of the countries that were following WHO enforced this notion blindly which only increased the prices of the masks to absurd amounts and persuaded most people to not buy one because they dont need it in the first place.
If i do the math right for family of 4 each one at least 2 mask in a work day,its quite the sum in second in third world countries where you know most of the money goes to food and rent.
So they dont need it,even WHO says so.

Keep in mind that people are infected in droves during this time frame.
Fast forward two months and now they say we can not only you must buy masks but it is mandatory to wear them for the foreseeable future.
Because you know the infection numbers are so high.

Many people are just trowing their hands in the air and say fuck them and start believing in their own truth.

So who is to blame here?

>> No.11696681
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"Hi Mrs. Smith! I'm sorry to hear your 5 year old died of Covid, but she had asthma and /pol/ told me she deserved to die. But on the plus side, my lawn looks great this year, and check out my spiffy haircut!"

Saving up to a million lives isn't just about saving lives, it's about a future where we can tell ourselves we didn't throw a million people under the bus to make up for the slow federal response.

...but thanks for proving that all frogposters deserve to burn in hell.

>> No.11696686
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>The fact is that they insisted people to not wear masks
Can't speak English.
Opinion discarded.

>> No.11696692

What did she mean by this?

>> No.11696708


>> No.11696709
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Most drunk drivers don't kill anybody.
But we do lose 10,00 Americans a year to people who tell themselves "It's OK, I'm not too drunk to drive".
And now we're losing 10,000 Americans a WEEK to people that tell themselves "It's OK, I don't have the virus".


>> No.11696711

>fast forward 30 years
>fuck frog posters they deserve to die

>> No.11696713

>we do lose *10,000* Americans a year
Oops, forgot a zero

>> No.11696718

>The fact is that they insisted people to not wear masks knowing it will put ordinary people at risk of infection.

"Ordinary" people are less likely to interact with infected people than healthcare workers. This is a basic cost/benefit analysis. Masks save more lives if they reach hospitals first, therefore the general population is advised to not buy up the stock. Yes, it puts ordinary people at risk but it would also put them at risk if healthcare workers are infected and can't treat those that require treatment. If you have shitty options due to limited stock you weigh up the options and decide which one saves more lives.

>Note that 99% of the countries that were following WHO enforced this notion blindly which only increased the prices of the masks to absurd amounts and persuaded most people to not buy one because they dont need it in the first place.

The WHO isn't responsible for price gouging. Privately owned businesses and private actors buy up the stock to upsell them to the general population and hospitals. They would have done this regardless of which recommendation the WHO puts out.

>Fast forward two months and now they say we can not only you must buy masks but it is mandatory to wear them for the foreseeable future.

Because hospitals have been stocked and companies that make these masks cranked up production which can meet the demand.

>> No.11696738

>Masks save more lives if they reach hospitals first, therefore the general population is advised to not buy up the stock.
This is why civilians are wearing homemade masks or surgical masks instead of N95 masks.
Obviously, we'd all be better off if there were enough n95's for the whole human race.
Personally, I wear a Matthew McConaughey-style bandana and coffee-filter mask, even though a dust respirator would protect me more and others less.
Dust respirators filter air coming in, but not out.

>> No.11696744

My point still stands which is that no matter what justification WHO had being right or wrong(is irrelevant nor im trying to argue it) it created a vicious circle of people getting infected and not being protected because authority said so and the market made it so.
Nobody believes authority figures anymore,so they believe in what they want.
You can keep on fighting the good fight but nobody will listen to you.

>> No.11696745
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Anon, you try to convince us that anyone disagreeing with what the government does must be a conspiracy theorist. You're literally a NPC.
>convince you and others with amateurish pseudoscience, half-truths and blatant misinformation
I guess, you could not identify logical fallacies even if they ejaculated on you.

>> No.11696764
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>you try to convince us that anyone disagreeing with what the government does must be a conspiracy theorist.
Not him, but...
The gubberment isn't being overly cautious here.
Georgia and Florida have already been caught lying about the severity of the virus.
The CDC's numbers fall well short of the numbers reported by the states, even for confirmed cases.
The Trump administration has consistently sugar-coated and downplayed the danger to the Americans people.
No matter how right or wrong OP is, no matter how right or wrong you are, there's just no reality in pretending the towing the government line is unrealistically pessimistic.

>> No.11696779

>My point still stands which is that no matter what justification WHO had being right or wrong(is irrelevant nor im trying to argue it) it created a vicious circle of people getting infected

No, the "vicious cycle" of infection would have existed regardless because limited stock means that not everyone gets to have a mask. The general population buying up the stock first isn't going to facilitate nearly enough coverage to stop the spread effectively which means we have to be picky about who gets to have masks first.
Also, you seem to ignore that people bought up the stock anyway, in spite of the WHO's recommendation. To put this dumpster fire on them is just rich.

>> No.11696780

>no reality in pretending the towing THAT towing the government line is unrealistically pessimistic.

>> No.11696782

I just need to vent this.
It sucks. I come back from Uni during lock down and my family must have all turned into crazies while I was away. 5G this, vaccines that. And if you so much as mention Bill Gates it's like he's the antichrist or something.
It saddens me when a good conversation with them is ruined by one trying to convert me, though they've largely given up now except some snide remarks from my brother.
Everytime I walk past the TV they're watching some bizzare video than looks like one of those tv evangelists but it's about how aids isn't real or covid isn't a virus and naturopathy or spiritualism is the answer.
Or they just come up with some 'theory' on the spot with no research and then act like it's now truth.
It's just all so disappointing.

>> No.11696787
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I get your point, but it seems nit-picky in light of how many people have been.are so willing to risk other's lives by downplaying the risk of the virus.
You're right, but you're right about what should almost be a footnote to the whole problem.

>> No.11696794

The guy that replied to you is not the guy you replied to.
Just so you know.
I have nothing more to add to the matter

>> No.11696821
File: 388 KB, 609x621, 9DV1yhn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any family members or friends that are staunch in their belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories
My parents are total Trump-tards. Sad really, and difficult enough during the before-times, but now Mom's posting facebook videos saying it's all a hoax, Dad's still going to the store every fucking week, and they both got on 4 planes just to get on a cruise ship in early March.
Mom can't even get in and out of a restaurant without more tactical issues than fucking d-day, due to her age, and health/mobility issues, but they're so in love with Donald Trump they somehow got to visit fucking Pananama on a cruise, and since they'll never get antibody tests, they'll never know if they brought it into this country (or more likely into Panama), and/or how many people they may have killed.
sad days for America...

>> No.11696835 [DELETED] 

This thread reeks of reddit. Sage.

>> No.11696906

You know this board is called /sci/ for Science & Math, not Pseudoscience & Tea leaf reading

>> No.11696910

Fuck the economically illiterate retard who made the tweet you're posting.

>> No.11696913

Hey man I get this sentiment but some of us are geniuenly afflicted, Im taking care of my younger cousins right now because my uncle was almost killed by this thing, worst part is that he works in a coal mine and was on a ventilator for weeks, they want him back at work so he can't qualify for unemployment

>> No.11696917

Not an argument

>> No.11697050

unfortunately, my boyfriend.

due to quarantine, we haven't seen each other over 2 months. we've been dating for 11.
we're both brazilian, but he has always been a "i hate my own country" and a "united states is the best", always having something to say about how much he loves usa and hates china and brazil.

it's pretty tiring. this one trait of his has made me question how much i actually enjoy being in a relationship with him.

a couple of days ago he came to me to tell about some pseudo proof that there is a huge conspiracy happening, that the chinese government created the virus, that they are spying on the usa gov and that the situation we are in is all part of their plan

and oh boy

mid sentence in and i told him that i was not interested in the matter. did not even tried to argue with him cuz he's such a close minded person and don't ever listens to my point of view over the topics. it has gotten pretty tiring to me, we are almost not talking to each other cuz everything i do or think he has to tell me how much he disagrees with and how much he's not interested
can't even remember the last time we had an actual conversation without him making jokes about my vision over the topic.

so sorry for my rambling, i know its rlly out of the topic. if u've read till here, hope u have a good day, anon

>> No.11697086

which government?

>> No.11697091

The world government of course

>> No.11697199

>i know its rlly out of the topic.
It's not exactly /sci/, but it is what OP was asking about.
It's really hard to hear people you care about falling for such things, _wanting_ to believe such things.
Good luck with the whole situation, Anon.

>> No.11697226

Damn that's brutal bro, hope it works out. We're all in this together.

>> No.11697236

More like a loose group of economic heavy weights with similar goals. They don't govern they just do things in their interests and leave others to pick up the pieces

>> No.11697284


>> No.11697298

thanks, anon
im bi kek

>> No.11697597

Just dump him. Why are you even with a person with whom you don't like talking?

>> No.11698246

>Defends the current shitshow of an economic system

I bet you think the only alternative is muh gulags

>> No.11698255

Based and offshore tax-haven pilled

>> No.11700094

Hydroxychloroquine + zpac is the most effective treatment we have and yet its misinformation

>> No.11700213

What 3rd world country are you from? Don't you have any employment rights?

>> No.11700688

Hahahahaha. lol

>> No.11700740

Double lol

>> No.11700777

Retired boomer here,
I invested in a restaurant ( that I'm not actually competent at) , so I'm losing money because of quarantine. I'm also scared of my own mortality. I'm not exactly fit(62yo, obese, mild diabeetus). I walk a mile a day now, but I figure the best overall strategy for my situation, is complete denial of the pandemic, combined with blaming whichever of the two major polarized political parties, that I don't happen to be a sportsball fan of. And thankfully there's tons of mainstream media directed at my market . I really wish that Trump, or those Trump haters would end this hoax now. Huge over-reaction. Cough

>> No.11701583

Guy who had a bad case of it and now has ongoing health problems, AMA

>> No.11701880 [DELETED] 

weak genes. survival of the fittest. If you've already reproduced then you've only lengthened the road of your genetic dead end.

>> No.11701892

It's simple really, if you believe everything the mainstream media and liberal politicians spew, then you're an absolute fuckwit.

>> No.11701910

It's simple really, if you believe everything the mainstream media and conservative politicians spew, then you're an absolute fuckwit.

>> No.11701911

And you believe every last word of it.
That's why you've been given the "privilege" of disseminating their gospel to the masses, preacher.

>> No.11701919

They're all liberals where I'm from, no matter what they call themselves.

>> No.11701935

No true Scotsman would ever have an opinion I disagree with.

>> No.11701950

Fuck off.
>muh tranny rights, muh mass immigration, muh fuck your cheap rent, muh safety>freedom
>muh strip mining, muh fuck your earth, muh freedom>safety
>Muh economic growth
They get to take turns giving it to us up the ass as long as they don't rock the boat too much.

>> No.11701956

Weird how you don't even know anything about political parties.

>> No.11701973

its painfully obvious you're a devout blue teamer "minority"...
take your pseudo religious group think diahrea and go mutually annihilate a red teamer hick.
The world would be way better off without any of you retarded fuckwits.

>> No.11701996

You seem pretty mad.

>> No.11702351
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>NPCs trying to claw at you because you're right

>> No.11702355
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Funny, I remember when it was /sci/ going "eeeh, COVID ain't that big of a deal" and /pol/ acting like it was an apocalypse. Now the opposite happens, the fuck?

>> No.11702356

If you're ghey, then the kung flu is the last disease you should worry about.

>> No.11703148

Did you believe in it before you got it

>> No.11703204

agree with the government anon, if you dont you are a conspiracy theorist, the government is never wrong and never ever told a lie


>> No.11703262

Several of my friends are very vocal that Bill Gates should be arrested for it. Noone really seems to know why and they end up talking about how windows has a lot of viruses and prefer Macs and all sorts really great stories that don't explain how he caused Coronavirus.

>> No.11703315

it's not a conspiracy. almost all corona hospitalizations and deaths are old people.

>> No.11703532

what ongoing health problems?