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11696143 No.11696143 [Reply] [Original]

Who will win the vaccine race?

>> No.11696152

the plague of athens during the pelepenesian war is a cautionary tale
also the weakening of persia from protracted war followed by plague and the subsequent islamic invasion

>> No.11696179

Hopefully a country that isn't China such that we can fuck them over.

>> No.11696209
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China promised to make the vaccine a global public good regardless of the country or patent holder. Chairman Xi (pbuh) promised this yesterday after GSK announced they may find a cure. This means China will steal it and everyone other than European and American pig dogs will get it free of charge. Because GSK can charge over 50k per vaccine and western governments are cucked enough to pay it, they will go broke while the PRC and the rest of the world flourishes.


>> No.11696223

based social-fascist daddy letting people die for teh butthurt :3 shall be epic

>> No.11696234

He would give them the vaccine GRATIS but european and American patent laws would not allow it.

>> No.11696235

Vaccines are systemic circumcision. They circumcise your very being.

>> No.11696237
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>circumcision bad

>> No.11696241

So, Western empires toil and actually make the cure while communist insectoid governments steal the benefits and take credit. Sounds like typical Winnie "organ harvesting" The Pooh behavior to me. Bravo China, bravo.

>> No.11696246

They wouldn't even make it a public good in their own countries let alone the world.

>> No.11696260


>> No.11696293

Yes there's a brilliant two hour lecture by a jewish guy talking about all the way it fucks people up.

>> No.11696319
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Western countries squandered their potential more than 100 years ago, and we haven't stopped yet. Modern research has indirectly confirmed Rife's work (eg Novocure, structured water) and the effects he was achieving with KHz frequencies are even mentioned in a 1976 Defense Intelligence Agency review.

We could have been a number of things.

>> No.11696322

was he banned from harvard after the lecture? that's how i remember it

>> No.11696328

And by the way, China will use this. They already are. The west was destroyed from within by the type of mindless authoritarian bootlicker who populates this board.

>> No.11696332

>keeping promises
yes rule and contracts are promises

>> No.11696335

>chink saliva vaccine
>hihgly effective

>> No.11696337

Harvard is clamped, vaccinated, and circumcised. Of course such talk would be shunned and ultimately silenced. Most people can't even accept that they're clamped, much less circumcised or vaccinated.

>> No.11696339

Can you read? He literally said he would steal the pharmaceutical company vaccines and make it free for the world.

>> No.11696342


>> No.11696347

for real?

>> No.11696389


>> No.11696418

I know people working at hpc clusters at three universities. They found backdoors in the last weeks.
Officially they said it was cryptominers, but they told me they suspect these binaries to come from secret services spying on coronavirus research. At least most of the data that was identified as having been sent outside came from that kind of research.

>> No.11696503

based chairman Xi hero of the people

>> No.11696533

It's all part of China's plan. First they weaken the rest of the world by infecting everyone, then they profit from the vaccine which will have horrible side effects, further weakening the enemy.

>> No.11696534

wait until they start exploring the hardware backdoors like hidden chips and shit like Talpiot...

>> No.11696537

This has been going on for decades bro. the communists are just gangsters.

>> No.11696586

Yeah I know... Remember the Gemalto hack? I don't see how we could possible validate hardware integrity with such a complex landscape currently.

>> No.11696592


>> No.11696606

What's out there that's opensource hardware wise?
the issue we'd have then is testing whether the boards are compromised?
you almost have to go full military grade testing
then after that you enter the 2nd hand market...supply chains and regulation have been wilfully sabotaged

>> No.11696679

Sinovac actually works, meanwhile Oxford's shitty vaccine doesn't prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection in macaques, and while Moderna's vaccine might work, as it's a new vaccine platform it's unlikely to pass clinical trials for several years

>> No.11696695

Even if it is a clone of US vaccines. Nothing prevents them from being adulterated with "chink saliva".

Chinks sold millions of faulty test kits covid.

>> No.11696714

It's a shame seeing our golden age come to an end, I only hope we can hold back the tide of nihilistic authoritarianism projected by china and elements within our own country.

>> No.11696721

New vaccines use ELECTROPORATION to insert genetic material into your cells, permanently. Anyone who wants that is an absolute MORON.

>> No.11696732

I have my doubts, but I don't really know. My own thinking is that a parallel internet structured like a mesh network needs to be set up when and if the primary, mainstream society begins to really lock down. Millimeter wave point to point comes to mind. Difficult to jam or detect, minimal human and environmental exposure if done correctly. Terahertz frequencies as well.

Though listening to Eric Dollard and others, there may be better methods of information transmission. Don't know about all that yet.

>> No.11696936

>implying any Westerner would take a vaccine developed by the Chinese

>> No.11696948

Have you seen all the laws pushing for mandatory vaccination?

>> No.11696949

Coax cables my dude. Robust, low tech, easy to repair and set up.

>> No.11696957

They'd have to take my guns first. I'm not being forced to take any vaccine. And scientifically, there's no reason to force anyone to do so. Only a little more than half of people need to be immune to prevent serious spread.

>> No.11696984

Fuck off schizo

>> No.11697039
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Still pushing that nonsense, I see.

I'll write you an actual autobiography one of these days if you're so interested. Or you can keep going through the archives and playing detective, stringing together all these posts like a literal schizo (lol). You've made a very interesting character though, and I doubt you actually believe in it.

>> No.11697106

Doesn't seem like a great way to build a mesh network. Having wires running everywhere doesn't fit "difficult to jam or detect" without setting them up in a way that's no longer easy to repair/set up.

Plenty of people are that naive, but the inevitable push of propaganda from American pharma corps will give them second thoughts.

>> No.11697118

>then they profit from the vaccine which will have horrible side effects
I like how antivaxxers are trying so desperately some damage control.
It will be fun to see them utterly obliterated when vaccines will save the world from covid.

>> No.11697120

Won't be worth jamming or detecting, the US is going to break up into smaller states and they'll be too busy trying to have their economies not collapse and avoid war.

>> No.11697125

>physical wires
haha scissors go snip snip

>> No.11697132

What's with all the scientists campaigning against adjuvants in recent years then?

>> No.11697134

Stupid clamptarded momo.

>> No.11697142

Ranked order:

>> No.11697143

You're insane if you think anyone in their right mind is going to cut an unknown wire.
You're an idiot if you think that someone making such a network would just shrug this possibility off, and have their entire network shafted by one or even ten clipped wires.
You're a dumbass if you you think wireless is better because of this, and no big company will gleefully sue some asses for polluting "their" radio space.

>> No.11697145

They're all scizios. Adjuvants are 100% safe and effective, like all vaccine ingredients.

>> No.11697155

This is why you use point to point.

>> No.11697160

you seem to be in denial

>> No.11697168

Oh lost comms, send a technician out so splice it. Oh, bury it or set it on a 20' pole like they've done for hundreds of years. Wireless is great but if you're talking about having you're own co op owned network you want something that anybody can fix. Ease of service is part of the performance of the equipment

>> No.11697181

>You're insane if you think anyone in their right mind is going to cut an unknown wire.
There's a million ways it could happen. It'd probably just get stolen if it has any value. People stealing copper wire get electrocuted even though they know what that wire is for.

>You're an idiot if you think that someone making such a network would just shrug this possibility off, and have their entire network shafted by one or even ten clipped wires.
And then you're running wire all over and have to do a ton of work if you move just a little bit.

>You're a dumbass if you you think wireless is better because of this, and no big company will gleefully sue some asses for polluting "their" radio space.
Wait, is the US totally collapsed in this fantasy or are there still big companies that legally own the entire RF spectrum and functioning courts to sue you in? And these same companies won't mind you running miles of cable across their land (hey, maybe they'd do the snipping because you didn't want to pay their price for it)?

>bury it or set it on a 20' pole
What happened to "easy to repair and set up"? You're going to have equipment on the ends that isn't something just anybody can fix anyways, so why not send things the easy way?

>> No.11697194

>you want something that anybody can fix.
Or something that breaks less often and won't require constant repairs.
The world uses wireless communications for a reason

>> No.11697209

My only criteria is minimal to zero exposure to the environment and operator of the equipment. If that can be achieved, wireless used in the limited scope may be acceptable.

>> No.11697218

Yeah, but you're insane and your criteria are stupid

>> No.11697234

>and operator of the equipment
With wireless this can sort of be achieved through a directional antenna.

>> No.11697241

The virus

>> No.11697277

The best solution for something like this IS wireless, but NOT by making it impossible to detect. That is, itself, impossible with wireless if someone cares enough. Unless it's perfectly directed with a perfect antenna (which doesn't exist), point to point still throws out noise, which can be detected. Narrow band radio has less noise, but only because in ANY situation - as part of how the science of radio waves work - a higher band signal will have less penetration power and range than a wider band with similar modulation and output power.
A physical wire like coax, on the other hand, is naturally grounded. It doesn't even need a foot of dirt on top - it's impossible to detect unless a person physically lays eyes on it. If "undetectable" is the main goal, this is the only feasible way to do it with existing technology.

The actual thing you should be thinking about, in use right now by drug runners and such, is using top-line encryption. Staying cryptographically or technologically ahead of the "competition" is the only way you could get this to work with wireless, and the former doesn't require physically upgrading every radio on the network every time the Man sees a radio he doesn't recognize.

>> No.11697296

There are ways of finding buried structures with ground penetrating radar and other equipment. A long cable would be anomalous and not very durable if it wasn't put in some kind of sealed tube.

>> No.11697317

That's true, I don't mean to say wires don't have advantages, they at very least can't be blocked accidentally by some guy putting up a big metal sign.

If we're giving the adversary that much capability, it likely gets to a point where you have to do something totally outside the box to make it possible to slip by. Either going old-fashioned with sneakernet, or finding a way to piggyback it on something existing ala Google TiSP.

>> No.11697325

Hopefully a university or government lab somewhere and not a corporation

>> No.11697335

The people who don't take the vaccine will win the race. Vaccine immunity is inferior to natural immunity from exposure and should only be reserved for cases where someone is very likely to die or be seriously impaired by the disease.

>> No.11697344

what the fuck does this even mean lol
surely you're baiting

>> No.11697346

>he doesn't get his biannual booster shots to prevent his artificial immunity from waning
I wonder how many people who whine incessantly about how anti-vaxxers are going to kill us all with chicken pox aren't actually still immune to a bunch of things they think they are.

It's a forced meme to make sure you know how good being clamped, cut, and vaccinated is.

>> No.11697353

>A long cable would be anomalous...
It really wouldn't. The searcher would spend a hell of a lot of time looking digging up root systems, assuming they even think there's something to look for in the first place. Even then, if you're dead-set against listening to me about it, consider that a wireless sniffer can and will pick up point to point wireless from the side of the road, while a scanner like the one you're talking about has to be physically over the thing it's trying to find.

>not very durable if it wasn't put in some kind of sealed tube.
They make cable that is specifically made to be thrown into the ground by itself. Direct burial. Lasts about 30 years or so.
To argue the counter point, would you care to guess how quickly wireless radio technology becomes obsolete? especially if you're trying to stay ahead of everyone? I'll give you a hint: a hell of a lot less than 30 years.

It's not about finding a perfect solution, because a perfect solution doesn't exist. If your main and highest objective is being difficult to detect, physical cable is far, FAR better than wireless right now.

>> No.11697366

Depending on what you are vaccinating against and the specifics of the vaccine (efficacy, delivery methodology, potential complications etc.) vaccination can be a very powerful tool for good in the public health sector.

This however does not mean that vaccination is a fool proof strategy that should be used for absolutely everything regardless of process complications and risks. Getting a vaccine for something like polio and boosters for potentially deadly diseases makes quite a lot of sense. The flu vaccine however is an example of ineffective horseshit that often does more harm than good and exists solely as a subsidy for vaccine manufacturers. More than likely the vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 will belong to the second camp and I will not be getting it nor advising anyone else to.

>> No.11697377

>Depending on what you are vaccinating against and the specifics of the vaccine (efficacy, delivery methodology, potential complications etc.) vaccination can be a very powerful tool for good in the public health sector.
Yes, I think there are very few actual "pure anti-vaxxers" who hate all vaccines in all forms. You'll find some literal schizos who deny germ theory or think viruses are good for you or something, but most people just want something safe, effective, and trustworthy, which isn't going to happen under the current system.

>> No.11697379
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>> No.11697775

You will be charged 50k for the vaccine in America and Europe and get it for free in china HAHAHA WHITE MAN BTFO

>> No.11697864

And if half the pop refuses, thats when a law gets brought up.

>> No.11697912

copper or glassfibre?

>> No.11698097

The jews

>> No.11698192

Hopefully someone that isn't a freemason, chink, or jew

>> No.11698536

The prominent covid-19 vaccines are set to use electroporation to insert genetic material into your genome. They'll also likely contain DARPA hydrogel.

>> No.11698576

>hopefully not the people most likely to be able to do it

>> No.11698710

>reading comprehension 0/10
Xi isn't focused on developing it. He is committed to making it a global public good.

>> No.11698720

The virus.

>> No.11698736

The ccp are a bunch of thugs and gangsters.

>> No.11699276

the virus is most likely of the evil one

>> No.11699323

>but they meanies

>> No.11699450

In all situations glass fibre is superior copper, but because copper wire is cheap and 'obsolete' its probably that much less likely to raise suspicion if purchased in large amounts and so may be a better alternative is secrecy is your goal.

>> No.11699456

So when I do it it's "piracy" or "theft" but now it's suddenly making things a "global good" because some rich boomer finally jumped on the bandwagon.