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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11685168 No.11685168 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/. I am a sociology major at a midwestern liberal University and I am doing a study on group dynamics where the subjects of the group consider themselves to be above average intelligence.

Based on my observations here most of the posters appear to be functionally retarded and unable to understand simple concepts and in many instances don't appear to even be able to carry on a conversation at grade school levels of reading comprehension and understanding.

Being from a liberal University I could be expelled for saying the word retarded so I have to specify I mean it in a literal sense. Would any of you like to comment before I write up my findings?

Someone at reddit told me I am supposed to post a frog as my picture with my thread while I am "dabbing on the STEMoids for humanities" so I picked this one, I hope I did it right.

>> No.11685173

Sociology is not a science.

>> No.11685181

While I appreciate your sentiment, we use the scientific method so you are wrong and you are wildly off topic and exhibiting the behavior I pointed out here.

>Based on my observations here most of the posters appear to be functionally retarded and unable to understand simple concepts and in many instances don't appear to even be able to carry on a conversation at grade school levels of reading comprehension and understanding.

Is this what they call the 'tism'?

>> No.11685182
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While everyone here is retarded so is every single person at your liberal university, for the liberal enlightenment is rooted in idealism, which is fiction, pure fantasy.
Idealists are incapable of forming coherent thoughts with out relying on mystical superstitions as a foundation.

>> No.11685187

Are you one of those communist discord trannies I read about here?

>> No.11685212
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Those are also idealists. Much transgenderism is rooted in and justified by idealism. There are some materialist arguments very few actually use them due to materialists not feeling the need to justify such things. Idealists must somehow prove they posses 'girlness of spirit' first. In a way transgenderism is an ultimate individualist expression of idealist 'mind over matter' mysticism where the idea that one is girl precedes and then produces the physical reality of girl.
A materialist rationale would always simply boil down to 'it is more easy for me to do what i want to do if i appear more like a girl'. I would criticize this, for any attempts to improve the current conditions of society are counterrevolutionary, it is a new society, not a fixed up current one, which is desirable. But at least they would be incorrect materialists, who can be argued with, and not irredeemable idealists who will simply invent new fictions on the spot to continue believing their inner inclinations.

>> No.11685216

my childish games rattle on like a tick tock clock

>> No.11685259

I don't know what all of this means, is this some kind of soliloquy?

>> No.11685262
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>> No.11685282

are you clamped by chance?

>> No.11685291
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>> No.11685313

10/10 OP

>> No.11685323
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>sociology major

GET OUT /sci/ is a STEM board

>> No.11685325

sage btw

>> No.11685330



>> No.11685351
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>> No.11685361

omg is that real?

>> No.11685515

Only 10% of the posters on this board have the intelligence to be able to appreciate it

>> No.11685546

>I am a sociology major
stopped reading

>> No.11685614

That's very rude, shall I record this as the official comment from 4chan?

>> No.11685631

well done OP, this is pretty good bait

>> No.11685940

Being a stem retard is better than being a humanities retard.

>> No.11685944

Can I quote hacker 4chan on this? This may get you on right wing watch, ADL and SPLC for hate speech

>> No.11685965

Based sociologist retard

>> No.11685971

You’re being too overt bro, there’s nothing right wing about that. Wait to get more pertinent replies

>> No.11686017

nah they are too stupid to notice read the thread

>> No.11686250
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>I could be expelled for saying the word retarded

>> No.11686275

same lmao

>> No.11686305

your observations are subjective and the concepts you "observe" people to be "unable to understand" are probably factually wrong like gender theory and claiming race doesn't exist.

I'm sure your communist professor will give you a great grade on your "study" claiming to "prove" that people who disagree with your liberal feefees are stupid meanieheads, and it will be cited many times by your peers to support numerous preconceived conclusions.

But hey you cited research! That means it's Scientific! Science proves I'm right!

>> No.11686311

If you remotely understand evolution then you'll know that race is a construct and not a real thing, just like species are

>> No.11686336

Haven’t you heard? Math is racist.

>> No.11686348

>the subjects of the group consider themselves to be above average intelligence
Oh you mean sociology students?
Sociology is literally the lowest tier post-secondary education available. It's for the retarded offspring of rich socialites to get an easy degree so they can feel smart bolster their self-confidence.

>> No.11686617

>species aren’t real
Don’t drop the fishing pole nigga

>> No.11686633
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This is so fucking bait it's painful. You don't even deserve a (You). If you're a sociologist, there's no way you'd be using an insensitive term like "retarded". Spread the word to end the word, faggot. Your ilk started that campaign in the first place.

>> No.11687296


>> No.11687365
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If we wanted to include more media with glaringly obvious statistical errors and erroneous assumptions that cause, for example, regression towards the mean, then /sci/ would have already included your field of study.

>> No.11687821

wrong. by any measure /sci/ is objectively retarded as this thread shows

>> No.11687844

I use sage in my turkey chili

>> No.11688115

I can't believe you withheld that you you greedy little motherfucker. Cruel faggots like you are why all the boards think /sci/ is autistic retards

>> No.11688126

well done, I laughed internally