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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11684662 No.11684662[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The whole idea of Righteousness is based on an agreement that there is a Higher power that condemns evil. But in modern times, where the existence of such a power is disputed. How can Man fight against evil if he is powerless?

>> No.11684665

Your definition of God is retarded and you should feel bad.

>> No.11684670

Which god?

>> No.11684674

/lit/ told you to fuck off huh

>> No.11684677

Everything comes from God, including evil. But God is good. Therefore, evil is good.

>> No.11684680

He probably means the one which goes by the names Yahweh/God/Allah.

>> No.11684682

The answer is you/mankind. Take control of your life and don’t let others decide it for you.

>> No.11684685

What's your definition of God then, retard?

>> No.11684688

Not really, /lit/ engages in sophistry when it comes to religion. I've gotten better answers at /sci/ than /lit/.

>> No.11684700

>If God doesn't exist

God isn't some higher power that only cares about you, God is everything including you and your enemies.

>> No.11684710

Interesting take. So, I assume you mean morality is man made concept?

>> No.11684716

>morality is man made concept?

>> No.11684725

Atheists crack up every single time they say this. They can't get enough of it. It's the equivalent of "checkmate" but entirely sincere.

>> No.11684739

so like the laws of physics?

awesome how god always manages to do things in the precise manner so that it looks like she isn't needed

>> No.11684741

Obviously not, several animals show simple versions of it too.

>> No.11684746
File: 57 KB, 552x400, letshaveaparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If God doesn't exist, who will protect the weak from evil?

>> No.11684747

God is not a sky wizard, god is a word to refer to the entirety of reality in the deepest philosophical way in a way that the words "physics" "universe" describe part but not the whole of.

The point really is that God aka reality, rewards good deeds. This is built into the nature of existence. Good deeds are those which serve continued existence. Evil deeds are ultimate destructive.

Thats all it comes down to. Good deeds always in some way (even if the deed itself is destructive at the time in some way) build to a greater world in the future. While bad deeds always in some way tend towards destruction. Ultimately bad deeds can consume the universe making hell a reality, or good deeds can make heaven a reality (ultimately achieved with technology)

The people who wrote the bible were philosophers who tried and succeeded at taking their deepest understanding of reality and translating into fantastical stories which if taken literally would still result in a tendancy toward better acts than if not believing those stories.

>> No.11684753

>wall-of-text schizo

>> No.11684761

>fedora shit
Not science nor math. >>>/trash/

>> No.11684767

just another religion

>> No.11684773


>> No.11684783

there are two fucking boards for you religious faggots to argue about whose bible is better. fuck off

>> No.11684786

>not realizing this is a false flag thread
still not science nor math

>> No.11684809

>not realizing this is a false flag thread
It isn't.

>> No.11684829

fart come from ass. shit come out. therefore fart is shit.

>> No.11684867

Which god?

>> No.11684873
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t. buttshattered godtard
I like to remind godtards that their favourite god is one of thousands, and comes with exactly the same amount of supporting evidence as the thousands of other gods that they know are fake. Clearly, this troubles you. As it should.

>> No.11684896

Nobody. Which is why kids get beaten and raped. Or tortured. Same with women, pets, and everything else you could fuck up. Take a look at what the brasilian and mexican rekt vids show. You think god fights evil? God exists? Either no god or two devils, grow up. Retard. We have no justice

>> No.11684915

our inner soul. for most people it's good. for those not enlightened and driven purely by pleasure and pain (the overwhelming majority of people), it punishes after bad deeds and rewards after good ones. try it, do something inherently good and you'll be happy. if you're not happy, what you did wasn't truly good.

>> No.11684929

These gods are real though.

>> No.11684930

but they're evil.

>> No.11684931
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