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11682777 No.11682777 [Reply] [Original]

How are humans (and other related organisms) able to metabolize decent quantities of ethanol, but they can't do the same with methanol or propanol without immediately manifest toxic effects? Why do we have a set of enzymes that deal with ethanol in sufficient quantities that we can get drunk fairly often without the consequences of poisoning?

I know there are long term health effects as a consequence of alcoholism. But I don't know why there are so few (if any) enzymes for breaking down similar straight-chain alcohols, and if you do consume it in quantities of more than a mL or two, you can go blind or be instantly poisoned otherwise like with methanol.

>> No.11682814 [DELETED] 
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Checked. Not an extremely shitty thread, for once. Congratulations. Here OP, have a Himmler. Enjoy.

>> No.11682818

iirc methanol ethanol and propanol are broken down by same enzymes, methanol becomes formic acid after 2 transformations, before that it acts the same as ethanol.
propanol isn't going to kill you or make you go blind unless you drink a shitton.
ethanol is basically an antidote for methanol and hypothetically we evolved to consume alcohol from rotting fruit which is chiefly ethanol+small amounts of methanol I guess

>> No.11682824

I've heard about methanol becoming formic acid, which is the chemical that causes blindness from methanol poisoning. Are all alcohols broken down by alcohol dehydrogenase then? I figured that was just used to break down ethanol, but I guess it could work for any straight-chain alcohol assuming it wasn't humongous.

>> No.11682839

oh yeah and ethanol works as an antidote to methanol by taking priority to be broken down by enzymes so you end up pissing methanol away eventually because enzymes are busy breaking down ethanol. or maybe it's isopropyl that you piss away, and you need haemodialysis to get rid of methanol, or maybe you piss away both, don't remember. either way it's the same enzymes different results.

>> No.11682843

yeah I think it works for everything

>> No.11682972

i want t o kiss her belly

>> No.11682987
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I want to give her a piggyback ride!

>> No.11682993

I read somewhere that the evolution of alcohol dehydrogenase is the reason our proto primate ancestors were able to come down from the trees and live on the ground eating fermenting fruits without dying or getting eaten

>> No.11683011

Now that you mention that, I think I've heard that too! So I guess there was selective pressure towards a good, powerful alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme so that these proto-primates could eat the fermented fruit.

>> No.11683036

it's apparently one gene region we share with all the great apes.

>> No.11683054

So we can get drunk with chimp bros?

>> No.11683252
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Methanol first metabolizes to formaldehyde, which is quite toxic and causes optical nerve (blindness) and kidney damage. Then to formic acid.

Ethanol first metabolizes to acetaldehyde (found in natural foods like coffee and bread. Also produced by plants). Acetaldehyde is carcinogenic, a contributing cause of hangovers, and irritating to the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, throat, and respiratory tract. Nausea, headaches, and vomiting are common symptoms of excessive consumption. Then to ethanoic acid (acetic acid, when dilute is vinegar).

Propanol first metabolizes to propionaldehyde (propanal), then to propanioc acid. Propanol is said to be 2-4x more potent than ethanol. Not sure on the toxicity of propanal in the body, but if it's anything like acetaldehyde containing vodka (think botanically infused mint vodka) will leave your throat severely irradiated and sore. The hangover is really bad.

>> No.11683294
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>will leave your throat severely irradiated and sore
What a fun typo.

>> No.11683349
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>meant to say irritated


>> No.11683731

Good post, orgobro! Would you say that the fact humans can get drunk off ethanol is a pleasant side effect because of acetaldehyde and acetic acid's lack of toxicity compared to the other metabolic intermediates produced by breaking down other alcohols?

And then the fact that, you know, ethanol occurs much more readily in nature than methanol or propanol leading to easy procurement through fermentation.