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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 105 KB, 703x768, rvr3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11680166 No.11680166 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit... I'm saving this one for later
any other pro-science arguments?

>> No.11680177

Do you want chips with that?

>> No.11680178

The red commenter is right but any shitty faggot who writes like
>umm, yes?

Or any other faggoty shit like that should be beaten senseless

>> No.11680180

Actually that doesn't quite work since you americans call them fries.

>> No.11680226
File: 13 KB, 218x231, FB_IMG_1589663050318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are the same brain dead NPCs that were telling us mask don't work about 3 weeks ago

>> No.11680249

>pro-science arguments
That's not a pro-science argument; what sort of argument would such a thing even be a rebuttal to? That entire thing is "Billion is a big number, scientists, brain power is wasted on memorizing trying-to-be-creative insults, what is actually thinking, let me capitalize random words, SCIENCE, I'm stupid enough to post this here thinking it would be as well-received as on reddit: the post
Kill yourself, idiot.

>> No.11680306

protip: masks only work if you're infected and want to reduce chance of infecting others, it doesn't work if the healthy person is using but the diseased retard isn't

>> No.11680358

t. NPC

>> No.11680401
File: 92 KB, 596x1008, 1575881847153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. this isn't pro science, this is appeal to authority.
>I just... I can't anymore with you
>petulant child
>do the easiset thing in the world
>and pleasedon't respond
>breathing dunning-kruger graph

>> No.11680404
File: 313 KB, 918x1163, 1584812971876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

npc midwits love dunning-kruger so so so much

>> No.11680407

>appeal to authority fallacy

Lol fuck off

>> No.11680412

>muh logical fallacy
Go do your calc homework

>> No.11680427

no, im not saying he used a logical fallacy, im saying that this isn't a pro-science argument, its a pro-authority argument. i'm also not saying that the two are necessarily opposed, just that OP misclassified the image. science isn't about listening to anyone. science in its purest form does not care about power, authority, or politics at all. the image is all about politics, however.

>> No.11680436

i have considered the chip meme
i will be honest with you m8 after doing some thinkings i realized i will probably just accept the chip if the benefits were high enough
and the chip will probably come with benefits that's how they got us to wear tracking devices 24/7 they put them in smartphones

just imagine the temptation some cool AI personal assistant that responds to telepathic voice commands and enhances your competency in everything how will you refuse
i'm telling you i will not refuse even though i know i shuldn't i just won't be able resist the coolness i know my own nature

>> No.11680441

And the funny thing is that Dunning Kruger isn’t even a real thing. The only people who believe it are Anglx donkeys from Burgerland or people who spend too much time on the internet

>> No.11680457

>not a real effect
How so?

>> No.11680475

It's always better to question everything that's being done to a certain extent. Blindly following and trusting everything the government does is exactly what Snowden wanted avoid.

>> No.11680519

>Blindly following and trusting everything the government does
>everything the government does
So wearing a mask (which is known to work against the spread of pathogens) is tantamount to committing a massacre in a village in Vietnam because you were just following orders? This is the most retarded argument, it boils down to "if you wear mask, u sheep". You fail to realize that if you were so 'woke' and so dangerous, you'd be feigning benignity by wearing the mask, since it's so easy to do. So why don't you raise your independent thinker level and wear the mask? Thank me later fol leveling you up.

>> No.11680530

Choosing not to wear a mask is a choice that I make to signal that not all people are sheep and that other free-thinkers are not alone.

>> No.11680587

>if you wear mask, u sheep

>> No.11680592 [DELETED] 

>And the funny thing is that Dunning Kruger isn’t even a real thing.

Dunning Kruger is VERY real if you wish to read this post I can explain. I'll try to keep it as brief as possible.

The essence of Dunning Kruger is:
>you don't know what you don't know.
If you're new to a subject you don't know the depth of the subject and all that's involved. At first glance you may think you know maybe 50% of all the material needed to understand the subject/topic, and thus you consider yourself pretty smart. But....
>you don't know what you don't know.
As you learn more about the subject, you learn exactly how deep it goes. The more you learn the more you realize how deep it is. At some point you realized you only really know 5% of a subject. At this point people will be reluctant to talk about the subject cause they are aware of how much they don't know. This is called the peak of Mt Stupid. It's actually a very good place to be and not an insult at all.

>> No.11680596

You are a special snowflake I bet nobody has ever had this idea before.

>> No.11680599

I'm not trying to be special, I hope many other people think just like me. You are not a scientist and you are not special for trying to be rational and bluepilled.

>> No.11680604

>trying to be rational
At least I'm not trying to be irrational.

>> No.11680613

Which makes you a fag.

>> No.11680614

You're being "rational" by accepting whatever governments and agencies tell you, when they have historically shown that they do not have your best interests in mind.

>> No.11680621

You don't know what I was talking about.

>> No.11680624

some social experiments for you:
go out wearing a mask
go out not wearing a mask
go out wearing a trump cap

>> No.11680633

It's not the CIA telling everyone to wear masks.

>> No.11680637

>holy shit... I'm saving this one for later
>any other pro-science arguments?

Just respond that the Trump administration makes budgets for the CDC and how Trump spends billions on this and that so you should listen to him too.

>> No.11680711

>Government=Always bad
You're a moron disguising himself as an informed individual. You think not wearing a mask is a symbol of an informed opinion but you're so oblivious to what you're actually doing. You are only putting innocent people and yourself in danger.

>> No.11680717

This particular group of "scientists" have been wrong many times. The absolute state of idiots

>> No.11680739
File: 33 KB, 850x400, 7227c6c5d59ccf72fa5fe24962b00ac7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these credentialism-touting brainlet npcs are the same morons who trusted these "experts" at the start of this who said "just flu bro".

wrong, masks work both ways. masks reduce probability of infection for the wearer as well hence why they are given to healthy health professionals.

>> No.11680780

Explain yourself.

>> No.11680832

>Masks work both ways
Do you know how filtration works?

>> No.11680927

Nah, it just makes you look fuckin' dumb.

>> No.11680932

yes, hence why i said it. n95 pores may be larger than the virus itself but acts like a small barrier where viral particles get caught. but really its biggest effect is trapping aerosols before they can go up the nose. even since water is wetting fluid there is material it will disperse on more preferably than going up nose. so yes all in all it does reduce probability for the wearer getting infected. ofc if you want real protection you go with p100 for something like organic vapor.

>> No.11680937

appeal to authority logical fallacy
>things I agree with are pro-science
the board IQ is collectively lowered by your presence here

>> No.11680949

Occam's Razor indicates Dunning Kruger

>> No.11680984

>appeal to authority fallacy
The fallacy is actually "appeal to invalid authority".

>> No.11680987

Yeah you're right.
It's actually appeal to trust.

>> No.11680992

Oh wait no you're not LOL

>> No.11680995

red is naive and overly emotional, lost the argument because blue is already entrenched. Arguing with entrenched people is pointless. Instead of arguing with them you should just ignore them or approach them from a friendly angle, genuinely ask them about their beliefs, try to get them to think about why they believe what they do, and even then you can't change their mind for them. Also, who has time to argue with people like that, you'd go insane.

>> No.11680998

unless you enjoy fishing for retards... or (You)s

>> No.11681002

Yep, the wet dream of the CIA, NSA, and FBI - a surveillance device in every American home, and they best part is the public willingly paid for it. Why? The benefits are just too damn good, and now that everyone has one you can't function in society without it, then BOOM, slip in those surveillance capabilities. Then BOOM oh look the FBI can search anyones browser history without a warrant now. Its a losing battle.

>> No.11681015
File: 32 KB, 400x542, swedish person stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an example, should we listen to the CDC when they told us not to wear face masks, or when they changed their mind and told us to wear them?

Scientist /= politicised bureaucrat.

Next you will be telling us to listen to the "scientists" at the WHO who killed thousands by opposing flight bans from affected countries. Because rassism.

Don't be a tard OP.

>> No.11681024

>implying red is not entrenched

>> No.11681030

I didn't mean to imply that, they're both entrenched. your best bet is to choose to believe what benefits you and your inner sphere. Human belief is rarely rooted in truth anyway - the human brain did not evolve to be a truth finding engine, it is a survival engine, and the truth of reality is often distorted, or conveniently truncated for the benefit of the human's survival.

>> No.11681277

>government agency press release says A
>therefore I am now going to instinctively start leaning towards not A
Why are Americans like this? This is just appeal to authority with a 'not' inserted.

>> No.11681315

>just wear a mask
few months ago they said not to

>> No.11681355

>should we listen to the CDC when they told us not to wear face masks, or when they changed their mind and told us to wear them?
Both are right. Are you questioning the CDC?

>> No.11681407
File: 460 KB, 1024x963, CDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11681410

>cutting the surface area a virus particle could enter me from by a massive fraction doesn't work

>> No.11681427

Most of this board is red. how do you argue with them without going insane? Troll the stupid, overly emotional ones for epic lolz and don't care what they think, you aren't trying to convince them, they are idiots you wont convince them of anything all they do is screech /pol/ and /x/ and schizo and such. You are arguing for lurkers, they are who are trying to convince

>> No.11681473

Trump isn't a scientist so why would we actually appeal to his authority on this

>> No.11681515

They also work by making others less scared of you. Wearing masks is a gesture of respect, even if you're not infected.

>> No.11681523

Whenever somebody tells you that religion is dying in the west, just remember that it's only metamorphosing.
Institutions = church.
Scientists = priests.
Billionaires who bankroll it all = popes.
Now eat the bugs.

>> No.11681533

I'm a scientist and nobody asks me for moral advice or confesses their wrongdoings to me. your analogy is bullshit

>> No.11681548

Because society thinks it has moved past such "archaic" notions.
Now please, eat the bugs, don't make a scene.

>> No.11681632

in other words, scientists are just like priests - except for all of the aspects of what a priest does as part of their job. got it

>> No.11681653

whats your academical background?

>> No.11681657

Thank you for eating at McBugs™. We hope you enjoy your meal!

>> No.11681665

Why would I use a mask? My country's officials and WHO had been saying for months that masks are useless and actually contribute to the spread of the virus.

>> No.11681679

This, they love to misuse Occam's razor too. Basically their thought process is along the lines of
>here are two things that confirm my bias that I am right and everyone else is stupid. I can bring them up any time and instantly win an argument.

Midwits love this kind of shit

>> No.11681735

I don't think that's even a midwit. It's more like a hollowed out automaton.

>> No.11681791


Can't wait

>> No.11682094

Not gonna lie, I personally don't trust beurocratic institutions as I would a single of a few individuals. I've done work in the NHS and the sheer incompetence and lies of management lead me to be distrusting of larger organisations. However I know for a fact they always underplay issues I even know they've been hiding the deaths of medical personal to covid especially early on and they also change the PPE policy based on what they have in stock, on a bad day you might have to treat a covid patient with no goggles even though they are an aerosol hazard and all that bullshit.

>> No.11682121
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy shit... I'm saving this one for later

>> No.11682457

back to europe where we belong

>> No.11682556

You can’t argue with con$ervatards. Ostracize them in KZ camps and Let them die praying to their zombie Jew behind barbed wire where they belong. It’s better for us as a species and they can no longer taint our lives or our future with their ignorant fuckery.

>> No.11682587

is this some kind of forced meme milhouse-posting bullshit?

>> No.11682596

If the bugs were made into tasty protein then fuck, I'd eat them

>> No.11682671


suck it tranny

>> No.11682691
File: 57 KB, 714x400, pjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epiccc SJW takedown. don't forget to check my fortnite stream on twitch tonight gamerz. no feminists allowed

>> No.11682719
File: 7 KB, 273x184, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le ebic cringe lord. I rarely witness cringe to these levels

>> No.11682770

i have been pwned by le meme frog XD

>> No.11682832

But Fauci basically said: we don`t know and China didn`t allow experts at least until feb 28 (their channel had like 20k views lmao).
So...if the CDC has no info you have to do your own "research" using the videos and your knowledge.
>ehm so...it`s a highly contagious SARS-MERS and it lives in your lungs just like Koch and pneumonia right? but the WHO said that i shouldn`t use a mask and the media says that i shouldn`t buy toilet paper, what do?

>> No.11682884

The guy blocked out in red is right. I think you're on the wrong board

>> No.11682925
File: 735 KB, 1600x1320, EUvf_SmUUAEMRiR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i mindlessly believe whatever the experts say
>thinks they belong on /sci/

>> No.11682986

The difference between liberal news and conservative news is that liberal news admits when they were wrong and changes their opinion once they find out they were retards, while conservative news deflects all blame and criticism and remains retarded forever.

>> No.11682992

>liberal news admits when they were wrong
lmao nope. they don't. you're living in a fantasy if you believe that. they are no different than conservative.

>> No.11682999

>changes their opinion once they find out they were retards
Thats the most reddit thing one can do

>> No.11683077

Sounds like a b8ing troll post my dudes, nobody is retarded enough to overact that badly in the face of criticising the government

>> No.11683086


How the fuck does that make sense?

>Be diseased
>Put on mask
>Virus can no longer go through filter
>Don't infect people

But at the same time

>Be healthy and uninfected
>Put on mask
>Virus is somehow able to pass through filter and infect me
>But now that I am infected, virus can no longer pass through filter

The whole reason scientists said this shit is because there was a SHORTAGE of proper masks. And if they had have just said outright, from the get-go, that the reason they don't want us wearing masks, or that only infected should be wearing masks, is because we don't have enough -- that would have made them sound so much more credible. But instead, they said this bullshit to try and hide the fact that they didn't have enough masks to go around, and then when they went back on their recommendation it made them look bad. And this is especially so in the eyes of conservatives or the science-illiterate. These people don't understand how science works and that science is constantly changing its recommendations. So when they see a change in protocol, they think that the "science is wrong" and that they can't be trusted.

When dealing with a stupid population, you have to get it right the first time unfortunately.

>> No.11683097

>how do you argue with them without going insane?

You don't. You'll go insane or just completely irate all the time. Your blood pressure will constantly be high and you'll just feel mentally unwell. There's no point in trying to reason with people that are so far gone. They will NEVER come to your side and will always rationalize their viewpoint. Arguing with them will just make you angry and lead you no where. In fact, you're more likely to be swayed than they are.

It's best to just ignore them as best as you can.

>> No.11683104 [DELETED] 

>The whole reason scientists said this shit is because there was a SHORTAGE of proper masks.
if everyone was wearing masks at start there wouldn't have been need for so much ppe gear in hospitals. so hard to say who is dumber, the masses or health officials.
>These people don't understand how science works and that science is constantly changing its recommendations.
good science goes from a position of not knowing to knowing. not knowing one thing then its opposite. the masses as dumb as they may be are right to be skeptical of these hacks.

>> No.11683108

>The whole reason scientists said this shit is because there was a SHORTAGE of proper masks.
if everyone was wearing masks at start there wouldn't have been need for so much ppe gear in hospitals. so hard to say who is dumber, the masses or health officials.
>These people don't understand how science works and that science is constantly changing its recommendations.
good science goes from a position of not knowing to knowing. not claiming one thing then its opposite. the masses as dumb as they may be are right to be skeptical of these hacks.

>> No.11683121

It mostly spreads with droplets, the maks stops them at the mask. If you are infected they stop at your own mouth hence being unable to fly to other people, if you aren't they still stop at your mouth infecting you. It's not rocket science.

>> No.11683130

wearing a surgical mask still reduces the amount of droplet hitting your mouth from infecteds. that mask will soak up most of the droplets. while 1 virion is all that's needed to cause infection, the fewer virions you are exposed to the lower the probability of infection. so no, masks do protect the wearer from infection as well, it's just not 100% unless you got p100 carts on a full face mask with tychem coveralls like me.

>> No.11683134

Most arguing is pointless these days. The internet has enabled people with any belief to create a safe space for groupthink, and no one cares about truth when they can feel good instead.

>> No.11683137

yes and then your breath atomizes them into your lungs. It's not rocket science.

>> No.11683168

All the information that we have available today, and critical thinking is as rare as ever.
It's excusable as a heuristic, but sadly even most specialists do not have the insight to form opinions that are independent of the narrative and independent of authority.
Liberals and conservatives are mostly lemmings. It's a great time to manipulate. I wish I was more into that. I am attracted to things that depend upon truth, and reality, and reward correctness while punishing falsehood. A lot more difficult, and overall less rewarding then manipulating lemmings across a polarized dynamic, but it is insulating.

>> No.11683170

>if you aren't they still stop at your mouth infecting you. It's not rocket science.

How did the droplets get through my mask to hit my mouth?

>> No.11683178

stop pretending to be retarded please.

>> No.11683183

Dare I say, based

>> No.11683290

Am I supposed to trust some government agency above the conclusions of papers published in nature and in annals of internal medicine? THis sounds realy anti-science to me.

>> No.11683297

the r*dditspeak is cringe

>> No.11683309

Non-rated masks protect others.
Rated N95 or better masks protect you as well. If the mask has a vent then the protection to others is about as good as a non-rated mask. If the rated mask has no vent then the protection to others is superior.

>> No.11683438

Fick's law of diffusion
Wearing mask you breath your own CO2 and blood acidifies (-HCO3)

Don't wear maks faggots, this virus is not dangerous

>> No.11684942

>The difference between liberal news and conservative news is that liberal news admits when they were wrong and changes their opinion
Are there really people this stupid on this website? Stupid question I know

>> No.11684947
File: 136 KB, 331x449, kshatriya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are Americans like this?
Because we are smarter than the rest of the world which is why we never gave up our guns you fucking cuck. Your ass would be living in a commie shithole right this second if the US wasn't armed to the teeth and telling every bootlicking cuck of a country and politician to suck our shit

>> No.11684954

ok kid

>> No.11684957
File: 175 KB, 460x460, akshually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok kid

>> No.11684969

No it's the CCP, (ones that don't even work they sold your stupid ass at that) you think this is better apparently which shows the extent of your stupidity


>> No.11685001

appeal to authority fallacy

>> No.11685012
File: 167 KB, 711x732, federalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only brainwashed libtards believe in "science"

>> No.11685033
File: 2.67 MB, 414x322, joker4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the lie?

Pro top: you are too stupid to understand what that tweet even means

>> No.11686027

fallacy fallacy

>> No.11686054

i know masks don't work but I still wear it as part of this great social security theater

>> No.11686066

6.6 billion budget.
These satanist kikes literally can't help themselves KEK

>> No.11686073
File: 12 KB, 182x233, 1304565721196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, spooky digits.

>> No.11686097

This "science is the new religion" argument is so fucking depressing. The idea that concepts like "proof" or "truth" are even in the conversation demonstrate a flawed understanding on a fundamental level.
I don't know how someone can develop as a human being to the point where they're capable of holding a conversation without first being confronted with the idea that uncertainty is the only fact and we must navigate through it on assumption and that pointing this out isn't a novel or revolutionary way to characterize the scientific method. This isn't "faith" it's just swallowing the lump and getting on with your life because elsewhere there's nothing but paralysis.

>> No.11686100

cant you just say that about literally any "fact based" argument?

>> No.11686127

Spouting facts alone does nothing if you cannot explain WHY they're right.

pro tip: disagreeing with me proves me right

>> No.11686171

well youre right about getting ones own facts straight but thats what I was already thinking.
Bringing facts up usually means you understand them too in a healthy debate and I thought you meant even that would be wrong.
But if you mean people just throwing facts they dont get but mean "they are right" I guess you're right about that, sry for wrong misinterpretation

>> No.11686205
File: 240 KB, 320x320, 1506795607222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't most here preach this virus will be hardcore a few months ago when the WHO and authority said it's "just da flu duh" and they had it under control? And now its a nothingburger because government say its real shit?
this all just seems like a pro-authority vs anti-authority circlejerk

>> No.11686220

Arguing with most people (usually women) goes like this:
-You're wrong because fact X
-Tell me how I'm wrong about Fact X
-Expert X says Fact X is right, don't you believe in Expert X?
-How does Expert X disprove me?
-ugh I can't believe you don't believe in Expert X and Fact X
-I just want to know how I'm wrong about Fact X
-omg why are you arguing with me!? [resorts to ad-hom]

it's all so tiresome

>> No.11686224

you were sent to america for a reason, dont come back.

>> No.11686226

hmm since I'm on 4chan I should have green texted this for ease of reading...

>> No.11686239

you are a stupid disease, so wear your fucking mask so i dont catch it

>> No.11686397

>scientists lied that time
>no of course they're not lying this time why would you think that?
fuck off with this ad hoc bullshit

>> No.11686750

this. I don't know where this stupid misconception comes from that masks don't protect you. N95 masks, FFP3 masks, etc., all protect you and not just the others.

>> No.11686792
File: 48 KB, 570x537, 1584669762992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Also if you wear a mask you're bad because healthcare workers need those to not get sick.

>> No.11686801

>just imagine the temptation some cool AI personal assistant that responds to telepathic voice commands and enhances your competency in everything
Anon, your smartphone is capable of 75% of that, but do you actually feel any smarter, more competent, etc.?

>> No.11686805

this post brought to you buy SchizoAI v0.89 (Nightly Release)

>> No.11686811
