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File: 1.68 MB, 1179x897, R K SELECTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11676833 No.11676833 [Reply] [Original]

is it true that an average person eats several spiders in sleep by accident during his/her lifetime?

>> No.11676863


>> No.11676886

I'm not an average person. I eat a minimum of 50 spiders each time I sleep.

>> No.11676902
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>> No.11676970

How would you even go about determining this.

>> No.11677068

Film enough people sleeping to work up a representative sample I guess.

>> No.11677080

What is this pile of hot garbage? Do they even know what r and k selection means?

God this is triggering me so bad. Just, no dude. That's not how any of that works.

>> No.11677100


>> No.11677137


>> No.11677200

That is absolute garbage. The dude starts off with a false premise of what r and k selection is. R is rate of growth, K is carrying capacity. He immediately starts talking all this shit about r type strategies avoiding competition, low in group loyalty, etc. etc. Except that is bullshit.

Ants and bees have the highest in group loyalty of almost any creature in the animal kingdom, they are both r-type. The avoiding competition point is especially irksome as r type generally results in much greater competition as there are now far more creatures trying to survive on the same resources. That's why most r-type babies die, because they can't out compete their litter mates. While in k-type species they are quite literally competition averse as the parents invest heavily in a small number of offspring and if they competed such that one died they would lose a lot of resources.

Also he tries to separate them into predator and prey species. Shit dude, didn't know fucking crocodiles and octopi are prey species bro.

The goal of a k species is to invest so heavily your child can survive whatever. The goal of r is to have so many kids that it doesn't matter if a bunch die, because some will statistically survive.

The dude you linked literally got a degree in history and now has an ego large enough that he thinks he is an authority on biology. He learned about one subject, cherry picked some sources, and then decided this is how all of politics works.

>> No.11677225

Anon, it's a bait image, it's meant to be wrong to "trigger" you, are you new?

>> No.11677266

No dude, watch the video he linked. There is a large number of people that legit believe this, the comments are retarded as fuck.

It's literally 3 hour over three videos for a dude with a masters in history to say that because there is a super simplistic model used to describe some very entry level population changes in species that liberals are cowardly cucked insects and conservatives are proud monogamous wolves.

>> No.11677293

>liberals are cowardly cucked insects and conservatives are proud monogamous wolves.
incredibly accurate description tbf.

>> No.11677309

I don't give a fuck what someones bias wants them to believe about a broad group of people. They butchered the entire concept of what r and k group species are for his stupid politics.

He got people to believe this shit by playing into confirmation bias: "Oh yeah. Liberals totally are weak and puny and I'm super cool. I don't really get the science behind this, but he seems to get it pretty well. I mean, he must, otherwise there wouldn't be 3 hours of sucking republican dick, right?"

>> No.11677324
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>> No.11677550
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>> No.11677605

>Rabbits: fucking everywhere
>Wolves: nearly extinct

>> No.11677617

>Liberals totally are weak and puny
This is usually true.

>> No.11677623

Rabbits remain as food.
Wolves were domesticated into beloved companions. This is why you should support Israel.

>> No.11677712


>> No.11677720
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>God this is triggering me so bad. Just, no dude. That's not how any of that works.

>> No.11677727
File: 189 KB, 375x250, bueno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and soi cuck pilled

>> No.11677759

stfu autistic motherfucker obviously it doesn't apply across the board to every single species. People expect you not to be a spergy autist where literally every little detail has to be explained to you or you spaz the fuck out because you don't have lateral thinking capability. Only spastic autists like you lack this capability

>> No.11678031

collectivist / individualist
risk avoidance / risk seeking
expels competitors / feels bored without competing
almost unconditional ingroup cooperation / may see avoiding competing as a crime
avoids harming others / seeks to exploit others
understands that revenge comes after doing harm / confuses revenge with envy
feels shame / proudly shameless, feels only bound only by the rules that suit him
cooperates for mutual support, defence secondary / cooperates against common enemies; mutual support shameful
children never separated from their family / children expeled upon maturity
morality based on seeking harmony / morality based on seeking victory
boldness unwelcome and immature / boldnes desirable

I don't know, but I see all the signs of r-selection on the right. It's obviously collectivists who seek stability, while individualism is a high risk, high reward strategy.

>> No.11678104

This /sci/ faggot, this is the place to bitch about people inaccurately displaying scientific theories.

The problem is none of those traits are even somewhat exclusive to either r or k species.

Collectivist (ant) / individualist (spider) both r type
in-group cooperation (wolves) / competitive (asocial cats) both k type
children never separate (Meerkats) / children expelled (sunfish) both r type

None of these traits are selected for or against by k and r selection. The dude literally made a 3 hour video jacking off conservatives by talking about how great they are and is trying to pass it off as science under the guise of a very basic form of modeling reproductive strategies.

This is the definition:
The two evolutionary "strategies" are termed r-selection, for those species that produce many "cheap" offspring and live in unstable environments and K-selection for those species that produce few "expensive" offspring and live in stable environments.

If the fucker was just talking about life span, number of kids, or survivorship curve it might make sense. Instead he talks about "shame" and "harming others" which has no bearing on how much energy was put into having a child without enough mental gymnastics to sprain your frontal lobe. The only argument I could see arising is that in poor areas they are under a higher r selective pressure which is why they have larger numbers of children, but once the region industrializes the number of kids drops. Because humans are a K type species and don't normally give birth to >6 kids at one time.

Trying to hijack this for a political point is dumb. Those points could have been made point blank without support and called "alphas and betas" or "fermions and bosons" and people would still defend it because it makes them feel good. It's retarded. Might as well just call it quantum k and r selection while you're making polpopsci.

>> No.11678134

I was talking about human collectivist/individualists. All these traits seem to go along with either.

>> No.11678193
File: 176 KB, 900x1350, c3256c1069ca189c534b708d6618a6d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is such a joke, but the people who watch him are even more pathetic

>> No.11678195
File: 80 KB, 1000x900, dysgenics?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you need is pic related to debunk OP

>> No.11678911

i just asked about spiders, dude

>> No.11678989

The spider meme was started as an example of how easy it is to make the layperson believe something false

Either that or there's one dude who lives by eating spiders and pumps the average up

>> No.11679034

lol pic related is absolutely the other way around.

left wing tends to be peopel with high education and morals, superior human beings in all sense that have few high quality children

right wing tends to be retarded angry redneck who thinks raping is the only way to have sex and lives only by instinct claiming anything short of living like an animal is communism

>> No.11679041

example of dysgenics.
it's true. conservatism is low iq.

>> No.11679044

lol liberals are dying out

>> No.11679064

ok so i shouldnt worry about having spiders in my room?

>> No.11679083
File: 719 KB, 886x898, soyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol pic related is absolutely the other way around.

>> No.11679110

Then call it "goat fuckers and whale fuckers" and it had exactly the same bearing in your arbitrary list of attributes as r and k selection.

>> No.11679115

The government has regulations for how much bug to food ratio is allowed in the food you buy. That might have a part in that.

>> No.11679143

yup. the FDA allows insect eggs, insect parts, rat hairs and other fun stuff in food. the regulations are actually pretty tight. if you think about rice, for example, there is no way on earth you would be able to filter out every single insect part that is pretty similar in size and shape and colour to the rice itself.

>> No.11679193
File: 320 KB, 640x774, republikanie inteligentniejsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11679200


>> No.11679204

>Verbal intelligence

>> No.11679376

isnt verbal intelligence a leftist domain?

>> No.11679552

It's the domain of bullshitters regardless of political alignment.