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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 1200x514, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11670504 No.11670504 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 people with an IQ lower than 90 claiming that IQ is bullshit

My IQ tests showed that I have an IQ of 109 which is average but I hate mediocrity and I want to increase my IQ. I tried playing chess, tetris, dual-n-back everyday while also meditating and doing cardio what else can I do?

>> No.11670508

Just see the answers to the IQ questions you couldn't solve, learn the patter, and get a 140 IQ result next time.

>> No.11670511

Every IQ tests operates by a set of rules unknown to the taker (hopefully). But these can be learned. So if you just want to increase your IQ score reliably its pretty easy, just crack open IQ tests and understand the patterns.
If you want to increase your actual intelligence there's a number of things that might work, but nothing that is commonly agreed to be "reliable". Ritalin increases IQ i believe, caffeine and nicotine can provide a 5-7 point boost, being in good health, possibly challenging the brain to learn uncomfortable new things consistently.
Any gains in IQ, like most "gains" in most attributes, probably follows a "the rich get richer" rule, i.e. if you have a lot already its easier to increase it. So 109 is a better starting place than 90.

>> No.11670516
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>> No.11670567
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>Is it actually possible to increase your IQ?

To be honest PROBABLY NOT.

Genetics clears all doubts - the intelligence is MOSTLY HEREDITARY.

Intelligence in the normal range is a polygenic trait, meaning that it is influenced by more than one gene, specifically over 500 genes.Twin studies of adult individuals have found a heritability of IQ between 57% and 73% with the most recent studies showing heritability for IQ as high as 80% and 86%.




>> No.11670687

If you're young like 17 or something, keep reading and gaining knowledge and solving puzzles, that should increase your intelligence by a little bit

>> No.11670708

Where else would IQ come from but your genes? But also, to be fair, twins and family members tend to be raised in similar environments and under similar expectations. The sample size of twins who were raised in completely disparate environments, with different expectations, is rather small.

>> No.11670936

Besides being as healthy as possible, there's nothing you can do. It's limited by genetics.

>> No.11670958

Not much, iq is mostly hereditary, maybe 80%. If you're below 22 and one of your parents is smart it may grow as iq correlation grows with age.
Either way study and train how high iq people think, train those different types of thinking. Study how to read correctly, both literature and mathematics. Don't practice intellectual cowardice where you just passively watch a lecture or spend an hour reading but not learning anything from the words and not trying to memorize the concepts.
That's about all you can do I think.
I believe an 18+ 109 can reach about 115 if you actually follow that advice.

>> No.11670976

It won't increase your intelligence but you can increase your score on iq tests by practicing them every day

>> No.11670985

Which may be all you need, in today's world being able to say you have a mega high IQ is sometimes worth more than actually being a genius ngl

>> No.11671013

>tfw was a slacker in school
>tfw whole school took an IQ test
>tfw the girl considered the smartest scored 2nd
>tfw I scored first with 141
>tfw everyone disregarded it as a mistake
>tfw took another one and scored the exact same
>tfw everyone hated me and said I score so high because I am just good at test taking
>tfw for the next 15 years I thought I was just stupid and didn't do anything with my life
>tfw I'm now a neet that lives off lawsuit money from a doctor that killed my dad with malpractice
>tfw through therapy, just someone to talk to, I realize I really am above average intelligence
>tfw I will never amount to anything

>> No.11671275


>Don't give a shit about IQ
>Study wathever field you deem interesting
>Apply yourself with discipline and always try to delve a little deeper everytime

Done, now your IQ is still 109 but you know more than many people with 130+

>> No.11672062

You're fucking retarded. Your classmates were correct.

>> No.11672631 [DELETED] 

eat well, sleep well

>> No.11672653

There's a genetic and effort component to IQ.

Like 90% genetic and 10% effort, you can definitely raise it a little with effort but nothing massive.

Maybe 10 points max with maximum effort.

>> No.11672655

How do I eat well? What should I eat?

>> No.11673829

Deflouridate your water

>> No.11674751

Sodium hypochlorite therapy has shown great promise in increasing IQ

>> No.11676805

bezahlt die Monatsmieten durch Kokalinien

>> No.11676815

Big brain here

>> No.11676922

>Sodium hypochlorite therapy

>> No.11676928
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>> No.11676938
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>> No.11676948

Most online IQ tests seem to simply be some kind of additive or subtractive mask applied between the tiles, if you know this you should get <120 without even thinking about it

>> No.11676981

you might even end up so smart you mix up greater and less than sign

>> No.11676992

i have such high IQ from knowing this that I can redefine the meaning of symbols at will

>> No.11677229

If n-back made you smarter, you would likely expect to see all the top mathematicians regularly practicing n-back, since mathematicians who didn't perform n-back would have been out-competed.

>> No.11677323

1.IQ isn't a 1:1 correlate to performance.
2. dual-n-back only increases your IQ by like 3-4 points according to meta-analysis.
3. You have to invest time into it every single day.
By the above facts if you were a mathematician looking to "out compete" other mathematicians, your time would be better spent actually working on math.

>> No.11677350

Yes. It is known that you can do better at many tasks involved in the tests if you prepare for them, for example counting cubes, memorizing numbers, or knowing complicated vocabulary.
>Genetics clears all doubts - the intelligence is MOSTLY HEREDITARY.
This is a thread about IQ pal. Why are you talking about intelligence like they have anything to do with each other?
Online tests are garbage. They are only a subset of what IRL tests.

>> No.11677359

>>Where else would IQ come from but your genes?
Exactly. You don't gain IQ points after adolescence. You prevent yourself from losing it by not eating paint chips or getting malnourished. You are near your fluid peak as a child.

All learning does is turn fluid IQ into crystallized IQ. You are in a never-ending battle against losing fluid IQ points. There is no way to win, with the possible exception of dual n-back.

>> No.11677415

Wow, depressing. If I can't increase my IQ I guess I can just be a leech and let the high IQ's work and support me. After all, they are privileged to be born with a high IQ. If we live in a fair and equal society then those with higher iq privilege must give back more.

Unless stimulants or something can increase iq. Then it's fair game. Other than that it's actually not worth wasting your time doing anything when people with a 130+ can do it better without working as much.

>> No.11677418


>> No.11677441

>My IQ tests showed that I have an IQ of 109 which is average but I hate mediocrity and I want to increase my IQ
Your IQ will probably stay there if that is all you care

>> No.11677480

>> Other than that it's actually not worth wasting your time doing anything when people with a 130+ can do it better without working as much.
Quit bitching, work harder than them and you won't have a problem. I have a 130+ IQ (professionally tested) and I am a spineless, undisciplined wimp who half-assed my way through class and never applied myself to properly accomplish anything. I'd gladly lose 10 IQ points for an A+ work ethic.

>> No.11677498

you don't have a 130 IQ if you believe retarded shit like this. hard work + low iq will never match hard work + high iq, and the latter are almost always the ones who produce valuable work which will be remembered. the existence of smart slackers means very little. I encourage all sub 115 IQ people to give up and drop out as much as possible, it's pure serf/pleb slavery and you will work ten times as hard for a fractions of what a privileged, high G person gets for their efforts

>> No.11677502

>You should go and work hard for 10 hours a day for what I can accomplish in 2 hours thanks to my genetics!!
No, fuck off IQ jew. Not falling for the "work harder" jew. Not spending 10k hours becoming an expert while you get to jerk off all day alone to anime traps and put minimal effort in and still achieve the same results.

>> No.11677511

Enjoy that fixed mindset buddy, it won't get ya far.

>> No.11677521

Well clearly your iq hasn't either. You can only say that though because hard work only matters when your iq is high enough. Check your privilege iqfag.

>> No.11677529

https://slatestarcodex.com/tag/growth-mindset/ carol dweck is a dumbass

>> No.11677554

>Not falling for the "work harder" jew. Not spending 10k hours becoming an expert while you get to jerk off all day alone to anime traps and put minimal effort in and still achieve the same results

The two naturally smartest people I know have done absolutely fucking nothing with their lives. One works at a call center in some shithole town in Wisconsin and does nothing but smoke weed and watch Rick and Morty in his spare time. The other works as a pharmacist mindlessly filling out prescriptions.

>> No.11677566

>Works as pharmacist and at call center
Still gotta pay taxes to help me live with my mental disability! I'll be at home doing whatever I want :^>

>> No.11677568

Its a stealth IQ test

>> No.11677581 [DELETED] 

How do you having a high IQ doesn't make you shit blueberries and it? You can't have any idea what having a high IQ is like, idiot who aspires to be a blueberry shit-eater.

>> No.11677583 [DELETED] 

>>11670504 (OP)
How do you know* having a high IQ doesn't make you shit blueberries and it? You can't have any idea what having a high IQ is like, idiot who aspires to be a blueberry shit-eater.

>> No.11677587

>>11670504 (OP) (OP)
How do you know* having a high IQ doesn't make you shit blueberries and eat* it? You can't have any idea what having a high IQ is like, idiot who aspires to be a blueberry shit-eater.

>> No.11677601

I took an IQ test when I was 13 and the result was 143. Sincerely, why would you want to increase it? It has plenty of negative sides to human interaction and understanding trivial things.

>> No.11677663

The head of the Chemistry department at my University (renowned for Chemistry program) literally admitted in class he had an IQ of 115 and that he got where he was by working hard.
Past a certain level, you are smart enough. I know this is ironic shitposting, but still.

>> No.11677666

It's too late, I'm already en route to the hospital.

>> No.11677679

Yeah but he could be very wrong about a lot in chemistry and probably never will make any breakthrough with a 115.
>working hard
There's that meme again

>> No.11677685

Maybe he will never make a serious breakthrough, but he still did very well in life and in an intelligent field to boot. I mean if you aren't a genius, are you going to make a serious breakthrough? Were you previously laboring under the delusion that you were a genius?

>> No.11677886

Just keep doing cardio

>> No.11677914

No I was operating under the assumption of equality and fairness

>> No.11677936

Life is very sad

>> No.11677987

Yes, but it will be less sad if you pay for my tendies

>> No.11677996

you're fucking retarded, your classmates are co0rrect (x2)

>> No.11677997


>> No.11678012
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Thanks for making me feel worse you old faggot

>> No.11678015
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>leave /sci/ for 6 months
>come back
>the exact same threads with the exact same replies as the last time I was here

>> No.11678046
File: 138 KB, 602x228, lifeaintfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Past a certain level, you are smart enough
This is true. It looks like the bare minimum needed to be a Nobel Laureate is around 121. I'd wager the few percent that are below 130 got extremely lucky in their field and/or had really good connections and academic politics.

If you're below that, sorry. Not every person is genetically cut out to be a top scientist, just as with top athletes. Just do the work you find meaningful.

>> No.11678056

They also include verbal in there, which these online tests do not. So its classical IQ and not just the pattern recognition component on its own.

>> No.11678058

>Just do the work you find meaningful.
Exactly. Most day-to-day science has nothing to do with bigbrain eureka moments or worldview-shattering breakthroughs

>> No.11678089

>psychologist average iq is 153
Lol okay

>> No.11678091


Is this rn seernathan speaking any truth or is he just a quack? It makes sense somewhat actually about the part of being able to completely stomp out your brain's auto preconceived notions of things.

But then again there's the whole working memory and holding vivid images in your head and being able to manipulate them

>> No.11679067

Then how is it meaningful work?

>> No.11679072

Those two studies hes citing were probably testing IQ.

>> No.11680206

I feel you, but not really. Chess, tetris don't do anything but make you good at chess and tetris, by the way.

>> No.11680208

>Genetics clears all doubts
This is definitely not true.

>> No.11680234
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t. buttshattered jelly brainlet wageslaves

>> No.11680248

Are you guys even trying? Absolutely no mention of:
>getting proper sleep
>eationg a good diet
>regular exercise

>> No.11681454

IQ measures the rate at which you can process information and give solution for it.

Intelligence is all of the information and all of the solutions you have combined in a specific field or depending on what you are talking about.

Rate != Total Amount

>> No.11682270

Depends? Did the clamp your umbilical cord? Have you been circumcised? Can you build muscle? We’re you vaccinated? Did you get autism from the vaccines?

>> No.11682358
File: 21 KB, 360x450, F2983hfj23j09gjj2l3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Fuck psychology. Retarded field.
2. Quit trying to do stupid fucking things to try and improve your general intelligence. How does chess and tetris improve your general fucking intelligence. Moron. Oh processing speed? Stfu.
3. Just quit doing repetitive fucking tasks to try and improve your IQ. You'll develop strategies and you will not improve anything; just waste your time.

Quit asking people how to improve IQ. Literally nobody can give you a definite answer. Why? Because nobody fucking knows how cognition actually works.
All shrinks do is just analyze inputs and outputs of a chaotic, complex system. They have no idea whatsoever of what is going on.
They'll say that IQ is genetic and they'll say that IQ is immutable. What evidence backs that? Studies that involve twins / and common people. Now I agree that IQ is genetic, but I think that IQ is definitely mutable.
The thing is, is that in these studies no one tries to radically change the way they think. They don't try to incubate change. They don't try to stretch themselves out and bend.
What do they try to do? They try to improve at the same tasks. On the same tests. The little they improve isn't their intelligence changing it's just the practice effect. It's them growing accustomed to the format of the test and developing strategies.
Did the twins try to become more intelligent than one another? No.

So what is the point of me saying all of this? I'm saying that if you want to try and guide the storm of your brain you are going to have to get radical. You are going to have to rely on yourself and not these fucking 4chan apes.
You need to radically and logically approach your problem. You need to go to the extreme to change something like this.
You need to develop metacognition. You need to analyze the way you think. How you take in information. Parse it. Order it. Abstract it. Recurse it. Generally relate it.
How much information you can take in. How long you can hold onto it. Etc.

>> No.11682362

After you understand the way you think. It's up to you to try and develop strategies to improve it.

>> No.11682382

So should i start study maths?

>> No.11682399

Only if you think you'd enjoy it.

>> No.11682471

>All shrinks do is just analyze inputs and outputs of a chaotic, complex system. They have no idea whatsoever of what is going on.
Finally someone with a brain itt.
People have such naive and retarded ideas about the meaning of IQ scores

>> No.11682554

Yes. Math is all about structured thinking. It’ll help you with broad classes of real-life problems because you’ll be able to apply frameworks that make them more manageable. Or organize your own framework, since you’ve had practice distilling complicated ideas down to their essentials and reasoning from there.

I don’t really have evidence for what I’m saying, but I think it’s common sense. For example, think about how “smart” someone who knew basic arithmetic and algebra would seem, compared to someone who only knew, like, how to count. There would be so many situations that they could easily and quickly figure out, that the other person would have to mentally fumble with and gradually put together step by step

>> No.11682572

IQ is a variable
Sometimes you can have 80 IQ and others you can have 130

>> No.11683862

I'll just own a business and hire a high iq math fag to do all the thinking for me.

>> No.11684150

iq is bullshit. Im dumb as shit but really good at memorization and managed to score in the 140s. Dont let a bunch of random pattern recognition and memorization questions made by eugenicists fuck with your life too much.

>> No.11684191

>Why are you talking about intelligence like they have anything to do with each other?
Because IQ measures g

>> No.11685161

>good at test taking
no school makes public iq tests you larping fag

>> No.11685223

>Finally someone with a brain itt
thanks for your authority for telling us what is to think

>> No.11685919

>he's at it again

>> No.11685922

Why would you want a higher IQ? Just get a good work ethic and apply yourself more

>> No.11686130

That’s why serious IQ tests don’t show you the answers nor what you got wrong and you can only make it again after 1 year

>> No.11686306

Your performance on an IQ test will be better if you're well-rested and healthy (re: not fat). Some people aren't satisfied with that response, but are you NOT more intelligent when you're wide awake instead of sleepy? I think so.

Being in school (or, more likely, just studying a lot) also increases IQ, but those gains are hollow for g, so some people roll their eyes at it, but you did say IQ, not g.

Otherwise, I have seen nothing.

If it's any consolation, 109 is in the "has a bunch of sex range" and most benefits from IQ flatline above 115. Over 120 and you start seeing psychological problems.

>> No.11686786

jesus christ you're too far gone. Instead of trying to increase something as meaningless as fucking IQ, try getting better at math, chemistry, physics, biology, etc. literally just anything. Do you seriously think you will be accepted at a job interview just because you have an IQ of 149? Because if you think that an IQ-score could get you further in life than a billion PhDs, then you are just retarded. Also, just so you know, chess players don't necessarily have a high IQ. GM Hikaru scored lower than you with an IQ score of "just" 102 yet he still is a GM. Why? Because chess doesn't require a high IQ you fucking retard. But hey, go on, waste your time trying do get better at IQ tests.

>> No.11686821

for me, it's more about potential, like if i increase my IQ i'm building up a reservoir that is going to grant me more opportunities in the future, regardless of what the thing in question is. high IQ helps you with most things.

i find that idea quite enticing

>> No.11687395

Heritability of IQ does not mean that there is no way to raise your IQ. That is not what it tests for. It tests for to what degree IQ in a given population is determined by heritable and not environmental factors. That is also why we have a heritability of IQ "up to" 0.8 -- because as we create more equal societies/populations to study, the environmental differences get minimized, allowing for the genetic determination of IQ to express itself more strongly.

However, in no way does this mean that environmental factors cannot influence IQ. In fact, it is rather trivial that it can. Raise one twin in an environment full of pathogens and without proper nutrition, raise the other under excellent conditions, and you will end up with 2 vastly different IQs. Similarly, we cannot foreclose the possibility of environmental factors influencing IQ in adult populations--and we know they do. Low dose amphetamines for example raise IQ, regular meditation raises IQ and a few other things do as well. You can absolutely min/max your IQ.

>> No.11687409

IQ is very well understood. We have progressed far past mere twin studies. Currently we have identified many of the genes involved in the formation of IQ and have SNP based heritability studies. This implies there is a strong genetic mechanism behind IQ.

You also don't understand what IQ is or psychometrics are. We use standardized IQ tests because they predict IQ very well, not because we only care about a small range of tasks. Think of this: you take 10.000 random tests that all measure different abilities and all have different tasks. Then you take 100 people from a given population and 100 random tests from the set of 10.000 tests. When these people take these tests, or any other set of 100 random tests, what you will find is that the same subgroup of people always performs best and another subgroup of people always performs worst. Then you take the tests which predict their performance to the highest degree: the result is modern, standardized IQ tests.

>> No.11687553

You seem to really care too much about iq. It's not gonna fuck you bro. Iq doesn't have a pussy.

>> No.11687715


>> No.11688028


So can i study math with an average iq or what?

>> No.11688855


>> No.11689006

If you were smart you would have invested that money from the lawsuit and not touched it for 20-30 years. What good is intelligence if you have no self control or innate desire to future proof your life?

>> No.11689126

We've identified many individual SNPs that are positively correlated with higher intelligence, but most are not backed up well enough with subsequent peer review studies to be considered irrefutable. Machine learning identified a good chunk of the potential intelligence genes, proving they need more research, but they just aren't being funded proportionately to the other SNPs being researched. The lack of followup studies is especially a problem in the US because most of the grant money for genetic research goes into the same exact cancer and heritable disease genes over and over. There are huge gaps in SNP research because of the broken methods of securing federal/commercial funding for the followup research.

The bias towards studying the exact same human genes (90% of all studies are done on the same 10% of our genes) is causing some serious stagnation in genetic research in areas like intelligence, personality, behavior, and even diet to an extent. It also doesn't help that collectively people are likely afraid of discovering just how much of a role genetics play in human behavior. Deterministic paradigms are culturally rejected by many in the west, so there will always be a looming fear over what the results of studying these genetic might be. IQ instills that same kind of fear which is why some people get so heated about it

>> No.11690090


>> No.11690336

60IQ take here

>> No.11690383


>> No.11691701

Yes, since math can be boiled down to memorizing the rules that people smarter than you and I figured out many years ago (and devoted their lives to figuring it out) and learning when and how to apply them. And you need to learn to recognize patterns.
The more you study, the more patterns you'll learn and recognize and you'll become a better mathematician.
Be prepared to study day and night. But I guess that can be said for pursuing pretty much any degree.

>> No.11691769

If there aren't people around to do all the other work, the higher iq individuals wouldn't wouldn't have anywhere near as much time to forge ahead.

>> No.11691777

That is a huge fucking cope, and you are a complete and utter fucking imbecile. What he can 'accomplish' in two hours means nothing without creativity and put on effort. If you can contribute with something, even the bare minimum, then it's worth fucking while since at the very least you're not a fucking good for nothing nigger committing crimes.

>> No.11692794

>You should work harder than someone else to output 10x less
>This is worthwhile
Okay iq jew. You can't trick me. Go solve math in 10 seconds. I'll be here masturbating while you pay for my cum tissues.