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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11669877 No.11669877 [Reply] [Original]

5-Hydroxy-DMT IS Bufotenine and HDMT
"[Bufotenine] Association with schizophrenia and other mental disorders
A study conducted in the late 1960s reported the detection of bufotenin in the urine of schizophrenic subjects;[32] however, subsequent research has failed to confirm these findings.[33][34][35][36]
Studies have detected endogenous bufotenin in urine specimens from individuals with other psychiatric disorders,[37] such as infant autistic patients.[38] Another study indicated that paranoid violent offenders or those who committed violent behaviour towards family members have higher bufotenin levels in their urine than other violent offenders.[39]
A 2010 study utilized a mass spectrometry approach to detect levels of bufotenin in the urine of individuals with severe autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, and asymptomatic subjects. Their results indicate significantly higher levels of bufotenin in the urine of the ASD and schizophrenic groups when compared to asymptomatic individuals.[40]"
HOW does this get into our bodies? DMT is another tryptamine naturally found in our bodies, could it be converted from DMT by a foreign catalyst into Bufotenine? Well I looked up DMT Bufotenine and I figured it the fuck out… https://isomerdesign.com/PiHKAL/read.php?domain=tk&id=19
“There are two structural variations of bufotenine that I feel would be interesting to explore. One deals with the ethers of the 5-hydroxyl group. The O-methyl ether is, of course, 5-MeO-DMT.”

5 hydroxy dmt IS Bufotenine and HDMT
5-Hydroxy-DMT IS Bufotenine and HDMT

>> No.11669918

I have one of these roads as a pet

>> No.11669941

thanks im glad i posted this in this board, I was looking for intelligent responses.

>> No.11669946

hmm maybe 5-hydroxy-dmt isn't bufotenine and hdmt but a structural variation of bufotenine contains a O-menthyl ether which is what we know as psychedelic DMT

>> No.11670084

I am sorry I accidentally said road instead of toad

>> No.11670103

anyways, as like a guy somewhat familiar to the subject matter in question I just want to say that if your body happens to methylate your serotonin it's going to be this molecule and I believe that that is a fairly easy thing to happen metabolically so

>> No.11670175
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>thanks im glad i posted this in this board, I was looking for intelligent responses.

>> No.11670186

ty for the info

>> No.11670187


>> No.11670190

ok so thank yu i will do that so an not be leaf

>> No.11670193

dont post solutions oh ya halhahoalhaohlaalhlaaohlaaoaloalahoalhalhaohla

>> No.11670195

i had over 100 replies in the /pol thread and posted it here, already have more to go off of than facking pol

>> No.11670198

this is the enzyme I believe that would catalyze serotonin into bufotenin

>> No.11670199

i definitely look like the guy in pic related. elf ah ahhaha H

>> No.11670203

ya i got it

>> No.11670208
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vevy gud mech tewigent weh

>> No.11670228


Serotonin and its role in autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
In regards to research for neurotransmitters and effects on patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 5-HT has been studied the most in terms of research efforts and investigations (Eissa et al., 2018). As noted, 5-HT signaling does facilitate many neural processes including that of neurogenesis, cell migration and survival, synaptogenesis, and synaptic plasticity (Eissa et al., 2018). It was noted that 45% of tested ASD subjects contained high levels of 5-HT in their blood (Eissa et al., 2018). In addition, investigations performed on ASD-like animal models reported that hyperserotonemia significantly reduced the motivation for social interest through inhibition of separation distress, which could be related in the ASD patients that have social impairments (Eissa et al., 2018).

this is from the wiki page on serotonin

>> No.11670291
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This is /sci/ please talk about this cool topic or must we post wojacks here

>> No.11670299

So all this talk about dmt letting you talk to god and shit really is just schizophrenic lunacy

>> No.11670307

>that feel when ocd so I have naturally low serotonin levels, but also schizoid personality disorder so I'm not interested in hanging out

>> No.11670309

what is the important difference between bufotenin and serotonin

>> No.11670310

Excellent scientific conclusion, your fresh insight into this is most paramount.

>> No.11670344
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what would happen if you licked it?

>> No.11670369


>> No.11670461 [DELETED] 

hard problem of consciousness: how are drugs able to affect consciousness whatsoever?

>> No.11670494 [DELETED] 

so anyways

what about methylation of decarboxylated l-tryptophan by methanol? would that work?

>> No.11670604

Mmmmm.... road...

>> No.11671072

I cant figure it the out

>> No.11671100

>>11669877 77checked
So, the goal you have in mind is to isolate the metabolic/cellular generation of these substances in humans suffering these conditions then modulate them thereby curing their illness?

Big if true, and quite nobel. You have my blessing fren.

>> No.11671904


>> No.11671908

>however, subsequent research has failed to confirm these findings.[33][34][35][36]
here you have it

>> No.11671922

still worth looking into. I think it would be dumb to not even discuss this only because of that.

>> No.11671927

>dubs confirm ops theory

>> No.11671933


>> No.11671936


>> No.11672402

Well I figured out that the methylization of tryptamines into DMT does happen. An isomer of DMT consist of Bufotenine. Neuroleptics (antipsychotic drugs) inhibit the action of the enzyme N-Methyltransferase. So now my goal is to find out what prevents N-Methyltransferase from constantly converting tryptamine into DMT. Schizophrenia patients may for some reason have no restriction of the N-Methyltransferase effect on tryptamine.

>> No.11672436

So actually Bufotenine is 5-Hydroxy-Dimethyltryptamine. If we dehydroxylized the hydroxy part (does that make sense) you are left with psychoactive DMT. Visversa you can hydroxylize the DMT into Bufotenine, which is considered somewhat of a neurotoxin if it is found in high concentrations in schizophrenia and autism patients.

>> No.11672444

Find a way to methylize tryptamine in the brain resulting in DMT then find a way to hydroxylize that and you've got yourself a schizo with elavted bufotenine levels. Bufotenine is a debated psychedelic because the user reports usually having a negative/scary trip and frequently gets blue, heart stops, and dies or lives and wakes up an may have convulsions. schizos don't seem to be enjoying their frame of mind they are in

>> No.11672460

maybe the legends about the toads involved first hydroxylizing it before licking it lololol

>> No.11672467


>> No.11672583

Could stress induce something chemical to be released that interacts with the natural tryptamines in such a way as to produce these psychedelics endogenously?
“They say” when you die your body releases this stuff much like how you poop yourself when you die.
Sorry I can’t contribute much else, cool research OP


>> No.11672593
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your image was too large, I fixed it

>> No.11672596

>why is DMT in our bodies
It's so easy to biosynthesize.

>> No.11672599
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>> No.11672620

I accidently left that "HOW does this get into our bodies?" in there from a previous post. Only yesterday I learned that bufotenine was even a trpytamine or related to DMT at all. When I posted it in /sci/ I copied and pasted my /pol/ post because I discovered the connection with DMT and wanted to post it in here. so you're question is very valid and is still actually a great question

>> No.11672771

Off topic but yiu gentlemen should consider extracting your own dmt

>> No.11673896


>> No.11673918
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>> No.11673955

This is how autists can make magic real (in our heads).