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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 80 KB, 640x427, BS Computer Science Degree A Closer Look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11668863 No.11668863 [Reply] [Original]

The amount of sheer working memory required to be a good programmer is absolutely ridiculous. As you start moving on to creating more complex programs that actually need to be able to do something useful, the amount of information you need to cycle through your head becomes crazy; Not to mention, you also need extensive math knowledge. Since WM is so highly correlated with IQ, I'd argue that CS requires the highest IQ to thrive. I've seen people do constant all-nighters to keep up, have mental breakdowns, and even quit to major in math due to it's difficulty.

I understand that CS Majors do not have the highest IQ's, as shown in many info-graphics, but this is different from necessarily requiring the highest IQ; It's easily possible that the reason math or philosophy majors have higher IQ's on average is because simply higher IQ people are more interested in those things on average.

>> No.11668911

The experience you're describing seems like something on the scale of single-handedly writing an OS or some shit, something way larger than you should be doing.
If you're pulling that kind of shit, you work with a team.
If you power through it by force of autism, you just need to design the code (and document) in a way that you don't need to be deeply involved in more than a small part of the program at once. It will take long.
Most CS majors have laughable math skills. They force themselves through it for that aesthetic programming. They forget most maths before leaving uni, almost all shortly after.

signed low IQ CS brainlet

>> No.11668949

CS != programming my guys
two different things

>> No.11668966

I bet, given professional. climates, that there's a hard ceiling on the IQ of hireable computer scientists because the avg IQ of the company and the team you're working with

people too smart don't work well with people who are just smart enough, not because they're too smart to work well with others, but because others are too dumb to work with them, and emotional issues become hard walls to meeting deadlines

this is why startups actually exist, and why almost all lawyers are iq 125

if u r too smart or too good at anything, you're an unemployable pariah because others won't work well with u

>> No.11668968

CSlets say otherwise

>> No.11669162

good, cutting edge mathematicians and phsysicists work on work that is also extremely demanding on the brain, and generally require more creativity too.
> and even quit to major in math due to it's difficulty.
as a CE major i'm going to have to call BS on this one. CS is full of some of the dumbest people at my school. People quit EE and CE to go to CS because its piss easy.

>> No.11669382

i don't care about a nameless freshman

>> No.11669387

it depends on the school
CS has the widest spread of standards in the US

>> No.11669427
File: 88 KB, 698x1576, math exam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path
Sorry, nothing personal

>> No.11669451

>physics in 12 minutes!
>quantum mechanics in a minute!
I hate these videos

>> No.11669475

I’m pretty convinced that the smartest students are in philosophy and then economics even though it gets watered down by business bros.

>> No.11669485

This is definitely true. Between 100 and 130 (depending on the field) is the professional sweet spot. Any higher and you’ll probably be pretty miserable or just won’t bother.

>> No.11669516

99% of CS schools are shit

>> No.11669541

there is no way that the smartest people are not in mathematics, math is about as close as it gets to pure intellect

>> No.11669562

what do you mean by pure intellect? do you mean that non-math subjects require something outside of intelligence? maybe you are just defining pure intellect based on what is required for success at math rather than the other way around. some people in math are good at math but bad at other things that seem to be purely intellectual, like communication

>> No.11669573

i mean pure abstractions, the only thing that's interesting in philosophy is meta-physics.

>> No.11669581

no, philosophy is a waste of time. its tragic so many young smart people waste so many years at uni just to find out the same thing everyone with a brain finds out after a certain amount of philosophical study, that their Phil profs sardonically joked about but really just straight concealed the reality from their paying students

what you find at the end is nothing, but you know. math is more engaging, though it's kindof a lackluster feeling. I'm toying with computation, but I can already see the hard ceiling my brain so despises.

music is also really limited and very concrete with what works.
idk what's good other than food sex wine and surfing ocean waves at sunset
billiards.... idk man what do smart people do that others don't for fun? math is an answer but it isn't the answer.

i find my fun in swimming thru all the ostensibly disparate subjects and finding how same they all really are. human movement is immensely complex, arguably beyond the ability of the conscious mind to fully understand, so those activities are an imperative part of intellectual life

>> No.11669596

Ill say it's not a waste, for some of us it's absolutely necessary, but to spend uni time and money on it is a waste. just do your own study, and you'll find that's it's fo r young uneducated people to educate themselves with, and decrepit elderly people for curious engagement with friends

>> No.11669599

>go to college
>get in tens of thousands of dollars in debt
>all to memorize old philosophies that could be read about for free
If they're smart, it's not a very practical kind.

>> No.11669606

you're also assuming that people do the thing they're best at, but in reality it's entirely possible that the people with the most potential for math do something completely different, but in any case, the fact that you think that anything in math is a pure abstraction means that you actually aren't trolling and you really believe this

>> No.11669637

give me an example in math that's not an abstraction

>> No.11670894

I completely disagree and the fact that many mathematics/science students fail to see the value of logic in philosophy is testament to the idea.

See above. Philosophy is no more abstract than Mathematics. You equally “find nothing at the end” (this isn’t true at all but you get the point). I find it ironic because this opinion is usually thrown out by people who typically know next to nothing about philosophy.

>> No.11670902

So you find value in metaphysics but not ontology, epistemology, or phenomenology? That hardly makes any sense. It’s pretty shocking how little /sci/ nerds actually know about philosophy and how they resort to unscientific claims.

>> No.11671132

This is unfortunately true. I'm sitting at 135~140 iq too smart to deal with 'professionals' but too dumb to make great contributions on my own....

>> No.11671136

>computer science
>good programmers
Nice joke.

>> No.11671382


>what are libraries

>> No.11671456

this is apparantly included in metaphysics?
this is logic?
this is physics?

>> No.11671463

most Math majors ahve laughable programming skills.

>> No.11671478

>no, mathematics is a waste of time. its tragic so many young smart people waste so many years at uni just to find out the same thing everyone with a brain finds out after a certain amount of mathematics study, that their Math profs sardonically joked about but really just straight concealed the reality from their paying students

>no, economics is a waste of time. its tragic so many young smart people waste so many years at uni just to find out the same thing everyone with a brain finds out after a certain amount of economics study, that their Econ profs sardonically joked about but really just straight concealed the reality from their paying students

>no, physics is a waste of time. its tragic so many young smart people waste so many years at uni just to find out the same thing everyone with a brain finds out after a certain amount of physics study, that their Phys profs sardonically joked about but really just straight concealed the reality from their paying students

>no, neuroscience is a waste of time. its tragic so many young smart people waste so many years at uni just to find out the same thing everyone with a brain finds out after a certain amount of neuroscience study, that their Neur profs sardonically joked about but really just straight concealed the reality from their paying students

The only study worth your time is theology.

>> No.11671483

Wrong on all three accounts.

>> No.11671486

Being a programmer is probably one of the lowest IQ things a Computer Scientist can do. But whatever floats ur boat

>> No.11671489


>> No.11671496

How is it a seethe? It’s simply incorrect.

>> No.11671502

Thanks, but I’d rather continue to try to empirically prove that which is numenous and inherently not capable of being perceived by empirical evidence.

>> No.11671592

Bullshit, the mindset of a programmer is to use other people's work and trust they did their job better than him. The only real thought put into programming is what data structures to use, the rest is blindly doing things by the book.

>> No.11671706

Computer science is a prestigious and difficult field and science, yes.
Software engineering is not, which is what most "Computer science" degrees are.
If you first year doesn't include Calc 1&2, an intro to discrete math course, and at least some theoretical CS, then you're taking a meme degree.

>> No.11671714

Philosophy students have the highest GRE scores

>> No.11671740

CS is literally the major people go to when they need to drop out of their major kek

Does not depend on the school, people either drop into Mech, CS, or MAYBE Civ

>> No.11671755

>sitting at 135~140 iq
so you don't actually know you're true iq kek

>> No.11671986

They’re also occasionally capable of engaging with both higher order logic and rhetoric in ways few other students are. They’re occasionally capable of addressing paradigmatic level arguments, which literally no one else does as well. Modern academic philosophy is still a bit of a joke but it’s probably the closest thing to a classical education that we have.

>> No.11671992

>People quit EE and CE to go to CS because its piss easy
this. People who can't do EE/CE go into CS. People who can't do CS go into business

>> No.11672057

>People who can't do EE/CE go into CS
I’m a /sci/let. What is the difference exactly? In simple terms?

>> No.11672079

oh anon this is for you
>how can you empirically verify the non existence of the non empirical?
logically positivistic scientismists eternally btfo as fundamentally operating on faith

>> No.11672575
File: 14 KB, 716x347, 1457166816022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11672590

Lol. Thanks.

>> No.11672691

All my "programming" skills are really just scripting skills. I know how to make numbers do what I need them to do, and create pretty graphics. I could never build a dynamic program or whatever.

>> No.11672750

The issue with CS is that it's broad. Most people assume CS is just programming, and that's where they fail when they go into higher education - they forget about systems architecture, maths and the other modules that teach CS theory.

>> No.11672860

CS = lowest IQ major confirmed

>> No.11673342
File: 125 KB, 1050x1657, CS comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11673565

what garbage school doesn't assume its students know basic matrix algebra and calculus and doesn't teach discrete math first year?
>database course and algorithms 3rd year
? lol
>2 needed courses to understand cs as 'if you're lucky'
what even is this

>> No.11673878

Honestly in most unis there's a bottleneck on CS
so the selection tends to be quite harsh can't say the same about other majors except aeronotical engineering

>> No.11674079

You don't need a CS degree to program.

>> No.11674278

Real talk, it depends on your ambitions and program. I’ve seen dogshit CS programs that hand our codemonkey degrees like it’s nothing. On the other hand, my alma mater’s most ambitious math students were an overwhelming majority of math / CS majors. I’d tell you CS majors were brainlets until I saw that they were the best at diagram chasing in algebraic topology.
So it comes down to what you make of it - and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that IAS, Simons, UoC, and many more schools have PhD and research programs where math and CS researchers are one and the same.

>> No.11674282

By math / CS major, I double majors.
All in all though, your degree isn’t nearly as valuable as your research and your ideas.

>> No.11674298

Why are EE’s retarded and feel the need to parse every other field in terms of their own? CS exists outside of EE and isn’t about “the stuff that runs on machines.” EE majors assume that knowing the basics of semiconductor physics and digital logic design have any bearing on solving problems like circuit lower bounds, randomized complexity, or communication bounds and noise, but these topics arose because they were far out of the scope of EE to be studied properly. If you read any given paper from SIGGRAPH, yes it’s apparent that CS has its engineering culture, but this culture and its results are independent of EE concerns. The only big intersection I see would be embedded systems and OS, where the two fields see a lot of collaboration.

tl;dr memorizing Fourier forms off of a table has little to no bearing on, say, using nullstellansatz to study communication lower bounds. More often than not, you’re board jockeying rather than doing anything resembling computer science

>> No.11674832

> memorizing Fourier forms off of a table has little to no bearing on, say, using deeznuts to study communication lower bounds
speak for yourself cunt

>> No.11674844

>speak for yourself cunt
it really doesn't though. have fun in your introductory signals class where you pretend to 'understand' information theory!

>> No.11674848

>what garbage school doesn't assume its students know basic matrix algebra and calculus and doesn't teach discrete math first year?
Every American CS program.
>database course and algorithms 3rd year
Most schools do this.
>2 needed courses to understand cs as 'if you're lucky'
>what even is this
Most schools have gutted the requirements making them electives at best.

>> No.11674853
File: 182 KB, 800x466, smart people look stupid to stupid people 1587079423180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insightful post OP. I am programmer myself and I do find the demands on WM are extreme.

Nicotine inhalers help somewhat when I am struggling.

>> No.11674859

When you say CE is that chemical engineering?

>> No.11675096

What is the difference between a CS degree and a SWE degree?

>> No.11675197

christ, I get why this meme exists for americans then. I've watched youtube videos of americans talking about graduating and not knowing what git or a package-management system is

>> No.11675204

It's their fault, not uni

>> No.11675243

I need a brainlet explanation of EE vs. CE vs. SWE vs. CS.

>> No.11675253

yeah guess I agree to be honest

>> No.11675872

CS can be thought of two branches: theory of computation, and systems design. The former is the study of what a computer is in an abstract way, devoid of any physical manifestation. Theory of computation deals with what exactly is a computer and what are the limitations of computation given a set of inputs and a desired output. The latter, systems design, is putting that theory into practice and finding ways to design a physical computer in the most efficient and minimized way possible to preserve the integrity of the abstract model of a computer.

SWE is the engineering approach to designing software. SWE can be divided into its macro and micro parts. The macro side of SWE is about how to efficiently provide software to a client, given a large coding team. This includes the fastest way to develop software (SCRUM, CI/CD, Swift, etc), or how to properly handle version control to avoid the least amount of conflict on a team (Github, Rebase, Squash, etc). The micro side is simply on techniques and approaches to designing the software itself. SWE is considered a subfield of CS.

Both CS and SWE share some similarities, but people usually conflate the two because in a traditional CS major you typically take a few intro courses to programming.

>> No.11675930

>CS is just easymode Computer Engineering
>Computer Engineering is just easymode Electrical Enginerring
>Electrical Engineering is just easymode Physics
not sure what you're gettin at op

>> No.11676080

CS survives off the back of Mathematics and Physics. WE BUILT YOU.

>> No.11676197

Thanks for explaining. So I’m just curious. It sounds like if someone wanted to work in research or something like AI etc., a CS degree would basically be a prerequisite while someone just wanted to be a developer then SWE would be adequate and probably the most efficient degree choice (assuming they need a degree at all).

>> No.11676289

why the fuck would you take that ee curriculum if you're interested in computers and computation compared to that cs curriculum. wow chemistry and physics and ethics lol nice. no thanks

>> No.11676418

>Most CS majors have laughable math skills
I got a math minor while at uni (chemical engineering but ended up as software eng because I like money and boats expensive). I remember almost none of my math from uni.

>> No.11676550

Yes. The problem is that many schools in the US (Although it is changing) don't have a software engineering program because they lump it into CS. If you have a CS degree then you can certainly do SWE.

>> No.11677006

Good to know. I’m basically a career changer and torn between these two programs at my school.

>> No.11677130

>The amount of sheer working memory required to be a good programmer is absolutely ridiculous.
>Drank heavily in my youth, realising it now when I cant remember many things in CS

Many such cases

>> No.11677154

> Not to mention, you also need extensive math knowledge.

stopped reading here

>> No.11677182

>he thinks there’s one “””true””” fixed number for a given person’s IQ
guessing yours is around 93

>> No.11677402

What books should I be reading that are necessary for CS?
I already finished my uni I guess Ill read something in my free time to become productive.
Give me a list or something maybe personal preference which you like

>> No.11677426

i could design a really good cs program.

>> No.11677433

no Computer Engineering, aka EE lite + CS. I love CS more than EE but CS by itself is so goddamn braindead at undergrad level.

>> No.11677517

There is a big difference between undergrad and grad school.
For my subject the undergrad courses are 50% total brainlets.
The people who continue after that tend to be really smart.
Mostly because there are other subjects you could chose to continue and those tend to demand other qualities rather than intelligence.

>> No.11677635

>no Computer Engineering, aka EE lite + CS. I love CS more than EE but CS by itself is so goddamn braindead at undergrad level
See >>11674298

>> No.11677656

what about psychology?

>> No.11677690

psychology is usually in the mid range. of abstract reasoning and upper level of verbal reasoning compared to other majors

>> No.11677887

>if u r too smart or too good at anything, you're an unemployable pariah because others won't work well with u
that must be why i keep getting fired from fast food restaurants. i must just be too smart for everyone else. no wonder i snap whenever the trogs can't keep the coffee machine at exactly 70C.

>> No.11677903

It's just following axioms
they were pure intellect in the 17th century but these days it's just recipes

>> No.11678659

This makes /sci/ seethe

>> No.11678669

kek, is this supposed to be hard?
mathtards need to get down their high horse

>> No.11678672

That’s a pretty horrible list.

>> No.11679008

I was going to mock you but then I read the list
>2. Communications
Holy snarky, you were correct. How can anyone tout Communications as a top major?

>> No.11679139

This, to assess someone else's IQ, your own IQ needs to be higher

>> No.11679299

>Higher IQ than chemical / electrical engineering


>> No.11679301


Except that 99.99% of psychologists are sub-130 IQ

>> No.11679306

>Psychology #7
>English / Literature #6
>Communications #2
>Only type of engineering that made the list is chemical
>No physics / math
>CS MIGHT be top 10, they put it as #1
Whoever wrote this list is missing a large portion of their brain

>> No.11679330

>Whoever wrote this list is missing a large portion of their brain

I agree

>> No.11679412

what is difficult about chemical engineering?

>> No.11679479

CS is currently oversaturated with morons, there are some very high IQ developers but they are few and far between

>> No.11679621
File: 1.25 MB, 640x480, 1589585154195.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with CS is that it is bloated with idiots that just want to feel cool and have a job that will legally let them be 100% of their time surrounded with their No. 1 drug, computers.
I'm 15 years old and I am the only one who knows how to program in the entire high school. However, every almost all male students in my class want to study CS while they don't even know what C++ is, pathetic. I have no clue about what is taught in the first year of CS, but I hope that they assume that everybody knows what a class or a recursive function is and don't bother explaining it. Natural selection, ma niga, if you're not smart you don't enter college

Pic unrelated

>> No.11679624

Medicine: nobody cares

>> No.11679627

Why? What makes that careers hard?

>> No.11679633

Oops,forgot to remove the tag

>> No.11679636

Had we lived 30 years ago you would have starved to death

>> No.11679800

Nah, the person that your describing is maybe Terry Davis, I don't think there has been anyone smarter than him. Or am I wrong - pls let me know if any better programmer exists.

>> No.11679819

im pretty sure OP is a low iq webdesigner
and that is okay

>> No.11679840

also: if you need a "huge memory" to remember everything in the code, you are a really bad programmer/sw designer/whatever

any coder with the slightest experience can look at a problem, slice it up into small pieces and implement it bit by bit. that is why coding such powerful tool, almost anyone can use it to solve extremely complex problems

>> No.11679870

This is bait but
>prongramming is CS
>I’m 15 and am very smart

>> No.11679876

no. These two camps are distinct

>> No.11679890

You didn’t build shit though. Why do undergrads try and take the accomplishments of people of old that they’re barely associated with
>I took intro to logic, we are all Alonzo Church now

>> No.11679958

You must be 18 years old to post here

>> No.11680100

Most of those people will drop out of CS when they get to college. It’s a bit like economics and to a lesser degree mathematics. These are often just things that young people say they are interested in because they have the idea that they make a lot of money.

>> No.11680312

We use to have alchemy now chemistry
We use to have astrology now astronomy
So if we now have neurology why do we still have psychology?
Psychology just seems like homo-sapien behavioral statistics, and less of a hard science.

>> No.11681646

>but I hope that they assume that everybody knows what a class or a recursive function is and don't bother explaining it.
No, because they aren't retarded. You aren't required to know anything before starting a degree but high school math. 1 introductory programming class is pretty much enough to bring everyone up to par.

>> No.11681847

let me guess you're on your second or third year in uni and you think you know more than everyone

guess what you know fuck all and nobody cares about you

>> No.11682196

None of what was posted there was hard and is standard for many CS degrees - did you not take calc 1-3 and linear algabra?

>> No.11682225

wasn’t this a basic entrance exam for CS? Aside from 1-2 calculus questions I forgot the method for, this is fairly easy

>> No.11684115

that was my point, he's posting it as it were hard

>> No.11684299

>the amount of information you need to cycle through your head becomes crazy
Then you're doing it wrong. See modular programming.

>> No.11684303

sounds like you need to do some planning.
Break down your problems into subproblems

>> No.11684321

>CE or EE is harder
This is only true from a degree perspective.
The people that find the CS degree easy, haven't tried actual CS.
The degree isn't what CS is. It's very general and only introduces topics, it's up to the student to learn the rest or fill in the gaps.
Engineering degrees are harder, but that's because you're trying to qualify as an engineer, so that you can start working as an engineer. There is also strict Gide lines to follow in engineering when building something. This isn't true in CS.
CS lets you do what you want, so only the diligent CS students go on to do relatively "hard" things.

Engineers do what they're told and have their hand held.

>> No.11684338

Engineering degrees are harder, but that's because you're trying to qualify as an engineer, so that you can start working as an engineer. There is also strict Gide lines to follow in engineering when building something. This isn't true in CS. CS lets you do what you want, so only the diligent CS students go on to do relatively "hard" things.
This depends on the school, but lmfao yes CS majors go on to do "hard" things, and even just hard things without the quotes.

>> No.11684349

I only meant hard In quotations as it's a matter of perspective.

>> No.11684375

It strikes fear into the hearts of most cs majors

>> No.11684424

It really doesn't. See
basic mathematics covered in freshman year of literally all non-bio, non-chem stem does not qualify as "striking fear into the hearts of cs majors." If you had posted a generating function question, I'd have believed you

>> No.11684790

>t. has never spoken to a group of cs majors or recent grads

>> No.11684940

>the fact that many mathematics/science students fail to see the value of logic in philosophy
The ones who are smart don't though.

>> No.11685491

>t. hasn’t spoken to any non codemonkey CS majors
I know these stereotypes have some truth but damn not everyone follows the caricature

>> No.11685802


>> No.11685815

every EE and CE major except for one i have ever met ended up in software anyways
it all funnels into the same shit

>> No.11685878

and they up shitting the bed after realizing years of studying transistors and basic logic does little to help them with deadlines.
I almost always see them in the mediocre entry level positions too.

>> No.11685892

i mean that's no different from a no experience cs grad, the degree will become less relevant as they go further

>> No.11685907

>i mean that's no different from a no experience cs grad
(good) CS programs give you relevant math and experience to the better CS jobs. My research with a cryptography professor led me directly into an interesting cryptosystems job. I know similar stories from people who did work in HPC.
In any event
>implying CS is synonymous with software
CS is a lot more

>> No.11685928

>I know similar stories from people who did work in HPC.
care to elaborate? i'm still interested in doing HPC but i don't really know any way in, i'm about half a year into a general software dev job and i feel i'm falling off and mentally atrophying because of how exhausting but also uninteresting it is

>CS is a lot more
it's the most common career route, though. my job is dull as shit but pays well

>> No.11685945

I know people whose route was that their undergrad research got them into HPC careers since it was a great icebreaker at recruiting events and the professors they worked with were not unknown by the engineers at these places.
>it's the most common career route
yeah you're not wrong, but personally I wished I delved into cryptography research more quickly - the world of computer science is so much brighter when you stop giving a shit about software engineering and just study it as its own academic field, at least in my experience.

>> No.11686067

the only professor who worked on HPC stuff at my college didn't teach undergrad. he did a topics class on it a semester or so before he fucked off to microsoft
i work at big tech company right now so like people knows people everywhere but i can't just go up to my boss or my senior and ask for referrals to other places. there's an internal hpc team at my company but good fucking luck with that
also i'm a bipolar piece of shit that doesn't care about work and shitposts on 4chan and literally masturbates to hentai on the clock

software engineering ain't bad, it's just that the hardest problem in most of it is understanding your own codebase enough to elegantly copy paste from stack overflow

>> No.11686175

math is not even well defined. Code is far more pure since it's been designed from the ground up multiple times. Maths is basically just a frankenstein that has had feature upon feature added to it over the past millenia.

>> No.11686385

> Code is far more pure since it's been designed from the ground up multiple times.
If you have any practical experience in the industry, you wouldn't call such code 'pure'
>Maths is basically just a frankenstein that has had feature upon feature added to it over the past millenia.
I mean, if you treat mathematics like a legacy programming language, then sure you'll have trashfire opinions about it, but the fact is that mathematics is not really about its notation or syntax - the abuse of notation is used to highlight new mathematical ideas that lead people in new directions.

Anyway, this argument about "code vs math" is useless because (T)CS and mathematics are sister fields (i mean, TCS *is* mathematics) and talk in each others' language. It's only that in the last 10 years, as CS has matured, there's been a revival in math and CS departments actually talking and doing research with each other. Places like Simons, IAS, and UoC have rich math/CS joint efforts and programs that highlight how arbitrary the divide ends up being.

>> No.11686478


so why the fuck is this board obsessed with using psychometrics (i.e., WM and IQ) to validate intelligence? if one thinks psychology is such a meme then they seem like a fool for worshipping tasks/test created by psychologists in the first place.

>> No.11686536

this is already the case. modern psychology is essentially neuropsychology, most top end schools expect neurophysiology and bioinformatics to be a part of a psychology major and beyond.
though, neurologists shouldn’t be concerned with studying behavioural pathology in-depth. they have more important cellular and molecular models/mechanisms that need examining. the subsequent non-trivial behavioural/cognitive impacts should be left to capable psychologists.

>> No.11686622

Based and ECEpilled

>> No.11686635

See >>11674298

>> No.11686989

People were talking about CS degrees. You are fooling yourself if you think CSlets know anything about circuits and communication complexity.

>> No.11687812

>You are fooling yourself if you think CSlets know anything about circuits and communication complexity.
It's a canonical topic in basic CS. You're fooling yourself if you think people don't study these even if they hate it.

>> No.11687859

most of the CS guys i know wanted to make vidya but they don't know physics/mechanics so they get cucked. nice job learning how dictionaries. now if you cant figure out delta time and physics or kinematics in delta time, you're cucked and trapped making turn-based and/or garbage

>> No.11687890

how much physics beyond basic shit is really needed? even then the game engine does it for you most of the time unless you're trying to make something extremely specialized

>> No.11687904

if you want a game with variable framerate, you need to understand those things. you can make gutter trash without it though. Remember shit like ocarina of time in 98 had delta time in some capacity. And doing discrete time mechanics is extremely nontrivial

>> No.11687910

and no, unity, gamemaker, unreal, might give you a call to get what the current delta time is, but no engine does the delta time physics for you. This is such a problem, that indie devs make games fixed in 30 fps and then pay people thousands of dollars to convert their trash to delta time based physics