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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 80 KB, 1100x824, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11668169 No.11668169 [Reply] [Original]


11/11 - okay
10/11 - bad luck?
<9/11 - confirmed brainlet

>> No.11668219


>> No.11668229
File: 12 KB, 207x244, wojak-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tread lightly Anon; for intelligence is but a curse for the unlucky few disobliged with its burden.

>> No.11668269
File: 196 KB, 2298x1032, Screen Shot 2020-05-13 at 12.21.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

test is racist

>> No.11668336

10/11 i would say bad luck definitely yes

>> No.11668381

Socioeconomic factors of course. You wouldn't believe that nazi IQ science mainly produced by Jewish-Americans in the 70s would you?

>> No.11668382

what question did you miss?

>> No.11668401

Most of those don't require any thinking just being able to memorise information.
Got the antacid one wrong, but I haven't done any chemistry since high-school and don't remember anything.

>> No.11668403
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>> No.11668413

fuck that was close, I chose observation over hypothesis

>> No.11668442

you don't know that bases neutralizes acids?

>> No.11668449

i messed up on the one with ear drops because i chose the answer that says to shorten the time to 1 week because i thought it would make us see if we can get the results faster. i wanted to pick the right answer because i know what control groups are but i thought it would be too cruel to not give any help to people with ear infections because i had one and it sucked.

>> No.11668480

>empathy over science

>> No.11668481
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>> No.11668485

>tfw there are people on this board that didn’t get 11

>> No.11668491

>empathy over science
Yes. I am a humanitieschad so it only makes sense that i look out for my fellow man, even if that means going against the cruel dogmas of scientism.

>> No.11668814

the observation is that the computer is running slow

>> No.11668845

yeah but its all extremely basic and widely applicable facts that you should be familiar with.

>> No.11668960

the one with the trees and erosion. i dont even remember what i put i thought all of them were wrong

>> No.11668970

Not really. I didn't find chemistry interesting at all and just did my math homework secretly instead.

>> No.11669244

Don't the bigots know you need a college education, rich stable family, and be free from systematic opression to identify fossil fuels

>> No.11669309

>knowledge = iq

>> No.11669391

fucking kek at the racial data in the results. how did this one slip by the censors

>> No.11669736

9 out of 11 but I skimmed it ngl. Probably missed the question with the three graphs as well as one other.

>> No.11669766

I got 11/11. If anyone gets anything less they should be ashamed, this is elementary school level stuff.

>> No.11669773

>Those black numbers.
Jesus christ, I'm not a /pol/tard or anything, but that's really shocking.

>> No.11669775

If you adjust for IQ it isn't really all that surprising

>> No.11670990

11, okay. They were pretty good knowledge questions.

>> No.11671009

11/11. The only way you're going to get these wrong is if you're not paying attention to the question

>> No.11671803

did you see the stat page?

>> No.11671834
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>> No.11671844

I got that by reasoning "this one doesn't sound literally wrong or impossible", although I had absolutely no clue that was what actually happens or why it happens

>> No.11671849

i guessed it had to do something with the tree roots being removed not sure though

>> No.11671855


Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms. In agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a field's topsoil by the natural physical forces of water (Figure 1) and wind (Figure 2) or through forces associated with farming activities such as tillage.

I guess all it means is removal of top soil layer

>> No.11671858

well i guess nobody is paying attention

>> No.11671859

the dificultiness level of it is at level of elementary school final exam here in poland
very easy

>> No.11671866

I got an 11/11. I thought it was pretty depressing the antacid one was the one with the least amount of correct answers. I'm a chemist, I wish more people knew BASIC chemistry.

>> No.11672070

11/11 very easy stuff

>> No.11673679

11/11 had to search up what antacids are beacuse english isn't my first language so it gave it away.

>> No.11673833
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Good God, I can't believe they posted the negro numbers. This really puts it into perspective lol.

>> No.11674744

Rayciss and chauvinist! We must get this website cancelled

>> No.11674760
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11 out of 11 easily

But I'm kind of horrified that for a lot of these questions, only 50-70% of the respondents got it right. Only 63 percent of the population understands how seasons work? 57 percent of people were able to correctly multiply 40 * (45/60)? Is there something I'm missing here, like maybe a large number of people giving joke answers?

>> No.11675083

Me too 11/11 I still don't know what they are but I know that bases neutralize acids so I got it correct

>> No.11675113
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol look at the black score where they actually just had to use math, no knowledge...

>> No.11675136

Read the website, these samples were taken from a study. They're not comparing you to people who took the test online

>"See how your results compare with the 4,464 randomly sampled adults that took part in our national survey and review how you responded to each question"

>> No.11675165

Those numbers seem off. How's that the total is lower than some right columns?

>> No.11675174

brainlet detected

>> No.11675207

you shouldn't be able to vote or have an opinion about anything.

>> No.11676266

Cant tell if you're ironic, but if you arent BASED. Scientistic anglo-bugmanism is the biggest cancer on the planet, and even its believers are infinitely worse off for it.

>> No.11676303
File: 45 KB, 589x454, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the eardrop question, ear infections don't heal on their own in 2 weeks.
I realize you need a placebo group in a real medical study but if you can only do 1 other test and you are getting ear infections cured in 2 weeks, you already know the medicine is effective to a greater degree than nothing at all.

>> No.11676814

Having a control group is one of the most basic/standard parts of any scientific experiment. That one's on you bud, not the question

>> No.11676834

11/11 easy shit erosion question was dumb though

>> No.11677021

the earth axys isn't the right answer you brainlets, it's the difference of distance between the earth and the sun during the timespan of a year. the earth's tilted axys explain the higher temperatures near the equator and the seasons being different on the northern and southern halves of the earth. without the tilted axys we would still have seasons you fucking brainless idiots

>> No.11677121

Oh, yes, the three races: white, black, español
>pew research center
>anglx-saxonex degeneration
To the trash can it goes

>> No.11677954

11/11 i had some luck. I didnt know the correct english word for the anwser on the acid question. i knew the anwser though.

>> No.11677969

>Oil, natural gas and coal are examples of …
>Fossil fuels
Not science nor math.

>When large areas of forest are removed so land can be converted for other uses, such as farming, which of the following occurs?
>Decreased carbon dioxide
>Colder temperature
>Greater oxygen production
>Increased erosion
Bad question

>> No.11677979

I know WTF.... This is like fifth grade level thought

>> No.11677980

I don't think anyone below 11/11 should post here.