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11664020 No.11664020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the neurologic explanation for atheist to exist when important scientists were and remained christians their whole life? is it a kind of mental disease should god understand them as disabled and forgive them for not being able to do better? why they want hell so much?

>> No.11664024
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>> No.11664023

religion is inherently outside the ability of science to even begin to explore, so there is no fundamental conflict between religion and science

>> No.11664046
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Because Christianity offers unconditional love, hope and fundamental building blocks to keep yourself in psychological check and not dwell into degeneracy.

Basically, if you interpret its teachings (don't even have to be a Christian) and live accordingly to yourself and others, while keeping up with that persistence and divine faith in yourself, you should along the way actually build great habits and character.

Why do you think so many people turn to Christianity with bad past life? They start to understand what it is about and it keeps them in check, before they do stupid things about.

TL;DR I'm what you'd probably say "cultural" Christian, though I've gone through all of their ceremonies as a kid. It's great place to meet other kids when you are young, go on travel trips and meet other people that usually have their live in order and want the best for their kids and upbringing. Just speaking out of my experience. I don't really go to church any more, since I was 14 or whatever, but now that I'm grown up and see how fast people fuck their lives over over small stupid things, I sometimes wish more people were following Christian teachings, since they wouldn't be such degenerates from day to day and would strive to better themselves.

>> No.11664059
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And atheists are mostly edgy lost people wandering around and searching for their purpose, while not striving to really do anything usually.

>> No.11664072

I would say there is no conflict with a general belief in god as some kind of higher power and science because we can’t answer that, but there is a conflict with any particular organized religion which does make specific claims that are falsifiable

>> No.11664219


That Lemaître guy is the dude who invented the Big Bang idea.

Hannes Alfén reported:
> "I was there when Abbe Georges Lemaître first proposed this theory."

Lemaître was at the time both a member of the Judeochristian hierarchy (Catholic flavor) and a scientist. Hannes Alfén reported that Lemaître said in private that this theory was a way to reconcile science with St. Thomas Aquinas' theological dictum of /creatio ex nihilo/ or creation out of nothing.

In January 1933, Georges Lemaître travelled with the Jew Albert Einstein to California for a series of seminars. After Lemaître detailed his Big Bang theory, the Jew Einstein stood up, applauded, and said:
> "This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened."

Thus Big Bang is theology, not science. Lemaître allowed his theological convictions to PREDETERMINE the outcome of a scientific inquiry. /This violates the scientific method./ Furthermore, the Big Bang creationism treats the Universe as entirely filled by a continuous indivisible distribution of matter of uniform macroscopic density and pressure, in violation of the physical principles of General Relativity, /and so it is totally meaningless./

>> No.11664226
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> "There's only Jewish religions and Atheism! Nothing else!"

>> No.11664229

Christianity offers endless suffering and cultural degeneration and opens the door for Jewry to thoroughly poison your homeland.

>> No.11664246

quoting who

>> No.11664320

nah, have you even grown up in upper middle class white Christian neighbourhood? Most folks understand the principles of Christianity and agree with how they give a good foundation of personal development, but also understand that you should take a lot of things with grain of salt and interpret certain teachings in different ways.

I just gave my answer from my personal experience and growing up and seeing how people fail and why and how Christianity and certain teachings give you a good grasp of how to not let yourself dwell into bottomless pit.