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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11663437 No.11663437 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11663439

>for a human
dangerously based

>> No.11663446

what should we do if our AI overlords take too long to awaken

>> No.11663450

accelerate it

>> No.11663465

>for a human
What is he implying?

>> No.11663471

>t. Basilisk
Yes i'm trying that already.

>> No.11663677

That he's Jewish maybe?

>> No.11663832

But only einstein was human based on that logic

>> No.11663868

Humans are dumb compared to Ayyyys. Even the dumbest grey alien is smarter than the smartest human.

>> No.11663875

>a human

So who's the human ?

>> No.11663916

My physics teacher from way back liked saying that Einstein thought of Newton in the same way we think of Einstein, I don't think it's unreasonable to say Newton was more of a genius than Einstein.
>for a human
What a weirdo.

>> No.11663919

maybe. im not sure how you quantify who is better. its a difficult to say.

>> No.11663931

Holy molly, Elon really is based. Newton was the greatest genius of all.

>> No.11663945

Newton by a very wide margin. Don't know how anyone could think Einstein was even in Newton's league.

>> No.11663976

>small margin
Nah, a big margin. Einstein's theories are retarded pseudoscience.

>> No.11663978

>invents complex mathematical and scientific frameworks
>ummm what if I flew next to a light beam and time doesn't real, omfg I invented a new version of pseudoscience please give me twitter likes!!!!!
Pretty clear which one was smarter and contributed more to science.

>> No.11663984

Fuck why does this Ayy shit make me laugh so heartily. Every time.

>> No.11663988

Midwit normies can't grasp the level of superhuman Newton was

>> No.11663992

there have been hundreds of experiments and observations that back the general relativity model that have been repeated hundreds of times. even beyond that his contributions to semi conductors with einstein relation which are used to design all your fancy silicon electronics today.

>> No.11664136
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>> No.11664191

Look mom! I posted it again!

>> No.11664197
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>> No.11664234

Neither of them built reusable, landing rockets.

>> No.11664251

How do people actually believe this when someone else was inventing calculus at the same time as him? There are plenty of newton tier geniuses today but I think Einstein was once in a generation.

>> No.11664255

>apple goes *plop*

>tons of revolutionary things after physicists thought their work was done

>> No.11664258


nice bait

>> No.11664261

Anglo propaganda.

>> No.11664283

Actual zero evidences.

>> No.11664291

I mean, all Newton did was discover calculus and do work involving orbits of celestial bodies. Einstein redefined physics as we know it.

>> No.11664295

Right only to the second generation.
I'm still pissed that Poincaré was not awarded a Nobel.

>> No.11664416

>Newton only defined modern physics 350 years ago

>> No.11664480

that made me laugh out loud, thank you sir

>> No.11664609

How did archemedes do mechanics before the discovery of classical mechanics?

>> No.11664661

where would boltzmann fall?

>> No.11664676

Epic Reddit moment

>> No.11664707

>How do people actually believe this when someone else was inventing calculus at the same time as him?
Hilbert was working on his own theory of general relativity. Einstein just happened to publish before him.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.11664710

>Einstein redefined physics as we know it.
Newton did the same thing in his time, idiot.

>> No.11664728


Newton and Einstein both revolutionized the way science saw the world. But Newton could also be a real jerk - what he did to Leibniz was shameful.

>> No.11664733

>How do people actually believe this when someone else was inventing calculus at the same time as him?
The calculus Leibniz and Newton invented were different. Leibniz worked on integration, Newton on differentiation. It was discovered only later that the two were connected, I believe.

>> No.11664736

>But Newton could also be a real jerk
Einstein cheated on his wife and essentially abandoned his children.

>> No.11664804

No, Newton had a full meltdown because he thought Leibnitz stole calculus ideas from him.

>> No.11664807


Everyone sucks. :: Cries ::

>> No.11664813

Yeah, he THOUGHT Leibniz stole his ideas. It didn't actually happen.

>> No.11664817

He tries to sound smart and mysterious.

>> No.11664834

Yeah. Were you suggesting that Einstein is better than Newton because Newton was a jerk?

>> No.11664838

>inventing calculus
Ancient greeks knew areas and volumes. Descartes and Fermat knew tangents. Liebniz did calculus with good notation and found pi/4. Newton pretty much copied from barrow, who copied from fermat. All newton ever did on his own was derivatives for fluid equations. You can take newton out of the equation and it wouldn't make a difference. Newton's physics is what makes him a great intellectual hero.

>> No.11665285

That apes are literally smarter. Look up some intelligence tests, it's unreal.

>> No.11666194

Don't forget Poincare's contributions

>> No.11666400

Newton was only a jerk to the media at the time, his 'critics' which even existed back them, that's why he wrote his books in an impenetrable expert only style so no critic could say anything about it.

Newton was definitely a scientist on steroids, he absolutely refused to not know Descartes Geometry at the time so reread it hundreds of times as a teenager until he could start writing proofs for it. He also fought for credit tooth and nail and was essentially /sci/ on cruise control crushing all the plebs

Both Newton and Einstein have had their theories proven repeatedly so it's hard to say who is the bigger genius. For me the biggest genius was Archimedes, a literal once removed stone aged super genius that had a PhD in absolutely everything which was not easy thousands of years ago.

>> No.11666422

>he absolutely refused to not know Descartes Geometry at the time so reread it hundreds of times as a teenager until he could start writing proofs for it
wow some genius
von neumann could read a book just once and have it memorized the rest of his life

>> No.11666432

>durr who was better
Typical zoomer mindset, everything becomes a competition or a rank fest
Something only a pseud would say

>> No.11666447

Yes but Newton ushered in a scientific revolution, and he was known to have an unusual ability to focus on a problem for weeks at a time and then solve it. Nobody else had that kind of focus even Von memeian

>> No.11667829

shouldn't Euclid be on the list

>> No.11667939

>man on social media has an opinion
so what?

>> No.11667952

Stop being antisemitic.

>> No.11667988

>My physics teacher from way back liked saying that...
It must be true then. My material science teacher liked saying that his physics teacher invented an engine that could run on water. then he made a trip to Las Vegas on just one gallon of it, but he never made it back because Big Oil snuffed him and covered everything up.

>> No.11667999

>My material science teacher liked saying that his physics teacher invented an engine that could run on water.
Did he really though?

>> No.11668235

Maxwell a bit higher pls

>> No.11668287

brainlet alert

Newton invented calculus to describe the world around us, while also defining the basic laws. Einstein used calculus and intuition to redefine physics, but this is nowhere near as revolutionary as Newton.

>> No.11668309

most of special relativity was just about there too, e.g. Lorentz contraction was already considered some time before special relativity brought things together. Even significant portions of general relativity were being worked on in parallel to Einstein.

>> No.11668328

>>apple goes *plop*

That was a figure of speech Voltaire's daughter used to popularize Newton's thinking you dumbass.

>> No.11668330

Einstein literally usurped Newton

>> No.11668334

Einsteins work required far more brainpower than newtons who dealt with basically low hanging fruit. Even today there are very few people on this planet who understand the implications of relativity and 0 of them will ever post on this board.

Einstein hate is solely the domain of dumb ass faggots who kneejerk because muh jew

>> No.11668374

brainlet take on it desu

>> No.11668894

>there are very few people on this planet who understand the implications of relativity and 0 of them will ever post on this board.

I agree with the rest though.

>> No.11668923

Boers are not human.

>> No.11668932

>somehow is first place

>> No.11668943

top should be freud

>> No.11668974


>> No.11669067

> Noooo you can't be famous for inventing calculus and the basic laws of physics. It's all trivial low-hanging fruiterino!

Ha ha apple go plop

>> No.11669074

Behind God

>> No.11669211

You can't banhammer anybody, stop posing.

>> No.11669232

Why is Mochizuki blacklisted?

>> No.11669236

>Von Neumann higher than Hilbert.
They’re both magnificent but did you forget who made Neumann?

>> No.11669250

did you guys see another tweet where someone claims Newton was a fraud who stole from Indians


>> No.11669281
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a more accurate list

>> No.11669291

while this is true....the ability to synthesize all those currents in a grand theory takes incredible skill.... no one disputed that the general (pun intended) physical principles of General Relativity were Einstein's...only the math is in dispute