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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11662910 No.11662910 [Reply] [Original]

Singularity WILL NOT happen in our lifetime. We were born just *barely* too early. We will not see an end to aging, we will not see AGI, we will not make it to mars, and we will not see improvement of human intelligence through gene-editing and other biological means. The anthropic principle gave us this extremely unlikely chance of us being ourselves, and granted us the gift of sapience and intelligence, but decided to just BARELY cuck us on the probability distribution by making us born a couple of decades to early.

And what's worse is that we have a bunch of people here who have deluded themselves into thinking we actually have a shot at singularity, and are now giving credence to Kurzweilian arguments.

Ray Kurzweil is losing it and has deluded himself into thinking that he will be immortal and that AI will transcend human general intelligence in the year 2045, and is now taking a bunch of pills to try to make it there. He is just coping at this point. It's all very sad. I don't hate Ray or any of you singularity posters; I understand why you feel this way and want to be optimistic. It's all rooted in psychology. I just think it's sad how hard everyone is coping and having false promises. We got cucked. We got completely and utterly cucked. It's like being 1 point away from passing the most important exam.

It sucks anons, but we're in this together. At least our grandchildren will get to be a part of it.

>> No.11662942


>> No.11662946

Yep, another delusional person.

>> No.11662947
File: 152 KB, 1300x1279, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep, another delusional person.

>> No.11663113

Wow that was really interesting, thanks anon. Those bullseye craters and rows of concentric craters among other things are just not possible under the standard model.

>> No.11663463

>The anthropic principle gave us this extremely unlikely chance of us being
survivor bias does not make you survive, so how could it make you live.

>> No.11663631

So what. It's not my life goal to live in science fiction cause I'm not fucking loser science fiction nerd. Get a life.

>> No.11663656

okay boomer, for you maybe. I hit the jackpot

>> No.11663658


>> No.11663666

>At least our grandchildren will get to be a part of it
Wrong. What we see today is the peak of humanity's achievement.

>> No.11663686

t. Ramesses II, Augustus, Qin Shi Huang, Carlo V, Luigi XIV, Hitler, Stalin and many more.

>> No.11663688

Are you gen x? Life extension to 120 is already here, should be available to megamillionaires by 2030

>> No.11663721

lack of succeeding repeating digits proves you're wrong, doomer op.

>> No.11663726

satanic trips confirm. fug

>> No.11664209

Its downhill from here. There will be no singularity. Things will slowly get worse.
Intelligent people might self segregate and continue research in gated communities, maybe for another 150-200 years.
But by then theyll all be raided and a new dark age will have dawned.

>> No.11664830
File: 144 KB, 735x735, 1526567180964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ever believing in this pop-sci reddit bullshit

>> No.11665551

something something last days of Rome etc. etc.

>> No.11665618

Raided how? Can't these smarties just surround their land in AI machine guns.

>> No.11665655


>> No.11666211

only true if life extension technology stalls

>> No.11666324

human. beings. are. not. meant. to. live. indefinitely.
be grateful.

>> No.11666332

human beings aren't "meant" for anything, there is no intention or teleology

>> No.11666337

you're right about everything except grandchildren getting it, they'll decay in our entropic universe just like everyone else. and your grandchildren aren't you, your daughter's greatest ambition will be to have a 95 IQ pete davidson clone shoot a load in her while your son will somehow end up even worse than his frog posting father. it's fucking over bro

>> No.11666405

By whom?

>> No.11667205

The singularity meme is NEVER going to happen, you idiot. Humans are filthy amoebae. You are not a species capable of greatness.

>> No.11667386

This is only a problem for someone who's only coping mechanism for the inevitability of death is "tehee I'm not gonna die I'm speciul cuz technology". And if that's collapsing it will throw him into deep existencial crisis. Quite immature if you ask me.

>> No.11669080

First of all, there IS no life extension technology, secondly muh singularity is one of the most fucking retarded "I fucking love science!" beliefs in an entire genre of fucking retarded beliefs.

>> No.11669083

Die for my flesh then.

>> No.11669597

I'm signed up for cryonics. I'll tell your grandkids what a faggot you were.

>> No.11669652

>anthropic principle
This is only valid if 1) the possible universes is ultimately finite, i.e. everything is pixelated, segmented, and ultimately quantifiable (planck only provides the smallest measurements), AND 2) the possible state of said "pixels" is finite, i.e. nothing fundamentally needs to be how it is.
>this is what happens when science tries into metaphysics

>> No.11669747

You didn't actually bought his salesman speech right? lmao

Musk was trying to sell cars you idiot, of course he was hyping everything up until reality happened. Now all that's left is bunch of cars that will never, EVER, be autonomous

>> No.11669788
File: 46 KB, 500x519, follow-so-i-have-been-talkin-to-this-sweet-gal-38012400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens when you don't have a eugenics program with modern medicine.

>> No.11669814

I’ll live to about 2080 if tech froze today. plenty of time to make the cut off. boomers are fucked though

>> No.11669869

>We will not see an end to aging
This is the only thing I doubt. There's a small chance we might actually see a breakthrough in our lifetimes.

>> No.11669904
File: 4 KB, 343x147, obiwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did I ever tell you about Sweet Gal, Luke? I spent 6 months talking to her and buying her nudes. Come on Thursday I decided to invest in a lifetime subscription to her premium snapchat, for the sum of $500. That might not sound like a lot to you today but back then it was no measly amount. Unfortunately, shortly afterwards the infamous Thot Audit occurred and she deleted all her social media accounts. I couldn't message her. I was down $500 with rent coming up soon.
>And I also lost a good friend.

>> No.11670787

Satanic trips confirm, but notice the term peak of HUMANITY'S achievement, the singularity is not a human achievement, it is an ai driven achievement. Once technological progress is driven by technology rather than man, things will go truly exponential and technological progress will go vertical, progress and changes that would have taken decades will occur on the time-span of days, then hours, then minutes eventually culminating in the return of god

>> No.11670793

Actually, I'd say it's a bit after. The Matrix is non-fiction.

>> No.11670803
File: 93 KB, 1500x1000, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notice the term peak of humanity's achievement"
Peak is the wrong term on it's own, otherwise it'd only go down after that "peak" since it'd be the highest point (the summit, the "peak"), which means we'd be stuck with shitty AIs everywhere and your "give the job to the rubutz duh" would only stay in the same world string /theory/ is in

>> No.11670962

>We were born just *barely* too early. We will not see an end to aging

i'm not so sure about that

>> No.11670994

i think its allot more likely then anyone thinks.
its allot easyer to fix age related deseses like cancer, alzheimer, artritis,.... before they happen then trying to fix each one of them ceparately.

there are already studies that turned human cells into previous stages (made them younger)

ther real anthropy only happn in our DNA because its a lossy carier of information, it get worse after each copy if, we can find a way to make it lossless we would have fixed aging