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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11662490 No.11662490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Genetical reasons on why East Asians are much more pragmatic than other ethnicities?

>> No.11662522

They're smarter than whites by about 8 points and the gap is much bigger around 12 points when it comes to special abilities intelligence.

>> No.11662526

>East Asians are much more pragmatic than other ethnicities
Provide proof, Jew.

Samefag. No new IP.

>> No.11662527

Pragmatism does not equate intelligence

>> No.11662537

The stupidity of poltards never ceases to amaze me

I'm sorry you've chosen to live like a braindead moron

>> No.11662549

I am guessing that East Asians are more prone to neuroticism and therefore have created an ultraconformist multiface society in order for everything to work and all of those autistic "losing face" concept

>> No.11662578

*Spatial abilities

>> No.11662579

Shut the fuck up, /pol/
No such thing as East Asians or any other race in genealogy

>> No.11662599
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Correct. Racism a.k.a. phrenology is pseudoscience. There are no races but you can be racist anyway

>> No.11662611

I honestly find that annoying
Not wanting a moral high ground but belief always get in the way of education.

The genetic lineages of East Asians are Xiongnu, Jomon, Yayoi, Han, Yamato, etc. Most of which are also likely a cross between multiple genetic variations of foreign ancestors. Jomon alone is like 3 different genetic ethnic groups.

Racism is absolutely stupid

>> No.11662721

If they were pragmatic, they would not use moonrunes

>> No.11662735

Total bs image. There is skeletal differences between ethnic groups and sexes. I am quite sure that being poor, especially during childhood, can influence skeletal development.
If you want to prove your point, please choose less retarded memes

>> No.11662951
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I know you're baiting but anyway...

>> No.11662956
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>> No.11662959

So you admit you're Jewish (only a Jew would write a comment like that). Good to know, thanks Cohen Foreskingobblerstein.

>> No.11662964
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>> No.11662968
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>> No.11662969
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>> No.11662971

For godsake, /pol/
Get out.
No one wants to see the crap you religiously spam on your board

>> No.11662973
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>> No.11662980
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>For godsake, /pol/
>Get out.
>No one wants to see the crap you religiously spam on your board

>> No.11663008
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> "We are all Africans"

> We are NOT Africans

>> No.11663010
File: 3.15 MB, 1536x6200, 1565669966679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> What does Science tell us about our Origins?

> You are 99,7% Neanderthal

> The DNA Hoax

> Revolutionary News about Neanderthals!?

> Neanderthal Diet (What did our Forebears eat?)

> The Truth about Cro Magnon

> 3 (((David Reich))) quotes

> Science Today

> The Theory of Evolution

> Quick Guide to DNA tests!

> Eye Color and Color Blindness

> Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes

> How the ENTIRE European Population will be NORDIC in some thousand years

>> No.11663019

Sorry, this just got to me because, let me guess. You just took the sentence you like?

It's called a Theory because it can be proven by tracing mithochondrial DNA between haplogroups, Autosomal DNAs, and even the Pathogenic DNA that has left its marks from parent to offspring 70–90% of humans have polyomavirus

We could even trace migration patterns of various groups based on the stone tools they have left, the signs of agriculture and collapse of their tribes, and the new migration routes they traveled through. Some groups returned to Africa.

Theories cannot be disproven, only improved. Haplogroups that did not descent from African haplogroups are not unique at all. There's Haplogroup C for Asian and Oceanic people for example.

And no, it does not really mean that it didn't came from Africa, rather it just mean that the gene was isolated for so long it developed unique traits that made it different from its parent