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11656655 No.11656655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are humans significant in the Universe?

>> No.11656660 [DELETED] 

You in particular is not significant, OP.

>> No.11656670

The Universe is indifferent.

>> No.11656672

Who’s to say we aren’t

>> No.11656680

We are objectiveyl the only intelligent lifeforms that exist anywhere in the universe.
In the next ~200 years we will convert the entire universe into a giant computronium computer.
The "metaphysics of reality" literally is:
God created the universe (the big bang is objectively the creation event) and humans in order to develop the singularity and convert the whole universe into a giant mind.
Anyone who disagrees with this is uninitiated and doesn't understand. They are necessarily low IQ and unworthy to talk to.

>> No.11656686

Maybe. If there is no other intelligent civilization in the observable universe, then we are significant at least in the observable part. And this may very well be the case.

>In the next ~200 years we will convert the entire universe into a giant computronium computer.

FTL is not possible so converting the entire universe will take millions of years no matter how advanced the singularity is.

>> No.11656693

I agree with the “giant computer” conclusion, but I’m still not sold on “creation” with intent, as that triggers infinite regress. “Who created god?” etc. You can’t just dismiss this question. If on the other hand you ACCEPT infinite regress as something true, then infinity itself becomes the prime mover, not any particular overmind nested in it. Either way, infinity is always more fundamental than any one “creator”.

>> No.11656697

Also, the timescale. Yes, it will take millions of years. But so what?

>> No.11656704

>“Who created god?” etc. You can’t just dismiss this question
Yes you can, the same way you can dismiss the question "what's ordered under the bottom element of a bottom bounded lattice" or "which natural number comes before 1" or many other questions of the sort.
This idea that God needs a creator or that it's "special pleading" to accept that it doesn't is a weird abuse of pseudo-logic. there are an infinite amount of structures that expand infinitely in one direction but not infinitely in the other direction. There is nothing about this that is difficult to understand or necessarily contestable.

>> No.11656722


0 is the natural number which comes before 1, idiot. When you're trying to set up a pedantic non-example or a meaningless question for rhetorical illustration, you must first ensure that your "dumb question" does not have a straightforward, correct answer. Otherwise you just undermine your own argument.

>> No.11656732


>> No.11656761

Well we are the only or one of the very few intelligent species in the universe, so...

>> No.11656769

Yes, we define what is significant. Why the fuck would we give a shit what mars thinks?

>> No.11656770

It will take millions of years to get a signal from one core to another.
>So what?
Before this singularity is able to communicate any thoughts, the universe dies from old age.
Plus, forget any idea of ever leaving out galaxy, excluding rare mergers.

>> No.11656773

wow, you are stupid