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11652750 No.11652750 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading proofs of what Montagnier said, and now a scientist that worked in the Wuhan lab has been found shot to death in something that could not have been a suicide. The same thing happened to a virologist in the U.S.

What are your thoughts?

>> No.11652754

Probably not, no. Deadly viruses exist in nature - why assume this one is any special?

>> No.11652767

possible because we have had gain of function studies since the mid-2000s.

>> No.11652771

Not likely. It has a genetic structure exceptionally close to the common cold, which is famously difficult to defend against due to high mutation rate.

>> No.11652773

>It has a genetic structure exceptionally close to the common cold
its backbone is novel actually.

>> No.11652780


Explain what you mean by 'backbone'? It is still from the family of coronoviridae hence it must therefore have high homology to other coronavirus entities.

>> No.11652797

it is related not doubt. but the backbone which is where the majority of the genome lies is unique in human viruses. it's also most related to bat and pangolin coronaviruses.

>> No.11654227

Because there are no other confoundings when it's diagnosed

>> No.11654267

Because they literally designed a virus with the exact same description in a lab.

Don't forget the intern who disappeared and people who at least got deleted from the lab's homepage. Two Chinese people were incarcerated in Canada after supposedly having stolen something from a biolab there.

>> No.11654284

Montagnier is very old and he said IF there are HIV sequences then it was made in a lab. He did not checked the virus, he was commenting on another scientist finding, a statistic kind of study.

>> No.11654304


>> No.11654326

as far as i know, it might've accidentally breached containment from poorly secured chinese virology lab in wuhan, or it might've been planted in the wet market it had reportedly originated from.

a theory i've read somewhere said that it was CCP plot for the japanese olympics but it got out of control.

>> No.11654350


>> No.11654384

Reasoning is off.

>No! there are no similar sequences between covid19 and HIV
>okay, there's a little bit but it's not very much
>since the similar sequence found in covid-19 is also found in viruses older than HIV, this is proof that covid-19 is not modified by humans

A proper debunking would look at the probability associated with random mutations happening upon the similar sequences.

And fyi, I have no skin in this game. It doesn't matter to me whether it is or it isn't modified, because I'm already certain it was released from Wuhan's biolab- thus the reputational damage is done either way.

>> No.11654455

Pop cull. Yes engineered

>> No.11655269

>Was covid-19 engineered?
no evidence

>china bad
yes china bad, but no evidence

>> No.11655298

Dr. Fauci funneled money to the Wuhan Lab through a company called EcoHealth Alliance, who in turned used a lab out of Galveston TX to exchange gifts for 'technical assistance' in isolating a novel coronavirus procured from the wild.


>> No.11655334

Tinfoil thread cancer. GTFO.

>> No.11655359

>Because they literally designed
source: oldfucksnews & sadfart

>> No.11655597


>Because they literally designed a virus with the exact same description in a lab.

'description'? do you mean genome?

>> No.11655808

Where’s the evidence?

>> No.11656523


>> No.11656568

Where else but Twitter?

>> No.11657496

The link to the paper was posted here multiple times. Do you live under a rock?

No, I mean coronavirus gof'd with SARS and HIV spikes.

>> No.11657566

>No, I mean coronavirus gof'd with SARS and HIV spikes.

the fuck does 'gof' mean? and there is no sequence homology between HIV spike proteins and the SARS-CoV-2 genome

>The protein responsible for viral-induced membrane fusion of HIV-1 (gp41) differs in length, and has no sequence homology with S2.

>> No.11657574

Gain of function

>> No.11657598

ah gotcha, I've only seen that written as GoF. still though, there is basically no sequence similarity between HIV and SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins

>> No.11657614


The original reply was playing devil's advocate by alluding to the odd fact that originally the outbreak was declared by observed clustering of an illness that looked similar to SARS but none the patients didn't test positive for SARS-COV.

It's funny because the outbreak was declared before the virus was.

>> No.11657659

>It's funny because the outbreak was declared before the virus was.
isn't this standard for epidemiology? isolating and sequencing a virus takes time

>> No.11657673

Maybe corona wasn't designed as such, but there's no question that it was a Chinese plot to destabilize the world. Their plan has succeeded in the US and Europe far beyond what they could have hoped.

>> No.11657861

<----- /x/

>> No.11657872

Lack of source noted.

Does /sci/ not have jannies?

>> No.11657875
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>> No.11657879

Shred of evidence?

>> No.11657923


>> No.11658122

>different clusters should always be considered to be caused by the same virus.

It was declared another outbreak of pneumonia at first, but panic persisted that is was another SARS outbreak in spite of failing to test positive for the virus.

Don't get this wrong, Coronavirus was found in the patients, which is to be expected since its estimated that more than 60% of Chinese are considered to test positive.

It's not standard etymology to declare an outbreak of a novel virus because it shares nonspecific symptoms with other diseases.

The funny thing here was that it seems the panic drove the science to look for a novel serotype to fit the crime. It had to be a SARs virus no matter what. And it gets funnier because this novel coronavirus has never been isolated in patients to establish which part of the sequence to test for. All targeted sequences are based on the study found at Wuhan Virology Institute. It was the leaked report from the Wuhan lab that prompt a tweak in testing.

And it gets funnier still because now the tests come back positive for both people who have illness and don't show any symptoms.

>> No.11658125


>> No.11658152

Chinese trolls doing damage control

>> No.11658274

it feels like you're about to pivot to '5G causes coronavirus' which is my cue to leave

>> No.11658557

No, you dense mother fucker

The panic is engineered, not the virus.

Every model for this pandemic is based on fragmented information about the virus itself. And since the virus has yet to be isolated in infected patients it stands to reason that rates of infection, transmission, and etc. are statically driven--NOT clinically shown.

It's obvious if you look at the earliest scientific literature, starting with the Chinese bulletin about the "unusual clusters" to the later meta-analysis of the first 70k patients.

In other words, our leaders are acting without proper evaluation of the evidence; and repeatedly at that, which should draw concern.

>> No.11658777

What would you get/benefit from engineering SARS-COV 2?

>> No.11658798

>since the virus has yet to be isolated in infected patients
this is asinine. we have PDB crystal structures of pieces of the virus. it has been isolated tons of times now

conspiritards go to >>>/trash/

>> No.11658893

>pieces of the virus

Here's why it's 'pieces'

"The situation with SARS-CoV-2 is fundamentally different because this virus is assigned to an existing species that contains hundreds of known viruses predominantly isolated from humans and diverse bats. All these viruses have names derived from SARS-CoV, although only the human isolates collected during the 2002–2003 outbreak have been confirmed to cause SARS in infected individuals. Thus, the reference to SARS in all these virus names (combined with the use of specific prefixes, suffixes and/or genome sequence IDs in public databases) acknowledges the phylogenetic (rather than clinical disease-based) grouping of the respective virus with the prototypic virus in that species (SARS-CoV)."


Here's an example of Korea getting the closet a full sequence, but notes this isolating:

Prior to the identification of SARS-CoV-2 as the causative agent of unknown pneumonia in Wuhan, China, pan-CoV RT-PCR was being used to detect SARS-CoV-2 in Korea. The Pan-CoV RT-PCR detects all human coronaviruses and animal-derived coronaviruses.


Here's another article noting where the trouble starts:

These findings indicate the different viral load kinetics of SARS-coV-2 in different patients, suggesting that sampling timing and period of the disease development play an important role in real-time RT-PCR results.

And then notes:

The occurrence of false positive with one or more of the primer and probe NTC reactions is indicative of sample contamination. Importantly, the internal control should be included to help identify the specimens containing substances that may interfere with the extraction of nucleic acid and PCR amplification.

>> No.11659055

See replies, idiot. But thanks for shitting up this place.

Here, let me spoonfees you:
>plans include studying the pathogen that causes SARS,
>The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times

>Wuhan Institute of Virology, not far from the animal markets in downtown Wuhan, houses the world's largest collection of coronaviruses from wild bats, including at least one virus that bears a resemblance to SARS-CoV-2. What's more, Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists have for the past five years been engaged in so-called "gain of function" (GOF) research, which is designed to enhance certain properties of viruses for the purpose of anticipating future pandemics. Gain-of-function techniques have been used to turn viruses into human pathogens capable of causing a global pandemic.
>The Institute began a program of gain-of-function research into bat coronaviruses in 2015.


Note that I'm not saying they released it on purpose or that it is a bioweapon. I highly doubt both.

>> No.11659144

I don't see anything damning here. The initial experimental tests for SARS-CoV-2 used primers for all coronaviruses because the symptoms lined up. RT-PCR has a lower-bound for amplification, and tests for diagnostics need internal controls to ensure that the primers aren't garbage.

None of this negates the fact that the virus has been isolated tons of times now, and we even have crystal structures for most of the key proteins (which isn't the case for lots of other viruses).

>> No.11659286

>I'm not saying they released it on purpose or that it is a bioweapon.
Any "gain of function" virus tweaked to be more virulent in humans is by definition a bio weapon. And if your only other contention is that it wasn't released intentionally, let me ask you: what do you fear worse? A country that would launch a nuclear bomb intentionally or accidentally?

>> No.11659330


>In 2015, the Wuhan lab performed a gain of function experiment using cut-and-paste genetic engineering, in which scientists take a natural virus and directly make substitutions in its RNA coding to make it more transmissible. They took a piece of the original SARS virus and inserted a snippet from a SARS-like bat coronavirus, resulting in a virus that is capable of infecting human cells. A natural virus altered with these methods would be easily flagged in a genetic analysis, like a contemporary addition to an old Victorian house.

>A virus produced with animal passage methods would be much harder to spot. These viruses are not directly manipulated. When the virus passes from one animal to the next, it undergoes something similar to what would happen in the wild during the course of its evolution. A wild coronavirus passed through 10 ferrets would be difficult to identify as having been engineered or manipulated.

>There is no published record of animal-passage work on coronaviruses in the Wuhan Institute. The lab got its first BSL-4 lab in 2018, which is now considered a requirement for this kind of work (though some work proceeds in BSL-3-enhanced labs). It's possible that researchers started animal passage work in the BSL-4 lab but didn't finish it in time to publish before the current pandemic, when China tightened up on publications. It's possible that the work was done in secret. It's possible that it never happened at all. But some scientists think it's unlikely that an expensive BSL-4 lab would not be doing animal-passage research, which by 2018 was not unusual.

>> No.11659346

So there are 2 different kinds of studies that could be defined as "gain of function":

one involves an artificial event of recombination, splicing a S protein from a newly identified virus to another virus "backbone" to assess the ability of the S protein to infect human cells, this is the kind of "gain of function" experiment that was performed and documented in the Wuhan lab.
But if Sars-cov-2 was created in this way it would be evident to genetic analysis.

The second "gain of function" experiment involves multiple infection passages in ferrets, or other animals, to slowly create a virus able to infect humans, scientist-guided natural selection. If sars-cov-2 war created this way it would be impossible to detect its origin with genetic analysis but there are no indications or published studies that such experiments were performed in Wuhan lab.

>> No.11659353

china has the infrastructure to engineer viruses, but I don't see why this is the default hypothesis. other deadly respiratory viruses have emerged naturally from the region in the past - why assume this one is any different without strong evidence to the contrary?

>> No.11659368

Not assuming anything, just trying to see all the possibilities, there are 3 left:

1- wild virus from bats escaped by the Wuhan lab.

2- multiple passages in animals experiment by the Wuhan lab, but no indication this was ever performed.

3- wild virus from bats arrives if Wuhan in a way not related to the lab.

>> No.11659369

what about the virus emerging from a reservoir species like bat or pangolin, spreading to humans through the absolutely gigantic wet market right in the center of Wuhan?

>> No.11659374

its a gain of function virus. mate of my mine is a virologist and says its pretty much almost a certainty that it has lab origins.

>> No.11659383
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>bro a month long incubation period is totally natural bro please believe me

>> No.11659391

pretty sure the estimated incubation period is 5-14 days, which is typical for a lot of viruses

>> No.11659413

>If sars-cov-2 war created this way it would be impossible to detect its origin with genetic analysis but there are no indications or published studies that such experiments were performed in Wuhan lab.
>This didn't happen because they didn't publish it
not an argument

>> No.11659456

HIV takes one to 4 weeks to incubate, up to 3 months to make antibodies and up to 20 years to develop into AIDS...

>> No.11659460

>mate of my mine is a virologist and says its pretty much almost a certainty that it has lab origins.

Mate of mine is an aviator and says chemtrails are pretty much almost a certainty that it has illuminaty origins.

>> No.11659516

It means we don't know which part of the sequence to target, and when compared to a 'generic' model it comes back with different results.

>> No.11659535


whats more likely?

chinks eat everything that moves

or chinks are smart enough to engineer a working virus?

>> No.11659656

It was billy

>> No.11659705

>Was covid-19 engineered?

>> No.11659722

what billy?

>> No.11661421

It provokes American to develop vaccine for Chingchong

>> No.11661460

The covid19/HIV link has been robustly discredited. The authors literally just ran a blast search between covid19 and HIV and published the results. They just ignored the fact that hundreds of other viruses have more similarity to covid19 compared to HIV.

The covid19/HIV thing is a meme for idiots who don't understand genetics.

>> No.11661469

Is it possible even China doesn't know WTF happened?

Could they be researching bats in hopes of preventing a pandemic, then this shit all happened, and they still don't know if they accidentally created it in a lab, or if it was brought in from a wild bat into the lab. Or maybe it just came from a wild bat that never entered the lab.

What I mean is, if they themselves refuse to investigate how this all happened, it creates this self delusional plausible deniability, like "maybe it happened but we'll never know so stop talking about things that 'MAYBE" happened till you have proof, which we'll never look for anyway."

Is it plausible we'll never (and by we I include China) never ever figure out how it happened?

>> No.11661504

It's 100% not engineered. You can look at the genome and compare it to known viruses. Very similar to SARS-type viruses in bats. There are no signs of artificial insertions, deletions or swaps.

Now this doesn't mean it didn't come from a lab. It's totally possible covid19 was found, cultivated in a lab environment (like thousands of other viruses), and got out due to shitty PPE/air filters/whatever.

But the claim that it was "engineered" is completely false.

>> No.11661626

>got out due to shitty PPE/air filters/whatever.
there are US security cables going as far back as 2015 saying how that specific lab in Wuhan was in dire need of help and assistance from the US government in terms of mitigating risk of outbreaks. I guess the US government was REALLY worried about this lab for many years and wanted to help them.

I also heard and unconfirmed rumor (take that for what it is) that the US CDC pulled all their people out of Wuhan just a few months before the outbreak happened. Effectively eliminating all the assistance that the US might have been giving to them. Sound like a REALLY stupid and petty thing to do, but that also sounds exactly like something Trump would do.

It's entirely possible Trump is partially to blame for allowing this situation to occur that created the outbreak. They knew this shit could happen but Trump wanted to hurt the Chinese where it hurt cause of his trade negotiations. And he wrecked the economy of the entire world in the process.

Again, unconfirmed rumors ..... I haven't been able to find anything on this topic, but a reporter did ask Trump during a daily briefing. He quickly changed the topic, asked another reporter for another question, and I've never heard about this topic since then.

>> No.11661657

I think if it were engineered the genome would be much much larger, but how can you be certain it wasn't edited?

>> No.11661662


Take your rumors and hearsay and shove them up your ass, anon.

Come back with evidence.

>> No.11661711

>Take your rumors and hearsay and shove them up your ass, anon.
I appreciate your skepticism. Truly! We need more of it.

I had hoped someone else had heard something. I can't even find the original video of the reporter who asked Trump the question.

>> No.11662788

Errr, not quite. Their findings were correct, but their description and conclusion were not. There are parts of the spike proteins that resemble those of HIV.