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11647108 No.11647108 [Reply] [Original]

>Navy Seal


>> No.11647111


>> No.11647120

So no-fap is the key?

>> No.11647127

he invested in ZCN

>> No.11647132

By not being great at any of those

>> No.11647140

>havard doc
>fucking austronaut
>navy seal
>not being great

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.11647147

The Navy Seal part is actually impressive
Getting into med school and becoming an astronaut would be much easier if you were a Navy Seal

>> No.11647159

99.999999 percentile conscientiousness

Fucking genetics is tough bitch.

>> No.11647207

>still a gook

>> No.11647223

90% of all astronauts have backgrounds in STEM and the military.

>> No.11647253

>I finishes math school therefore I get to call myself a mathematician
This isn't medical school nor the navy. What is he currently researching on? How many peer reviewed studies does he have? How many theorems did he prove?

>> No.11647260

Astronauts have multiple degrees. Yes.
Many Astronauts have military background. Yes.

Some Astronauts have medical degrees. Yes.

The combination of his resume is what makes him unique.
It is impressive.

>> No.11647519


>> No.11647526

China spy cell, usa unis were exposed of being kept alive by the chinks

>> No.11648577


>> No.11648635

So what you're saying is that the U.S. was exposed as lacking the ability to keep its intellectual centers?

>> No.11648637

>*centers alive?

>> No.11648645
File: 215 KB, 1280x586, 1280px-2017_class_of_NASA_astronauts_with_Jim_Bridenstine_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets as to which one will be next on the moon

>> No.11648736

The canadian woman

>> No.11648837

this but graduating from the best research medical school, HMS, and completing residency at arguably one of the best hospitals, MGH, is still no joke

>> No.11648848

Something tells me, you're not any of those, let alone have any advanced degree.

>> No.11648858

Not just a navy seal, he did 100 combat operations during the two deployments in middle east. He's a sniper, combat medic, point man, and navigator. He was in navy for 7 years.

As a doctor, he's got ~5-6 years of actual experience both in battlefield as combat medic and as general physician at local hospital(not counting his education years).

And he's 35. FUCKING 35.

>> No.11648870

She's fucking sexy. Would bone all of the astroasties except the linebacker on the far left.

>> No.11648871

He's a gigachang, that's why.

>> No.11648879

A Caltech geologist was the last, it would be pottery if the negress Caltech geologist was the next.

>> No.11648896
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>one chance at life
>you weren't born with the insatiable drive to work 18 hours a day

>> No.11648901 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 1447x825, 1585640881609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone would be able to do this if genetic equality is achieved

take the snibbity snap pill

>> No.11648911
File: 378 KB, 613x920, Cristiano_Ronaldo_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best part is that he's married and a happy father of three

>> No.11648915

Anyone else notice the patterns in their facial structures? look at the three on the back row left (starting after the OP guy), they have the same thin, pointy, downwards nose, and their faces look weirdly similar. Same for the first girl on the left in the front and the first guy on the right in the front, even the two guys left of him have the same kind of noses.

>> No.11648919

This man is genetically elite and we have a moral obligation to harvest his DNA

>> No.11648922

He had a V8

>> No.11648926

>peer reviewed studies
>in math
lol retard

>> No.11649014

Post the name faggot

>> No.11649022

based post.

>> No.11649025


>> No.11649049

Johnny Kim.

>> No.11649056

Discipline, because that's the only way he was able to become a mathematician, the only way he was able to become a doctor and only way he could pass the navy seals course, or pass whatever astronaught school is.

It's all about discipline. Terrence Tao has many articles about this

>> No.11649167

Yes, we can't exist without the superior chinks who slave everyday and barely make quality cases. I sincerely hope people like you get the justice you deserve.

>> No.11649362


My vote goes to superchang

>> No.11649369

asian master race

>> No.11649489

Asian discipline.
Most people here would probably achieve the same feats if they didn't spend 99% of their time shitposting/jacking off to underage chinese cartoons/hating minorities.

>> No.11649574

Are you sure it's not because they are over compensating for something?

>> No.11649805

guy really has something to prove

>> No.11649817

holy shit the cope

>> No.11649830

not bad for a non-woman

>> No.11649858

Reading comprehension, old chap. Why are the Chinese keeping your universities afloat? Why isn't your own country doing it? Ask yourself what a post communicates before you start shitting your diaper to revenge fantasies.

>> No.11649860

Are you sure you aren't very salty right now because you have a strong interest in defending underachieving?

>> No.11650283

Because the country is a melting pot nowadays and people would rather be corrupt than care for the nation.

>> No.11650288

Skill level: asian.

>> No.11650309

the black woman, obviously. double minority pr win. if she meets the minimum qualifications (she's already there), they'll snap her up.

>> No.11650321

Space is female only ;) The tranny might come but that will be decided by popular vote.

>> No.11650323

He looks no more than a quarter black. Does that even count?

>> No.11650356

Big foreheads

>> No.11650362

>jack of all trades exists
brb, killing myself.

>> No.11650368

Is it testosterone plus being formed by the hardships of life?

>> No.11650373

>BA in math
That's not how it works cutie. I have a BA in math and I don't call myself a mathematician.

>> No.11650535

>Anyone else notice the patterns in their facial structures
Yes, they all look ugly.
Why it's not like the movies?

>> No.11650580

Be more confident in yourself

>> No.11650590

Not unless they redesign the landing vehicle so that someone other than the commander steps out first. I doubt a fucking geologist would be given CDR.

>> No.11650766

Jesus Christ just by reading his bio I already want to kill myself.

>> No.11650786


t. never gonna make it off-world

>> No.11650829

Yes, but what has he created?

>> No.11650837

Kimmy is an absolute chad and the first person to actually make me feel bad for spending so much time on 4chan.

>> No.11650884


All this work to be a government stooge in an age when basketball players and rappers will pay for private trips to the moon in 10 years


>ITT: Literal retards

Especially: >>11648926 Dude math journals exist: Annals of Mathematics, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Journal of the International Mathematics Society, etc...

>>11647253 Is right he's not a mathematician

>> No.11650894

He stopped caring about role-playing and just joined all the guilds

>> No.11650953


>> No.11651062

There have been quite a few geologists who have been astronauts. Have you heard of planetary science?

>> No.11651124

Does China keep them afloat through some illegal means?

>> No.11651152

I want him to shoot big cums in my boipucci

>> No.11651171

I prefer to be an expert in one thing than mediocre in several.

>> No.11651247

fuck man, im 28 soon and im barely finishing school... ill kms.

>> No.11651252

they are all genetically engineered.

>> No.11651268

I hope he's the next person to step out on the moon. Dude is based af

>> No.11651862


>> No.11651864

Neither the NASA biography nor Wikipedia calls him a mathematician. OP made that up.

>> No.11652953

IQ isn't a meme and his parents cared.

>> No.11653021

>Navy Seal
This is the odd one out, all the rest are a logical progression in academia.

>> No.11653578

No, he’s a coomer.>>11647120

>> No.11653995

Tfw a guy is so good you just wish you never existed because you're mere garbage

>> No.11654041

Some people are just better. They have a higher tolerance to discomfort, boredom, and routine. They can put the work in when others give up. Now sometimes one of those people is born with a high IQ and you get this guy.

>> No.11654044

I'm unironically happy for this guy and proud of his achievements. All of those things had to be earned. Youtube search "hell week" if you don't believe me.

>> No.11654046

Kek. I won't graduate with my first Bsc until I'm 30.
Still, it doesn't bother me. I'm happy this guy is out there and kicking ass.

>> No.11654057

I'm sorry but he will not be remembered after he dies. He will not be remember by 100% of anons ITT within 1 hour of closing the thread. Yet everyone knows who Hitler days even though you're not allowed to say anything positive about him.
>inb4 cope and seething

>> No.11654059

he could probably beat up elon musk so hes fine in my books

>> No.11654068

And why does that matter, exactly?

>> No.11654069

Eh, sounds like your average overachiever.
Dunno anon but if you ever went to a top Uni you'll find plenty of guys with 4.0's in their undergrad going into medical school; it's a pretty common academic progression. And imagining that any of them decided to go into NASA, I don't see any reason why they would not be able to become astronauts.

The only odd thing there is the Navy Seal, and even then I don't think it's impossible to achieve

>> No.11654079
File: 946 KB, 860x1038, 202-2027342_neet-pepe-png-download-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most based situation is when your surname becomes a SI unit, like Hertz
People MUST know your name, even if they don't know who you are, what you did, etc...

>> No.11654080
File: 587 KB, 800x1322, Kirisame.Marisa.full.2081614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not like him because i decided to become obsessed with anime girls
fuck that guy, if i had become an astronaut i would probably have the most asinine vision of life. i would have never met 4chan too, and considering that has been a big part of me it would be really fucking awful. i enjoy being a cynic, and enjoy being lazy. i dont really see why i should strive for something so great when i only want to fulfill my spirit

>> No.11654096

Does anyone ever get curious if these brilliant educated astronauts ever sit and wonder “why are we still using 1960’s technology to get to space?”

>> No.11654104

Most astronauts have two advanced degrees and are either military or pilots. If they're not ex pilots they have to be really good at something else. Look at just about every astronaut. At minimum they have two advanced degrees and are in peak physical shape for their age. Not to mention have to make it through psych screening.

>> No.11654106

Until we get hit by an asteroid, wiped out by a super-virus, engulfed by an expanding sun, etc. There is no such thing as immortality.

>> No.11654113

MANNED. *clap* SPACEFLIGHT. *clap* WILL. *clap* NEVER. *clap* HAPPEN. *clap* AGAIN. *clap*

>> No.11654114

be born as chad asian.

>> No.11654125

>There is no such thing as immortality.
but imagine, the only thing that makes you (your name) forgotten is the extinction of mankind itself
That's ultra chad, if you ask me:
"If i go down, you go down too"

>> No.11654876

yeah but what amazes me more is that gigachang achieved all that when he grew up from a ultrapoor family with an abusive father that got killed when he tried to kill his own family

>> No.11654885

It's easy if you have the IQ. He has never done hard work in his life, he never thought it as hard.

>> No.11654900

He's actually some quaturplets

>> No.11655271
File: 156 KB, 1410x793, hidethepainharold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By being a stock photo model
Just like my boy Harold

>> No.11655315

Having average or better intelligence, having good work ethic, having drive and having focus really
Having all of that allows him to follow through on his goals without being sidetracked by shit. Even if he decides some side thing is great, he'd probably find a way to organize his time in order to fit it into his schedule

>> No.11655354

Would it be cringe to start wearing NASA navy blue jumpsuits in public or just tryhard?

>> No.11655516

highly recommend the episode of the jocko (jonnys former navy seal commander) podcast where he talks about his upbringing and path into the seals->medicine->nasa. his story is very inspiring, he's not some snob who was groomed by his parents to be a doctor since birth. definitely motivated me to pursue more with my life


>> No.11656734


>> No.11657394

bruhh thnx for the rec, that's sad desu.

>> No.11657406


>> No.11657421

He probably won't so he's not fine in mine.

>> No.11657432

i wish he'd breed my gf.

>> No.11657532

>navy seal
So he shoots at people and then he cures them?

>> No.11657541
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>> No.11657545

imagine being this retarded

>> No.11657546
File: 86 KB, 156x189, briden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously Bridenstine.

>> No.11657562

That's the plot of "The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic"