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11645997 No.11645997 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to post on this one more time. Many of the effects now associated with the Covid-19 pathology, and being attributed to a virus, actually closely match what we would expect with millimeter wave irradiation. And I'm going to highlight in particular the Soviet notion of a chronic exposure study, in many cases it was 15 minutes per day, for 15 days. Sometimes 30 days, sometimes 60. 15 minutes. That was their chronic exposure model.

Why should we care about Cold War era research, and out of the USSR no less? There's really no short answer to that other than to say they had a heavily funded proper state sponsored research program, had been interested in this since the early 1920's, and were the first to set a safety standard for exposure in 1958. It was 10uW/cm2 for the general population, to my knowledge defined as peak power. The US in the 1970's set a standard of 10mW/cm2 averaged over any given 6 minute window. This was a source of persistent controversy.

Covid-19. In short, Soviet research for broad degenerative changes in organs, altered enzyme activity, diminished ATP production, and most specifically, they found irradiation affected the structure of water and weakened the heme-globin bond. Hemolysis was observed, simultaneously erythrocytes simply sat in the bone marrow and for whatever reason failed to emerge. I guess, who could blame them. Rouleaux was seen, micronecroses throughout the body were seen, issues with peripheral vessels, capillaries, etc were seen, possibly due to secretion of endogenous opioids and nitric oxide alongside damage to autonomic fibers.


Seem familiar?
See the 5G section in the text document.

>> No.11646001

so explain how MMWs causes PCR tests to amplify viral DNA in the mucus of infected patients

>> No.11646016

Not the point. You can have more than one agent at work at the same time.

However, the PCR test is basically garbage and is measuring irrelevant material. Hence why people are asymptomatic and test positive and they can't tell whether someone has had it, is a carrier, on and on. The death rate is low to begin with, as is transmissibility. By some accounts there's a correlation between getting a flu shot within the last 10 years and testing positive. mmWave irradiation alters gene expression and could therefore be active via that route, however, again, this is not the point.

>> No.11646019
File: 76 KB, 650x487, Soma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cell phones are physical Soma. Internet has nearly become psychological Soma.

>> No.11646023

Ah, I forgot. Leakage of the electron transport chain. Very old suspected microwave effect.

>> No.11646025

>Not the point. You can have more than one agent at work at the same time.

this is just the same convenient bullshit that AIDS denialists use. "it's not the virus, but the virus is also just hanging out in all our AIDS patients!"


>> No.11646041
File: 186 KB, 889x626, USSR, 1960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who don't want to download.

Look momo, what makes you think I care what you think? If you're not going to even read it you're not the target audience anyway, so what are you even doing here? Go somewhere else. Beat it.

Also. Amusingly as well, the notion of viruses being causative is where one may invoke "correlation != causation". While I find the idea interesting, that viruses are emitted by organisms living in our tissues, and are dispatched by our own immune system, I don't know enough about it to comment.

>> No.11646046

>Look momo, what makes you think I care what you think? If you're not going to even read it you're not the target audience anyway, so what are you even doing here? Go somewhere else. Beat it.
you're a schizo. MMW waves cannot make viral RNA sprout out of nowhere in people's lungs. this is by far the most ludicrous conspiracy theory I've ever seen on the internet, and I mean that genuinely.


>> No.11646051

You're still stuck on one or the other, not "either or". Stop being so needy.

>> No.11646053

Or both or rather.

>> No.11646055

SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19


>> No.11646058

I don't think you understood the question. Let me restate.

What are you doing here?

>> No.11646067

I've done the assays that are used to diagnose COVID-19. Electromagnetic waves cannot create RNA out of nowhere, and surely not RNA that corresponds to a virus that we know emerged in China.

If this crisis was a hurricane instead of a virus, you would still be blaming it on 5G. This is what schizophrenia does to an otherwise normal brain. Please take meds.


>> No.11646081

>I've done the assays that are used to diagnose COVID-19.
Go on.

>Electromagnetic waves cannot create RNA out of nowhere
Yeah, you're not posting in good faith. Read above. It's altering gene expression and interacting with micro-organisms in tissues. The material the PCR tests are looking isn't even novel to begin with.

>> No.11646088

>Go on.
What do you mean 'go on'? PCR needs a template to amplify. EMF doesn't conjure strands of viral RNA out of nowhere.

>It's altering gene expression and interacting with micro-organisms in tissues.
you don't realize it, but what you're writing here is the biochemistry equivalent of "it did some stuff with the things." it is almost impossible to be vaguer than 'changes gene expression'

>The material the PCR tests are looking isn't even novel to begin with.
yes it is. the primers are complementary to sequences that are only in SARS-CoV-2.

>> No.11646109

>What do you mean 'go on'? PCR needs a template to amplify. EMF doesn't conjure strands of viral RNA out of nowhere.
>Not the point. You can have more than one agent at work at the same time.
>Also. Amusingly as well, the notion of viruses being causative is where one may invoke "correlation != causation". While I find the idea interesting, that viruses are emitted by organisms living in our tissues, and are dispatched by our own immune system, I don't know enough about it to comment.

Period. End of story I have no intention of saying anything about the virus.

> it is almost impossible to be vaguer than 'changes gene expression'
Maybe to someone who hasn't read the literature.

Again, what are you doing here? Let me guess, trying to keep the world from going mad. A real classic.

>yes it is. the primers are complementary to sequences that are only in SARS-CoV-2.
Not what the false positive and false negative rate indicates, along with the lack of decent antibody tests to establish a ground truth. If this has changed since I've been looking into it, stop your needy whining and complaining and provide some data. Hence, what, are you, doing, here? What are you people doing here? Put up or shut up, don't people understand this anymore? Zero substance, just bitching, posturing, and moaning. Make your case, or get lost.

You people really are dumb as a box of rocks. s-m-h, tb,qh.

>> No.11646112

>I have no intention of saying anything about the virus.
that's real unfortunate because the virus is what causes the disease

>Maybe to someone who hasn't read the literature.
there's somewhere around 20,000 known protein coding genes and all of them are constantly changing their gene expression. your sentence communicates zero useful information while creating the illusion that you actually know what you're talking about.


>> No.11646121

>that's real unfortunate because the virus is what causes the disease
Go on. Explain the elevated free iron in blood, low red blood cell count, strokes, and micronecroses around small peripheral vessels (due to clotting, or otherwise).

>> No.11646126

I doubt that radio waves can create a virus but I do believe that the government does have the capacity to use electromagnetic waves that are harmful to humans.
Radio waves, etc... are a technology that's like 100 years old.
It'd be naive to think that they haven't come up with some malicious uses by now.

>> No.11646133

we don't fully understand the pathophysiology of the virus, and it's too early to know exactly which clinically-observed signs are signal and which are noise. a lot of these observations are just trends being observed by clinicians taking notes, which may or may not be real symptoms of COVID-19. biological research takes a long time and we've only know about SARS-CoV-2 for 6 months

>> No.11646141

Right, so I have a mechanism and you have nothing to put forward. Got it.

>it's too early to know exactly which clinically-observed signs are signal and which are noise. a lot of these observations are just trends being observed by clinicians taking notes, which may or may not be real symptoms of COVID-19.
That's true. I'm not going to bother to go into beyond saying it could function to opportunistically build up an association in medical personnel, and the public mind, between the effects of millimeter waves (which will become obvious in the next year or so) and viruses.

>> No.11646148

>Right, so I have a mechanism and you have nothing to put forward. Got it.
you have a hypothesis with no evidence behind it. that's worthless

>> No.11646149

>you have a hypothesis with no evidence behind it. that's worthless
I posted the evidence. Apparently you're the kind of animal that looks at a link and says "nah nuh uh not gunna read" then comes back with "dare is no ebbedance". Like, shut the fuck up.

>> No.11646151

>I posted the evidence.
in my field (biological research), evidence usually comes in the form of a paper, not a youtube video. I'll accept pdfs

>> No.11646152

Look, momo, READ THE OP.

>> No.11646155

not gonna download your sketchy mediafire malware. give me the DOIs for the papers you want me to read. I have access through my university to most journals.

>> No.11646158

>Sell it to me, give me your time, I totally deserve it.
You don't.

>For those who don't want to download.

>> No.11646166

>The US in the 1970's set a standard of 10mW/cm2 averaged over any given 6 minute window.

I get on average in my bedroom 3 mW/m2 due to a cell tower. I'm bad at maths what is that in mW/cm2?

And that is 24/7 exposure.

>> No.11646167

this is overwhelmingly just news articles and youtube videos. can I have the abridged version, sans bullshit?

>> No.11646172

Factually false. You've been told what section to navigate to. Your inability to do anything on your own and follow directions is beginning to become a bit much for me, so that'll be that. If you want something specific feel free to ask.

>> No.11646176

>You've been told what section to navigate to
this entire thing appears to be about 5G and other related telecommunications - that really doesn't narrow it down at all

I think you're under the assumption that compiling a dissertation-sized pastebin full of bullshit makes your arguments better. in reality it just precludes anyone debunking everything because of the sheer magnitude of labor involved to do so.

speaking of which, I'm going to bed. get those meds at some point OP


>> No.11646178

The initial portions are boilerplate and not at all irrelevant, but you should navigate to line 262.

>> No.11646188

I actually almost feel something like "shame" for responding to this tool. It's like being strung along and falling into being time-raped. Yikes. Fooled again.

I'm going to go. To all the golem out there, enjoy my thread.

>> No.11646223

Kek, always love your schizo threads anon. Just let us know before you leave the basement and go all Wortman on us?

>> No.11646226

m^2 = (100 \: cm)^2 = 10000 \: cm^2 \\ \\
\dfrac{3 \: mW}{m^2} = \dfrac{3 \: mW}{10000 \: cm^2} = \dfrac{0.0003 \: mW}{cm^2}

>> No.11646243

10/0.0003 = 33333.3

distance between NYC and LA is 3944 km
3944/33333.3 = 0.118 km, about 130 yards

so basically you're 130 yards east from LA and worried about stumbling into NYC

>> No.11646246
File: 51 KB, 413x243, 1547909766157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey, multinational corporations that will make billions of dollars from this have your best interests in mind, delete this thread

>> No.11646248

lol, I love how the tower is almost peaking over the treeline

>> No.11646254

How else do you spread the Coronaise?

>> No.11646494

Can you enlighten me what mm frequencies are we talking about here? LTE, 5G?

>> No.11646532

>so explain how MMWs causes PCR tests to amplify viral DNA
>MMW waves cannot make viral RNA sprout out of nowhere
>Electromagnetic waves cannot create RNA out of nowhere,
>EMF doesn't conjure strands of viral RNA out of nowhere.
Typical conventionalist trick: when you can't refute an argument, just make it up on your own.
Fuck off.

>> No.11646610
File: 1.09 MB, 500x342, toilet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's another
>Life has been immersed in an ocean of RF noise and ionizing radiation from natural sources for billions of years and evolved to deal with it extremely effectively, but somehow a couple hundred microwatts per square centimeter of radio communications is sure to kill you.

>> No.11646613
File: 515 KB, 490x578, 1570149515877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11646631

>I'm going to post on this one more time.

>> No.11646684

Natural background is ~1quadrillion to 1 quintillion times less intense. Is randomly polarized (diffuse) and is largely unmodulated. There is no comparison.

Millimeter waves are near absent.

>> No.11646778

fuck you, fuck off >>>/x/

>> No.11647029

telecoms trannies dumping scat in 5...4...

>> No.11647058 [DELETED] 


>> No.11647263


>> No.11647517

Hypothetically speaking, if you could interpret the data, could 5g towers detect bio-metric activity?

>> No.11647529

Absolutely. See the patents file and the end of the 5G section in the link. And that's just a very, very abridged list. I didn't get into smart cameras and newer versions of the "autocorrelator". But check the patents for that, I recall it was either Malech and Katz.

>> No.11647567

Patents don't prove things work though

>> No.11647594

If you can't be part of an adult conversation go back to discord tranny

>> No.11647603

He is a moron that wants to feel smart by talking about things he doesn't understand in the least. He also has latent anger issues as you can see by his attitude and demeanor, most likely due to being a pasty,angry,manlet incel that spends too much time larping on imageboards

>> No.11647956

No. You can at the very most pick up that something is moving around in the environment maybe. Even with very specialized hardware, millimeter wave imaging is difficult. Commercially applications are limited to radar and stuff like those airport scanners. Scanners can get full images at a sorta acceptable resolution by rotating the receiver array around the target and using the 24-30GHz range. It literally scans like a document scanner. Line by line. It has to be built this way because snapping a picture like a camera CCD would require a huge and ridiculously expensive imaging antenna array to get even an SD quality picture, which is what comes out of those scanners. Seriously the picture is so shit that in tests analyzers had a hard time telling the difference between a fold in heavy clothing and a gun. Useless bullshit. And that's a 200 grand piece of specialized equipment designed specifically for imaging. What can you get out of a few 5g towers? Almost nothing. With some very clever software you might be able to tell if something is moving around in the environment and the very general location of this object. You may even be able to roughly estimate the number of objects moving around. 5g towers don't have receiver grids designed for imaging like a radar system or scanner does. They have antenna arrays designed for directional and omnidirectional communication. If you want to do surveillance from a 5g tower, you won't be using the antennas. You'll attach a fucking camera. Because the wavelength of visible light (400-700 nanometer) is almost six orders of magnitude smaller than what 5g uses (40-60 millimeter). Visible light is a great spectrum for imaging because you can pack high resolution in a small sensor. Go any higher in frequency and you end up in the ionizing radiation range. Go lower and you get into the infrared, which works but you can't get the same acuity per sensor size. Guess why visible light imaging is so common in nature. It's great.