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File: 30 KB, 1920x800, 1920px-LaTeX_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11644271 No.11644271 [Reply] [Original]

How does one get started with LaTeX?

>> No.11644277
File: 243 KB, 3600x1300, joseflatex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11644279

Usually one of your professors gives you a template and you just copy and past answers from LaTeX Stack Exchange.

>> No.11644288



>> No.11644295


>> No.11644315

Unironically copy paste somebody else's shit and change stuff up until you learn how it works.

>> No.11644320

>How does one get started with LaTeX?
What have you tried?

>> No.11644332
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>> No.11644338
File: 9 KB, 1065x83, gotta start somewhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What have you tried?

>> No.11645487

came here 2 post this. literally where i got started and it takes less than an hour to pick it up.

[math] \text{ur an} \ \aleph \ \text{lol} [/math]

>> No.11645636

linux mint's synaptic
- gummi
- latexmk

>> No.11645668

I'd recommend starting a low effort thread on /sci/

>> No.11645690

just start writing your assignments in it and learn as you go... how is this even threadworthy

>> No.11645694

There's a book which name I don't remember
also learn about typography

>> No.11645742
File: 106 KB, 607x1080, selfie for pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11645779

[math] \displaystyle
\boxed{ \mathbb{T} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{S} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{O} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{H} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{C} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{R} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{Q} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{Z} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{N}}}}}}}}}}

>> No.11645880


>> No.11645892

Unironically just use overleaf. At least to start - skip the hassle of installing all that shit on your machine and having to deal with decade old releases that may or may not be compatible with your system, or dealing with whether you have X packages.

Start with overleaf to just get familiar with the language. Play around, look at minimal starter turorials. Replicate some chapters from your favorite textbook, transcribe your own notes from past classes, or just fuck around and try to typeset the most absurd equations you can make up (visually speaking, of course).

You can worry about installing tex on your machine once you're comfortable with latex itself. Granted, overleaf doesn't have very good keyboard shortcut support, but that just gives more incentive to define custom commands and macros.

>> No.11645895

What IQ is necessary to understand these?

>> No.11645896

Man I miss Josef. One of the better tripfags

>> No.11646056

latex is the dumbest shit ever like just use a tablet and a png if you can't handle a unicode format.

>> No.11646060

H is probably quaternions because of hamilton, and the rest is that other shit people built off quats but no one ever uses.

>> No.11646298


>> No.11646387

am I correct in thinking that group theory renders all this this redundant shit redundant because they're basically just vector spaces endowed with a multiplication law based off of a [math] 2^n[/math] dimensional group?

>> No.11646453

I dig that guy

>> No.11646490

I'm very impressed that everyone on this thread has actually taken the question seriously rather than mentioning a failure to squeeze the end bit before putting it on!

>> No.11646506

Unit octonions aren't a group m8

>> No.11647697

LaTeX jokes have also been seen in >>>/s/latex and it is unfortunate they removed latex formatting from that board.

>> No.11648460
File: 580 KB, 800x792, installinggentooindaclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first you install gentoo
then when you fail you do it again
and again
and again
and agai... no wait it actually worked this time.
well now that you got gentoo installed you emerge latex, and wait when you let it compile
and wait
and wait...
meanwhile you can go and read up about latex at https://www.latex-project.org/ or you RTFM.
oh look it finally compiled :^)
well now you open vi and write your research paper.
oh yea you got to press i to insert...
and ESC to exit insert mode...
and I completely forgot about saving!
: - commands
w - write
q - quit
! - force
hjkl - movement
gg - top
G - bottom

oh yea... eeeeh RTFM

>> No.11648788

usually \documentclass{

>> No.11648806

This except ubuntu and neovim. Oh, and map left ctrl to caps lock, and use xcape to map esc to the new left ctrl only when tapped.

>> No.11648905
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t. it werks on my machine

>> No.11648906
File: 93 KB, 1188x895, pseudo-science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First, you come up with a project idea of some kind that you know you want to write in LaTeX. Some homework, or some little treatise you want to write up, probably with some math symbols at some point, or other elaborate figures.

Second, you download some LaTeX suite. Typically, suites have like 2-4 different components, different programs that are all meant to be used together:

-the editor, the program where you actually type in your stuff
-the compiler, the program that takes your .tex document and turns it into a nice looking .pdf if you've done everything right
-like 1-2 other pieces of background software/plugin shit that are large enough to be described as programs in their own right

If the thing you download says it has the first two and some libraries and other shit, you're on the right track. Keep going.

Third, you sketch a version of what you want to write up. Identify the funny math symbols.

Fourth, google every symbol or type of hack you don't know, it's well documented. There is always a way to do the thing you want to do if you are sufficiently determined.

LaTeX is really easy to learn. I don't know how to program in any computer language, and actually the few times I've tried to set up a programming suite on my own a la the above, I've failed. I self-deprecate on this point to underline how easy it is to pick up LaTeX, if you're motivated. Pic related (detail) is an example of an unscientific document which can be done in TeX, yes, you can typeset Enochian in parallel. IIRC this page was a total bitch to format though for multiple reasons.

>> No.11650464

Or you can use LyX.