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11642452 No.11642452 [Reply] [Original]

> Has billions of dollars to fund aging research and gene editing research. Has the power to triple his lifespan if he wants.
> Throws money at toys instead

Why do so many retards worship this guy?

>> No.11642458

Sheeps gonna sheep

>> No.11642465

>Sheeps gonna sheep
On that point, if you're not a sheep nor the shepherd what are you?

>> No.11642474

a hermit, a lion, the whole world of things.

>> No.11642475

The wolf.

>> No.11642481

You know what happens to wolves? They get hunted by hunters and giant sheepdogs and then they get shot

>> No.11642483


>> No.11642522

Friendly reminder that inheriting a diamond mine from your father doesn't make you instantly smart.

>> No.11642567

I used to believe that people were trolling me when they said this

>> No.11642741

space is a meme

>> No.11642759

Reminder that reddit hates Elon now. You don't want to be like reddit, right anons? He's /ourguy/ now.

>> No.11642772
File: 3.10 MB, 520x382, 1559074947948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pack your bags for the Space Force, kid.

>> No.11642811

Feel free to do it yourself with your own money
Oh that's right, you're shitposting on 4chan and have no money.

>> No.11642818

>Has the power to triple his lifespan if he wants.
How do you know he hasn't done this? Why would they release this technology with the world already overpopulated?

>> No.11642913

If anti-aging treatment was available to billionaires then they wouldn’t hoard it, they’d sell it to make even more money. Problem is it doesn’t exist, idiot

>> No.11642921

Human experimentation is banned.

>> No.11642983

>names his own son X Æ A-12
i have no idea who can worship this twat who only shittalks

>> No.11643058

Not on Mars though.
He thinks long term.

>> No.11643070

Well, that makes sense.

Martians catgirls?


>> No.11643075

no, but founding a successful spaceflight company does

>> No.11643077

Not if you kill the fetus before it can live on its own

>> No.11643117

He's also a union-busting piece of shit

>> No.11643443

It does now. Will be obvious even to retards like you in a decade (when it also becomes available to poor faggtos like you too)

>> No.11643449

both soviet union and european union are shit. probably the rest of those circlejerks are no much better.

>> No.11643462

You could say this about any and every billionaire. Why single out Musk? He's revered for unrelated things.

>> No.11643463

Then you can't study long term effects.

>> No.11643512

>Why do so many retards worship this guy?
Why do retards talk for a smooth talking scammer? Because 10% of the population are dumber then a box of rocks.

>> No.11643519

>Has the power to triple his lifespan
Lol, imagine if that were true.

>> No.11643553

lol anyone can crispr now and your a fool if you don't.

>> No.11643572

brainlet here. You saying you can crisper someone after birth to extend their life? Any sources on that? Doesn't like like it's commercially available

>> No.11643596

This isn't something you just walk into a store and buy. it's about editing the cells of a organism. you don't need to edit eggs. it works like a nanite in the bloodstream and alters how the atoms of the cells line up. it's also a great way to give you cancer if done by a dumb fuck.

>> No.11643601


>> No.11643629

>Reminder that reddit hates Elon now. You don't want to be like reddit, right anons? He's /ourguy/ now.
fuck of redditfag they fawn over him all the time

>> No.11643683

b-but he change avatar to Deus Ex he is /ourguy/

>> No.11643920

I'm just relaying what I heard from a friend irl, that reddit had a meltdown over Elon's "free America" and other assorted coronavirus tweets and hates the man now. If you have better firsthand understanding of reddit's opinions then fine, but that would very much make *you* the redditfag here.

>> No.11644135

If paradigm-changing advances in genome engineering and regenerative medicine were made in secret and only available to the super-rich, then Jeff Bezos wouldn't be bald.

>> No.11644189

Vaguely reminiscent of ‘nothin personnel, kid’

>> No.11644258

Death is as final for a 1,000 year old as for a 100 year old. One day it will all be over, no matter how you slice it. Death is inevitable. Meanwhile, we need new generations of scientists and engineers to come up with new shit while older generations stagnate. Nothing cold be worse for science than immortality.

>> No.11644265

He's bald because of the treatments, not despite of them. Besides, you can't just start flaunting the fruits of your special privileges and then pretend you've no explanation for them. Think about it.

>> No.11644354

>He's bald because of the treatments, not despite of them

If paradigm-changing advances in genome engineering and regenerative medicine were made in secret, Jeff Bezos would have a cure for his gene-therapy-induced baldness.

>> No.11644897

It's not in secret. You're just ignorant.
I'm talking aav-powered genome engineering among many others. Revolution in medicine is happening as we speak, but you keep on sleeping, this shit is still too expensive for someone like you (I will wake you up in a decade or two, when it's tens or hundreds times cheaper)

>> No.11644901

It's just his style. Sieg heil you motherfuckers!

>> No.11645716


>> No.11645718

X Æ A-12

>> No.11645737

>lol bro just waste your money on something that might not be available in your life time

>> No.11645933
File: 11 KB, 300x200, a day in the life of x ae a 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC Musk himself was being bullied at school, maybe he just want his son to relive the experience.

>> No.11645942

why the fuck would he need to do that he has 6 sons. are you retarded?

>> No.11645959

This guy will inherit Musk's legacy and build on it. Better learn to pronounce that shit now.

>> No.11645977

AAVs are just a delivery mechanism for transgenes. You would need to actually know what transgenes are needed to slow aging - which we don't.

At best, AAVs show promise for loss-of-function diseases like sickle cell anemia. This is because successful insertion of a transgene into <10% of the target cells can compensate for the loss of a healthy protein.

Tell me how you can cure aging by only modifying, at best, one out of ten cells in your body (although realistically, far far less than that).

>> No.11645989
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there are other theories

>> No.11646221

Cease speaking of what you don't know shit. It's almost painful to read, and doesn't motivate to respond properly, because in my country they say "to teach a fool is only to make it worse"
Just be aware that you're wrong in every sentence. Keep on digging from here on if you're able, or just fuck off if you'd better seem right than be right.

>> No.11647447
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>> No.11647738

Yup that's the natural order of things

>> No.11647781

Life extension is mostly a bottomless pit of scammers and bullshit. There are very few legit researchers in the field. Elon is smart to not waste him money on it.

>> No.11647808


>> No.11648229


>> No.11648241

My daddy left home when I was three
And he didn't leave much to ma and me
Just this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze
Now, I don't blame him cause he run and hid
But the meanest thing that he ever did
Was before he left, he went and named me "X Æ A-12."

>> No.11648255

>studied physics
>everything he does is physics related
Who could have seen that coming?

>> No.11648263

>Has the power to triple his lifespan if he wants.
what are you 10?

>> No.11648536

you don't get bullied in school when your dad owns the school

>> No.11648546

>being a pussy who runs for daddy to abuse his authority
There are many things Elon is not, and one of them is "a little bitch like Donald Trump."

>> No.11648683

I mean that xaea12 isn't gonna get bullied in school, brah

>> No.11648759

Evidently you haven't heard this dude recently.

On JRE he said he's started selling all his possessions and will rent his home.

>> No.11649215

I like what he's doing a lot but you aren't wrong. Like, it wouldn't hurt to throw a billion or two at some anti-aging and gene-editing stuff. Same with Bezos and all the other billionaires.

>> No.11649391

I hate him for the same reasons people seem to like him. He puppets the corpse of the space-faring modernism of past sci-fi without actually embodying the spirit of it. We've gone from being a species that will be memorialized by the voyager plaque to one that will be memorialized by a car full of reddit pop culture references. Some people consider that a fun and quirky improvement, I just take solace in the implication it means we're going to die off.

>> No.11649407

Yes you do. They're just smarter about it.

>> No.11649439

How many other billionaires are doing anything except slushing their money around hedge funds?

>> No.11651118

>He doesn't research the stuff I want him to, therefore he's retarded.
Fuck off, retard.

>> No.11651137

X, Greek letter Chi, as in kite
Æ, pronounced like eye
A-12, 12 letter of alphabet, L


>> No.11651144

"Kyle" is a fucking rubbish name. They were probably high watching South Park when they came up with that brilliant idea.

>> No.11651151

Much past space exploration stuff was just a pathetic political race between competing superpowers desperately trying to make themselves look better. Now there's no political space race (except the lizard people), so a mellow rich kid is taking the opportunity to play around a little in the vacuum, if you'll excuse the pun.

>> No.11651154

My bad, I thought it meant Elon's dad used to own the school Elon went to, since he was rich and all.

>> No.11651950
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>> No.11651975

Hunters aren't in the word where human beans are represented by other animals such as sheep. You clearly cheated.

>> No.11652032

Why do you single out musk but not bezos or ded jobs etc

>> No.11652079

>Why do so many retards worship this guy?
Am I the only one that sees a look of stupor on his face? Does he always look like that? Also, that he thinks AI will be some anime super-villian is proof he's just an autist with a lot of money.

>> No.11652084

lol no it doesn't

>> No.11652129

Boomer Rock theme for this thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Jtpf8N5IDE

>> No.11652137

lol brainlets seething at ol musky are so cute

>> No.11652168

Kings throughout history have thrown endless wealth at promises of immortality, yet all have perished.

>> No.11652169

Elon is flawed but he is the real deal. Listen to that interview that's more than 3 hours long and you will realize. Jealous losers will come up with excuses but they all combined will never accomplish a fraction of what he has done, in spite of his flaws.

>> No.11652331

Irrelevant retarded red herring. We're nearing the knee of an exponential technological curve.

>> No.11652335

He should've been funding Temple OS while Terry was alive, but he missed his chance.

>> No.11652347

The analogy still works, then

>> No.11652432

not how exponential curves work

>> No.11652523

>if i throw money at a problem, it will be solved
academia is already oversaturated
throwing more money at problems does not mean they will be solved faster

>> No.11652530

>le orange man lives in my head

>> No.11652628

What did he accomplish besides hoard wealth?

>> No.11652639

I do this stuff for a living. What exactly am I wrong about? Delineate your specific complaints.

>> No.11652644

I would throw it all in genetics

>> No.11652699


Neuralinks real goal is upload - immortality. Much more lowerful tech. He eluded to it on Rogan, but knows he cannot say it openly, yet.

>> No.11652808

> You would need to actually know what transgenes are needed to slow aging - which we don't.
You say you do it for a living and you don't know of Klotho? There are probably many more, we don't know them all, but we can not say we don't know them at all
>Tell me how you can cure aging by only modifying, at best, one out of ten cells in your body (although realistically, far far less than that).
I don't know if what you say is true, but if it is, we'll only have more injections, or better delivery mechanism which is inevitably coming. aav is new af.
But still show me how you know that 10% is the expected result (I heard we only couldn't deliver it to bones, and me personally I'm okay if bones will have to go once we learn to redelegate their functions to some other mechanisms)

>> No.11652812

yea, I noticed the same thing. Elon typically talks about Neuralink's potential to cure diseases like alzheimers, epilipsy, and other nuerodegenerative diseases. But this is to avoid scrutiny from the public. You are right though, Elon did implicitly imply that what he wanted for neuralink was pretty much a human-machine low bandwidth super intelligence. Although this only came out because Joe was pushing him in that direction.

>> No.11652815

That guy is braindead. Even if his 10% figure is correct, the mice studies still show the optic nerve regenerating after expression of yamanaka factors (OSK). AAV is clearly having a very powerful effect.

>> No.11652818

I dont i just hate him lesser as the majority of people in power.

>> No.11652966

>You say you do it for a living and you don't know of Klotho?

Biomedical research is stupidly broad. It is completely just luck whether I happen to recognize some random pre-clinical aging therapy. To clarify: I work with GE tools - I do not study aging. But the consensus in the field is that aging is very poorly understood in humans.

>Even if his 10% figure is correct, the mice studies still show the optic nerve regenerating after expression of yamanaka factors (OSK)

<10% is absolutely correct. Viral transduction is a very inefficient process, and your body will develop antibodies against viral vectors. So not only will you fail to modify most cells with current tech, but you won't get a second try either with the same vector.

>> No.11652988

Would you really want to live for 3 centuries, anons?

>> No.11652991

>you won't get a second try either with the same vector
I was at a biotech conference a couple of years ago, where Bill Andrews said that it is one of the problems they had they have successfully solved.
I haven't found that very conference, so here's some other one I never saw before, I don't know if he speaks about it here, but it will be a good entry for you into knowing what we're talking about here:

>> No.11652993


Yes. But the clue was in what Musk said about save states. That logic applies only with understanding of upload. I gave this freely and may immortality eternal life as be freely given with thanks.

>> No.11652995

>I gave this freely and may immortality eternal life as be freely given with thanks.

*also... to correct.

Real shit happening here. Most dont understand.

>> No.11653015

Absolutely. in 250 years the singularity will undoubtedly have happened.

>> No.11653020

I don't think musk would care about preserving a copy of himself that isn't actually 'him', if you get what I'm saying; Although knowing him and his lofty ambitions I wouldn't be too surprised if he believes that there's a way to slowly upload piece by piece to maintain continuity or something.

>> No.11653024

>Why aren't you using your money on what exact my vision of the future is!?
Maybe you should work harder and shitpost less?

>> No.11653056
File: 58 KB, 700x525, Elon Musk &amp; Ghislaine MaxWell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post 1/2:

Musk is controlled opposition.

Elon Musk is much more than just an average politically opinionated tech CEO. He is an intel asset. He is just like Jeff Bezos, Mark ZuckerBerg, Tom Hanks, Jack Dorsey or Bill Gates. They all have specific high-profile public image in their respective fields, however they are also active behind the scenes, all connected through the same entity of common intel agency. Intelligence agencies are especially heavily interested and invested in all tech sectors, especially space and remote-controlled cars, so just like they have journalists as assets that work for big newspapers to publish or spin specific story that CIA wants, they have tech CEOs, developers etc. that do CIA's bidding. When one of them shows a higher potential, then that person gets into smaller, close-circle of powerful people. Elon Musk is one of them. He is glowing brighter than supernova. Just research his involvement with companies and where they get their money from. Government subsidies are not to "help" company grow, but to make them govt's slave. Everything that comes from Musk is guaranteed to have backdoors and other hidden surprises.

Just search for "Tesla subsidies", or "Space X subsidies" and you will see. Musk would be a total nobody if he wasn't compromised, 100% controlled and propped up. Just like all these people I mentioned above. They are all part of something bigger.

Also, check Musk's ties with Michael Griffin, (head of NASA 2005-2009). Griffin was also working for In-Q-Tel, a CIA subdivision.


>> No.11653058

Post 2/2:

Also, read about Musk's grandfather: https://www.technocracy.news/shock-elon-musks-grandfather-was-head-of-canadas-technocracy-movement/

Musk is most likely a frontman, a figurehead sponsored by In-Q-Tel, which is a CIA subdivision, which is tasked with funding companies in order to make them part of the government, so they can put their backdoors and other surprises.

Research In-Q-Tel:


You can bet anything Musk touches is one of them.

In-Q-Tel is also behind the mobile game Pokemon, through it they got all these millions of people all around the world intel-gathering for them and giving it all to western intel agencies for free. It was clever. Imagine how much data in pictures, geo-location, Wi-Fi, BlueTooth and others that probably were harvested like call logs, text messages etc. were just like that acquired for free. It was smart move on their part. I admire their ingenuity.


As I stated before:

>Musk would be a total nobody if he wasn't compromised, 100% controlled and propped up. Just like all these people I mentioned above. They are all part of something bigger.

>He is glowing brighter than supernova.

>> No.11653488
File: 31 KB, 474x335, elonjews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon is /ourguy/ now, the plebbitors hate him for not supporting (((quarantine))).

>> No.11653495

The only one I can think of is John Bigelow, the inflatables guy.

>> No.11654222

>Bill Andrews said that it is one of the problems they had they have successfully solve.
That would be pretty big news in both immunology and genome engineering. It's not obvious at all how to modify proteins to be less immunogenic. If you have a paper to send me, I'll read it in full.

>> No.11654229


honestly as far as conspiracy theories go, nothing in this one is all that far-fetched. but when you list a bunch of tabloids as your primary sources of dirt, that makes you look bad.

>> No.11654261

Since when is Business Insider, Wall Street Journal, or NPR a "tabloid"?

>> No.11655561

oh I was referring to the first point, but fair point. your second point has much better sources

>> No.11656084
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>> No.11656118

because biology is hard and aerospace is engineering is easy
why do retards not think?

>> No.11656175

lol who the fuck said they're worshipping him? People (me included) only praise him because of his investment in the reusable rockets, truly magnifacent. BUT, gotta admit he did some retarded shit like that time he wanted to be the hero to the Thai soccer team stuck in the cave, he ended up looking like twat lol.

>> No.11656284

One job.

>> No.11656314

I think it might genuinely be the "it's not rocket science" cliche in movies.

>> No.11656445
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>> No.11657053

>Throws OTHER'S PEOPLE money at toys instead


>> No.11657816

This desu
I don't know why it's so difficult to understand he is "worshipped" for the things he's worth worshipping for (cars, mars), while also being able to see that he has some dogshit takes on things like the thailand rescue, his recent FREE THE COUNTRY bullshit
Eh you're probably right about that

>> No.11657830

>Throws other people's money with gun to their head at toys instead
Fixed. Elon is mind controlling those people and threaning them to shoot them in the head if they dont give him money.

>> No.11657847
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>throws money at toys
I dont think you comprehend how much revenue starlink is going to generate.

>> No.11657963

I do wonder why Elon hasn't spoken about anti-aging.

He often laments that he will not live long enough to make the things he wants to see happen, and has an awful work schedule because he don't want to waste any time not getting us to mars - surely curing aging should be a huge priority for him?

I would like to know his opinion on this.

>> No.11657967

>spend his life pursuing anti-aging so he can do the stuff he wants
>he dies of old age never doing the stuff he wanted
Great use of time.

>> No.11658031
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>> No.11658059

>spend his life pursing getting to mars
>he dies of old age never getting to mars
Great use of time.

>> No.11658071

Anon, let's say he spends the next 50 years resarching anti-aging. He'd have to extend his life by another 50 years just to break even. Alternatively, someone else accomplishes what he wants to do in that time, leaving him dream shattered. To me, that does not sound like a good use of time for a man pursuing a dream.

>> No.11658077

But thats an argument from ignorance. 50 years of committed effort may be enough to extend life for 1000 years. We just don't know.

For someone that is throwing money at all kinds of technologies, I would have at least thought he would have commited as much resources to it as neuralink (which is kind of an immortality tech, I admit.)

>> No.11658081

> Alternatively, someone else accomplishes what he wants to do in that time, leaving him dream shattered
Also, no, thats not how he operates. He encourages competition.

>> No.11658092

>50 years of committed effort may be enough to extend life for 1000 years
I'm gonna go with "no" on that one, b.
"Competition" implies he'd be participating, not chasing some other goal.

>> No.11658135

>I'm gonna go with "no" on that one, b.
Ok, want to provide any supporting evidence?
The point is, he is motivated not by personal glory. At least, no where near the levels of most.

>> No.11658143

Elon confirmed on JRE it's pronounced
>X Ash Archangel
10 bucks says "X" is a placeholder for naming baby later.

>> No.11658145

He doesn't hoard but pours all his personal money back into the companies.

>> No.11659311


Not that guy but you're both being braindead. Even if he didn't break even, just extending his life by say, 20 years, technology would've progressed exponentially to the point where he could much more easily accomplish his little toy fiascos.

>> No.11659324

And let Bezos or someone else take all the credit? Don't think so. Musk is some kind of narcissist.

>> No.11659459
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>> No.11659585

>Apartheid was bad

>> No.11660275

I'm whatever I want to be, which could be a dragon with goat hooves, a cows tongue, snail's slime covered all over, dolphin's echolocation, bats fangs, rattlesnakes tail, wolf's claws, etc etc etc

>> No.11660282

relating phsyics to biology isn't hard. Once you know maths with physics integrated everything else becomes easy to understand.

>> No.11660777

>this entire post
any anons want to take a stab at where this guy is on the dunning-kruger graph? kek