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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11639622 No.11639622 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is mine, rate

>> No.11639654

lol I just study when I feel like it

>> No.11639662

what is that btw, excel?

>> No.11639673

That's makes it more likely to procrastinate
Lol no, it's an app I downloaded on play store called Timetable

>> No.11639678

how do you feel with spending 96% of your days on boring stuff?

>> No.11639681

I find them all pretty fun

>> No.11639683

Except work, but even that is pretty easy around here

>> No.11639696
File: 84 KB, 600x456, schedule.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone to whom I showed this told me I was going to be the next Einstein. Can't beat it.

>> No.11639710

You are going to burn out within a few weeks if you actually are keeping to that schedule. There seems to be little real downtime aside from anime/video games. I also see nothing for exercise or eating.

>> No.11639715

I don't do exercises, eating is in the blank spaces and it barely lasts 15 minutes so I didn't count it.

It looks pretty reasonable to me man, I've seen crazier ones, there's a guy in my uni who literally studies 13h a day almost everyday

>> No.11639723


>> No.11639738

How do you guys study?

>> No.11639742

>That's makes it more likely to procrastinate
Procrastination is only a problem if you don't want to study. Why would you even do a degree if you don't like the material?

>> No.11639743
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>> No.11639754

What job?

>> No.11639765

Why are you learning French?

>> No.11639774

Not at all man, for some people it's simply hard to concentrate, especially if you have mental disorders like me, doing a week plan was one of the tips I read on How to Study as a Mathematics Major

>> No.11639778

I don't know how it's called in the US, but I generally help middle and high schoolers with their doubts in math in a school, it's pretty easy, sometimes there's no one seeking help at all
I like french culture

>> No.11639781


>> No.11639783

That hit home

>> No.11639785

Thanks, I'm just doing it to get some quick bucks, I think I'll quit next year

>> No.11639838

this shit will break down once you skip a day. It's easier to limit your distractions like games/internet/anime to a 4 hour block and then only allow yourself mentally stimulating activities for the rest. You will quickly begin to study for pleasure, and so scheduling becomes unnecessary

>> No.11639846

Exercise is like studying, but for the body

>> No.11639850

>learning french

>> No.11639852


>> No.11639890

i tried to plan my routine but i always mess up after 2-3 days, i think living on a schedule is impossible

>> No.11639908

>not speaking multiple languages
what does it feels to be a brainlet

>> No.11639989

4 hours all at once or should I break up entertainment throughout the day?

>> No.11640032

all at once and ideally at the end of the day. You basically want to force boredom on yourself so that studying becomes a more enjoyable alternative

>> No.11640065

yeah but why french? its shit

>> No.11640081

do you actually go to school or just study on your own time? im a neet right now and want to study like this but only one or two subjects and also a language

>> No.11640406

Yeah, I go to college at morning, but if I were a NEET I would have much more free time, although there would be harder to concentrate as well, it all comes down to practicing your discipline

>> No.11640758

No gym time? why bother having a powerful brain if your body is ailing?

>> No.11641058

Is it really that important? I never liked doing exercises very much

>> No.11641867

Are you a girl op?
What the fuck

>> No.11641880
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Yes, but what made you realize that?

>> No.11641900
File: 150 KB, 760x1166, Screenshot_20200506-005823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a better, more realistic one now, the one in the op was really intense and I didn't take into account the time spent on the bus.

Now I think is good, yoshi!

>> No.11641911

I don't like these kind of sechualdes, I think about them as tasks without doing them at a certain time of in day, but still taking the same time to finish them

>> No.11641918


>> No.11641919

Wow.. such a big boy.

>> No.11643002

Trannys don't count

>> No.11644143

I speak french and I wish I couldn't. he's right it's a faggot's language

>> No.11644296

Do you think all women on /sci/ are trans?
I honestly love it so much, it sounds to beautiful to me fonetically and written and I love french literature, I wanna read Proust in french.

>> No.11644360

I mean if you want to talk about the probability of finding a non-trans woman on /sci/...

>> No.11644826

It's higher than you imagine

>> No.11644828

fucking high schoolers, try challenging yourself retard

>> No.11644870

Good post anon, there's some cool shit under your car's hood, noice

>> No.11644882
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I'm confused, what should those posts mean?

>> No.11644891

Why are u studying vector calculus at the same time as analysis Id suggest u finish single variable as generalizing the theorems to multiple dimensions is pretty trivial.

>> No.11644912

I retaking vector calculus since I'm lazy as fuck and got low grades in the first time, I already know pretty much everything up until Gauss and Stokes pretty well

>> No.11644943

>tfw can't hold a schedule for shit
Any tips for a low-attention-span retard?

>> No.11644944
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Only one way to prove it OP

>> No.11644956

If you can't hold an outright schedule, try focusing on completing specific tasks. Sit down with an assignment and don't let yourself get up until you finish. Then take a break and repeat. After doing this for a little while you can get used to focusing in more on the task at hand and resetting with 20 minute breaks, and it'll have a pretty big effect on your overall productivity.

That rests on your ability to overcome your short attention span, though. If you don't work on that first, there's no other magic shortcut

>> No.11644969

Thanks, that might be more helpful to follow your advice than trying to hold a schedule.

>> No.11644973

No problem. I'm the same way, I personally can't follow a schedule I lay out for myself, but completing single tasks provides a constant stream of accomplishment that keeps you going

>> No.11644986

Am i the only one that thinks this is lazy brainlet study?
why are you spending an equal amount of time on french as your studies you stupid mong cunt.

2 hours of study a day why even attend university.
(inb4 if you study over 2 hours you're a brainlet, that is true if you study over 2 hours to be mediocre. but you should be studying atleast 4+ and aiming to top your classes)

it should be

4-8 hours study (throw in self learning additional classes that could be useful for your future if you can cover all class material, i.e teach yourself more coding)

then whatever the fuck you want

>> No.11645012
File: 13 KB, 232x217, whentheymajoredinbiology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needing to study 4-8 hours per day to top
>per day

>> No.11645030

That's not counting weekends, besides 2h a day is pretty normal, you must be a deluded high schooler, the amount of study one should do in a week must be equivalent to working hours, something between 15h to 20h, anymore than thst and you'll be burned out, any less and you might not get grades high enough, of course each course has it's own difficulty level, so it can't really be generalized, I suggest reading the book How to Study as a Math Major, it will prepare you for college and give you a realistic view of what it looks like so you can forget those delusions of 8h study a day, you're not a math 55 level student lad

>> No.11645037
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i am hesitant to keep a routine because the internet and society is increasingly attempting to make everyone predictable and therefore ideologically negated in their nature of freedom, go fuck yourself

>> No.11645062
File: 6 KB, 364x128, AD3CFC9C-74D4-4FF9-B796-0E65A634FA6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ideologically negated in their freedom
Strange to equate freedom with unpredictability, anon. Are you really free if you can’t control yourself?

>> No.11645088

Times have changed, old man, you can't defeat the government

>> No.11645112

How in the fuck do you only work for 4-5 hours a day?

>> No.11645115

>What is a part-time job?

>> No.11645185

Exactly, mine is 4h30 a day from tuesday to friday

>> No.11645189

I used to follow a similar routine in undergrad, but ultimately found it too restrictive to partition studying like this. This sort of rigorous schedule simply led to me eventually crashing badly as I was neglecting rest. While it’s a doable thing as an undergrad it’s just not a very fun way to live your life.

Rather than trying to cram lots of things into a day I now tend to give a deep dive on a one or two topics and then use the rest of my day for leisure. I take a nap nearly everyday and always take a break for tea or coffee.

>> No.11646355

clearly you kids are trying to stirr but regardless do you actually believe this?
i'm final year undergrad with a relatively high gpa going into postgrad in Math. Even if you wish to consider me a brainlet i am exposed to various other people that would be considered smart.
Also reading comprehension, i said 4-8 hours of study, depending on your workload being partially composed of self studying further topics. I.e study outside your immediate classes.

The fact that you insinuate an acceptable amount of work time a week is 15 hours seems pretty indicative that you're not going to make it.

I have no doubt that you're able to sustain your 3.1 at a state school but i was talking about trying to excel in a big boy course.

>> No.11646365

I wouldn't be able to survive one day on that routine, I'd just melt

>> No.11646565


>> No.11646573

dunno, just 2 hours of that focused stuff are too much effort for me

>> No.11647310

I believe you have to slowly build up your daily work load like increasing your mileage as a runner. Loads of mongs write revision schedules with like 10hours a day intense learning with no build up and then wonder why they burn out. Shit like drinking lots of alcohol, abusing stimulants, poor diet, no excercise and lack of sleep will also do you in.

Back when I was studying for my finals (Medicine, UK) I followed this sort of structure everyday for about 6 months.

1. Complete Anki reviews (400-800ish) and new cards (75). Usually took about 3hrs with 25:5 Pomodoros
2. 50-100 Passmedicine questions with review. Around 1.5hrs by the end
3. OSCE practice with my mates 1hrs.
4. Some kind of excercise 1-1.5hrs. Climbing/Running/Gym/Cycling
5. Attend evening teaching sessions from doctors. 1hr

Would drop the questions and OSCE practice if I had to go to a lot of placement. Could not be bothered to read or study other subjects in the evenings.

Pretty good thing to go through as when you don't need to revise anymore you have a large capacity for learning/study

>> No.11647393
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3.5 mechanical engineering major

>> No.11647641
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>> No.11647841

When do you cook, get out to buy groceries and train?

>> No.11647856

>violin practice
why? you can remove them and replace them with more shitposting

>> No.11648341

I eat the food from college, weekends if I need, I don't train

>> No.11650174
File: 38 KB, 1136x582, routine1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont like to be over specific in what i have to study

>> No.11650524

Cut that crap

>> No.11650532

You seem to spending a lot of time with your frie... oh..

>> No.11650536

you study anime and games?

>> No.11650539
