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11637714 No.11637714 [Reply] [Original]

Is a quaternion one number or an ordered quadruple of four numbers?

>> No.11637721


>> No.11637726

a number that can be represented by a quadruple of four real numbers

>> No.11637729

is a complex number one number or an ordered pair of two numbers?

>> No.11637754

I think it's a pair of one real number and one imaginary number.

>> No.11637778

What's the name for the j numbers and the k numbers? If 1 is the base of the real numbers and i is the base of the imaginary numbers, two parts of the quaternion don't have a name.

>> No.11637788

it's not even an ordered pair because of how operations on them work, it's literally just one number

>> No.11637796

j is the real shitty part and k is the imaginary shitty part. Common knowledge, man.

>> No.11637801
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i stands for imaginary numbers, because i is not "real". You know that, its not logical for there to exist a square rootu of minusa onu, righto?
Similarly, quaternions happen if you take that joke too far. so j, k stand for just kidding, so that you are reminded that it is just a mental masturbation, a big joke no thinking man would accept.

>> No.11637833

Are [math]1+0i+0j+0k[/math] and [math]-1+0i+0j+0k[/math] the same size or is one bigger than the other? They have the same modulus.

>> No.11637857

The quaternions are an associative division algebra over the real numbers. Asking whether a quaternion is "one number" does not make sense, since the quaternions are simply an algebraic structure on quadruples of real numbers.

>> No.11637929

Learn what an ordered pair is, buddy.

>> No.11637936

u take that back nigga

>> No.11637937

an element of a certain subgroup of 2x2 matrices with complex entries

>> No.11637942

shit nigga i work my entire life to develop quaternions i wuz boutta kill myself back in the 1800's but then i wuz like lol some kidz in the future gon escape the hood like bruh instead of doin some crack ima lern some quaternions cuz they noncommutative in normal 3d space nigga

>> No.11637943

Size is not a good word. Think "length", and yes.