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11632889 No.11632889 [Reply] [Original]

>Jain ascetics practice complete non-violence. Ahimsa is the first and foremost vow of a Jain ascetic. They do not hurt any living being, be it an insect or a human. They carry a special broom to sweep away any insects that may cross their path. Some Jain monks wear a cloth over the mouth to prevent accidental harm to airborne germs and insects. They also do not use electricity as it involves violence. Furthermore, they do not use any devices or machines.
>They also do not use electricity as it involves violence
Scientifically speaking, is this correct?

>> No.11632902

Edison did electrocute a bunch of animals for fun and profit.

>> No.11632914

Well the extraction process for fuel (coal, natural gas, oil) has a few deaths occasionally so I guess.

>> No.11632985

you could argue they contribute to suffering by merely existing, depends on where you draw the line (how indirect the causal relationship of their actions would be from someone dying to qualify it as non-violent). Absolutes are fucky if you try to act upon them in actual world. imo it is still all relative.

>> No.11633157
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how they eat tho

>> No.11633224

what they eat

>> No.11633226

They are killing billions of living things every day by simply existing.

>> No.11633243

I think having a Jain gf would be quite comfy and wholesome

>> No.11633270

not much
there's no rule against grains, so they mostly subsist on those
there are a handful of vegetables they're allowed to eat where harvesting the vegetable doesn't kill the plant (e.g. peas would be okay, but no root vegetables like potato or carrot because you have to uproot the whole plant to eat it)
not surprisingly basically all of them are super fucking malnourished

>> No.11633280

Some extremist believers do commit suicide.
Jains literally have an established religious practice where they starve themselves to death, with some nonsense loophole where only this particular form of killing yourself doesn't count as suicide by the religion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sallekhana

>> No.11633293

Wow, that's a relief, for a moment I was thinking there was no group of people more batshit insane than 4chan

>> No.11633314

Jains don't masturbate,don't lump them with wankers

>> No.11633328
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Nor do they eat, drink or give birth to their young alive. Extinction beckons.

>> No.11633505

Jains are based