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11629290 No.11629290 [Reply] [Original]


>conducted risky af research modifying bat coronaviruses despite warnings
>concerns were raised about unqualified/understaffed lab repeatedly but ignored
>Nov 9: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7148670/
>people start dying in early December and as with any cluster of respiratory pneumonia doctors strongly suspect a SARS or SARS-like pathogen
>CCP move to suppress all information
>destroy ALL original samples from hospitals and labs, including patients' but also from the wet market
>suppressed doctors and ordered ban on Jan 3 on publishing anything relating to virus
>studies removed from the internet, some archived, some republished three months later
example: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1640&bih=1036&ei=r76tXrfpKMG4kwXM3bKYBg&q=%22identification+of+a+novel+coronavirus+causing+severe+pneumonia+in+human%3A+a+descriptive+study%22 (note Jan 6 vs. other dates)
>PRC accuses the US and urges world governments not to close travel citing racism and stigmatization, well into February despite knowing for 2 months that there was h2h transmission, purposely, knowingly and willfully spreading the virus around the world
>Dr. Shi had sleepless nights wondering if one of WIOV's synthetic viruses escaped, is now "confident" that's not the case because it's "only 96%" identical, original samples all destroyed so we have to take CCP's word for it
>Dr. Huang Yan Ling, possibly patient zero, still missing and deleted from all Chinese sites

>> No.11629298

>the Wuhan gov recommended the following on Dec 31 2019: "The disease can be prevented and controlled by preventing indoor air circulation, avoiding public places where there is no air circulation and places where people are concentrated, and wearing masks when going out."
source: https://web.archive.org/web/20200429211003/http://wjw.wuhan.gov.cn/front/web/showDetail/2019123108989
>even as PRC lied to the world about h2h and urged the world not to stop flights or close borders, no peep when it did the same, now blames all new cases on "foreigners"
>Wuhan gov hosts large banquet to set a world record attempt with 40000 families present mid-January for Lunar new year
All deleted from the internet but the video footage we have shows some dishes artistically crafted in the shape of "2020" as well as being widely reported outside China: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/15/china-didnt-warn-public-of-likely-pandemic-for-6-key-days.html
>Dr. Tedros A. Ghebreyesus went along with ALL of it bc he was Beijing's candidate for the WHO DG position, just like Margaret Chan before him, who made no effort to close wet markets or stop poaching after 2003 SARS despite being a supposed expert, although Tedros is not a practicing doctor or expert but a politician who was once a health official as part of the short-lived communist People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
>h2h transmission was known about since December when the wife of the first fatality, Mr. Zeng, who had never visited the market developed symptoms on December 6
What would be the scientific way to speed along the CCP's collapse?

>> No.11629407
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>virus research bad

>> No.11629437

It is when you're a full-blown communist regime that can't keep its shit together. Don't be a pleb.

>> No.11629469
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>Take virus that is potentially extremely deadly to humans
>Engineer it so that it infects humans more effectively
>Accidentally release it, kill 250k + and annihilate the world economy
>Look at these tiktok nurses

China might actually not get any blame for this despite creating a situation 1000 times worse than chernobyl, I'm seriously impressed.

>> No.11629488


Since the U.S. has given the Wuhan Institute of Virology money so that they can do their research on bat coronaviruses, the U.S. should be allowed into the biolab and inspect it, see whether the virus accidentally escaped the lab or not.

>> No.11629504


Also, the U.S. should pass laws or regulations, prohibiting businessmen from the CCP/China from buying up U.S. companies. I don't care if that goes against Capitalism, but the hostile Communist regime in China should not be allowed to buy up any American companies, especially after all the shit they've done that allowed the virus to spread and become a pandemic.

>> No.11630235
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>wojak-poster quoting literally no one
When it's a poorly equipped understaffed and unqualified laboratory that has received numerous warnings, working in the service of the most homicidal totalitarian regime in history, and creating purposely lethal purposely viral strains out of already dangerous viruses with no thought given as to how the CCP is going to make use of your "legitimate" research and your modified strains, and one of those viruses 'mysteriously' goes on to kill millions of people and possibly extinct a % of all mammals worldwide, timed suspiciously and co-inciding with a host of other actions taken by the regime, and not just to maximize its spread but to exploit its effects? In that specific case, the answer is yes. I mean scapegoating the Wuhan Virology Institute doctors is all too easy and convenient for the real CCP culprits, but they should've known better than to hand the people who'd already killed upwards of 50 million Chinese the means to kill millions more (if the Chinese telecoms subscriber numbers that show a loss of millions of users are to be believed we're already past that stage).

>> No.11630296

>What would be the scientific way to speed along the CCP's collapse?
Protect Taiwan's independence and sovereignty and free Hong Kong from its occupying force. Stop the genocide of Uyghurs. Free Tibet. Give China's neighbors the means to fight back against the Mekong river dam that stole all their water be it diplomatic or otherwise. Bolster Asian countries' defences against PLA's constant incursions and land grabs. Remove the PLA/CCP's foreign subsidiaries and organizations like United Front Works Department and Confucius institutes. Decouple the economies as close to 100% as possible, seize all CCP assets, capture and expell all CCP agents, remove people under CCP influence or coercion from positions of influence and power. Remove the CCP from the UNSC. Basically thwart the CCP at every turn and do what should've been done all along, since that's what they've been doing to the Chinese people and the rest of the world with absolutely zero regard for human life or misery. The CCP has chosen the path of destruction, we have to choose the way of survival. We being literally everyone who is not the higher echelons of the CCP. As far as I can tell, the CCP is counting on turning the Chinese people and the world against each other, so we choose not to fall for the trap and instead surgically remove the tumor from existence.

>> No.11631090

>What would be the scientific way to speed along the CCP's collapse?
convincing silicon valley not to invest money on third world shitholes in exchange for cheap labor and BBC would be a start

>> No.11631999


>timed suspiciously and co-inciding with a host of other actions taken by the regime

Oh please, based purely on observing the 'timing' (damage done), one would assume that the lab was sabotaged by a hostile power, with the goal of shooting PRC in the foot. In that case, it made perfect sense for them to let it out of the country.

Right now the only people who want to kill Chinese are anglophiles.

>> No.11632052

it's not like they tried the same shit with SARS back then. they will be held accountable soon once shit settles down

>> No.11632114

> they will be held accountable

>> No.11632151

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