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11629135 No.11629135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how true is this?

>> No.11629146


>> No.11629201

Seems true to me. It may sound racist but if black people didn't exist we would probably be progressing much faster. There would be significant reduction in crime, billions saved in foreign aid every year, Africa with its abundant resources could be colonized, they typically vote for corrupt politicians, create poor ghetto areas, use affirmative action and diversity quotas to take positions from more qualified people, etc. We are about to run into a huge global population problem as well, Africa is predicted to quadruple its population to over 4 billion by 2100. That will be catastrophic.

>> No.11629206

homogenous cultures elect corrupt politicians much more often than diverse ones

>> No.11629272

Uh... That's blatantly not true.

>> No.11629306

Homogeneity is a threat against democracy. Homogeneous countries give away their civil liberties for the slightest discomfort and elect demagogues and give them unchecked power. This is true for homogeneous countries across the world. Cultures that assume all politicians are corrupt and do not work in their best interest (heterogeneous cultures like USA, Hong Kong, France) have many more failsafes in place to remove corrupt politicians and put them under much higher scrutiny.
Public unrest due to inter-cultural conflict is a net positive when it comes to preservation of a democracy. Cultures with no public unrest and trust in their government will inevitably give power to an untrustworthy politician who will sink the country towards authoritarianism and nobody will lift a finger to stop it.

>> No.11629314

isn't that labor UK's slogan?

>> No.11629318

That's why japans government is full of good old boy shit right because they are so diverse lol

>> No.11629319


if you believe this you are a stone cold retard

>> No.11629331

Holy cringe

>> No.11629332

it's unironically true. Diversity of property, culture and thought is necessary for a productive democracy. This is a well known phenomenon and has been understood for many hundreds of years.

>> No.11629334

In the united states if though as a whole is diverse, with gerrymandering you end up with voting districts that are 100% white or 100% black. Then you end up with people who think Guam will tip over if there are too many people on it in congress. When it comes time to vote, its not really all that diverse.

>> No.11629336

even though as a whole its diverse*

>> No.11629346

You can have all these with people of one race, like whites or asians, who also happen to be more intelligent

>> No.11629348
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>democracy good
Unironically get off my board and back to where you came from

>> No.11629350

Voting isn't about the candidates you're voting for, it's about ensuring that whatever candidate is voted in is inevitably beholden to the people. This is the point of a public vote—choosing the better candidate is a side effect. This principle is rooted in distrust of the government and assumption that all politicians are basically corruptible. In a country with frequent civil unrest and class between highly diverse populations, we are constantly reminded of this fundamental, basic principle of democracy.

>> No.11629373
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Very true.

>> No.11629380

>not corrupt
You lost me there buddy

>> No.11629445

USA and France are so uncorrupt they have a warped concept of what "political corruption" actually entails. They think public, documented, legal corporate lobbying is the worst possible abuse of government. They think facebook ads designed to "manipulate people" make an election rigged when they're functionally indistinguishable from normal campaign ads.
This only serves to prove my point in that hostility towards and distrust of one's government is in everyone's best interest. It provides a cultural pressure to keep politicians honest.

>> No.11629481

I will admit, the amount of day to day corruption in actually corrupt countries make the USA look like a utopia.

>> No.11629505

Its not true at all, the real ones holding back whitey are jews.

>> No.11629520

Without black people Jews would have no power at all in the united states. Blacks typically overwhelmingly vote democrat, without them the democrats would never win anything. Now look at this,

>> No.11629524

100% true

>> No.11629550
File: 95 KB, 547x619, putnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in reality:
>Relatively homogeneous societies invest more in public goods, indicating a higher level of public altruism. For example, the degree of ethnic homogeneity correlates with the government's share of gross domestic product as well as the average wealth of citizens. Case studies of the United States, Africa and South-East Asia find that multi-ethnic societies are less charitable and less able to cooperate to develop public infrastructure. Moscow beggars receive more gifts from fellow ethnics than from other ethnies [sic]. A recent multi-city study of municipal spending on public goods in the United States found that ethnically or racially diverse cities spend a smaller portion of their budgets and less per capita on public services than do the more homogeneous cities.[52]

>> No.11629562

trust in your fellow man to do the right thing is precisely, exactly, specifically the makings of authoritarian governments

>> No.11629570

Blacks are just dogs that jews sick on whitey they have nothing to do with jewish power in America that has existed since America was fucking created. Jews using blacks is one of the main reasons people are waking up to their shit, had they just maintained in the background and slowly make europeans kill themselves through pure liberalism with no dieversity things would be fine.

>> No.11629572

In recent years, Putnam has been engaged in a comprehensive study of the relationship between trust within communities and their ethnic diversity. His conclusion based on over 40 cases and 30,000 people within the United States is that, other things being equal, more diversity in a community is associated with less trust both between and within ethnic groups.
>Even when controlling for income inequality and crime rates, two factors which conflict theory states should be the prime causal factors in declining inter-ethnic group trust, more diversity is still associated with less communal trust.
Lowered trust in areas with high diversity is also associated with:
Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.
Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in one's own influence.
Lower frequency of registering to vote, but more interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups.
Higher political advocacy, but lower expectations that it will bring about a desirable result.
Less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas of collective action (e.g., voluntary conservation to ease a water or energy shortage).
Less likelihood of working on a community project.
Less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering.
Fewer close friends and confidants.
Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life.
More time spent watching television and more agreement that "television is my most important form of entertainment".

>> No.11629583
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Don't let them hold you back, White man

>> No.11629589

[citation needed]

>> No.11629590

Is /sci/ an Evola board? Incredibly based

>> No.11629598

I'm a tourists from /lit/, take my torch and spread Evola's gospel

>> No.11629614

No need brother, already started with Guénon

>> No.11629639
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>Homogeneity is a threat against democracy.

>> No.11629659

The ideal form of government is rule by decree with a perfectly benevolent dictator. It'd be nice of such a thing were possible, but humans are inherently corruptible and untrustworthy and fallible. Many authoritarian regimes maintain a high quality of life until the initial dictator inevitably has to pass on power to the first sycophant to get to them and then they ruin the country.

>> No.11629709

>trust in your fellow man to do the right thing is precisely, exactly, specifically the makings of authoritarian governments
So let's take a few examples of famous autoritarian governments.
Mussolini rose to power in a country that was 60 years, heavily divided on political lines, with numerous local peoples speaking different dialects, and a lot of hostility between those from the north and those from the south.
Lenin and Stalin took over an empire made of people with different languages, religions, and origins, that was ravaged by war, iniquity and despotism.
Hitler rose to power in another young country with different dialects, and in fact was a foreigner himself. There again there was a lot of hostility and distrust between political factions, and towards ethnic minorities.
Mao took over another multiethnic empire with a long tradition of corruption and brutality.

Your reasoning could make some sense theoritically but reality proves you wrong.

And france was distrustful of its government before it became culturally enriched.

>> No.11629711

Nope, it's the Jews. If the Jews didnt exist Africans wouldve been sent back to Africa centuries ago or likely they wouldve never been shipped to America.

Niggers aren't a problem by themselves and can easily be dealt with, only when they're given platforms to interrupt humanity do have the power to hold back progress.

>> No.11629757

>perceived levels of corruption
So you're saying, populations from the equatorial regions can recognize corruption more easily than anywhere else? You're also saying that countries that are large enough to encompass areas with multiple native skin colors have greater diversity?

>> No.11629768
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>> No.11629785

>The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is an index published annually by Transparency International since 1995 which ranks countries "by their perceived levels of public sector[1] corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys."[2] The CPI generally defines corruption as "the misuse of public power for private benefit".[3]
>Transparency International commissioned the University of Passau's Johann Graf Lambsdorff to produce the CPI.[7]

>> No.11629794

>determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys.

>> No.11629797

>expert assessments

>> No.11629801

>opinion surveys.

>> No.11629805

>expert opinion surveys.

>> No.11629807

Japan is beautiful and productive because it's a culturally homogeneous island. The government does a reasonable job of keeping everything functional and is no more corrupt than any other government. Their old bug culture of being a good little cog in society is what really hurts them. The people actually have far greater individual freedom than they feel they have, because you "just can't" do many things, even if not illegal, even if nobody will chastise you for it. The younger generation is slowly turning that over.

>> No.11629815

Hey expert boi, I got you some fat staxx, if you fudge the data some, saying we aint corrupt... I mean give us speech at dinner. ;DDDD.

>> No.11629826
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>> No.11629902

>Yo, I'm an expert, my opinion, although its contrary to all known data and the like, is that this place is super uncorrupt. ;). And that's my opinion. I'm an expert, take it or be wrong.
>also, I'm 1 of the only 3 in my field, you could say 4929 in 14788 experts agree with me ;)))

>> No.11629928

Voting is about pushing responsibility for the shortcomings of society onto the people so they won't overthrow the government and start a revolution.

>> No.11629936

jews are responsible for imagery of the kind seen in the OP, they are also responsible for holding mankind back from the pursuit of real knowledge, as they are not interested in knowledge or exploration, only a scrape of contested land in the ME.

>> No.11629946
File: 176 KB, 1647x898, Jewish Nobel Prize winners by country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are responsible for imagery of the kind seen in the OP, they are also responsible for holding mankind back from the pursuit of real knowledge

So how can you explain this ?

>> No.11629966

both power blocs were having a dickwave over africa ever since they got independence. The niggers never stood a chance

>> No.11629991

labour hates space and tech though, except for climate change

>> No.11630009

In group nepotism obviously. Based solely on the IQ distribution among populations there are far more intelligent white people than Jews, yet they overwhelmingly make up Nobel winners despite being a tiny fraction of the population.

>> No.11630010
File: 183 KB, 500x918, African mentality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The niggers never stood a chance

They even doesnt want to have any change on civilization success.

By the way do you know that in USA these African-Americans who have normal families, have a good education, a good job, are honest are often referredby rest of African-Americans in the slang term "Bounty" (that term comes from this famous chocolate bar ) because in their eyes they are black outside , but white inside ?

>> No.11630385

no, that's just "gay"

>> No.11630502
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>> No.11630648

Aristotle stated only purely homogeneous states can experience true democracy, from my perspective you are either a troll or an idiot.

>> No.11630684
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>why do jews give other jews medals
Beats me

>> No.11630766
File: 282 KB, 600x1772, 1586939175919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very Accurate

Also Correct

Wrong on all accounts the worlds greatest achievements were during Europe and America having homogeneous civilizations.Civilization didn't even develop around the world until Europeans became homogeneous in Northern China and Southern Europe.

Socialism has only been successful in the most homogeneous countries like how Sweden and Germany used to be before they were invaded with inbred muslims.

>> No.11630771

hmmm... all things that would only benefit jewish supremacist communities.

>> No.11630780
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jeez dude....

>> No.11631484

That is why trump is about to be re-elected?

>> No.11631504 [DELETED] 

You don't need homogenity for collectivism, even completely unrelated organisms widely coopreate in nature.

>> No.11631507

You don't need homogenity for collectivism, even completely unrelated organisms widely coopreate in nature.
People don't give power to somebody they deem untrustworthy, they like that he protects them from people like you who want to exploit them.

>> No.11631590

>hurr durr blacks prevent me from living in my based cuckshed in an overpopulated city or my sterile space station
fucking sci fi fags

>> No.11631600
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>> No.11631618
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>> No.11631628
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>> No.11631655
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You are seriously deluded and everything in your post is wrong. If anything, Amerimutts are most easily fooled by their politicians who are but servants for their corporate backers.

>> No.11631783

Brainlet detected

>> No.11631793
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>René-Jean-Marie-Joseph Guénon, also known as ʿAbd al-Wāḥid Yaḥyá after his conversion to Islam, was a French author and intellectual
Nice try Muhammad

>> No.11632146 [DELETED] 

Vicious people like to call honest rulers despots. No ruler can hold power without widespread indifference, if not support. Rebels tend to massively overestimate how much the ruler is really hated, most of the times it really isn't. Often in fiction, supposedly cortupt entities, such as Saruman, or the star wars empire obviously have massive numbers of willing supporters and the rebels fighting it are often a tiny group.

>> No.11632150

Vicious people like to call honest rulers despots. No ruler can hold power without widespread indifference, if not support. Rebels tend to massively overestimate how much the ruler is really hated, most of the times it really isn't. Even in fiction, supposedly cortupt entities, such as Saruman, or the star wars empire obviously have massive numbers of willing supporters and the rebels fighting it are often a tiny, isolated group.