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11627807 No.11627807 [Reply] [Original]

How bad could global warming get if we just keep going like it's not happening? Will it cap out at some point?

>> No.11627964

around +6C the heat leaks out to space as stefan-boltzmann's law depends on the 4th power of the temp difference
This is enough to turn latitudes 0...60 to open desert and will result in 95% of the world population to die off - not from heat but from hunger. The 95% doesn't even include nuclear and chemical wars/terrorism (fighting over rivers etc.) so could be even worse.
All this would happen in 100y, before sea rising even becomes anything major.

>> No.11629637

It's not like linear gradient.

It's like a number we hit and we're completely fucked.

>> No.11629864 [DELETED] 

Yeah fuck Chegg. Pay for Earth System Science tutoring @ paypal.com/chillfill $40/hr and I won't sell you out if you wan't me to help you on an exam. If you just want a homework answer I can do that too for $10/problem. Don't get fucked by academia's bullshit
Reply to this post with your email or your grades will die in your sleep.

>> No.11630553

Venus happened because global warming got so bad the water evaporated and caused a feedback loop. That's probably what could happen if you really fuck up