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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1162722 No.1162722 [Reply] [Original]

>Ph. D. in Mathematics
>Any Job I Want
>300K Starting

>> No.1162738

good luck living a boring life of a faggot

>> No.1162730
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>> No.1162745
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>God Tier Mathematics

>> No.1162748

Fuck you and your forced memes.

>> No.1162753
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u mad ?

>> No.1162757

Yea, but then you have to spend 4-5 extra years in school past undergrad. I'd rather start my life.

>> No.1162758


just kidding

>> No.1162763
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>1-2 years Ph. D post undergrad for true math genius

>it takes him 4-5 years

>> No.1162765

lold hard

>> No.1162773

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.1162789
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>1-2 years Ph. D post undergrad for true math genius

>it takes him 4-5 years

>> No.1162805

if you get a Ph D in math in 1 year you deserve the 300k.

>> No.1162814
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>implying I don't deserve more for being a god emperor on earth

>> No.1162825
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>Medical school
>125k starting

>> No.1162827

Ive seen better

a degree thousands of others have in a year is hardly godlike

>> No.1162829

>pathetically easy classes, spend most time chillin' and fucking bitches who all think they can trick me into being their baby daddy (vasectomy, fuck yeah!)
>any management job I want
>500K starting

>> No.1162842
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>he thinks people still hire MBAs

>> No.1162886

>finance major
>dad works at a hedge fund
>Goldman Sachs internship
>finish college after your associate's degree
>make a $800k bonus in your first year

>> No.1162902

>go back to school to get your MBA in emerging markets
>make $3 million commission every year as a hedge fund manager
>retire at 40
>adopt Asian child
>cycle repeats

>> No.1162904

>Degree in Ergonomics
>Master of all
>10million starting

>> No.1162907

Even if he does find an applied math job, he will have to be productive as fuck to compete with the cheapass currybreaths who, while retarded, are inexpensive, which is all the CEOs care about.

Enjoy your life teaching at a community college, OP.

>> No.1162916

>A.S. in Science
>No jobs
>$0 starting

>> No.1162923


Sorry but currybreaths cannot be quants in Chicago nor Wall Street.

>> No.1162926
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>Working in a flowershop
>12k Starting
>Sit on my ass all day and listen to mp3 or fuck around on internet

Have fun paying that collage tuition you indentured servants.

>> No.1162935

>Living my life's dream
>-15k starting
>Doesn't care about money

Feels good man

>> No.1162936


As a fucking trader or a fucking quant?

>> No.1162939

is this like the new geuss guy or something?

Seriously its just as bad, if not worse. Keep trollin OP


>After Med School and surgery residency
>300k in debt school/making pratice
>Makes 700k a year

no problem here boss.

>> No.1162950


No, the higher levels of a corporation or firm are like a fraternity, but these people still need talented people to work as quants so their firm can make money. A decent quant can make 200k, that's not extraordinary. A good trader can make more than that. The partners of the large trading houses make much more.

OP however is probably not part of any cozy cabal and will have to work his butt off producing jew machines like that Goldman Sachs computer and I can bet you anything that the quants of today have to be highly skilled and practiced in coding, math and on top of that have the spatial intelligence to apply everything to produce RESULTS.

>> No.1162952

collage? this is science not art

>> No.1162956
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In other words OP will be filling out surveys for cash in his spare time. Ironic indeed considering the pic.

>> No.1162960
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>Chemical Engineering from No. 1 College
>No Tuition
>Apartment in NYC

>You work in a flower shop.

>> No.1162958 [DELETED] 


www.anonmalk.se but with t instead of m in the middle 0da09e7843d9ad8a7190c1929fbdb716 55113

>> No.1162965

he also thinks people go to a collage, instead of a college

>> No.1162967


You do realize that people can skip from bachelors straight to PHD without having to do a masters don't you?

>> No.1162974
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This is you.

>> No.1162975


I think he was trying to play with words as I saw "flowers" in green.

>> No.1162979


I said it once and I'll say it again
Finance is not fucking deterministic
You can only make educated guesses on where to invest
And if you haven't studied about the market for 4 years chances are you'll have to catch up if you want to even consider it

>> No.1162982

> Associate of Arts degree
> Baggage Handler
> 18k Starting.

>> No.1162987


How many thousands get a PHD in math every year?

>> No.1162992
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>not deterministic
>requires prolonged period of study

>he doesn't get how stupid he is by saying this after that

>> No.1162990 [DELETED] 

Not really im not white
Im also not fat or a dude
And I don't do stupid hippie shit like put flowers in my hair

>> No.1162998

>You Mad

>> No.1162996


and you wonder why you don't have a job and you spend all day on 4chan

lol stupid stupid math illiterates

>> No.1163005


you will literally not get ANYWHERE near that much. You could make that much as an investment banker who has at least 2-5 years of experience, an MBA, and held a VP position and is looking for a new company.

>> No.1163016

And yet there are rappers who make more than you and your degrees.

>> No.1163019

for the record:

"Median annual wages of mathematicians were $95,150 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $71,430 and $119,480. The lowest 10 percent had earnings of less than $53,570, while the highest 10 percent earned more than $140,500.

In March 2009, the average annual salary in the Federal Government was $107,051 for mathematicians; $107,015 for mathematical statisticians; and $101,645 for cryptanalysts."

>> No.1163024

yes, it's still impressive

I meant the total amount of possessors of math Ph Ds. Achieving it isn't THAT impressive to warrant omnipotence. It's about how much you can achieve above it.

>> No.1163060


Well the base assumption in this thread I suppose is that anyone who can score a PHD in math and be in their early twenties is a god. Now the scrap of paper would alert recruitors all across the country, especially those from Goldman Sachs and the likes as to the wherabouts of the new boy in town. Everyone will want him because despite the so called recession there is a big boom in electronic trading that's been nationwide for the last 10 years and is set to go world wide in the next 10 years.

Pure speculation on my part(no pun intended) but after stretching my parched imagination that's the best reason I can think of for a fresh math PHD to score mid six figures starting salary.

>> No.1163080


so many math majors are gonna be surprised (not the good kind of) when they graduate.


>> No.1163118

a handful. And it's a good deal of luck.

>> No.1163135


I don't want to include rappers as a comparison here. Rappers just love to barf "fuck the world" as they swing around with puke faces. Where do you "learn to rap" anyway?

Math is entirely different. It's not just a love and a passion and an art. It's an established career with academic institutions catering to you from kindergarten to PHD level.

>> No.1163162


I work with people who did their postdoctoral work at caltech. Starting salary of 300k is a fantasy.

Maybe in the heyday of financial markets, not now.

>> No.1163346


Employment, 2008: 2,900

>> No.1163401
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>AS in Womens Studies
>Fondle breasts for fun
>20k starting

>> No.1163441

I LOL'd. I can't believe some peopel are taking this claim seriously.

>> No.1163453


This is like the 10th time this week that I saw this thread. Part of the reason it's shown up 10 times is that the faggot mods don't just leave it the fuck alone and let it die so the OP just keeps remaking it.

>> No.1164513


It's possible that OP has been following the market in his spare time like Max did in the movie Pi.

>> No.1164731

>BS in Biotech.
>Shitty pay, go back for MS
>Good pay, go back for Ph.D.
>Easy mode.

>> No.1164774

>Still studying.


>> No.1164790

finance may not be deterministic but that doesn't mean that it just about random guessing. there is a ton of modeling and theoretical work involved to lend any credibility to your guesses.

actuaries have made it an entire profession

>> No.1164810


Actuaries. Yet another math-centric profession but not so much as being a quant. An actuary actually needs an immense amount of spacial as well as math IQ and has to integrate the two together. I wonder if actuaries, exceptional ones, make more than exceptionally gifted quants?

>> No.1164809
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>B.S. Electrical engineering.
>Highly competitive job market
>50K starting, if I'm lucky.

>> No.1164813

>Apprenticeship in Ponzi schemes.
>30 million starting salary

>> No.1164829


How much math knowledge does one need for these apprenticeships? I'm guessing it's with Maddox's breed on Wal Street.

>> No.1164838
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but at least you got the gay sex right?

>> No.1164862

I'm an actuary. we often hire quants on a temp basis or if they are really good for full time work. we can do the work, but most of us find pure math to be boring after a while. doing math well doesn't make someone a good problem solver, which is why people want actuaries.

>> No.1164874

>implying that actuaries are better than quants

bullshit. quants get paid 10x actuary salaries, and need to have PhD's and crazy C++ skills.

>> No.1164878
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I'm not gay, I just masturbate to 2D images of young girls, so I'm totally normal.

>> No.1164892

Oh look I can lie too.
>PhD Biolectrical Engineering/Applied Math.
> Invented new Google algorithm
>over 9000 Billion per year

>> No.1164895

What is that? turk lira?

>> No.1164901

>write novels
>make lots of money
>end up in Cornell

This is my life so far.

>> No.1164902


Hrmm Turkey and Italy both name their currencies the same? Didn't realize that.

>> No.1164909


In that order?

>> No.1164922


that's very dependent upon who you choose as your quant and who you choose as your actuary.

wall street is not hiring like they once did, so the demand and pay are not what they were 5-10 years ago for quants. ERM and the actuaries who practice it are in demand now since everyonr's shitting their pants not to turn into AIG or Lehman. A senior board would rather have someone who can both do the coding and explain the big picture. just last summer we brought in 10 summer actuarial interns and 3 had or were about to get math PHDs, but we made offers to the ones who could articulate and actually think, not just do what they're told

>> No.1164923


Yep. I can't think of anything better to do with the money, and I sure as shit can't write forever.

I've already run out of good ideas.

>> No.1164930
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>PhD in trolling
>go on sci
>pic related

>> No.1164956

how much money did you make?

>> No.1164995
