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1162413 No.1162413 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /sci/, i wanna destroy fucking everything, what is the best way to do it?

pic related

>> No.1162431

Kill yourself. Bam, no more universe.

>> No.1162441

cut off everyones penis, then every fucking thing would stop happening

>> No.1162444

Make a sun.

>> No.1162449

Accidentally anti-matter anywhere.

>> No.1162451



>> No.1162453


Eventually the Universe will either cruch down on itself or burn out and be void of life and energy.

>> No.1162462


Keikaku doori

>> No.1162465

Kick start the false vacuum decay into a true vacuum and you are done. Everything is over.

>> No.1162476


This. When matter and anti-matter connect with one another, they cancel each other out, only they do it with the force of a Plutonium nuke.

>> No.1162474

And wait long enough and the universe will go through another big bang via quantum flunctuations.

>> No.1162473

So far this seems like the best idea

>> No.1162483

Nope. Too much work.

This here

>> No.1162488


Or not. Big Strech is more likly than Big Crunch, and even then, most scientist are confused as to where the energy need to create another big bang will come from.

>> No.1162508

By the time any of that is close to happening we will either be long, LONG gone.

As to which type of gone (extinct or gone to another universe) remains to be seen

>> No.1162509


In big crunch, possibly the action of bring all the matter in the universe into one point will spark the energy required, but then you get into the idea that "How can the Universe be in one-point if its the universe? Shouldn't it contain all points?"

This is why I dropped out of physics.

>> No.1162541


>> No.1162545


>> No.1162553

Don't get me started on string theory brane cycles. That shit is so hilarious that it's scary.

>> No.1162555

Please start with yourself, kthxbye

>> No.1162567

You can't destroy everything. Whatever your mechanism of destruction is, it is limited to the speed of light, and will not reach the entire universe due to its expansion. Furthermore, you can't destroy the past.

>> No.1162637


Metaphysical definite of everything.

The OP is talking about everything at the time he posted.