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File: 573 KB, 920x1136, Annotation 2020-05-01 021838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11623390 No.11623390 [Reply] [Original]

Highest IQ move, or no?

Would you throw away a chance to contribute to society for a chance to coast the rest of your life away?

What's the point for women to work hard if they can get twice as far stringing along simps?

Is this the end of "women in STEM"?

>> No.11623402

don't know about her but PhD is a bad career choice. researchers have a shit pay and you don't earn more than a master's when you put PhD on your resume + you have to invest a lot of time and effort into it.

>> No.11623418

t. doesn't want any job w/ 300k starting.

>> No.11623464

>work hard, get your PhD, make some $ and people will think you're smart if you have an PhD
>now if people ask you from where do you get money, you will say from internet virgins

hard choice

>> No.11623468


>> No.11623471

Why are you guys so fucking judgemental. How a woman makes money is none of your fucking business. Snowflakes.

>> No.11623477

Nothing that I wrote even referred to her, you retarded cunt.

>> No.11623478

People already think you're smart because you have a MSc, which you need (at least in Europe) to start a Phd program.

>> No.11623507

The actual lesson is that getting people's rocks off is wayyy more valuable to ape society than boring, low-impact research.

>> No.11623559


>> No.11623564

There’s literally a billion Indian simps. Good choice

>> No.11623581

people quit PhD cause they couldn't hack it or they failed to understand what they were getting into. neither of those options reflects well on someone

>> No.11623641
File: 49 KB, 418x418, Man with money a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phd in mathematics
>any job i want
>300k starting

>> No.11623671

to be fair, someone who drops out of a phd program is likely still an above average individual

>> No.11623719

Above average in what?
As far as I'm concerned, anyone who's a quitter might as well be a shitter.

>> No.11623721


lol you keep reposting this fallacy because you are obviously a young kid or actually retarded.
doing a phd has nothing to do with "hacking" it or not. you can not fail a phd in the 21st century.
whenver somebody doesn't complete phd or takes too long to do so it reflects extremely badly on the advisor and everybody involved
so they try to push people through and 99% of all PhD research works are trash/spam

a phd just means:

1. you are subservient , ready to work for free for others
2. you actually can't hack it in the real world
3. you will be suited to be a slave for the rest of your life

there s a big shift in academia, the actually competent people don't remain in academia. even if fields like math and physics, they nope the fuck out and you'll see more and more pajeets/chinks/women taking the spots because they are content with less competition and lower wages

>> No.11623736

they made it into and got partially through a phd program isn't some idiot and its also a lot of work
>quitter and shitter
>someone who doesn't go full sunk cost fallacy and has a mature recognition that this isn't for them
>dismiss it, connotations and all, as "quitting"
You do you anon

>> No.11623745

>makes youtube vlogs
>doesnt anything but sit in front of a camera for a few minutes and tells people how her day went
>gets millions of views and earns six figures
what the fuck

>> No.11623764

I know two people who left their PhD. Both ended up working in programming or web dev or something (can't remember exact role) and earning significantly more than me and other PhDs I know.
I feel like at this point the best thing I could do is practice more statistical analysis and try to get a data science role. Or try to luck out big and get a position at an investment firm as the scientific analyst but fuck knows how they even recruit for those positions.

>> No.11623766

Tibees is the reason I study physics. I have this fantasy where we start talking right after the end of Vidcon. We exchange a few pleasantries. She asks what I do. I say I loved her on YouTube. She laughs. I get my drink.
"Well, see ya," I say and walk away. I've got her attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Toby Hendy? She touches her neck as she watches me leave.
Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, she finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a cigarette.
"Got a spare?" she asks.
"What's in it for me?" I say as I hand her one of my little white ladies. She smiles.
"Conversation with me, duh."
I laugh.
"What's so funny?" she protests.
"Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the egos?"
"You get used to it," she says, lighting her cigarette and handing me back the lighter.
"What would you do if you weren't a youtuber?" I ask.
"Researching, I think."
"And if I was your lab partner, what would I be learning?"
"Discipline," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes, before changing the subject. "Where are you from?"
"London" I say.
"Oh wow. That's lovely."
"It's OK," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking."
"What could possibly be not to your liking in Mexico?" she inquires.
"I don't like sand," I tell her. "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

>> No.11623806

>contribute to society
May as well provide entertainment to lonely autists

>> No.11623823


Tibees makes my pp hard

>> No.11623855

>"And if I was your lab partner, what would I be learning?"
>"Discipline," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes
*pp (pee pee) grows large*

>> No.11623864

Sunk cost fallacy is irrelevant here, and imo, it's just cope for being lazy.
Sure, it may seem like something will be a waste of time when you're failing, but that's just negativity. You say you want to avoid the sunk cost fallacy, but really, you just don't want to finish what you committed to.
It's interesting that you'll rarely see a successful person who gave up on what they started.

>> No.11623869

On top of that, I'm just reiterating what's been said countless times, but school isn't really a good indicator of how good a person is at working. It's all about their mindset. You can find high-school dropouts who are more effective than a large proportion of college grads, because they have a better mindset.

>> No.11623870

>but really, you just don't want to finish what you committed to.
That's literally what that sunk cost fallacy is. Thinking you cant stop because you "committed" to it
>It's interesting that you'll rarely see a successful person who gave up on what they started.
a successful person didn't give up on what they were successful at
10/10 tautology
I wonder if they gave up at some of the other things that they weren't successful at.

>> No.11623910 [DELETED] 

Her content is such boring trash. Surely she doesn't make enough money to live off of it?

>> No.11623915

>I wonder if they gave up at some of the other things that they weren't successful at.
My point was that they don't. Nice strawman, though.
>That's literally what that sunk cost fallacy is. Thinking you cant stop because you "committed" to it
The sunk cost fallacy implies that following through is the less prudent move. This is rarely true, and is just a cope.

>> No.11623927
File: 24 KB, 300x344, explain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if IQ is a meme and pseudoscience then why do different people get different scores on the exact same test ?
and i m not talking about different unique people i m talking about large groups
and why does it correlates with such things as race and gender
riddle me this faggotman

>> No.11623934
File: 16 KB, 460x322, 7of9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello. And. Happy. New Year.
Her way of speaking makes me uncomfortable.
As if she wrote down her text 3 months ago and learned it by heart just about to the extent that if feels casual, but also as if she's be teaching English to a class of foreigners.

>> No.11623944

>My point was that they don't. Nice strawman, though.
Your point is incorrect because they do. You're suggesting a successful person is automatically successful at everything they do - they have never failed - which is a false claim because there exist people who are successful but who have quit other endeavours, for which they aren't known for, because if they were successful at it they'd be doing that instead of what they are currently known for

>> No.11623947


there is not really any "success" in getting a phd , because whether or not you are successful is largely decided BEFORE you start a phd (and with that also where you get it)

you seem to believe that once you start a phd you are suddenly a different person than you were all your life and will be 10x smarter LOL
trust me if you were a shitty student you are going to be a shitty PhD , and even if you had good grades that doesnt mean your PhD research will be valuable , most PhDs are complete trash

while you won't get considerably smarter with your age, you will however realize that a system is just leeching off of you , or certain profs are just trying to use you as a free and underpaid/unpaid laboratory employee

and that's when you tell them to fuck off and go work at an actual job that pays you for your work and not just with a fuzzy feeling a title gives you

a PhD is just a modern simp for an old guy , as opposed to a young woman , it's extremely pathetic and if you are smart you perform independent research and defend it - thats what a PhD USED to be

not this retarded cuck bullshit that everybody does nowadays

>> No.11623988

>you seem to believe that once you start a phd you are suddenly a different person than you were all your life and will be 10x smarter
Strawman. I never said that or even implied it.
>You're suggesting a successful person is automatically successful at everything they do - they have never failed
Holy shit, learn to read, idiot. I never said that either. You're making connections that simply are not there. Not giving up doesn't mean not failing.
You should be put down, you're so stupid.

>> No.11623996

>Would you throw away a chance to contribute to society
There are other ways to contribute to society than being a lonely nerd you know

>> No.11623997

>Not giving up doesn't mean not failing.
I misspoke
You're suggesting a successful person is automatically successful at everything they do - they have never failed nor given up, which is a false claim
Why are you taking this so personally anon?

>> No.11624006

>You're suggesting a successful person is automatically successful at everything they do - they have never failed
Unless you misused "nor", you wrote the same exact thing with the added condition that they've never given up.
Completely misinterpreting what I wrote.
I am suggesting ONLY that successful people don't tend to give up.

>> No.11624015

Onlyfans account would be a good start.

>> No.11624021


nobody quits a PhD because they don't have the mental capacities to complete it
which is what you dont seem to understand because you are fucking retarded
people realize that a PhD is a waste of time and an open form of cuckoldry (for some useless old faggot most of the time that hasn't produced anything noteable)

imagine believing quitting your PhD means you have given up "on your dream/goal" whatever, instead people simply realize that the goal never existed in the first place because the system is rotten and corrupted

>> No.11624026

>nobody quits a PhD because they don't have the mental capacities to complete it
Can you even read? I never said that, you absolute brainlet.
Regardless, your claim isn't even true. I'll guarantee you can find at least one person who has.

>> No.11624030

>completely misinterpreting what you wrote
misunderstandings happen
>don't tend to give up
fair enough, but that's a change from your original condition of quitters = shitters, which would suggest that they never give up instead of just "tend" not to. I guess i largely agree then. and my original comment was about the absolute statement rather than your revised statement that allowed for outliers
but that speaks more about their their work ethic and strength to persevere rather than intelligence and the fact that they have put in a lot of work and that still counts for something, even if they dont have anything to show for it in the end.
and yes that was what i said, because that is what would have been accurate to what you said - it was my mistake.

>> No.11624033


post them. in 2020 nobody fails their PhD because they are retarded. maybe if you fuck your advisors wife and his daughter he will fail you out of spite

other than that you said "they can't hack it" which means "they aren't competent enough" , which is simply untrue because the large part of all PhDs are complete jokes nowadays. it's literally menial labour even in fields like physics and mathematics where you can just review something and don't actually have to contribute anything to get a PhD

>> No.11624057

I quitter in my opinion isn't someone who has quit something once. It is all about the mindset. Sorry I wasn't clear about outliers; it was a nice rhyme I thought.
>but that speaks more about their their work ethic and strength to persevere rather than intelligence
My point the entire time.
>in 2020 nobody fails their PhD because they are retarded
Adjusting the goalposts.
>you said "they can't hack it" which means "they aren't competent enough"
Never said "they can't hack it" explicitly. Also, my point is more so regarding work ethic, not intelligence. I'll point you to >>11623864

>> No.11624059

I realize now that you guys probably think I wrote >>11623581. I didn't.

>> No.11624060

you dont even have phd bud

>> No.11624068


it has nothing to do with work ethic, if anything if you have a good work ethic, you will NOT do your PhD in 2020 because you are competing against natural bootlickers (women chinks and pajeets) who will dump the price of your (academic) labour like mad

if you make it to a PhD , you should be smart enough to realize when doing one is NOT the right choice, not "power through it becaues you can"

there is one, and only one exception to this rule, and that is if your advisor is a nobel prize / fields medalist, then your PhD under him will be automatically regarded highly no matter what you do and will almost always boost your CV considerably

slaving away for some no name 3rd rate prof for a PhD title is one of the dumbest things you can do, and if you do it its because you had no other options or worse (and thats what you believe in) you think that being subservient is a good character trait that impresses others

you must get 0 respect in real life if you think like this, because nobody likes supplicating betas (like yourself)

>> No.11624075

That's a lot of assumptions, and very little substance. Not surprising, given I see you hail from plebbit.

>> No.11624085


lets see: you have no PhD, you fantasize about it being hard , arduous , and a huge achievement, you seem to look down on people who quit their PhD for some reason (despite not having a PhD) etc.

the list of why you need to STFU is endless, but lets face it: you'll do the cuckolding in real life, cope by telling yoruself you are better, and then realize in 50-60 years that you are an absolute cuck and kill yourself or cope even harder by dressing up in female clothing

>> No.11624294

This, to an extent

Not everyone doing a PhD is a retard but whoa mama are there a ton of retards out there doing a PhD.

>> No.11624301

woah buddy, you really expect me to read all that cope?

>> No.11624313

You sound like a retard. Sure, doing a PhD is not always the right thing to do, but the assumption that you need to do it with a field medalist to be worth it is completely absurd. In most jobs, it a lot of interesting jobs, having done a PhD is very well regarded. Google for example hires a lot of people with PhDs.
Moreover, the girl is doing one video per month by reading exams. She didn't need more time to do that, she just realise that doing a PhD was harder than being a youtuber and stopped.

Btw I do have a PhD since you think this is important.

>> No.11624339

t. high school dropout with a ton of “””street smarts”””

>> No.11624416

1 million views is about $1,000 so she can make $30,000 a month by uploading 1 video per day

>> No.11624423

the whole point of getting a PhD is to feel superior to others

>> No.11624428

> so she can make $30,000 a month by uploading 1 video per day
1 video a day is an absurdly unrealistic schedule, even for a full-time youtuber. Unless all you make is barely edited diarrhea vlog spam there's literally not enough hours in a day to produce content that fast every day in a row. She makes a couple videos a month, and they don't get that many views all things considered. If you scratch out the occasional one that goes viral it takes her several months to make 1 million views.
there's also patreon simps, though. not that big of an income stream since she only has 173 right now, but that's still probably $600-700 a month extra, maybe a bit more.

>> No.11624451

If she's really making that much per vid, she'd be stupid not to hire someone with basic video editing skills for 4k/month and dramatically increase her output.

And to weigh in on the main question of the thread: she's for sure making the right choice

>> No.11624650

you didn't disprove my point in any way. all you did was explain that a PhD is not a good route if you want to maximize pay for minimal effort, which should be obvious but the fact that many go into it not realizing this is exactly proving my point. in fact, if that is your goal then going into STEM at all is stupid. i disagree with other parts of your post but most of it is not related to the point i was even making so not gonna bother

>> No.11624740

I hope you're not creating a lot of threads about Tibbee to cyberbully this woman.

>> No.11624751
File: 521 KB, 720x720, 1587653772842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of people people would love to neet and do almost nothing for a wage on this website

>> No.11624755

>>1 million views is about $1,000 so she can make $30,000 a month by uploading 1 video per day
The more videos she released, the lower her view count would get. People only have a finite appetite for anything.

>> No.11624764
File: 2.86 MB, 720x1280, 1581615006284.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post her feet.

>> No.11624776

>And to weigh in on the main question of the thread: she's for sure making the right choice
If her choice was to drop out of her phd program, maybe.

If her choice was to ride the youtube gravy train for a living, I think she made a bad choice. That will only work for as long as her looks hold out, and maybe not even that long. Additionally, corona has reduced how much people are buying things, and consequently how much companies are advertising things, and consequently how much people are getting paid on youtube for making videos.

>> No.11624977


>> No.11625066


have you ever MET other people who studied under actually relevant people? its a difference like night and day

and your quickly shitted out trash PhD research has nothing on them, and never will

its like being a science Chad vs a Science incel, nothing you do will make you be able to compete with somebody who went to MIT

>> No.11625111

Not that guy but yes, I meet those people on a daily basis. My department has the dude who basically invented the field, literally whos and guys in between. PhD students aren't hugely different between advisors.

>> No.11625114

Basically everywhere.

>> No.11625123


Yea and i meet people like you on this site on the daily. I can tell from the way you write and think that you are completely irrelevant at whatever you do.

You are the 99% of shit PhDs , otherwise you wouldn't be posting here.

>> No.11625146
File: 409 KB, 1033x976, 1580493101267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still focused on feet
Just take the braaaappill already!

>> No.11625161

>have you ever MET other people who studied under actually relevant people? its a difference like night and day
The only night and day difference is that they get night and day better job opportunities, because academia is 90% connections and if the guy signing your letters is a big dick swinger you can get hired into universities a full grouping above where you would belong on merit

>> No.11625165

Yeah sure, make that judgement from two lines of text. You've got some inferiority complex, keep it to yourself. I see enough people who actually matter on a daily basis that I know a defective autist when I see one.

>> No.11625185

Wow this is some gay ass shitposting, please proceed to remove yourself from this board.

>> No.11625211


Fuck off newfag.

>> No.11625220

This. I tried watching the OP's video and I was just so incredibly bored. I tried watching her more popular videos too, same deal. I spent years taking physics exams, why the hell would anyone want to see "what they look like"?

Clearly there's an audience for this kind of thing, and people can like what they like. But I don't see the appeal, personally.

>> No.11625242


I had one of my PhD professors try to sell me Herbalife out the trunk of his car.

That same day, all worries about going post-grad completely vanished.

>> No.11625254

>If she's really making that much per vid
can you even read? She'd make 30,000 a month if she uploaded a video every single day and every single video got a million views.
She uploads like 2-3 times a month and her most popular videos get a few hundred thousand views. Most of them don't even break 100k. She's getting some nice change from her youtube channel, but that's all.

>> No.11625515

>they failed to understand what they were getting into
Pretty often, you don't really understand what you're getting into until you actually go into it.

>> No.11625565

finally some of you are starting to see her for what she is: an e-thot for uber-nerds

>> No.11625656
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 45747474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just racist anon.

>> No.11625719

It's not just about working hard on your research vs getting easy money from simps.
Imagine you're in a PhD programme. You spend long, tiresome hours everyday working on your studies, and that goes on for years. Not only that, but you also abdicate of a good amount of social activities, and, even then, you're not special at all. There are countless other doctoral students in your university, in your country and in the world - you're just another one of them. Professors and peers won't praise you all the time, in fact, most of your hard work will go unnoticed by others. A PhD is emotionally distressing for most people.
Then, you see another opportunity in front of you: there are hundreds of thousands of people who are willing to watch you making videos, give you support, give you attention, and give you validation. And that is, you'll have to work considerably less than in your doctoral studies, as your audience is easily impressionable.
It's not hard to figure out that the PopSci Youtube path is not only an easier one, but one that will give you more praise, recognition and validation than your thesis on plant physics or whatever the fuck she was studying.

>> No.11625725

Who told you I didn't study under relevant people? I don't know who hurt you but you should get help.

>> No.11625757

an e-thot for pajeets

>> No.11625759

>Would you throw away a chance to contribute to society for a chance to coast the rest of your life away?
Highly overrated as long as "contributing" to society means taking part of some capricious, musk-bezos, billionare, pipe dream, personal pet project. If someone realizes this is a whole scam and wants to ride along with it by shilling pills or selling feet pics, I can't exactly blame them

>> No.11625766

how's undergrad going?

>> No.11625778

Before the pandemic the going rate was generally twice that ($2/million views) but since it was essentially a revenue sharing plan based on advertising sold by YouTube, which has absolutely crashed. There is also some variance based on things like average watch time, how many ads are embedded, can the ads be skipped, how many viewers are YouTube Premium subscribers, etc.

>> No.11625781

>Yo fuck writing grants. Imma crowdfund my phd. Go fund my thesis and donate to my patreon

>> No.11626084

what is a simp, like a simpson? a simpleton? please I need to know

>> No.11626122

>nothing you do will make you able to compete with someone who went to MIT
HAHAHAHAHA, this faggot unironically thinks that MIT is the epitome of higher education. I can't say I feel bad for you, though. If anything, I'm annoyed by your ignorance, your Reddit spacing, your choice of words that make you sound like a rejected 16yo that just found out about 4chan, and your faux elitism (I don't feel like calling someone who is clearly not part of the intellectual elite an elitist).

>> No.11626134

not him but what's higher than MIT? something from the UK?

>> No.11626141

Judge and prepare to be judged.
Beeing non judgemental isn't a sign of higher morals but of lower mental bandwith resulting in lower overal environemental awareness.

>> No.11626159

It's not even a new word ya nig

>> No.11626195

When you're talking about top tier universities, there isn't such a thing as X is better than Y, unless you're evaluating how well they perform in very specific topics. It kinda reminds me of the story Feynman told in his book about his PhD. In his undergraduate days, he approached one of his professors at MIT and talked to him about doing his PhD in MIT. Feynman told the professor that he wanted to stay in MIT because he thought MIT was the best school in America, but his professor advised him to go to another school, instead, so that he might figure out how other schools are, and discover by himself that MIT wasn't the single best school. That's why he ended up going to Princeton.

What I want to say with this is that, as long as you're going to a top tier university, there is almost no distinction among them. Princeton, Caltech, MIT, Cambridge, ETH Zurich, Polytechnique, Imperial, TU Munich, they're all great universities, each one of them with their own distinctive characteristics. Of course, we know that if you want to study humanities, Oxford is particularly good, if you want to do research with marine robotics, you should go to NTNU, and we also know that MIT is particularly good at robotics, too. But it's not like MIT is - THE SCHOOL -. MIT is - one of the best - schools.

>> No.11626360

Regarding undergrads, basically all unis in the same fields are comparable. If you study physics in some 400 people campus in a buttfuck nowhere 10.000 people village you get roughly the same knowledge than if you went to a high prestige uni like MIT.

The difference is only apparent in the research, since obviously MIT is far more advanced in that than the buttfuck nowhere uni, so essentially it makes almost no difference until you went into the phd programs.

At least here in Germany there isn't much difference in the materials being thought in the unis, but yet there is probably even more extreme elitist thinking than in the US for some reason.

>> No.11626482

Thanks, that expanded my understanding
the latter post though, i feel like maybe part of it might be just
>the piece of paper from X is seen as better by other people / employers than piece of paper from Y
perhaps is a part of it too? but i feel like people rarely openly mention that

>> No.11626536

>contribute to society
>by becoming another PhD NPC
she's honestly contributed way more with her videos than she ever would have with a PhD

>> No.11626647

Just for the record, I'm the first anon who replied to you. German anon might have something different to say than what I'll say.

>i feel like maybe part of it might be just >the piece of paper from X is seen as better by other people / employers than piece of paper from Y
As long as you don't go to a BAD university (that is, a shameless diploma mill), that's almost it. An engineer graduated with a bachelor's degree from Cambridge isn't really different from an engineer graduated with a bachelor's degree from Queen Mary. There is, however, a different social perception about both degrees. The less one knows about academia, more one is impressed by degrees from prestigious schools. If you tell some random normie who didn't even make it into college that you graduated from Harvard, they'll probably think that you are very, very intelligent. If you tell a researcher the same thing, you'll get something like "nice", or "that's cool, I graduated from there too!".
Regarding employers, it depends. Some employers care more, others care less, but it's nothing too determinant to whether you'll get the job or not. Graduating from a prestigious uni can, at best, be a nice touch to your resume. Employers might think: "Oh, he graduated from Yale? Cool." or "So, he's from Texas A&M, huh? That's good to know, I have 2 employees who graduated from there who are quite good. I might pay attention to this guy", but that's it.
If you're an undergrad, the only real advantage of going to a more prestigious university might be the experience. You might have more interesting clubs and activities to take part on, and you get to have slightly smarter peers on average. You also get to do some networking, and you'll have more opportunities to befriend smart or privileged people, which might be interesting, but that's it.
Your institution matter when it comes to grad school, however, since some universities are better for research in certain topics than others.

>> No.11626661

>work hard, get your PhD, make some $

PhDs aren't making money without selling their bodies and souls at least as much as she is. At least she knows her cash flow is happening.

>> No.11626712

German Anon here, same here. If you studied, let's say, Electrical Engineering in the KIT, you don't have anymore extra secret super knowledge than someone studying the same thing in the TU Kaiserslautern or, god forbid, some University of Applied Life Science (or called FH). They all have roughly the same courses, they all have to learn the same subjects and themes (you always have calc 1-3, regardless if you are in the TU Munich or... I dunno, on a FH in Hinterbuxhuette or some shit), you always have almost the exact same stuff in calc 1-3 too (as evident in the books professors recommend, in engineering it's ALWAYS the same books of Lothar Papula, always).

Like you said, only a difference in the phd programs since the prestige of unis only and solely comes from the research. The most prestigious university in existence can have some of the worst lectures there is, because they don't get this prestige from their lectures.

And this is what counts later in your job. Having a phd from the TU Munich is of course way better and is more recommended than getting a phd from your local FH or a small uni no one knows, because there the quality really counts and the contacts you built bring you more later in life.

>> No.11626739

Thanks that's illuminating
I had a general sense that knowledge from university X is about the same as knowledge from university Y, yet the general idea that "mit / yale / etc is the best" is a legit belief some people hold, like that dude who said you can't compete with someone from MIT so hearing that confirmed was helpful, in addition to the other insights you've mentioned
>german anon
I'm curious what differences in work load or campus culture or other things i might not think to ask are different between a german university and an american one?

>> No.11626765

I only know limited stuff from US unis, but as far as I understand the first 2 or 4 semesters you guys have is essentially groundwork courses? Because you go to uni after 12 years compared to Germans who mostly go to uni after 13 years of school, so you lack an entire year of knowledge and unis teach you that stuff first before going into the actual uni stuff.

In Germany you get, at most, a 2 months preparation course for maths and physics before the lectures start, it is expected from you that you are able to understand the stuff you did in school and we fully start with the uni material from day one.

Which essentially leads to rather big drop out rates or people studying over regulate studying time. In my uni (and it's not a "hard" uni by any means), the average has his/her degree roughly after 8 or 9 semester.

Another thing I found out is that students, especially male ones, are mostly older in Germany than in the US, mostly because of our education and apprenticeship system, so it's not that uncommon to see 28 year olds starting uni.

>> No.11626775

I feel like that education + apprenticeship system would be welcome in the US

>> No.11626790

> data science role
They're currently hiring people with a CS background for those positions more and more since the programming part is often more important than being well fluent in statistics (and most people with CS background had stat classes as well). Also data science is almost exclusively tool based statistics so you don't really need to know the exact math behind the statistical tests and so forth either.

Doing a phd in AI / CS / IS is one of the few times it actually leads to increased prospects. You do it since you really like research and the field not because of high salary / profit from it though.

> who studied under actually relevant people?

Is pretty irrelevant. Studying on someone very accomplished does make it easier to publish if you write the guy on the paper and co publish though. Other than that it's still up to the phd candidate to actually give form to his own research.

Meh you got to stay there 4 years for your phd. Do what you want is probably the best advice to give, do not really think about prestige, rankings and so on. Focus on stuff like how horrid it will be, financial situation, prospects when done, prospects when failing midway through (*or simply getting tired / bored of it which is also failing).

>> No.11626816

lurk moar faggot

>> No.11626868

>AI / CS / IS
AI, and computer science are self-explanatory. What is IS?

>They're currently hiring people with a CS background for those positions more and more since the programming part is often more important than being well fluent in statistics (and most people with CS background had stat classes as well). Also data science is almost exclusively tool based statistics so you don't really need to know the exact math behind the statistical tests and so forth either.
Boy that's going to suck for my friend who just finished his masters in statistics.

>> No.11626883

wanna know how everyone can tell you're an undergrad?

>> No.11626891

Information science, I assume.

>> No.11626910

Probably a high school senior, actually.

>> No.11626989

lmao you have no clue how retarded you have to be to have to go into an apprenticeship in germany. it's literally nigger tier

>> No.11626998

>implying i care about money

>> No.11627015

t. nigger

>> No.11627027

>nobody quits a PhD because they don't have the mental capacities to complete it

>> No.11627034

living off simps is always the high iq move
this is what the entire economy is based in
people feeding on other people's lack of intelligence
it's no different from why cows let themselves be slaughtered and eaten so easily
because they have next to no intelligence compared to us to be able to fend us off

>> No.11627038

>tfw we should all kill ourselves

>> No.11627184

Unless its ivy league it isn't worth shit compared to experience + certs + 4 year/grad in that field.

>> No.11627373

>pajeets/chinks/women taking spots
cope. sounds like you're unable to get a spot in those places yourself.

>> No.11627693

No bulli Tibees

>> No.11627932

Only if you are doing PhD program or finished it. In my country (in central-eastern Europe) 50% of young people have MSc now, so unless it's some prestigeous studies like medicine or physics, you're not considered to be smarter than average man.

>> No.11627939

Is it true that a master's in Europe is more like a bachelor's with honours in the US/Canada?

>> No.11627946

Not really. If anything it's probably the other way around since the standards of education at (good) European schools tend to be a little bit harder than North American ones.
US/Canada are not the same either. Canada operates closer to the yuro system, where the Master's/PhD are split into two degrees rather than just one long PhD like in America.

>> No.11627947

>white knighting
>calls people Snowflake

>> No.11627954

I'm a Leaf, and while I know that a lot of Americans skip a master's and leap right into a PhD, our master's programs are pretty similar to their's.

>> No.11627959

Anyway, I just got the impression from my German friend that getting a master's in Europe is trivial and just a logical step if you got a bachelor's. It's basically undergrad+ from what he showed me.

>> No.11627970

>our master's programs are pretty similar to their's.
The difference is that our PhD programs aren't. A leaf PhD expects you to already have a Master's degree, whereas burgers generally enter PhDs straight from undergrad. The Master's is usually more of a terminal option for people who aren't going to do a PhD.

>> No.11627991


Depends on the country to some extent, but the "default" degree in many countries is a Master's, which takes five years. You can get out with just a Bachelor's in three years, but often you're admitted to a Bachelor's + Master's from day one and most people do both. With two years of additional time and the requirement to write a thesis, it's not "trivial" to do and I'm almost sure is more involved than a bachelor's with honors, but usually if you have a uni place you don't need to apply separately to get into a Master's program so I suppose it's straightforward in that way.

UK, for example, is a bit different. Going out with a three-year Bachelor's is the "default" option, though they've pushed some integrated Master's degrees as well in some subjects, which is usually just one additional year on top of you Bachelor's, with some component of taught courses and research project. In addition to that, there are separate "postgraduate" Master's degrees which are usually purely research-based for one or two years depending on the qualification and require a separate application. Both types of Master's degrees can get you into a PhD program.

>> No.11627995

only correct post

>> No.11628022

Every other guy has phd nowadays
its like flexing that you are able to afford McDonalds

>> No.11628027
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>> No.11628037

sucker idolising mediocre pussy.

>> No.11628050

If were a woman and looked like her, did what she does, I would bleed those simps until they are dust. She is probably chilling all day, tinkering with maths for fun, doing what she likes, and the simps pay for it.

>> No.11628055

What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing any one of them has said implies they think they themselves are special.

>> No.11628062

What is her name? She calls herself Toby but her channel name says Tibees.

>> No.11628065


I think you're being a bit overly reductionist. I do agree that the material taught in an undergrad degree is likely to be largely the same no matter what university you go to, and even the quality of teaching might not be massively different. But, let's face it, in this day and age you can get that same information and probably even lectures online or from a library.

But there are a few things that you should consider. Getting admitted to an elite university is difficult; most people who apply are the top of their cohort academically, and most of those people are filtered out. The mere fact that you made it there implies that you have, at some point in your life, been able to stand out among your age group as one of the best. This is not insignificant. Employers know this, and while it won't let you get a job you don't have the skills for, it will almost certainly at least get you to an interview where you can prove yourself. It will also impress a huge amount of people, academic or not, whether or not you like to admit it. These later points, however, are only really true for the top few unis in the whole world.

Access to driven and well-connected peers and professors is also not something to be taken lightly. I'm not sure how to articulate this properly, but it's kind of similar to what happens to a kid of average ability in a wealthy neighborhood vs. a ghetto (not as pronounced, of course).

There really isn't a reason to NOT go to an elite university if you can during undergrad. And for a PhD, what matters more is the research group you go into rather than the university. A field-leading professor with a well-equipped laboratory at a normal uni is almost certainly going to be better for you than an unknown professor without the equipment you'd really need at a top uni. You can't publish papers just with the university name, and as an academic what really matters is what you publish.

>> No.11628598

And in 5 years she'll be a journalist at best. Such a great life in front of her. BTW she could have done this while finishing her phd.

>> No.11628617

so when is the onlyfans coming? YouTube bucks will dry up one day

>> No.11628627

it's too bad we live in such an empty universe where this is seen as a pretty good life. just making easy money from the simplest form of titillation and satisfaction instead of striving for something greater than fulfilling a base animal desire

>> No.11628644

Not true. There are difficult apprenticeshipments, especially in Chemistry jobs they are near uni level and in some occasions, the technician is from similar worth than the bsc.

Also most people in these said difficult jobs are mostly dropouts, so people who aren't really dumb, but either don't have the discipline or required academical thinking to be good in uni

>> No.11630196

>apprenticeships near uni level

Sounds a bit unlikely from how those kinds of programs work around here, and from the consideration that practical knowledge for actually doing a job is pretty different from academic study, but OK.

>> No.11630223

Does she have a bf?

>> No.11630247

Why need a bf when chad can make her come.

>> No.11630305


it's not. these apprenticeships are usually taken by the absolute dumbest people you can imagine. in germany there are 3 school systems , the first two seperate legit retarded people from retards and the third prepares you for uni

if you go to an apprenticeship you are usually so fucking dumb that the only reason for the 3rd school type to exist (gymnasium) is to protect the other students from your idiocy

>> No.11630313

someone to fulfill her emotionally

>> No.11630437
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>none of your fucking business

>> No.11630462
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>> No.11630484

She'll hit the wall very soon. She's going to regret it sooner or latter

>> No.11631400

You are factually wrong. The technician in Chemistry counts similar to a bachelor and you can do the Master in a lot of unis after that.

Also there are enough people from the prior two school ways that end up with stem degrees.

Why are you so bitter btw.?

>> No.11631705

>contribute to a Jewish system that hates you
>leech off a Jewish system that hates you
Pretty clear which one is the high IQ choice.

>> No.11631838

What if she is doing this and only the simp dosh is making this possible?

>> No.11632186

she never looked good in the first place, her looks aren't her appeal to the neets

>> No.11632217
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Depends on the PhD.

In engineering, a PhD can get you a pretty comfy position in a fellow position or as an independent consultant.

A lot of the most senior individual contributor/technical positions are held by PhDs with the only comparable salaries being upper-level management.

>> No.11632223

she is not a male

>> No.11632289
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>> No.11632371

When I become dictator of the 4th Reich she will be used to make high iq babies non stop. She will be so hormonal and exhausted that her iq will drop down to 80 and she won’t even remember her own name. It will also decrease her life expectancy. It will be fucking disgusting like off alien with the queen scene.

>> No.11632427


99% of Phd don't contribute to society, 99% of Phd publish worthless paper that nobody except their advisor will ever read

>> No.11632446

Wow. I work in computing using my engineering degree. I can not picture someone coming in with their PHD degree thinking they'd make ~250k off the bat without a protocol to their name.

But I think what is often overlooked is a lot of people for bachler/master at least work at the same time as well which greatly ups the payoff vs. just coming in raw which makes the degree count as x amount of experience.

>> No.11632510

>T. Has no idea how a PhD program works
Nice narrative pushing though. I'm sure you impressed a couple of blank stared zoomers.

>> No.11633511

How is it in the US?
In the UK it tends to be 3 years for a bachelors and an additional year for a masters, be it integrated or as a separate post grad qualification.
Bear in mind as well that there's no foundation year or whatever it's called in the US by default, you know where you do a bunch of minors before choosing your major and there's also no "gen chem" course, whatever that is. You just go straight in from first semester and study only your chosen subject.

>> No.11633527

also the expectation for starting a PhD in the UK is similar to how the leaf describes it in >>11627970, in that a masters is pretty much prerequisite to starting a PhD in the UK

>> No.11635081
