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11621531 No.11621531 [Reply] [Original]

What is the greatest challenge humanity has overcome? What is the greatest challenge humanity must now face?

>> No.11621549

>What is the greatest challenge humanity has overcome?
Toba catastrophe

>> No.11621671


>> No.11621731

Humanity must become vegan or this world is fucked

>> No.11621744

Get real nigga. You are addressing the symptom. The cause is over-population.

>> No.11621770

WW1 & 2. Cold war was a close call (google Stanislav Petrov)
Current challenge is COV-19. Challenges for this century is once again tension between large countries. If history repeats itself, there's not going to be another Stanislav to save us again.

>> No.11621783

Humanity must become solar powered. Not technologically but biologically. Produce our own food in the body instead of shitty meat/veggies/etc.

>> No.11622795

>greatest challenge humanity has overcome?
extinction - we were down to just 10k individuals at some point in our prehistory
>greatest challenge humanity must now face
ourselves. or alternatively, extinction
if we could have cultured meat we wouldn't have to go full vegan. but you are somewhat right - overpopulation can be solved with technologies that give us plentiful, minimally polluting power, and nutritious sources of food that are similarly minimally polluting and ideally very similar or identical to the foods we are currently used to

>> No.11623541

>What is the greatest challenge humanity has overcome?


>What is the greatest challenge humanity must now face?


>> No.11623689

>What is the greatest challenge humanity must now face?
watch the news and you know

>> No.11623769

I would say smallpox is the greatest challenge we have overcome, and now the novel coronavirus is the greatest challenge we must now face.

>> No.11623781

inb4 "The Jews"

>> No.11623803

The greatest challenge we overcame was agriculture. The greatest challenge we will face in the next 400 years is ecosystem collapse.

>> No.11623960

this isnt overcome yet

>> No.11623964


>> No.11623972

>the greatest challenge humanity has overcome
Leaving our atmosphere and visiting the moon was a pretty great achievement, considering we're the first species in the history of Earth to do so.
>greatest challenge humanity must now face
Either the inevitable collapse of the global economy or nuclear warfare. I get the whole "mutually assured destruction" thing, but in the grand scope of humanity we've only held this power for the blink of an eye. It seems inevitable that at some point the launch codes will be granted to someone who really shouldn't have them.

>> No.11624043

Greatest challenge overcome: the population bottleneck
Greatest challenge being faced: out of control r-type population growth

>> No.11624089


>> No.11625465

can you provide one reason or more why the coronavirus poses a larger existential threat to our species than, say, the black death or the cold war?

>> No.11625520

You know overpopulation is a meme right? The actual problem is over consumption.

>> No.11625526
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>> No.11625584

Curing stupidity of the general public.

>> No.11625614

Yeah no.
We should replace all factory garbage meat with insect meat though. Much cheaper, less resource-intensive, and more healthy overall.
Meat should only be a quality product, not the stuff we eat on a daily basis.

>> No.11625626

The black plague or fucking malaria is more of a threat than smallpox. And coronavirus is a problem but not civilization-ending. I'm more worried about GRBs or huge asteroids.

>> No.11625634

Pretty much this. Mastery of agriculture was the spark that made civilization possible. And we're pretty much fucked if the bees went extinct.

>> No.11625647

that's the challenge we face

>> No.11625690

>What is the greatest challenge humanity has overcome?
probably the tribal language barrier or the development of large scale communities

>What is the greatest challenge humanity must now face?
a combination of global resource strain and increasing ecological disasters caused by overpopulation. also information chaos and cultural upheaval pose some serious challenges

>> No.11625712

>muh bees

You alarmists are just causing more of those buzzing faggots to pester me. I can't go out in the summer without a buzzfag whizzing by my ear. It isn't my problem you city slickers don't have flowers nearby for them to pollinate.

>> No.11625738

You know that the NGO line that the third world will turn into first world 1.3 births per woman cultures is based on what happens when the NGOs are babysitting those groups? Once the NGOs pullout, all of the gains from sex education, free birth control, and universal elementary education for all genders, quickly disappears. Same for food security. The r selected left to their own devices, reproduce uncontrollably. Unless you plan to issue every third world person a first world nanny, all of the NGO work has done is further increase the reproduction rate by reducing deaths but not reducing births.
Any NGO that claims they've reduced the reproduction rate always omits what happens when their study ends and the NGO pulls out.

>> No.11626458
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Bees are based. You must be a fag who fucking cries when they see one flying by, even though they are harmless. They are the reason we have complex agriculture, and not pollinating by hand like the chinks do.

>> No.11627335

This or some other mass extinction event.

Cold War.

Challenge we must now face? Going into space, defeating old age, and dropping our prejudices. Also, growing past religion.