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11621070 No.11621070 [Reply] [Original]

What can all the middle to high iq people do to get away from the retards? Can we start some sort of new country which prohibits them anywhere near us? Maybe we can get a city state and be annexed by an Ethnostate (Japan anyone???), where we are free to practice IQ nationalism in peace? Such a place could be like Singapore or Malaysia.

In the book 'Brave New World', they had a global NWO technocracy but saved a bit of Iceland for the defectives who were too woke to live in the futuristic consumer hellscape. Is there a chance TPTB will do this?

Its becoming more and more clear that humanity is diverging between woke people and drone people. All im saying is us Wokies being outnumbered should prepare for the worst.

>> No.11621172

We hate to admit it, but we need normies and low iq's to sustain us, we are the wasted parts thriugh which evolution stays effective in the long run. Do not reproduce phisically, but some aspie like newton has basically passed his genes to all of humanity even though he never had a child, and basically was the monk of science.

>> No.11621198

>normies and low iq's to sustain us
thats what the middle iq's are for. they get to live in a society free of total retards, and will probably enjoy a high standard of living even as a bin collector.

>> No.11621203

I like retards way more than smartfags. Smartfags are cringe and passive aggressive and they are usually huge pussies. Retards have your back and can have a good time. Only sort of smart people hate retards. Also some of the retards I know are instinctively talented at things that 99% of smartfags would fail epicly at.

Smartfags : epic fail. Cringe.
Retards: Epic win is epic.

>> No.11621239

You have to view the strata of human intelligence as if it were an ecosystem; you need people of varying degrees of intelligence in any society because certain jobs are best suited for specific intelligence ranges. You need less intelligent people to do the menial tasks a more intelligent person would find unbearable tedious, or even physically challenging, while the intellectual and academic jobs are left to the intelligentsia who can create new ideas that hopefully will benefit everyone in society regardless of intelligence.

>> No.11621378

if we get a country like malaysia or dingapore and then use big brains to make the society a super tech village of smart and law abiding people(like singapore but with even less retards)
automation and robotics will be concentrated in this city state, freeing peoples time and labour for the large part.
thats only true because cringe and win are dictated by the masses. trust me dumb people are so cringe and they dont see it because they are dumb. look at twerking and you see that animal instincts at play and what the mass considers good. its sickening. you probably think thats epic win though right? or how about how average westerners are all racial cuckolds? thats cringe to the max. an elite nation would dispense of such things and go above this language based coercion you display, only focusing on wether something is righteous and just and good in its whole.

>> No.11621389


>if we get a country like malaysia or dingapore and then use big brains to make the society a super tech village of smart and law abiding people(like singapore but with even less retards)
automation and robotics will be concentrated in this city state, freeing peoples time and labour for the large part.

It's not a bad idea, Curtis

>> No.11621398

and you are also totally wrong and full of shit.hanging out with dumb people is like walking on eggshells: their friendly demeanor can change at a whim, and they are prone to use violence if you upset them or they feel slighted. my guess is you hang out with middle iq people and think they are low iq.

>> No.11621424

final reply. this post is like the fountain of misleading and wrong statements.

intelligence is correlated with height and beauty, empathy as well as concept if self. basically every marker which dictates someone being pleasant to be around. if you want to hang around grug brained drones who converse in grunts and cant count past 100 then be my guest. dont be surprised if they kill you for some unknown reason though like they wanted your wallet or your jogging shoes.

>> No.11621455

The problem with your idea is that in a given population an increased rate of extremely high IQs (I mean genius level) are correlated with an increased rate of extremely low IQs (I mean developmentally disabled), not to mention mental illness, personality disorders, and abnormal psychology and beliefs in general. It seems that the genes that code for high general intelligence tend to also produce all kinds of brain defects when undergoing recombination during reproduction. So any society made up exclusively of extremely high IQ individuals would have high rates of abnormal psychology and likely have a second generation made up of extremely high IQ as well as a considerable number of developmentally disabled individuals with low IQs.

>> No.11621473
File: 21 KB, 400x241, SexIQa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a visual explanation, look at the male population compared to the female population. Females tend to have mediocre IQs, while males tend to have much larger populations of extremely low IQs and extremely high IQs. Basically, on a population level over generations, the genes that give you geniuses produce spastics when they don't turn out right.

And that also brings up another problem: the relative lack of high IQ females.

So your idea for a "high IQ only" society probably wouldn't last over time.

>> No.11621485

hypothetically you might be able to drag female iq up with selective breeding, and also use the big brains to match people with eugenic partners, and employ genetic therapies in embryos.

>> No.11621495

graph is wrong, male IQ is higher at the mean as well.

>> No.11623456

low iq thread lol

>> No.11623463

hey op, ever been to a mensa meeting? didn't think so. it would quickly dissuade you from such silly fantasies